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Rahu -- 12th Bhava (Specifics requested from Prathamesh Chawan ji)

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Dear Chawan ji,


This is incredible! Would you kindly share some more specifics as to

the types of predictions that came out 100% accurately in this case?







vedic astrology, Prathamesn Chawan

<upaoakcrest wrote:


> Dear Sir Dakshinamoorthi


> Greetings,


> Everything is predestine in this world. Astrologers may go wrong

but destiny will never fall apart.


> I am telling this from the Nadi Shastra people's experience. My

friend's Dad visited Nadi shastra people somewhere in his early 20s.

At that point of time whatever he predicted is going 100 % correct.


> My friend's Dad is now 57 years old. Each and Every prediction

from "pattiyan" is 100 % true so far in life.


> Best Wishes


> Jagdish


> "Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI" <dakshinastrologer

wrote: Dear Member:


> If destiny is static, then humans become mere automatons without

any free will! One's actual destiny in present life is a factor of

both past karmas and present life activities. Though times have

changed we do not eat with legs nor do we walk with hands. Certain

things are already perfect as they are and traditions definitely have

their own value. I would rather prefer to respect those hoary

traditions. Those wise men who had the intelligence to lay down such

exhaustive rules even the partial application of which makes many of

us seem as geniuses could not have been wrong in their beliefs!


> I would prefer astrology to be approached with some respect to

traditions rather than with a marveric attitude of anything is

changeable. It is of course my personal opinion and I would rather

prefer to follow my own principles in this regard - right or wrong -

and even if I go wrong, I would prefer to have erred on the side of

tradition rather than do something novel and then curse myself for my



> Destiny is only a life-script and certain authorities like great

yogis have the previlege to make slight alterations for the better in

that! Certain actions of ours do change our life-script to a certain

extent. If this is not so, and destiny is static and fixed at birth

and every action and event is foretold and prewritten, then there is

no point in speaking of sins and merit, no point in thinking of right

and wrong, we can all just be! Obviously it is not the

case.......Traditions do have their value and in our fast world

mentality we do not have the intricate mental faculties to grasp the

subtleties of tradition. So, it is best that we do not try to

rationalise nor criticize the traditions. Those who believe it let

them follow it correctly as best as they can. Those who disbelieve

are free to do so!


> But, if you have genuine concerns like health or other

behavioural aspects, I will be most happy to analyze it from that

angle because that is allowed even by tradition to find out the right

remedies. In such an event, you may kindly follow the link:

www.astrodomain.ammas.com and raise your query in the query form.


> Blessed be.





> Plot no. 1/29

> Eleventh Street

> Babanagar

> Villivakkam

> Chennai 600 049.



> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers



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Sure RohiniRanjan Ji,


1) Nadi Shastra predicted that he will be a doctor.

2) He will get married this lady (my friend's mom) who will be good


3) He predicted the distance between his house and his wife's house.

4) He said that he will have a major accident at this year and this

month on his shoulder.

5) He predicted that he will have 2 boys (sons).

6) He predicted that his both son will stay in US.

7) He predited that his elder son will start earning money at young age.

8) He predicted that his younger son (who is my friend) will have

trouble in being stable in life in his 20s.

9) He predicted that he will have another major accident at this point

of his age.

10) He predicted that he will face troubles for his elder son's marriage.

11) He predicted that he and his wife will visit US at this age (this

is happening right now) and then will go for world tour after 1 year.

12) He predicted that age of the father and his wife.


All predictions are 100 % true. No chance for KARMA...



WE ARE SLAVES............


I Hate this.


Best Wishes








vedic astrology, "Rohiniranjan"

<rohini_ranjan wrote:


> Dear Chawan ji,


> This is incredible! Would you kindly share some more specifics as to

> the types of predictions that came out 100% accurately in this case?


> Thanks,


> RR



> vedic astrology, Prathamesn Chawan

> <upaoakcrest@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sir Dakshinamoorthi

> >

> > Greetings,

> >

> > Everything is predestine in this world. Astrologers may go wrong

> but destiny will never fall apart.

> >

> > I am telling this from the Nadi Shastra people's experience. My

> friend's Dad visited Nadi shastra people somewhere in his early 20s.

> At that point of time whatever he predicted is going 100 % correct.

> >

> > My friend's Dad is now 57 years old. Each and Every prediction

> from "pattiyan" is 100 % true so far in life.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> >

> > Jagdish

> >

> > "Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI" <dakshinastrologer@>

> wrote: Dear Member:

> >

> > If destiny is static, then humans become mere automatons without

> any free will! One's actual destiny in present life is a factor of

> both past karmas and present life activities. Though times have

> changed we do not eat with legs nor do we walk with hands. Certain

> things are already perfect as they are and traditions definitely have

> their own value. I would rather prefer to respect those hoary

> traditions. Those wise men who had the intelligence to lay down such

> exhaustive rules even the partial application of which makes many of

> us seem as geniuses could not have been wrong in their beliefs!

> >

> > I would prefer astrology to be approached with some respect to

> traditions rather than with a marveric attitude of anything is

> changeable. It is of course my personal opinion and I would rather

> prefer to follow my own principles in this regard - right or wrong -

> and even if I go wrong, I would prefer to have erred on the side of

> tradition rather than do something novel and then curse myself for my

> impudence!

> >

> > Destiny is only a life-script and certain authorities like great

> yogis have the previlege to make slight alterations for the better in

> that! Certain actions of ours do change our life-script to a certain

> extent. If this is not so, and destiny is static and fixed at birth

> and every action and event is foretold and prewritten, then there is

> no point in speaking of sins and merit, no point in thinking of right

> and wrong, we can all just be! Obviously it is not the

> case.......Traditions do have their value and in our fast world

> mentality we do not have the intricate mental faculties to grasp the

> subtleties of tradition. So, it is best that we do not try to

> rationalise nor criticize the traditions. Those who believe it let

> them follow it correctly as best as they can. Those who disbelieve

> are free to do so!

> >

> > But, if you have genuine concerns like health or other

> behavioural aspects, I will be most happy to analyze it from that

> angle because that is allowed even by tradition to find out the right

> remedies. In such an event, you may kindly follow the link:

> www.astrodomain.ammas.com and raise your query in the query form.

> >

> > Blessed be.

> >

> >



> > Plot no. 1/29

> > Eleventh Street

> > Babanagar

> > Villivakkam

> > Chennai 600 049.

> >

> >

> > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

> >

> >

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I would say that this is not an indication we are slaves, as much as

it is that we need to adopt an attitude of acceptance towards life's

events. At the same time, we can meditate, or perform yagyas, etc...

to mitiagate the impacts of events on us. Someone once told me: "Karma

is like a letter that has been mailed to you -- it IS going to arrive,

but it's up to you to decide what to do when it comes." As a

meditator, I feel that negative events do not bother me as much as

they would have, or that accidents turn out to be not such a big deal

as they could have been. It's as if someone hitting you with a

baseball bat wrapped it up in a blanket first so it didn't hurt so badly.


This is all very fascinating, however, about the 100% predictions. I'd

love to know that, let me tell you, so I could stop worrying about

what the future might bring and accept it. But who knows? Maybe it

wouldn't help at all.



vedic astrology, "upaoakcrest"

<upaoakcrest wrote:


> Sure RohiniRanjan Ji,


> 1) Nadi Shastra predicted that he will be a doctor.

> 2) He will get married this lady (my friend's mom) who will be good

> looking.

> 3) He predicted the distance between his house and his wife's house.

> 4) He said that he will have a major accident at this year and this

> month on his shoulder.

> 5) He predicted that he will have 2 boys (sons).

> 6) He predicted that his both son will stay in US.

> 7) He predited that his elder son will start earning money at young age.

> 8) He predicted that his younger son (who is my friend) will have

> trouble in being stable in life in his 20s.

> 9) He predicted that he will have another major accident at this point

> of his age.

> 10) He predicted that he will face troubles for his elder son's


> 11) He predicted that he and his wife will visit US at this age (this

> is happening right now) and then will go for world tour after 1 year.

> 12) He predicted that age of the father and his wife.


> All predictions are 100 % true. No chance for KARMA...



> WE ARE SLAVES............


> I Hate this.


> Best Wishes


> Jagdish


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Dear Jagdish,


If Possible, can you give the birth data please for the native for who

all this was predicted.

If possible also can you give the dates of the events mentioned.


For those interested in nadi reading can also visit Pemmaraju

Rayaduji's website. He has visited many nadi readers and also had

penned down his experiences.




Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


vedic astrology, "upaoakcrest"

<upaoakcrest wrote:


> Sure RohiniRanjan Ji,


> 1) Nadi Shastra predicted that he will be a doctor.

> 2) He will get married this lady (my friend's mom) who will be good

> looking.

> 3) He predicted the distance between his house and his wife's house.

> 4) He said that he will have a major accident at this year and this

> month on his shoulder.

> 5) He predicted that he will have 2 boys (sons).

> 6) He predicted that his both son will stay in US.

> 7) He predited that his elder son will start earning money at young age.

> 8) He predicted that his younger son (who is my friend) will have

> trouble in being stable in life in his 20s.

> 9) He predicted that he will have another major accident at this point

> of his age.

> 10) He predicted that he will face troubles for his elder son's


> 11) He predicted that he and his wife will visit US at this age (this

> is happening right now) and then will go for world tour after 1 year.

> 12) He predicted that age of the father and his wife.


> All predictions are 100 % true. No chance for KARMA...



> WE ARE SLAVES............


> I Hate this.


> Best Wishes


> Jagdish






> vedic astrology, "Rohiniranjan"

> <rohini_ranjan@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chawan ji,

> >

> > This is incredible! Would you kindly share some more specifics as to

> > the types of predictions that came out 100% accurately in this case?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, Prathamesn Chawan

> > <upaoakcrest@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sir Dakshinamoorthi

> > >

> > > Greetings,

> > >

> > > Everything is predestine in this world. Astrologers may go wrong

> > but destiny will never fall apart.

> > >

> > > I am telling this from the Nadi Shastra people's experience. My

> > friend's Dad visited Nadi shastra people somewhere in his early 20s.

> > At that point of time whatever he predicted is going 100 % correct.

> > >

> > > My friend's Dad is now 57 years old. Each and Every prediction

> > from "pattiyan" is 100 % true so far in life.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes

> > >

> > > Jagdish

> > >

> > > "Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI" <dakshinastrologer@>

> > wrote: Dear Member:

> > >

> > > If destiny is static, then humans become mere automatons without

> > any free will! One's actual destiny in present life is a factor of

> > both past karmas and present life activities. Though times have

> > changed we do not eat with legs nor do we walk with hands. Certain

> > things are already perfect as they are and traditions definitely have

> > their own value. I would rather prefer to respect those hoary

> > traditions. Those wise men who had the intelligence to lay down such

> > exhaustive rules even the partial application of which makes many of

> > us seem as geniuses could not have been wrong in their beliefs!

> > >

> > > I would prefer astrology to be approached with some respect to

> > traditions rather than with a marveric attitude of anything is

> > changeable. It is of course my personal opinion and I would rather

> > prefer to follow my own principles in this regard - right or wrong -

> > and even if I go wrong, I would prefer to have erred on the side of

> > tradition rather than do something novel and then curse myself for my

> > impudence!

> > >

> > > Destiny is only a life-script and certain authorities like great

> > yogis have the previlege to make slight alterations for the better in

> > that! Certain actions of ours do change our life-script to a certain

> > extent. If this is not so, and destiny is static and fixed at birth

> > and every action and event is foretold and prewritten, then there is

> > no point in speaking of sins and merit, no point in thinking of right

> > and wrong, we can all just be! Obviously it is not the

> > case.......Traditions do have their value and in our fast world

> > mentality we do not have the intricate mental faculties to grasp the

> > subtleties of tradition. So, it is best that we do not try to

> > rationalise nor criticize the traditions. Those who believe it let

> > them follow it correctly as best as they can. Those who disbelieve

> > are free to do so!

> > >

> > > But, if you have genuine concerns like health or other

> > behavioural aspects, I will be most happy to analyze it from that

> > angle because that is allowed even by tradition to find out the right

> > remedies. In such an event, you may kindly follow the link:

> > www.astrodomain.ammas.com and raise your query in the query form.

> > >

> > > Blessed be.

> > >

> > >



> > > Plot no. 1/29

> > > Eleventh Street

> > > Babanagar

> > > Villivakkam

> > > Chennai 600 049.

> > >

> > >

> > > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

> > >

> > >

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To which I submit, dear Sir the following:


Spectacular as it may be, and there are similar other anecdotal

accounts as well -- let us not lose sight of the fact that:

- There are many nadi sources

- not all are equally correct and documentation and accounts thereof

is at best vague by the consumers!

- Overall, only few seek out nadis and of these few, even fewer find

their horoscopes and I don't know what proportion of those successful

ones have uncannily accurate predictions like you report.

- given the small fraction of such uncanny predictions that have been

verified and can be corroborated, the rational deduction is that

there is a small percentage of nativities in whose case indeed

destiny prevails in an incontrovertible manner. I have always

suspected and agreed to that possibility

- HOWEVER, I would not extrapolate that poorly documented small

sliver of human experience to include the rest of human beings!

- Maybe we all fall into several categories, some are more locked

into our karmas, others have more options and freedoms due to a

variety of reasons, some from earlier lifetimes and others from

proper strategy in this lifetime! It is not a chaotic universe and

perhaps not uniformly random for every one of us, either!

- there are more reasons and observations but I do not want to upset

you or bore you and others of similar mindsets.







vedic astrology, "upaoakcrest"

<upaoakcrest wrote:


> Sure RohiniRanjan Ji,


> 1) Nadi Shastra predicted that he will be a doctor.

> 2) He will get married this lady (my friend's mom) who will be good

> looking.

> 3) He predicted the distance between his house and his wife's house.

> 4) He said that he will have a major accident at this year and this

> month on his shoulder.

> 5) He predicted that he will have 2 boys (sons).

> 6) He predicted that his both son will stay in US.

> 7) He predited that his elder son will start earning money at young


> 8) He predicted that his younger son (who is my friend) will have

> trouble in being stable in life in his 20s.

> 9) He predicted that he will have another major accident at this


> of his age.

> 10) He predicted that he will face troubles for his elder son's


> 11) He predicted that he and his wife will visit US at this age


> is happening right now) and then will go for world tour after 1


> 12) He predicted that age of the father and his wife.


> All predictions are 100 % true. No chance for KARMA...



> WE ARE SLAVES............


> I Hate this.


> Best Wishes


> Jagdish






> vedic astrology, "Rohiniranjan"

> <rohini_ranjan@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chawan ji,

> >

> > This is incredible! Would you kindly share some more specifics as


> > the types of predictions that came out 100% accurately in this


> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, Prathamesn Chawan

> > <upaoakcrest@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sir Dakshinamoorthi

> > >

> > > Greetings,

> > >

> > > Everything is predestine in this world. Astrologers may go


> > but destiny will never fall apart.

> > >

> > > I am telling this from the Nadi Shastra people's experience. My

> > friend's Dad visited Nadi shastra people somewhere in his early


> > At that point of time whatever he predicted is going 100 %


> > >

> > > My friend's Dad is now 57 years old. Each and Every prediction

> > from "pattiyan" is 100 % true so far in life.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes

> > >

> > > Jagdish

> > >

> > > "Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI" <dakshinastrologer@>

> > wrote: Dear Member:

> > >

> > > If destiny is static, then humans become mere automatons


> > any free will! One's actual destiny in present life is a factor


> > both past karmas and present life activities. Though times have

> > changed we do not eat with legs nor do we walk with hands.


> > things are already perfect as they are and traditions definitely


> > their own value. I would rather prefer to respect those hoary

> > traditions. Those wise men who had the intelligence to lay down


> > exhaustive rules even the partial application of which makes many


> > us seem as geniuses could not have been wrong in their beliefs!

> > >

> > > I would prefer astrology to be approached with some respect


> > traditions rather than with a marveric attitude of anything is

> > changeable. It is of course my personal opinion and I would


> > prefer to follow my own principles in this regard - right or

wrong -

> > and even if I go wrong, I would prefer to have erred on the side


> > tradition rather than do something novel and then curse myself

for my

> > impudence!

> > >

> > > Destiny is only a life-script and certain authorities like


> > yogis have the previlege to make slight alterations for the

better in

> > that! Certain actions of ours do change our life-script to a


> > extent. If this is not so, and destiny is static and fixed at


> > and every action and event is foretold and prewritten, then there


> > no point in speaking of sins and merit, no point in thinking of


> > and wrong, we can all just be! Obviously it is not the

> > case.......Traditions do have their value and in our fast world

> > mentality we do not have the intricate mental faculties to grasp


> > subtleties of tradition. So, it is best that we do not try to

> > rationalise nor criticize the traditions. Those who believe it


> > them follow it correctly as best as they can. Those who


> > are free to do so!

> > >

> > > But, if you have genuine concerns like health or other

> > behavioural aspects, I will be most happy to analyze it from that

> > angle because that is allowed even by tradition to find out the


> > remedies. In such an event, you may kindly follow the link:

> > www.astrodomain.ammas.com and raise your query in the query form.

> > >

> > > Blessed be.

> > >

> > >



> > > Plot no. 1/29

> > > Eleventh Street

> > > Babanagar

> > > Villivakkam

> > > Chennai 600 049.

> > >

> > >

> > > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for -


> > >

> > >

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Rohiniji, pl. give us a hint of the role of Mercury (& venus?) in your chart -if it is not too personal. The language area of your brain is as special as that of Yogi Berra; I mean it in a very complementary way. I learnt a new oxymoron today: Uniformly random!


BTW, "... It is not a chaotic universe and perhaps not uniformly random..."


Reminds me of this: When Heisenberg proposed the uncertainty principle, Einstein allegedly countered that "God does not play dice". All the same, young Heisenberg stood his ground. It was very ironic that Einstein got so uncomfortable with the direction and outcome of the field that he (along with some others) brought into existence! Another irony is that he was not a theist, in the first place!!


I can understand the difficulty of explaining the nature and degree of (dis)order; the eternal play between determinism and randomness, which very loosely translates into unalterable destiny vs mutable probability clouds.


sarvam mAyAmayam idam akhilam!


& Wish you a happy Sivarathri!






Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

vedic astrology

Thursday, February 15, 2007 8:25:29 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Rahu -- 12th Bhava (Specifics requested from Prathamesh Chawan ji)


To which I submit, dear Sir the following:


Spectacular as it may be, and there are similar other anecdotal

accounts as well -- let us not lose sight of the fact that:

- There are many nadi sources

- not all are equally correct and documentation and accounts thereof

is at best vague by the consumers!

- Overall, only few seek out nadis and of these few, even fewer find

their horoscopes and I don't know what proportion of those successful

ones have uncannily accurate predictions like you report.

- given the small fraction of such uncanny predictions that have been

verified and can be corroborated, the rational deduction is that

there is a small percentage of nativities in whose case indeed

destiny prevails in an incontrovertible manner. I have always

suspected and agreed to that possibility

- HOWEVER, I would not extrapolate that poorly documented small

sliver of human experience to include the rest of human beings!

- Maybe we all fall into several categories, some are more locked

into our karmas, others have more options and freedoms due to a

variety of reasons, some from earlier lifetimes and others from

proper strategy in this lifetime! It is not a chaotic universe and

perhaps not uniformly random for every one of us, either!

- there are more reasons and observations but I do not want to upset

you or bore you and others of similar mindsets.




vedic astrology, "upaoakcrest"

<upaoakcrest@ ...> wrote:


> Sure RohiniRanjan Ji,


> 1) Nadi Shastra predicted that he will be a doctor.

> 2) He will get married this lady (my friend's mom) who will be good

> looking.

> 3) He predicted the distance between his house and his wife's house.

> 4) He said that he will have a major accident at this year and this

> month on his shoulder.

> 5) He predicted that he will have 2 boys (sons).

> 6) He predicted that his both son will stay in US.

> 7) He predited that his elder son will start earning money at young


> 8) He predicted that his younger son (who is my friend) will have

> trouble in being stable in life in his 20s.

> 9) He predicted that he will have another major accident at this


> of his age.

> 10) He predicted that he will face troubles for his elder son's


> 11) He predicted that he and his wife will visit US at this age


> is happening right now) and then will go for world tour after 1


> 12) He predicted that age of the father and his wife.


> All predictions are 100 % true. No chance for KARMA...



> WE ARE SLAVES...... ......


> I Hate this.


> Best Wishes


> Jagdish






> vedic astrology, "Rohiniranjan"

> <rohini_ranjan@ > wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chawan ji,

> >

> > This is incredible! Would you kindly share some more specifics as


> > the types of predictions that came out 100% accurately in this


> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, Prathamesn Chawan

> > <upaoakcrest@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sir Dakshinamoorthi

> > >

> > > Greetings,

> > >

> > > Everything is predestine in this world. Astrologers may go


> > but destiny will never fall apart.

> > >

> > > I am telling this from the Nadi Shastra people's experience. My

> > friend's Dad visited Nadi shastra people somewhere in his early


> > At that point of time whatever he predicted is going 100 %


> > >

> > > My friend's Dad is now 57 years old. Each and Every prediction

> > from "pattiyan" is 100 % true so far in life.

> > >

> > > Best Wishes

> > >

> > > Jagdish

> > >

> > > "Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI" <dakshinastrologer@ >

> > wrote: Dear Member:

> > >

> > > If destiny is static, then humans become mere automatons


> > any free will! One's actual destiny in present life is a factor


> > both past karmas and present life activities. Though times have

> > changed we do not eat with legs nor do we walk with hands.


> > things are already perfect as they are and traditions definitely


> > their own value. I would rather prefer to respect those hoary

> > traditions. Those wise men who had the intelligence to lay down


> > exhaustive rules even the partial application of which makes many


> > us seem as geniuses could not have been wrong in their beliefs!

> > >

> > > I would prefer astrology to be approached with some respect


> > traditions rather than with a marveric attitude of anything is

> > changeable. It is of course my personal opinion and I would


> > prefer to follow my own principles in this regard - right or

wrong -

> > and even if I go wrong, I would prefer to have erred on the side


> > tradition rather than do something novel and then curse myself

for my

> > impudence!

> > >

> > > Destiny is only a life-script and certain authorities like


> > yogis have the previlege to make slight alterations for the

better in

> > that! Certain actions of ours do change our life-script to a


> > extent. If this is not so, and destiny is static and fixed at


> > and every action and event is foretold and prewritten, then there


> > no point in speaking of sins and merit, no point in thinking of


> > and wrong, we can all just be! Obviously it is not the

> > case.......Traditio ns do have their value and in our fast world

> > mentality we do not have the intricate mental faculties to grasp


> > subtleties of tradition. So, it is best that we do not try to

> > rationalise nor criticize the traditions. Those who believe it


> > them follow it correctly as best as they can. Those who


> > are free to do so!

> > >

> > > But, if you have genuine concerns like health or other

> > behavioural aspects, I will be most happy to analyze it from that

> > angle because that is allowed even by tradition to find out the


> > remedies. In such an event, you may kindly follow the link:

> > www.astrodomain. ammas.com and raise your query in the query form.

> > >

> > > Blessed be.

> > >

> > >



> > > Plot no. 1/29

> > > Eleventh Street

> > > Babanagar

> > > Villivakkam

> > > Chennai 600 049.

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for -


> > >

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vedic astrology, sree ven <jyothishishya



> Rohiniji, pl. give us a hint of the role of Mercury (& venus?) in

your chart -if it is not too personal. The language area of your

brain is as special as that of Yogi Berra; I mean it in a very

complementary way. I learnt a new oxymoron today: Uniformly random!


> BTW, "... It is not a chaotic universe and perhaps not uniformly



> Reminds me of this: When Heisenberg proposed the uncertainty

principle, Einstein allegedly countered that "God does not play

dice". All the same, young Heisenberg stood his ground. It was very

ironic that Einstein got so uncomfortable with the direction and

outcome of the field that he (along with some others) brought into

existence! Another irony is that he was not a theist, in the first



> I can understand the difficulty of explaining the nature and degree

of (dis)order; the eternal play between determinism and randomness,

which very loosely translates into unalterable destiny vs mutable

probability clouds.


> sarvam mAyAmayam idam akhilam!


> & Wish you a happy Sivarathri!


> Regards.




> Rohiniranjan <rohini_ranjan

> vedic astrology

> Thursday, February 15, 2007 8:25:29 PM

> [vedic astrology] Re: Rahu -- 12th Bhava (Specifics

requested from Prathamesh Chawan ji)


> To which I submit, dear Sir the following:


> Spectacular as it may be, and there are similar other anecdotal

> accounts as well -- let us not lose sight of the fact that:

> - There are many nadi sources

> - not all are equally correct and documentation and accounts


> is at best vague by the consumers!

> - Overall, only few seek out nadis and of these few, even fewer


> their horoscopes and I don't know what proportion of those


> ones have uncannily accurate predictions like you report.

> - given the small fraction of such uncanny predictions that have


> verified and can be corroborated, the rational deduction is that

> there is a small percentage of nativities in whose case indeed

> destiny prevails in an incontrovertible manner. I have always

> suspected and agreed to that possibility

> - HOWEVER, I would not extrapolate that poorly documented small

> sliver of human experience to include the rest of human beings!

> - Maybe we all fall into several categories, some are more locked

> into our karmas, others have more options and freedoms due to a

> variety of reasons, some from earlier lifetimes and others from

> proper strategy in this lifetime! It is not a chaotic universe and

> perhaps not uniformly random for every one of us, either!

> - there are more reasons and observations but I do not want to


> you or bore you and others of similar mindsets.


> RR


> vedic astrology, "upaoakcrest"

> <upaoakcrest@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Sure RohiniRanjan Ji,

> >

> > 1) Nadi Shastra predicted that he will be a doctor.

> > 2) He will get married this lady (my friend's mom) who will be


> > looking.

> > 3) He predicted the distance between his house and his wife's


> > 4) He said that he will have a major accident at this year and


> > month on his shoulder.

> > 5) He predicted that he will have 2 boys (sons).

> > 6) He predicted that his both son will stay in US.

> > 7) He predited that his elder son will start earning money at


> age.

> > 8) He predicted that his younger son (who is my friend) will have

> > trouble in being stable in life in his 20s.

> > 9) He predicted that he will have another major accident at this

> point

> > of his age.

> > 10) He predicted that he will face troubles for his elder son's

> marriage.

> > 11) He predicted that he and his wife will visit US at this age

> (this

> > is happening right now) and then will go for world tour after 1

> year.

> > 12) He predicted that age of the father and his wife.

> >

> > All predictions are 100 % true. No chance for KARMA...

> >

> >

> > WE ARE SLAVES...... ......

> >

> > I Hate this.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> >

> > Jagdish

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Rohiniranjan"

> > <rohini_ranjan@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Chawan ji,

> > >

> > > This is incredible! Would you kindly share some more specifics


> to

> > > the types of predictions that came out 100% accurately in this

> case?

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, Prathamesn Chawan

> > > <upaoakcrest@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sir Dakshinamoorthi

> > > >

> > > > Greetings,

> > > >

> > > > Everything is predestine in this world. Astrologers may go

> wrong

> > > but destiny will never fall apart.

> > > >

> > > > I am telling this from the Nadi Shastra people's experience.


> > > friend's Dad visited Nadi shastra people somewhere in his early

> 20s.

> > > At that point of time whatever he predicted is going 100 %

> correct.

> > > >

> > > > My friend's Dad is now 57 years old. Each and Every


> > > from "pattiyan" is 100 % true so far in life.

> > > >

> > > > Best Wishes

> > > >

> > > > Jagdish

> > > >

> > > > "Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI" <dakshinastrologer@ >

> > > wrote: Dear Member:

> > > >

> > > > If destiny is static, then humans become mere automatons

> without

> > > any free will! One's actual destiny in present life is a factor

> of

> > > both past karmas and present life activities. Though times have

> > > changed we do not eat with legs nor do we walk with hands.

> Certain

> > > things are already perfect as they are and traditions


> have

> > > their own value. I would rather prefer to respect those hoary

> > > traditions. Those wise men who had the intelligence to lay down

> such

> > > exhaustive rules even the partial application of which makes


> of

> > > us seem as geniuses could not have been wrong in their beliefs!

> > > >

> > > > I would prefer astrology to be approached with some respect

> to

> > > traditions rather than with a marveric attitude of anything is

> > > changeable. It is of course my personal opinion and I would

> rather

> > > prefer to follow my own principles in this regard - right or

> wrong -

> > > and even if I go wrong, I would prefer to have erred on the


> of

> > > tradition rather than do something novel and then curse myself

> for my

> > > impudence!

> > > >

> > > > Destiny is only a life-script and certain authorities like

> great

> > > yogis have the previlege to make slight alterations for the

> better in

> > > that! Certain actions of ours do change our life-script to a

> certain

> > > extent. If this is not so, and destiny is static and fixed at

> birth

> > > and every action and event is foretold and prewritten, then


> is

> > > no point in speaking of sins and merit, no point in thinking of

> right

> > > and wrong, we can all just be! Obviously it is not the

> > > case.......Traditio ns do have their value and in our fast


> > > mentality we do not have the intricate mental faculties to


> the

> > > subtleties of tradition. So, it is best that we do not try to

> > > rationalise nor criticize the traditions. Those who believe it

> let

> > > them follow it correctly as best as they can. Those who

> disbelieve

> > > are free to do so!

> > > >

> > > > But, if you have genuine concerns like health or other

> > > behavioural aspects, I will be most happy to analyze it from


> > > angle because that is allowed even by tradition to find out the

> right

> > > remedies. In such an event, you may kindly follow the link:

> > > www.astrodomain. ammas.com and raise your query in the query


> > > >

> > > > Blessed be.

> > > >

> > > >



> > > > Plot no. 1/29

> > > > Eleventh Street

> > > > Babanagar

> > > > Villivakkam

> > > > Chennai 600 049.

> > > >

> > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---

> > > > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for -

> Answers

> > > >

> > > >

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