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The Debate over Yoga & Christianity - The Radio Interview with ShaktaKaur Khalsa (recorded)

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[From Shakta Kaur]


On Tuesday night, I was a guest on a live national radio talk show.

I was invited by the co-ordinator of the Alan Colmes Radio Show to

discuss yoga with Mr. David Hunt. Mr. Hunt is vehemently opposed

to yoga, and in fact considers it satanic and occult.


During the interview I tried to keep things on track by speaking to

the truth of what yoga is (a friend, a tool for growth) and is not

(a religion), but predictably Dave Hunt (who is 80 years old and it

shows) tried to attack me, starting off with saying I have a "hindu"

name, making it sound like my name is about worshipping the Shakti

deity etc.


I felt frustrated that we couldn't really discuss yoga. He wanted

to talk about the dangerous Kundalini energy and constantly was

quoting on-line sources about people who have gone mentally off with

so-called Kundalini experiences, none of which I've ever known in 30

years of teaching tens of thousands of people. And I said as much.


The host, Alan, really questioned him and pressed on him. He was

great. I was grateful, because it is really not my style. I was

glad I did it, and I was glad when it was over.


To go into the mindset of these people means you have to believe

that you are not a spiritual being, that you cannot open yourself up

or the devil will take over your mind and you will be lost in

illusion. So they say they are all about Jesus. But this fear-

based, narrow-minded way of thinking is not at all what Jesus was

about. It is very illogical and puzzling how these people have

deluded themselves into thinking this is reality. I think this man

felt he had to constantly attack with sensational pieces of

misinformation in order to keep the fear-fire stoked in those

vulnerable enough to be taken in by his tirade. It is sad really.


I, of course, thought of many perfect things to say after I hung up

the phone.... But I guess I did all right. People who heard it said

that we "won". And I really appreciated the callers, who were for

the most part very supportive of yoga.


One thing came clear--these people need a lot of prayer/good energy,

because their lives are pretty hellish.


What they really need is yoga.





For those of you that are interested....Gurumustuk recorded the radio broadcast

last night and cut out most of the commercials so you can listen to it

if you like.


Download or listen to the audio file at:









Blessings to you for posting the Alan Colmes

Radio Show interview between KISS Guide to Yoga author Shakta Khalsa

and the Reverend who thinks meditation opens the psyche to invasion by



I just listened to your link below and want to commend

Shakta for maintaining a calm, direct demeanor while listening to the

fear-based hyperbole of the Preacher.


A good point I thought was

Shakta's showing how yoga and kundalini predate Hinduism, and thus

predate religion; and, as one can find by googling kundalini and yoga

and ancient cultures, they are terms common to every ancient culture.

Saying she had "seen the yoga postures" in the ruins of the Maya was a

great point (Mayans are renowned Hindus, I think ;-)).



Campbell was excellent on this, showing how the serpent (life) energy

at the root of the tree of life, with the lotus fruit at the top, was a

myth found all over the world.


Also, with Alan Colmes' help, the

Minister was put on the defensive when even callers were saying

meditating, to find "one's center," was even HELPFUL to one's Christian



Great job Shakta.


Amar Atma Singh

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I listened to the radio debate on ABC.

I have the following remarks:



Clerics, when stuck with their irrationality, hide behind 'Faith'.

They are narrow minded then very bad dialoguers.

With them never be on the defensive.


Rev. David Hunt pretends He is a PHD math. I wonder !!??

He surely has failed his "rationales / irrationals".


Dialogue is rational.

faith is irrational.





if God is to be born, then He is to die;

if He is to die then He is not eternal,

if He is not eternal then He is not God.


If God is not everywhere even in Evil then He is not God,

He is a Deity.


Evil is relative [man is evil to all vegetarian animals. He eats them.

vegetarian animals are a celestial gift to man. His food.]

Jesus was, relatively speaking, Evil to the Romans,

this is why they crucified Him.


God is Whole He encompasses everything.


If God has sent his son to save me, through violent death ? ? !

--What kind of a father is He.

Jesus didn't save me from any evil [violence still prevails, crooks still

prevail, hatred still prevails, war & its atrocities still prevails, ect..]

--then, the son of God [by Cleric rational] has failed his mission. He is a



Clerics' story is a fake.




Jesus was one great man, [He referred to himself as the 'son of man'].


Gerald Massadie, French writer, wrote a book entitled

"Jesus from Srinagar". Srinagar is the capital city of Kashmir.


Jesus used to heal by palm imposition. [What is Reiki].


One great historiologue [Kamal Salibi] hinted in his book

"Conspiracy in Jerusalem"

that Jesus came to Israel from Babel [actual Iraq] to start his Davidic

mission. [Then, Vedic philosophy was very well known in Babel].


Babel is an Israeli milestone,

so much so, that they do have two Talmuds:

the Jerusalem Talmud &, the Babel Talmud.

[Talmud is the sacred History of the Israelis].


Jesus was an Israeli law teacher with authority to interpret the law [Rabin]

in Aramaic [Jesus' spoken language]

'Rabin' reads 'Rabi', should you pronounce it 'Rabbi' it becomes

'my Lord', the title of Jesus was "Rabin" not "Rabbi"

especially that the New Testament

[four different writers with four different stories]

was written in Greek 100 to 300 hundred years after crucifixion &,

translated to different languages,

translations, then, were not accurate,

so, Rabin became Rabbi or my Lord to the clerics the Son of God ??.


New Testament is not a biography rather, it is writings

with an 'end' purpose.


The New Testament can't hide behind the Bible if not recognized by Israel.

The New Testament is called in Greek "Evangelion"

[Greek is the language with which it was originally written],

in French "Evangile" not Bible &, in Arabic "Ingeel".




Jesus never said His aim was a 'new religion'

quote Matthew: 5/17.

[do not imagine that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.

I have come not abolish but to complete them.]



Christianity was fabricated by the Byzantine King Constantine around 320


King Constantine thought He could govern better through "faith" than through


He fabricated vide the councils of Nicea & Chalcedonea what is referred

to as the "first Christian Church",

& this by amalgamating local atheist beliefs with mysticism

&.. ..,

field Generals became Archbishops,

field Colonels became Bishops &,

squad commanders became Priests.

These chieftains were given an effective tool: "confession"

a very effective "intelligence system" et, 'VOILA'.



by Israeli tradition,

Israel waits for a 'Messiah Savior' each time it is conquered by an enemy.

[israelites use to raise a bunch of youngsters from the descent of King


to assume Kingship. The anointment with grease was the graduation ceremony.

anointing somebody in Aramaic is 'Masseh' & the anointed is Massih or



Jesus wanted to liberate Israel from Romans not by the force of muscles


by the force of rational.

His strategy was to move the battle field from Jerusalem to Rome.

St. Paul, directed by Jesus succeeded this shift the action to Rome,

[Jews community was substantial in Rome]

His action destabilized Cesar &, now,

[Neron was compelled to burn Rome to finish with Jews revolt].

Jesus' heir apparent resides, now, in Rome the Capital city of the




Jesus the rational Davidic Messiah succeeded his mission 'post mortum'.


Jesus the Clerics' Messiah is fading away because irrational.


The Church masters the illusion of spirituality not the substance of it.

"Materiality" is what matters,

&, now as, 'dole' has dwindled, [in EU 5% are frequenting Churches],

Churches are converted, in EU, into money makers, Gyms, Pizzerias &, bars.

[read Newsweek 12 Feb..]




Clerics change their names too

[the most eminent is late Pope Jean Paul II by his real name Karol Vojtyla]

Catholic scouts change their names,

what's wrong with wearing new names,

there is no sin or denial to anybody in that.



Nabil Rizqallah

Beirut Lebanon

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