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Krishna Bhakti

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Jai Shri Krishna




It is said that whosoever views this picture of Shri Krishna with love gets his/her heart stolen by krishn.




Don't believe me ? Try it yourself.




In the meantime i try to tell you something you know but have never understood.




Have you ever seen water rising up, or fire going downwards?

Your answer would be no because water always falls and fire always rise.

But have you ever thought why?

Because fire is attracted to it's master -" the sun" who is situated up in the skies, And water is attracted to it's master- "the ocean" that resides down the surface of earth. Both loves it's master and are attracted towards them by nature. This applies to all the things we can see or which we can't see.

Have you ever thought whom are we attracted to or who is our master ?

Ok, let's try to get this answer from a 3yr old kid and a 25yr old boy.




Place a chocolate and a diamond in front of both and ask them to choice one thing that they like most in them.

3yr old kid will pick up chocolate and a 25yr old boy will pick up diamond.

Both picked up different things, that means both are attracted to different things, means they have different masters.

Hold on.............., Let me complete

Ask the kid why he picked up chocolate? He will say because he likes it

Ask him again why you like it? He will answer it tastes good

Ask him why you want to have a good taste ? He will think for a while and then will answer - " It makes me feel happy"

Ok, so eating chocolate makes the 3yr old "HAPPY".

Now move to 25yr old, and ask him why he picked diamond, he will answer that it's precious and it's cost is in millions.

Ask him so what ? He will answer i will sell it and will buy a house, car, servants and girls with that money.

Ask him what will happen after he buy all these things, He will answer "I will enjoy all those things and will be Happy forever".

Ok, so diamond makes the 25yr old "HAPPY".

So looking both the guys one thing comes out common, and that is - "Both of them want to be happy", the source be chocolate or diamond.

Ask yourself why are you studying, earning, doing anything ?

You will say for bla bla bla, and last your answer will be - I want to be happy.

And you think by doing what you are doing, you will be happy.

No one want's to be sad, everyone want's to be happy.

I ask you one simple question - Why is it so?

Think about it, but i know you won't know the answer.

I tell you the answer - It's just because as fire is the part of sun, water is part of ocean and are always working to get to their respective masters, we are part of endless happiness, and it's name is Shri Krishna, or god, or Allah, or Jesus. So many names he has but still has only name and that is "Endless Happiness" and we are always working our best to reach to it. Call it by any name - happiness, peace, enjoyment or God.

It's simple logic if you understand And it's been written in our Vedas centuries back and it's just a drop taken from a vast science unscripted in The Great Vedas.

If you still not believe me then read the incident below, maybe that will open your eyes

Once a reporter asked Einstein: Sir, How are you able to make such big inventions ?




Einstein took her to a small room of his house and shown the reporter "Bhagavad Gita" and said - " I read this everyday and believe me when i say that everyday when i read it, i see a whole new meaning to it , and get all my questions answered by it.

Reporter was shocked but the answer was loud and clear - " The most brilliant man we know on this planet earth got his answers from Bhagavad Gita - The song of Shri Krishna.


Please Read the below part of this mail only if you believe in god or have started believing in him.


It is said that The king of Gods (Indra) is thousand times more beautiful than the most beautiful man on earth.

And Beauty God (Kam Dev) is thousand times more beautiful than Indra.

And if lakhs and crores of kam devs beauty is put together and put in front of shri krishn, than too it looks like a glass kept in front of a kohinoor diamond.

As the great Vedas say - " We are not this body but are soul and we are immortal whereas body is mortal. As we change our clothes when they get dirty, in the same way we change our body and take birth again when death comes."

"To get out of this infinite cycle of death and birth there is only one way and that is krishn bhakti. He is the only one who can get us out of this cycle and place us in his heart forever."

Krishn lives in his place called 'Golok'. Gokul is the most beautiful place. There is no death, no birth, no poverty, no sorrow, no greed, no hatred, only love. Pople of that place don't walk, they fly, they never feel hungry, neither they sweat, and a beautiful frangnance comes out of their body that a common man can never smell, only yogis and rishris are able to smell it. And most importantly, they are always loved and taken care by krishn

It is said that whosoever get's out of this death-birth cycle open it's eyes in gokul and finds krishn standing there. And when he tells krishn that he had seen himself trapped in lives of misery and planet called earth,krishna replies - " You must have had a bad dream." . And then he never comes back from gokul and lives with krishn and other bhakts forever with love.




But the million dollar question is how to call krishn to help us ?

Once there was a man named "Tripi". He was very rich and spend all of his time in drinking alcohol, eating meat and sleeping with girls. As he spend all his time in leisures, his relatives slowly and slowly captured his money and threw him out of his house. He then went to the girl he loved, but she also rejected him because he was now poor. All his friends turn their back towards him.

He was very sad and didn't knew what to do. Years passed, one day somewhere near Vrindavan when he was sitting below the shed of a tree, there came a saint. Saint was very hungry and Tripi had one roti which he got from begging, he gave it to saint. Saint got impressed with him and asked him to ask for anything. Tripi thought for a while and asked the saint give me the best thing you have. Saint smiled and gave him one picture of Shri Krishna. Tripi took that picture and went from there, he was just gone some distance that he fell in a pit and lost his eyes. And the last thing he saw was that picture of shri krishna. He stayed in that pit for two days and kept remembering that picture in pain and asked shri krishna to help him. On third day one kid came there and got him out. Tripi asked him to take him to Vrindavan, boy answered ok but i have one condition. Tripi asked what is it ? Boy answered that Tripi should not touch him, instead will touch a stick held by the boy and he will take him to Vrindavan. Tripi said ok and they started walking, but Tripi started thinking why has this boy put a strange condition like this to me ? He then realized that he had asked krishna to help him and that boy is no one but krishna, And he tried to catch him but he disappeared. After that Tripi started living in Vrindavan and started worshiping krishna. And again one day Krishna came to him but he never left Tripi again.




Krishna is the only one who could get you through these hardships of life and death and once you will attain him, you will attain endless happiness like Surdas and you won't need anything else. Your journey will reach it's destination.

So what will we have to do ?

What had Tripi done ?

He just asked Krishna to help and no one else. You also do the same - "Just ask him", it's your right, he is your father, mother, brother, sister everything. He will come but the only condition is "Call him from heart not mouth".

If this mail have made you believe in krishna, then do visit Graciouskrishna.com to know more about Sri Krishna and join the graciouskrishna family.

And send this mail to everyone you know.

By not forwarding this mail won't do any harm to you because Sri Krishna can never harm you, he always loves you.

But, by forwarding it you will spread Krishna love and the more you spread the more you get, and you reach more nearer to Shri Krishna.

Choice is yours



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Jai Shri Krishna




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