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Planetary Transits for March 1 - March 7

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Planetary Transits for March 1 - March 7




Sun transits Aquarius, from 16:18 to 23:19°, closely conjunct Rahu, under the aspect of Ketu until March 11. Watch for major news regarding political leaders and governments. Take care of your father and husband, and be careful with your blood pressure.




Moon transits Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and into Libra. The full Moon and a Total Lunar Eclipse are in Leo, March 3. This, the first of two total lunar eclipses in 2007, is unique because it is partly visible from every continent around the world, and may be more intense than usual due to the stationary position of the Moon's nodes, Rahu and Ketu.


The total eclipse begins at 22:44 UT, the greatest eclipse is at 23:20 UT, and the total eclipse ends at 23:57 UT. For local time, subtract your time zone if west (add your time zone if east) of Greenwich, England, (e.g., six hours if you are in the Central time zone).




The entire event will be visible from Europe, Africa and western Asia. In eastern North and South America the Moon will be partially or totally eclipsed at moonrise. From western North America, only the final penumbral phases are visible.




Notes: It is advisable to fast or eat lightly for a few hours before and after the eclipse, and to stay indoors and rest or meditate. Additionally, the two-week period between the total lunar eclipse (March 3) and the partial solar eclipse (March 19) may be a vulnerable time. Extra care, patience and caution are strongly advised.




Mercury transits Aquarius, from 04:09 to 01:27°, in a weak position, and is retrograde until March 7.




Mars transits Capricorn, from 08:27 to 13:46°. Mars is in its exaltation sign until March 29.




Venus transits Pisces, from 15:45 to 24:18°. Venus is in its exaltation sign until March 12, and is under the aspect of Jupiter, March 3-12. Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn rising signs need to be careful and patient.




Jupiter transits Scorpio, from 23:53 to 24:33°, outside the orb of influence of other planets.




Saturn remains retrograde until April 19, and transits Cancer from 26:13 25:44°. Saturn is under the aspect of Jupiter until June 5. Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn rising signs need to be careful and patient.




Rahu and Ketu transit Aquarius and Leo, respectively, from 22:11 to 22:10°, and remain in the 22° range until April 4. This can bring worldwide tension, including political, financial, weather-related and natural-disaster problems. Persons and countries with odd rising signs, or planets in odd signs, around 22°, should be careful, patient, and charitable.








Aries: Focus on your career through March. Your partner may travel, or have expenses or problems. Protect your children, education and investments, and avoid conflict over income or with friends. There may some windfall through your partner.




Taurus: Focus on your career and authority figures. Children, education, investments, and communications are also prominent. Avoid conflict over income or with friends. Protect your parents, property, home life, health and finances.




Gemini: Be careful this week with your health, status and communications. Connect your children, education and investments with your career. Be patient with income and home life, and tell friends and siblings to be careful to avoid accidents.




Cancer: Be careful with your speech and protect your wealth, status, and family life. Avoid conflict at home or you're your parents, or over property. Be patient with your own initiatives. Connect your career with partners through March.




Leo: Lay low this week. Take it easy and protect your health and reputation. Be careful with your spouse or partners. For some, there may be windfalls through your own efforts and investments. Watch your father's health and finances.




Virgo: Expect a boost to your wealth, status, and family life, through your own efforts, property and partners. There may be some losses or expenses due to conflict or health issues. Get extra rest. For some, investment windfalls are possible.




Libra: You are keen to do things your own way, but take time before you speak to avoid conflict. Connect partnerships with property and home life. Take care of your health and finances. Be careful with income, friendships and investments.




Scorpio: There may be some upheaval at work or home, or with parents and property, so exercise a lot of patience. Communications may also be explosive. Consider an opportunity for advancement in foreign ventures or institutional life.




Sagittarius: Be careful when dealing with authority figures. Expect gains through long-distant ventures or institutions. Take it easy with your career. Children, education and investments contribute to your status. Speak up, with courage.




Capricorn: Focus on your parents, property and home life. Expect a lot of energy, courage and organizing power. Be patient with your career. There may be losses, expenses, travel or unexpected setbacks. Be careful to avoid accidents.




Aquarius: Expect the unexpected in marriage and partnerships, and tell your significant others to be careful. Expect career gains and good fortune. Consider long distant ventures through March, and entrepreneurial losses and expenses.




Pisces: Gain through your status, family and friends. You should do well with property and your organizing ability. Be careful with your health and finances, and be patient with relationships. Focus on the fine, performing and healing arts.




These transits are based on your "rising sign", and not on your "Sun sign". If you do not know what your rising sign is, or to to this column by email, contact: david (AT) iipa (DOT) net.




Copyright 2007, David M. Hawthorne, M.S, J.B.




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