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New Philosophy of Astrology - Introduction 2/14/07

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Dear Friends &

Nature’s Astrology members:



We’ve had so many people join in the last few months I

thought it might be helpful to review for all of you the

‘basics’ of Astrology.  This is

very important today because the entire field of Astrology is in a huge

state of flux.


Today, more then any time in the past the field of Astrology is

changing dramatically.


2 Main




There are today, two main branches of Astrology.  There is the Western and there is the Eastern

branch.  In many ways the two systems are very

similar.  For example both systems believe that

Astrology fits us.  Both systems believe that

the basic symbolisms of Astrology fit our human nature.


Take the Sun for example.  In both

systems the Sun represents our egos, I’s, and experiences of self

and self-confidence.  Then, there is the

Moon.  Both systems believe that the Moon

represents how we feel, our emotional mind, and intuition.  Like that, the basic symbolisms of the Planets are

the same in both systems.


Also, both systems believe in the ‘basic’ structure of

the Astrological chart.  Both believe in the

basic Planetary meanings and roughly the same ideas regarding what’s

called the Astrological Houses and Signs.


Finally, both systems believe that the configuration of Sun, Moon,

planets and Stars or Constellations at the exact moment of our

birth’s is an exact and precise personal ‘chart’ or map

about the life that we are and have come to live. 

This has always been the basic, main premise of



In other words, our charts fit us.  I

like to say it this way:  There is a ‘1

to 1 correspondence’ between every detail of our lives and every

detail of our Astrological chart. 


“1 to1




Keep this principle in mind when you have your chart read or study

your Astrology.  You should feel that amazing

resonance between yourself and your chart. 

When you read about your chart, look for that, which truly fits



There'll be some experience of  ‘aha’ or

‘wow’, or ‘eureka, that’s me!’ flavor.  Look for that resonance when you reflect on your

chart.  The main problem with trying to write

about Astrology is that one can only write about one part of one’s

chart at a time. 


When you want to try and describe what the Sun in Gemini will be

like for a person there may be 10,000 people who all have the Sun in

Gemini in their charts.  In other words, what

can one say that’ll be accurate for each person?


Not much!  Therefore, one needs to be

general enough so that description will be accurate enough for all of



The preciseness of Astrology, then, comes not in the specific

descriptions but in adding all the descriptions of each aspect of your

chart together and then taking them as a whole!







o          Our

Charts Fit us



Strengths & Weaknesses




The second most important part of Astrology is that our charts try

and tell us what our Strengths and Weaknesses are. 

In other words, Astrology makes a value judgement that certain

planets are better or more developed then others. 



This is NOT a soul value judgement, but a natural discrimination

that trys to help us understand which or our qualities are our positives

and which our negatives.  This is the most important of Astrological principles

because we don’t always see ourselves this way.


In other words, sometimes, where we have a weakness or malefic we

don’t know this.  Take for example

someone who has Mars in the First House in their chart.  They may be very demanding, argumentative and go

too fast due to this Mars placement.


However, for them, their Mars quality is automatic.  Only later down the road, after many, many

disagreements, losses of friends and accidents; do they realize

“mmmm, maybe I’m…partly at fault,



Unfortunately, many people won’t ‘get it’ for

their whole lives.  Mars especially being the

planet that ‘blames’ others for my own problems can be very

difficult in any number of malefic configurations.


But, let’s say you stumble into Astrology at an earlier

age.  You’ve already had 2 or 3 dramas

due to this Mars in the First House.  And, when

you read about your chart you hear about the possible prediction of having

Mars in the First House.  Astrology, however,

says that Mars in the first is often a negative Astrological



Suddenly, you get it!  You realize the

fault doesn’t lie with others but with ourselves!  This is the great potential of Astrology to help us

see ourselves the way we truly are.  Not the

way we think, but the way, “Nature” or “God

thinks”.  In other words the rules of

Astrology are not even man made rules. 



The rules of Astrology are the way that nature thinks.  But, they’re interpreted through

‘man’ so we need to verify in our own lives the truth and

validity of these rules and principles.


So, next time, you find one of your so-called weaknesses or

what’s called Malefics, in your chart, try and do that 'thing'



If you have the Mars placement in the first house, try being

slightly less Marish!  Try being less

argumentative, less disagreeable and more harmonious. 

Try going less fast, and see if that doesn’t help.



Astrological Discrimination



This gets us to the 3rd major principle of

Astrology.   There is an inherent

Discrimination in our Strengths and Weaknesses that represents some

profound, deep wisdom for us.



Benefices &




Jyotish, the Eastern system of Astrology calls these positives

“Benefices” and negatives “Malefics”.  The Western system just calls them strengths and

weaknesses.  The point is the same.  Astrology has the potential to help us understand

what strengths were we born with and which areas weaker or









Traditionally, Astrology has not understood the true significance

of this distinction between Benefices and Malefics. 

In the East, even, a dramatic belief in fatalism or pre-determinism

dominates Astrology.  In the West,

there’s a typically more western view of self-improvement and

changing one’s stars.











There’s another difference between the Western and Eastern

systems of Astrology.  This is, as you may

already be aware; the difference between how the two systems calculate the

Astrological chart.


In other words, the Western and Eastern charts are 23 degrees apart

in how they evaluate the person’s Astrological chart.  So, if you have the Sun in Gemini in your Western

chart there’s a good chance your Eastern chart will be the Sun in



So far, both systems have quietly co-existed today in the

World.  Look at the Western Astronomy

magazine:  Mountain Astrologer.  Though this has predominantly been a western

Astronomy magazine, today it has many Eastern Astrology articles as





Between West &





There are two main differences between these two branches of

Astrology.  The main difference is the

difference in the degrees between the two systems. 

Right now the two systems are 23 degrees apart but in another 1600

years they’ll be 46 degrees apart.


The other difference is more of an attitude. 

 People in the West tend to believe in

self-improvement, development and in free will. 

Astrology in the East emphasizes fate, pre-determinism and a lack

of free will.  This is the main conflict

between the two systems.


Future of




Personally, I believe Astrology will move towards an adoption of

the Eastern system of calculating while accepting the more progressive

western notion of evolution and change.


In my Astrology, which I call Nature’s Astrology I’ve

tried to imbibe what I think of as the ‘Best’ of the West and

East.  I believe the Eastern system is more

exact at calculating the Astrological chart while the Western system of

self-improvement is also a better notion.


Doing ‘Great’




o          The

Stages of Astrology


Doing Great Astrology



There are 4 main stages of Astrology.   #1) Our chart’s

fits us, and #2) Our charts can be seen in terms of positives and

negatives.  These are the the classic

Benefices, (strengths) and Maleifics, (weaknesses) in our charts.  Knowing which of our Planets are causing us the

positive things in our lives and which ones are causing us our problems

leads us to the third Major aspect of Astrology; Astrological



#3 Success &


Are Due to


Benefices &



o          All

Success  in Life



Is due to our Benefices



Where we have our benefices we’re already doing the right and

healthy thing.  If our Sun’s are strong

or Benefic we have a positive self-confidence, I, ego or self



If our Moon is strong, big, Waxing or in a good sign then our mind

and feeling level, even intuition is



If our Mercury is good, perhaps in a good sign or house, we are

likely to have a strong and developed



If our Mars’ are Benefic we live and exhibit all the positive

sides of Mars.  We may be courageous,

enthusiastic and even a crusader, standing up for what is right in



If our Jupiter’s are Benefic we have a developed



If our Venus’ are Benefic we have a very positive loving or

appreciative nature.


our Saturn’s are Benefic we have maturity, good health, balance and

composure in life.


Finally, if Rahu & Ketu are Benefic then we have our desires

but are not a slave to them. 




o          All

Problems in Life


Are Due to our Malefics



Where we have our so-called Malefics we have all our undeveloped,

weaker or mistaken parts of us.  When any of

our planets are found to be acting malefically, this is where we have our

struggles, suffering, problems, grief and



If our Sun’s are found acting malefically, then we tend to

have a lack of self-confidence or self-worth.


our Moon’s are found malefic, we’re apt to have emotional

problems, worrying, anxieties, even fear and


        If our

Venus’ are malefic we tend to be unappreciative or un-loving.  Many problems for example, in relationships are due

to a weak or undeveloped Venus.


If Jupiter is weak or malefic functioning then spirituality is

lacking and even such things as faith are



If Mars is found malefic then any of Mars’ negatives will

tend to dominate.  These include anger,

resentment, disagreement, arguments, fighting, cheating, stealing and any

and all criminal behavior.


If Saturn is found malefic then all problems of health, imbalance,

delays, frustrations, disappointments, losses, grief and suffering



Finally, if Rahu and Ketu are found acting malefically, then such

desires as compulsions, obsessions and addictions






Benefices &




o          How

to Use this


Astrological Discrimination



One of the greatest Benefits in Astrology is learning which of our

Planets are Benefic and which one’s





Using our Benefices more


Creates More Success



Once we know what our Benefic strengths are we can begin to use

them more profoundly.  Once you know what your

positives are then you can flow more consciously through



There will even be Benefic Times or Dasa periods which will tell

you which are the most positive or life-supporting of future karmic



Once you begin to understand and flow better through your Benefices

you’ll find yourself being more




Transforming our Malefics


Into Strengths



Once we come to understand which of our planets will tend to be

Malefic, we can learn to change, transform and even improve our Malefics

or weaknesses.  This is what I like to call the #4 most important

principle in  Astrology.










Where we Have our Malefics


We don’t’ know




The greatest problem with our Malefics is that they represent where

we’re confused, undeveloped, mistaken, or think and acting



For example, if our Sun is malefic we may be self-centered or

selfish and not know this. 



If our Moon’s are malefic we may a weak emotional nature and

get our feelings hurt too easily.  We may blame

everything else for why we’re feeling the way we are and this is the

illusion of the Moon’s malefic ness.


If our Venus’s are malefic we may be wondering why no one

loves us and blaming them for that.


If our Mercury’s are malefic we tend to make all sorts of

Intellect, incorrect decisions and mistakes.


If our Jupiter’s are malefic we may feel a lack of

spirituality but then blame life instead of ourselves for this



If our Saturn’s are malefic we may interpret challenges,

delays and circumstances, at work, with spouses, or children for our lack

of success and natural support.


If our Mars’s are malefic we may be angry and resentful and

blame others for our problems.  Mars is in fact

the chief planet of blame and therefore easily misinterprets the

spontaneously malefic Mars creations.


Finally, if Rahu and Ketu are found malefic we’ll be lost to

our desires, have obsessions, compulsions and addictions and not know

why.  We may blame the drug dealer on our block

for our addiction.


Or we may blame our up-bringing for our compulsions.  The truth is any problem with our own desires, what

I like to call the ‘Desire Mechanism’, and the negatives of

Rahu and Ketu will predominate.


The Key to




o          To

Have More Benefices


            Because we’re already successful wherever we have

our Benefices; the key to life is developing more of



We therefore need to understand how we can develop more



Where we have our present Benefices we can learn to use them



Where we have our Malefics, it’s crucial that we learn how to

transform them into Benefic strengths!










o          How

to Transform Any Malefic


Into a Strength




Traditionally, Malefics have been described as our problems,

weaknesses, even our curses or fate.  When you

went to a traditional Astrologer they might say your Saturn is malefic,

therefore during Saturn Dasa periods you’ll encounter this or that









We’re meant to improve our Malefic Planets





The truth is we’re all meant to improve ourselves.  Where ever we have any problems or Planetary

weaknesses we’re meant to learn how to develop some strength



If we have a weak or malefic functioning Sun we may be

self-centered, selfish or dictatorial; but we’re meant to become

less like that!


Where we have an undeveloped or malefic functioning Moon

we’re meant to grow emotionally.  If we

have a tender or weak emotional nature and are unstable emotionally

we’re meant to improve ourselves



If we have a malefic functioning Venus we’re meant to become

more appreciative and loving.


Where Mars is our problem we’re meant to become less malefic

and balance our Mars.


Where Jupiter is malefic we’re meant to become more



Where Saturn is malefic we’re meant to become more balanced,

silent, calm and mature.


Where Mercury is malefic we’re meant to become stronger



And, finally, where we have malefic functioning Rahu/Ketu’s

we’re meant to get over our compulsions, obsessions and even



It may seem difficult, but this is because we have not understood

previously what the true source of our ignorance or problems



Our problems stem from our undeveloped or incorrectly functioning

Planets.  Once we learn how to strengthen and

develop them, then any negativity in life can be



Philosophy of







o          The

Key to Self-Improvement


Depends on Transforming our



Into Benefices




You may have heard of the idea of Astrological remedies or remedial

measures.  The idea is there even in

traditional Astrology.  Unfortunately,

they’re not understood or used that



When I first started studying Jyotish, for example, you’d

hardly ever hear of them, and if you ever did they were not much



I’m reminded of one book I was studying which had 200 pages

on the Astrology.  195 of those 200 pages were

all about how our charts fit us.  At the end,

tacked on almost like an after thought, were 5 pages on remedial



Even at the time I thought there was something wrong about



Fortunately, I’d come to Astrology from a meditation, yoga

and Ayurvedic back ground.  In other words

I’ll already been practicing many Vedic remedies for



So, why not in Jyotish?














o          All

of our Malefics


Are meant to be changed!




Even in the beginning I thought the emphasis should be more like

50% Understanding of one’s chart, and 50% in terms of remedies and

remedial measures.  Later I began to realize it

could even be 80/20%.


In other words, it doesn’t take very long to figure out if

any of one’s Planets are acting



The very moment that you discover that one of your Planets are

functioning Malefically; then, immediately you can begin focusing on how

to strength and change that Malefic into a




In my

Nature’s Astrology



o          We

will focus on:



Understanding our Benefices, more


2)         How to

Literally change our Malefics into







The key to our lives depends on flowing Benefically.  Where we were born with our Benefices, we’re

already doing that.  We’re already known

for our strengths.


However, where we’re also experiencing any problems; this is

where we’re flowing through our Malefics and we don’t realize




Therefore, in all of our discussions let’s focus on these 2

main aspects.


#1        Which are our

Benefices?   And,….


#2        Which are our




#3        How can we

transform our Malefics into Benefic strengths!



This is not only ‘good’

Astrology, this is the true purpose of



No one was born to

just live the curse of their past!


We all were born

to grow in the areas of our Malefic weaknesses.


Instead of living

those lessons out on the outside where they are the most painful, we can

learn to transform our Malefics inside.


As we do this, all

of the symptoms of Malefic ness will begin dissolving and eventually



I have spent over

36 years meditating, practicing the #1 Vedic remedy of



In addition I have

spent over 17 years now, in this new field of Transformative Astrology,

learning how to change and improve ourselves through Malefic



Let us know who

you are.


Let us know what

your present level of understanding about Astrology is.


Let us know what

your life goals are and what you'd like to achieve in our Astrological




We can help you

learn how to strengthen any of your so-called Malefics.











Founder:  Nature’s Astrology




Feel free to email

me at:


markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com







I've been working on creating e-remedies this Winter and have recently

finished the first one on: Strengthening Saturn.



If you'd like

to receive that remedy, it's about 25 pages of How to Strengthen Saturn

remedies, let me know.
















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