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Wheatgrass juice to boost fertility?

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Wheatgrass Juice for Fertility?



Everyone desires a magic pill for fertility. Since infertility

itself is not a disease, there is no magic pill for fertility. Here we are excluding strcutural problems in genital organs, such as polyps, fibroids, cysts, tube blocks, scars, leaving only weak ovum or sperm count/motility issues which are most encountered situations. Former problems can be treated and cured by using well documented and experienced ayurvedic approaches. For latter problems, other than Nature cure, no other science has much to offer. Food itself becomes medicine here. If one understands the root cause of this disorder called infertility, the querry for magic pill itself will be unnecessary.


"Fertility" is the property awarded by superpower to every specie,

so that the species will always exist on this planet. All the

grains, vegetables and fruits have this fertility property. We are

what we eat. Then who reduced our fertility? obviously diet.

Seedless grapes, fruits, fruis having reduced sugar content, fruits

and vegetables grown with chemical fertilisers and sprayed with pesticide sparays etc. And to maximum extent,

the genetically modified grains where the farmers have to buy them

every year for fresh sowing, not able to use the grains he harvested

last year. the fertility in the genetically modified (GM) grain

itself has been manipulated to offer higher yields in a single crop,

not save anything for the next generation to multiply.


The food must be such that it has a capacity to grow further or

allow growth of organisms. Ayurveda terms all such foods as "Kapha"

genic. Milk, ghee, legumes etc. If you add a little yogurt to milk

see how fast the lactobasillus bacteria grow and set the milk to

fresh yogurt. If you soak any legume see how fast it sprouts. This

is "fertility" an abstract idea but can be understood with these

examples. Now we have several cereals, vegetables, fruits, eggs,

chicken, meat etc as food.


The extent of the fertility property can be understood by noting the

chance of growth by seed. Thus certain fruits have more than 100

seeds per fruit, while certain fruits have only one or two seeds.

Nature is trying to maximise the number of seeds when chances that

each seed will grow into a tree are less. Mango has a single seed,

so are dates and almonds. All these are "high" fertility fruits as

far as humans are considered. Why? The reason is humans also release

only one or two seeds(ovum) every fertile season(menstrual cycle).

These fruits are closest to human number. Ayurveda calls these

as "Shukra" fruits, meaning that they strengthen "shukra" dhatu, the

dhatu which drives creation of ovum and sperms. Coconut, grapes,

apricots several examples can be given and all of these have been

advocated as "fertility" boosters in ayurvedic teachings. If you

extend these ideas to animals, extracts of goat testicles and

ovaries have been used in various ayurvedic and unani medicines for

boosting fertility. Goat too offers similar number of ovums in each

cycle as humans.


And extract of some exotic fishes in the form of oils have been sold

in some countries to boost the fertility.


In fruits, all fruits which have glycosugars, milk of Indian cow

having high lactose content all are loaded with the

property "fertility". Freshly married brides are asked to carry a

glass of milk and yellow skinned naturally ripened banana to nupital

chamber, so that she conceives earliest. Some addition of cow ghee

is also made, so that milk is more potent.


Any food which gives stronger early morning erection to male member

of the society is a "fertility" loaded food. Take horsegram or

bengal gram or black gram as an example. The Idli made from rice and

black gram dhal, partially fermented is also fertility food on this

criterion. Idli is often consumed with ghee, coconut chutney etc.

Rice/wheat boiled in milk till cooked is also a high fertility food.

Ayurveda terms these foods as "Vrisya" means strengthening the



Do not look for a single fertility pill. Health as well as fertility

is a balance, and to obtain that balance, one should take all kinds

of foods god offered. Organic foods, where chemicals are truly

absent, minearls are loaded to maximum extent, are all fertile

foods. Where do fruits and vegetables get their fertility from?

Obviously from the fertility of the soil or land. and when land

fertility is to be determined, it is based on Nitrogen available for

growth, which again depends on the micro organisms which decompose

organic manure and make nitrogen available to plants. So once gain

micro organisms come into picture. The same ones who curdle the

milk, or ferment the rice batter, or decompose our own food in gut,

which are probiotics. Hence, why anti-biotics kill fertility may now

be easy to understand. Stop the anti-biotics as well as anti-pest

chemicals and you have only fertility left with. Nature has been so

designed that all species help each other to grow in number.


While science claims vitamin E to be aiding the fertility. Vitamin E

is released when a grain/legume sprouts. Now the grain has

become "mother" to the germinating and growing sprout. If one wishes

to become mother eat this "live mother", i.e. sprouting grain. The

reason is "we become what we eat". Some of the fertility booster

medicines have been made from cow urine, taking urine of pregnant

cow. This is similar to making Premarin from the urine of pregnant

mare in U.S. Preganant cow is similar to sprouting legume. By this

example it is easy to understand the general statement that we

become what we eat.


Attaching fertility property to just LH, just FSH etc is a

reductionist or "microscopic" view of modern science. Modern science

admits that complete cycle, ovulation, conception etc is a complex

interplay of so many hormones. Hence just boosting one hormone or

just one food vitamin is not going to give us the result. We must

borrow fertility from complete food.


Finally, in answer to your question about wheat grass, wheat grass

causes total rejuvination of cells, also has glycosugars and is one

of the fertility foods. Keep taking juice of fresh grass if

possible. Even vaccum dried grass powdere is available, which can be

added in a cup of water, and drank after 20-30 minutes to derive the

benifits. But in latter procedure, some enzymes are lost. Take at

least for 3 to 6 months to derive benifits.


Excess FSH to LH ratio indicates ovaries have become sluggish and a

fruit which helps for such ovaries is Fig. Soak dried fig overnight

and eat it next morning. If one gets fresh fig, no need to soak.

There are accupressure points near the heel which can also be used.

Indian women use a silver chain in the feet which snugly fits close

to the heel. This chain attracts cosmic energy so that ovaries

remain in good condition for a long time.

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Going through many articles at ayurveda makes me feel that the

knowledge in these about the basic principles is commendable. I

feel that members

share his knowledge with other Ayurvedic doctors, especially those


teaching line so that all the students of Ayurveda can benefit out


this knowledge. The teaching in Ayurvedic colleges is very poor.


many lecturers have the command over the subject and those who have,

do not

share it.

All colleges should think of a program where eminent personalities

come and give lectures, may be once in a month or two. The plight of

students across the country is very bad.



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What you have said is really the fact of today. I share your feelings.


By the way ,are you related to ayurvedic acedemy i.e. as student / teacher or are you a professional practising Ayurveda ?

The stark fact is that those who are successful practitioners / professionals cannot spare their valuable time to students neither is the govt. / administration interested in inviting them to share their valuable knowledge and clinical experience to students. This is my personal experience.


As President of Mumbai Unit of BAMS Graduates Association, a Maharashtra state-wide association of Ayurvedic Doctors, we do conduct CMEs for ayurvedic practitioners. Your concern has pointed out the need to work for and with ayurvedic students / under-graduates also to make them understand Ayurveda in better perspective.


Thanks for the bold voicing. Can you too contribute your efforts to achieve this motive ? How can you be contacted ? Where are you based ?


Dr Muzumdar (M.D. - Ayu-Med )



Going through many articles at ayurveda makes me feel that the

knowledge in these about the basic principles is commendable. I

feel that members

share his knowledge with other Ayurvedic doctors, especially those


teaching line so that all the students of Ayurveda can benefit out


this knowledge.

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