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Tibetan Cranial Training from a nearly extinct lineage

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We are pleased to announce a very special training

in a lineage which has almost died out...



Tibetan Cranial Training

5 day Intensive Retreat


at Ananda Seva Meditation Center in Santa Rosa, California

Friday March 30 - Tuesday April 3, 2007





What is Tibetan Cranial?

Tibetan Cranial has a rich and ancient history that originated in the

Himalayan highlands about 3,000 years ago. This sacred knowledge is not

merely a method of anatomy; it is a lineage of sacred knowledge that has

been passed down through generations of deeply devout Buddhist Monks.


Certified TC Practitioners are professionally trained to fine-tune

cranial structures which allows impeded Cerebral Spinal Fluid to move

evenly around scar tissue. Practitioners assess individual conditions in

a person's body, mind and spirit through deep pulse diagnosis. The

skilled practitioner is able to listen to what the body needs, and

simply provide the space for it to shift on its own toward balance,

health and equanimity.


The results of even one session continue long after it has been

completed. The beauty of this work is its ability to assist the body in

correcting its own imbalances - it reminds the body that it can indeed

heal itself.


An Endangered Species

To assure the preservation and purity of this remarkable modality, Shar

Lee, Master of TC and the only remaining lineage holder, has formed a

Tibetan Cranial Association. Tibetan Cranial nearly became extinct

during the Chinese Invasion of Tibet, and we are now dedicated to

ensuring this incredible work is passed on to future generations.


Scientific Basis

Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) cushions the brain, regulates brain

extra-cellular fluid, allows for distribution of neuro-active

substances, and is the "sink" that collects the waste products produced

by the brain. It is essential for the proper functioning of the central

nervous system. CSF purifies neurons and glial cells, delivers nutrients

and removes toxic substances from the central nervous system.


Even slight cranial trauma, i.e. bumping one's head on something

hard, or more serious situations like car accidents can cause

compression or misalignment in the skull. Blood vessels around the area

traumatized become inflamed which leads to scar tissue. When CSF

encounters scar tissue, it has to circumvent the area. The nerves on the

other side of the scar tissue become compromised and dry out. Dry nerves

cause a reduction in nerve transmission.


Symptoms Aided by TC


* Migraines

* Headaches

* Jaw Pain

* TMJ Disorder

* Neck and Back Pain

* Brain And Spinal Chord injuries

* Multiple Sclerosis

* Connective Tissue Disorders

* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

* Epstein-Barr Virus

* Parkinson's Disease

* Stress-related conditions

* Chronic Dizziness

* Tinnitus / Ringing of the ears

* Sciatica

* Scoliosis

* Tremors

* Seizures

* Nervous System Disorders

* Chronic Pain

* Sleep Disorders

* Depression

* Anxiety

* Whiplash

* Head Injuries

* Addiction

* Eye Disorders

* Sinus Problems

* Joint Pain / Stiffness

* Hormonal Imbalances

* Autism

* Infantile Disorders

About Shar

Shar Lee has been a Body worker, Yoga and Meditation teacher and world

traveler for forty years. Shar was drawn to learn about different

healing practices of people all over the world. An incredible journey of

discovery began when she traveled to Nepal in search of healers. This

art was traditionally passed down from Tibetan Lamas to their disciples,

until in 1987, when Shar was blessed to receive her personal training.

She had the great honor of receiving a non verbal, hands on transmission

of this cranial work from a Tibetan Lama in Kathmandu.


The genocide in Tibet erased an immeasurable amount of wisdom from the

Tibetan Lamas as well as Tibetan medicine. Now, as far as we know, Shar

is the last person left alive who intimately understands this profound

healing art. If it weren't for this compassionate, competent, and

determined woman, quietly working out of her home in the small town of

Longmont, Colorado, this knowledge may have been permanently erased from

human consciousness.




Find out how you can help breathe new life into this rare and powerful

art. Help preserve this amazing healing tradition!



For more information about this training,

contact (707) 575-0886 or 703-2553

or visit http://www.anandaseva.org/akl/tibetan_cranial.htm


<http://www.anandaseva.org/akl/tibetan_cranial.htm> For more

information about Tibetan Cranial,

visit http://www.tibetancranial.org <http://www.tibetancranial.org/> .



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