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how to activate first chakra

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  • 3 months later...
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i am new to this concept please somebody tell me how to activate

first chakra and what are effects of that chakra means everything from

A to Z of the chakra and what are the pranayama technique to achieve






you'd better look for the Guru first who can guide you on the path.

first you gotta be determined...

the simplest of all is practice Kundalini Yoga, which is rarely available in easily available Gurus... this is the tough path pal...i'm too practicing the Kundalini Yoga...


first be dermined why ??? when??? what does it worth??? what you can do for it???


the first of all the rules is Celibacy, can U do it ...then jump over.Just don't let yourself into the revery. Be prepared to renounce the bad things in you deep rooted....




keep on hitting here.... i'm here... and i can guide you to the real person who has awakened the Sahashrara Chakra and can relate anyone to this...

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i am new to this concept please somebody tell me how to activate

first chakra and what are effects of that chakra means everything from

A to Z of the chakra and what are the pranayama technique to achieve


It's hard to tell what fits to you. But, the bast way to activate mooladhara chakra is, that you first activate ajna chakra (names for ajna chakra are also: 7th chakra, guru chakra, third eye, command center, gyana chakshu, triveni, wisdom eye and Shivas eye). Ayna and mooladhara chakra are somehow connected, that meens, that when you activating ajna chakra, mooladhara chakra is activating too. Why it is good that you first activate ajna chakra? Because you will understand what is happening in you. Very good techniqu is trataka and jala neti kriya. Sure there are others, but these are tehchniqus that are very strong and resoults can be achived and seen very quickly!


And, when ajna is activated, your progres will be much qickly with other chakras!


Ajna is center where intuition and wisdom are developed. Concentration become much higher and so on.

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It's hard to tell what fits to you. But, the bast way to activate mooladhara chakra is, that you first activate ajna chakra (names for ajna chakra are also: 7th chakra, guru chakra, third eye, command center, gyana chakshu, triveni, wisdom eye and Shivas eye). Ayna and mooladhara chakra are somehow connected, that meens, that when you activating ajna chakra, mooladhara chakra is activating too. Why it is good that you first activate ajna chakra? Because you will understand what is happening in you. Very good techniqu is trataka and jala neti kriya. Sure there are others, but these are tehchniqus that are very strong and resoults can be achived and seen very quickly!


And, when ajna is activated, your progres will be much qickly with other chakras!


Ajna is center where intuition and wisdom are developed. Concentration become much higher and so on.




Hello there,


In my personal perception and according to people who are in some postition to tell what is Kundalini exactly, I strongly oppose your words on activating the Third Eye first and the Muladhara later, it's soooooooooo funny. I can figure out what you mean telling the activation of third eye with some Trataka and kinda stuffs and some mediation too. Well, some thing like that makes you feel like the third eye is activated but it's not like that. IT's a kinda state of meditating mind. You can even feel, see your bodyless soul too but not the activation of the third eye.




If awakening of Kundalini is a piece of a cake then the world would have been a better place with the best humans ever. And no such enlightened perosns would make their visit to the earth time to time. Just don't fool around in the streets. If you are really interested in awakening of the Kundalini, then keep on practicing Surya Namaskara and Vastrika Pranayam regularly. But it doesn't mean that after the activation of Muladhara, you can manage the force upward,... it's a mystery and tell you honestly that Iv'e met people with Muladhara Chakra activation, gone to the zero not knowing the further steps. Still, anyone with strong determination can activate upto the swadhisthan. To keep it up every person needs a self-awakened Guru.




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  • 2 months later...

Mr. Ahara, I strongly oppose your views on Kundalini and agree with the guest who opposed you. Activation of third eye is not a candy that you eat sooooooooo easily.

After the third eye activation one becomes like SHIVA him/herself. The only way to the kundalini is to activate Muladhar first. If you dunno the facts then why the heck you people keep on posting shit like this? This is a vulnerable subject.


But if you are to say that one is to meditate on third eye to activate any Chakra then okay if not and hitting like you seem, then you are a dumb.


sorry for all the harsh words but it was needed.

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Mr. Rayforlyf,


It's pleasure to know your aspirations. Among hundreds of millions who think of the Kundalini, only few thousands dare practicing it but only few hundred keep it up with perseverance for a long time and only few one, or two can reach the height. So, be dermined what you are longing for? Be int he crowd of be the only one !!!


You are to find a Guru so easily ??? LOL. THere are only few in houshold who can guide you to the top, if others are Sannyasi then i'm not aware of . It's been more than 16 years I'm searching for it and landed now, perfectly.As far as my knowledge is concerned there are two people in India with the activation of Shahashrara, in household but I dunoo who they are.


If yoo are to try the path then make sure to maintain the celebacy first...no sex...no masturbating...even gotta stop night-falls. And pure vegeterian... will tell ya later but only the stuffs which can be told in the crowd.


U are not going to find any Guru...i declare it...that easily.



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  • 1 month later...

Hey Passionate Freak,

Thank you so very much for all the clarifications......

Well I have lot of questions which have been bothering me for a verylongtime now....when you talk about Yoga.......what is the scientific or a logical reason behind following celibacy or being a vegetarian, for a person to awaken his kundalini?

Well I follow science, if you can give me a scientific reason I will be glad to follow what you said, infact follow them very religiously....no hypocritical answers please.....

Not being rude...buddy, just out of curiosity.



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hey passionate freak where in kathmandu are you from i just dont know anything about sadhana and all these poojas tantra mantra though i got books of dr. shrimali i think i need someone to guide me.so brother where in kathmandu do you live.


It's really a great pleasure to know your aspirations...great. It's what we need to be, enquiring. But, books won't guide us properly and we need a Living Guru who can guide on all those things because only the Guru gonna guide us through the ups and downs of Sadhanas.


I'm currently at Putalisadak...

if you are truly seeking a way out then I can reach you to a only authentic place in the whole wide world.



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Hey Passionate Freak,

Thank you so very much for all the clarifications......

Well I have lot of questions which have been bothering me for a verylongtime now....when you talk about Yoga.......what is the scientific or a logical reason behind following celibacy or being a vegetarian, for a person to awaken his kundalini?

Well I follow science, if you can give me a scientific reason I will be glad to follow what you said, infact follow them very religiously....no hypocritical answers please.....

Not being rude...buddy, just out of curiosity.




Dear Aravind,


It showers me with emmense pleasure whenever I get to come across the spiritual queries like yours. You might not agree at very first your being spiritual but your involvements in such things in past lives making you to enquire such even today.


Well, science says celebacy has no relation with such activities, as far as I know. Still, I'll enquire about it and tell you the recent findings of sceince on this matter.

Kundalini and the Yoga and the correlation of these stuffs with maintaining celebacy are the matters to perceived by your heart not by the 5 senses, so I think it's impossible to get the scientific verifications on such matters.


You might know that our system can't digest flesh and such stuffs but decay. And even science has proved the negative vibrations and the effects of non-veg. foods, you can search over it.

You can eat anthing if you please to but it surely does hampers the Kundalini awakeing and the activation of your sixth sense properly. Just look around and watch the teeth and the paws of the carnivorous and look at the herbivorous...you can see the difference yourself.


And brother, it's my own experience of things that... I was approaching the activation of the First Chakra...and I was maintaining the celebacy in my mind and body...but deep into my unconscious...there was huge desires ( i guess) which forced my downfall into dreams....and I lost it.


Still, I will ask further details on it with my seniors and let you know.



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Dear All,


Well, I got it from a site....




"Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a celibate of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed... To the celibate who conserves the semen with great efforts, what is there unattainable in this world ? By the power of the composure of the semen, one will become just like Myself."




Brahmacharya is a divine word. It is the sum and substance of Yoga. Brahmacharya is the Achara or conduct by which you attain or reach Brahman (God). It is life in the Absolute. It is movement towards God or the Atman (Self).

Brahmacharya is absolute freedom from sexual thoughts and desires. It is the vow of celibacy. It is control of all the senses in thought, word and deed.

Brahmacharya is not mere bachelorhood. There should be strict abstinence not merely from sexual intercourse but also from auto-erotic manifestations, from masturbation, from homosexual acts and from all perverse sexual practices. It must further involve a permanent abstention from indulgence in erotic imagination and voluptuous reverie.

In a narrow sense, Brahmacharya is celibacy. In a broad sense, it is absolute control of all the senses. The door of Nirvana (liberation) or perfection is complete Brahmacharya.

Celibacy is to a Yogi what electricity is to an electric bulb. Without celibacy no spiritual progress is possible. It is a potent weapon and shield to wage war against the internal evil forces of lust, anger and greed. It serves as a gateway for the bliss beyond, and opens the door of liberation. It contributes perennial joy and uninterrupted bliss. It is the only key to open the Sushumna (the chief among astral tubes in the human body running inside the spinal column) and awaken the Kundalini (the primordial cosmic energy located in the individual).

There cannot be any language without words. You cannot draw a picture without a canvas or a wall. You cannot write anything without paper. Even so, you cannot have health and spiritual life without celibacy.

An established celibate will not feel any difference in touching the opposite sex, a piece of paper, a block of wood, or a piece of stone. A true celibate only can cultivate Bhakti (devotion). A true celibate only can practice Yoga. A true celibate only can acquire jnana (wisdom).

Brahmacharya is meant both for men and women. Bhishma, Hanuman, Lakshmana, Jesus, Mirabai, Sulabha and Gargi were all celibates.





One of the students of Dhanvantari approached his teacher after finishing his full course of Ayurveda (the ancient Indian science of medicine) and asked: "O Bhagavan, kindly let me know the secret of health now."

Dhanvantari replied: "This seminal energy is verily the Atman. The secret of health lies in preservation of this vital force. He who wastes this vital and precious energy cannot have physical, mental, moral and spiritual development."

Veerya (seminal energy) is God in motion. Veerya is dynamic will. Veerya is soul-force. Veerya is the essence of life, thought, intelligence and consciousness. Always remember this.

The vital energy, Veerya which supports your life, which is the Prana (life-force) of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure to you. It is the quintessence of blood.

From food, chyle is manufactured; out of chyle comes blood; out of blood comes flesh; out of flesh comes fat; out of fat comes marrow; out of marrow comes semen. Semen is the last essence. It is the essence of essences.

Just as sugar pervades sugar-cane and butter pervades milk, so also semen pervades the whole body. It exists in a subtle form throughout the body. It is withdrawn and elaborated in a gross form in the sexual organs under the influence of the sexual will and sexual excitement.

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Thankyou so much for all that info....well I started following celibacy, however I appreciate if you can provide me with info on how to start working on activating the muladhara chakra, I want to seriously work on it...infact once I started kundalaini yoga, I started feeling that I am getting frutrated very often, is that how it works?..........I also combine both kundalini yoga and gayatri mantra.......can we do combinaition of two things......Do also let me know about the mantra which can be chanted to keep your mind cool, calm and as clear as a miror..............I know its too many questions for you today but all the help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

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Thankyou so much for all that info....well I started following celibacy, however I appreciate if you can provide me with info on how to start working on activating the muladhara chakra, I want to seriously work on it...infact once I started kundalaini yoga, I started feeling that I am getting frutrated very often, is that how it works?..........I also combine both kundalini yoga and gayatri mantra.......can we do combinaition of two things......Do also let me know about the mantra which can be chanted to keep your mind cool, calm and as clear as a miror..............I know its too many questions for you today but all the help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.


well, yes, it works like that...but if you are with a capable Guru such things happen rarely..still does exists. Gayatri mantra is for the knowledge. If one chants Gayatri mantra for a long time ...man it's for knowledge and for ascetics in reality. THere's a different way to do it with adjoining Vija mantra...for the knowledge and the financial matters too. But chanting one round a day is okay.


Keep the Kundalini Yoga... ... ... ... ...but try to find out a Guru who is at least with third eye awakening. There's only one person with full kundalini awakening...and people with real awakening will never claim the stuffs.


Well, I guess you know Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali ??? Read him. Everything of him but don't dare to try from the any books.


To keep mind cool...Guru mantra is the cure...and try vastrika...and the real Kundalini Yoga not of the market or the TVs.




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Hey Buddy,


Sorry I was not able to grasp ur points properly.........can u just brief me or send an email with all the information on how to achieve the power of mind and think positively, think good abt others and at the same time take right decisions at right time........any special mantra which makes u intelligent and smart apart from Gayatri Mantra......if yes wat is it and how many times can recite the matra everyday...if no let me know abt how many times can I recite gayatri mantra.....can I chant it in my heart or shud I be louder........I searched for siddhashram, but there is no branch in Hyderabad....I really do appreciate u taking ur time and sending ur valuable suggestions..appreciate a lot................waiting for ur response

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Hey Buddy,


Sorry I was not able to grasp ur points properly.........can u just brief me or send an email with all the information on how to achieve the power of mind and think positively, think good abt others and at the same time take right decisions at right time........any special mantra which makes u intelligent and smart apart from Gayatri Mantra......if yes wat is it and how many times can recite the matra everyday...if no let me know abt how many times can I recite gayatri mantra.....can I chant it in my heart or shud I be louder........I searched for siddhashram, but there is no branch in Hyderabad....I really do appreciate u taking ur time and sending ur valuable suggestions..appreciate a lot................waiting for ur response



Well, I'm not allowed to provide any kinda suggestions on such matters because of some specific reasons. Well, I am not talking about the earthly organization as you may come across in India, it is a divine place located between Kailasha Pavata n Manasarovara... and I was telling you to surf the internet.


Well, no matter which Mantra you choose to chant, is of no use until and unless you get Guru Diksha. But the real problem is to find a real one with capacity...divine powers...who can raise even the deads !!!


Sorry buddy...

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is it possible to activate muladhara withought guru ?:sleep:











Yeah sure,


Muladhara can be activated without any Guru but in many cases the upsurge of Kundalini energy just don't get on the proper way and it could be hazardous. I've seen such cases. Aspirants with self-aclaimed Gurus and Bhagavans (who dunno what the Kundalini exactly!!!) just get in confusions and get into trouble.


Now, it's your part to seek for the real Guru with Sahashrara Awakening.



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hey you can study "kundalini brahma nad " or something i forgot the name of the book by sad guru dev narayan dutaa shrimalli where he says you can do activatiuoin of first chakra by doing mul bandha uddiyan bandh jallandher bandh and pranayama in a right way but the main tension is in second chakra in this chakra your sexual desires skyrockets and if you can control then thats great if you cant then you will go down

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Jai Guru Dev.

Dear Nice wrote but remember this thing - "Shishya Guru ko nahin Balki Guru Apne Shishya ko khud hi search kar lete hai" but don't stop your path, keep searching someone somewhere is made for you.


Jai Guru Dev.






I am glad to find a website, which tells you in and out of Vedas and Yoga.


Well I was searching for a Guru in Hyderabad from years now but could not find one.


Can anyone show me a Guru in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India?



Aravind D

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Nitin,

Treities on rajayoga will give you the techniques of activating kundalini.

There are many books nowadays in the market. Try some of the books from Bihar School of Yoga. they are good and authentic.


First: Before you attempt awakening Kundalini, As suggested by some of the forum memberrs , Follow celibacy and conserve semen. Kundalini, in Yogic science, is produced from semen. Semen transmuted become Kundalini Sakti. Semen is the fuel.


Second: Do nadi suddhi before attempting Kundalini awakining . There are many techiniques in yoga for nadi suddhi. The main one is Pranayama. Simple nadisuddhi pranayama is inhaling from one nostle and exhaling from the other and reversing the sequence - without holding the breath (Kumbaka). Do this intencely regorously, eating satvic vegitarian food. Nadi suddhi is achived with in fifteen days at the earliest to three monts at the lattest , provided your practice is regorous intence and if you spend your time exclusively for it.


The Signs of Nadi suddhi are,

Both nostles are equally and completely open when breating

A sence of calmness of mind is noticed

Sparks of light, fragrent smells, subtle sounds and body awareness are experienced. Once you notice these things you can proceed to awaken Kundalini


There are many techniques to awaken Kundalini. Padanjali Yoga sutra mantions the following.

By Intense Iswara upasana (Worship of god)

By gurus, grace ( Guru must be an awakened siddha guru)

By yogic exercises,

By Medicine.

By Mantra


If you find a siddha guru well and good. that is the safest path.

Or else if you are a sort of person cabable of strong bhakti towards a god you can take up iswara upasana. If you are too rational to have faith in a god ( Simple faith wont do You need to have a strong Blind faith for this),then you can try yogic exercise or medicine.


Pranayama and Dharana /Dhyanaana) are the main yogic techniques.


A combined technique is given below:

While inhalling think of the prana flowing through your left or right channel (Nadi) and reaches your Muladhara. There it resides for a while and kindles the fire there then the prana passes through the other channel and gets out. Now repeat this in the alternate sequence.

Here Pranayama and Dharana are combined. You must vividly visualise muladhara,the fire there the left and righe channels , the pranic flow through them for success. If you do it long enough, Kundalini will awaken.


If you want to try a siddha medicine to awaken kundalini try this one:

Allovira jelly to be eaten with ghee, milk and sugar for 48 days. (But along with this medicine pranayama and dharana must also be performed.)

Allovira is safe from medical perspective (dont worry). It is good for general health too. However Sudden kundalini awakenuing has its own hazards. It is better to awaken it slowly by long regular practiice then suddenly by medicine. You maynot be able to handle the power be it awakened by medicine or any other method if it is sudden.




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