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Insomnia? - Mars is 12th from the Sun

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Dear Sri Sam Geppi,


To up the intrigue, for a short period beginning circa 40 hours hereon, even

Moon would be exalted in a trine from Mars, with Taurus' dispositor exalted



Thanks for an interesting and coherent post.







On 2/22/07, sam geppi <sadasiva108 > wrote:


> Hey there,

> Several friends also have some insomnia right now --

> mars is exalted and 12th from the Sun, the house of

> sleep.. what do you think..?



> Vedic Astrology Forecast February 22, 2007


> Currently we have two exalted planets in the sky -

> Mars and Venus. Mars and Venus are two important

> planets in sexuality and masculine/feminine

> interactions.


> Mars is the planet of our active sexuality-the power

> of conquest and the desire to fulfill ourselves. More

> than any other planets Mars is related to the animal

> within us. Archetypically, Mars refers to the

> expression of masculine energy.


> Beyond this sexual/relationship realm, Mars is the

> planet of action — plain and simple. The energy we put

> forth in the world is related to Mars. Our actions are

> very black-and-white. We are either doing this or

> doing that. Why we are doing them, what they mean,

> etc. is a different matter. But every action is clear.

> It is what is. This is the nature of Mars, to act

> toward a goal. Not to question it, (Mercury and

> Jupiter) and not to get distracted or stop to enjoy

> ourself along the way (the moon and Venus). No, once

> we set our mind do something there is a reason for it.

> "I have to go to the bathroom" — "I have to wash the

> car" — "I have to make love" — "I have to explode a

> large bomb in a public place", these are all examples

> of Mars. A clear and decisive action, oriented toward

> a goal, based on a need, a preference or principle. We

> have many ideas and feelings but take only one action

> at a time.


> Mars does not not define our goals, he acts upon them.

> Generally it is the interplay between Mercury and

> Jupiter, illuminated by the Sun, that define our

> goals. When we use Mars to act, we are fine. When we

> use Mars to speak, we are in trouble because Mercury

> is the one who speaks best — Mercury likes to have

> fun, likes to tell jokes, likes to play, enjoys the

> interaction. Don't you enjoy talking to people like

> that? Mercury move sideways, Mars moves forward. When

> Mars is talking there is impatience, perhaps

> irritability, even anger or violence. "Who has time to

> talk, I'm busy".


> It is black-and-white with Mars. Most conversations,

> ideas and people are not black-and-white. When Mars is

> defining our long-term goals we are in trouble.

> Jupiter is the best to determine our long-term goals —

> long term goals should be based on teachings, what we

> have learned, a larger vision. Mars is in the moment,

> impulsive. We only act in the moment, but our

> principles need to be based on more than our momentary

> needs. "You are either helping me reach the goal or in

> my way." This is Mars logic. It is very effective for

> getting things done, but not very effective for much

> else.


> This black-and-white powerful nature of Mars aligned

> with a worthy cause is an unstoppable force. Mars is

> the most important planet for Hatha yoga. The

> courageous, simplistic approach to life is what

> eventually allows us to put into practice what we know

> is right, because in many ways life is very simple -

> it IS black-and-white. We are always faced with a

> choice to either honor what we know is right and do

> the right thing or slide on our principles and do what

> is easiest, or the most convenient for whatever

> reason. Usually the reason we slide is because it is

> harder to do the right thing, we have to suffer if we

> are to put into practice what we have learned.


> For instance, we know it would be best for us to get

> up at 6 a.m. and do some meditation, breathing

> exercises, yoga to start our day. But, " boy this bed

> feels good and I did yoga three days ago", sound

> familiar? The same is true with food and other sensual

> choices. This is the interplay between Mars and Venus.

> A powerful Mars will get up out of bed early and do

> the right thing. Mars is willing to suffer for our

> principles. In fact Mars is willing to die for

> principles, that is why Mars is also related to

> warfare. Even when it comes to arguing, it is the same

> idea. It is much easier to make a nice and go with the

> flow. But Mars is where we draw the line — it is where

> we are willing to suffer and bring suffering upon

> others because of what we think is right. That is his

> job. Defining what we actually think is right is

> someone else's job, mainly Mercury and Jupiter. But

> based on the whatever we think is right, Mars will

> act.


> The nature of each planet is to do one thing very well

> and everything else quite poorly. But that is OK, you

> only need to perfect one energy and that will open up

> every other one. What typically happens is people tend

> to overuse their stronger planets as a way to

> compensate for the weaker ones they are neglecting;

> rather than use each appropriate energy when

> necessary.


> So, back to exalted Mars. He will give us many great

> opportunities to act powerfully between now and the

> end of March. But those actions need to be aligned

> with a worthy goal otherwise we will just be pushy and

> impulsive. We also may have a tendency toward arguing

> and aggressive speech until March 8 as Mercury will be

> retrograde. Mercury has a speech giver will have us

> reflecting on our communication skills so as to

> improve them. Luckily we have exalted Venus bringing

> some diplomacy and tact into the arena. (I will write

> more tomorrow on Venus).

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