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L.Ron Hubbard the founder of scientology was a science fiction writer. At one address at some writers convention he remarked, "It's foolish to just make a penny a word as a writer. If you want to get rich then you must start your own religion."


I never looked into the actual teachings. I always pictured them as some mix of psychological confrontation technigues and mayavadi philosophy but who knows what part his science fiction writings played in the final product.

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What the heck is it? Beyond the personality tests that we've all seen what is the philosophy?


At one point L. Ron Hubbard sold his movement and the new owners made a global enterprize out of it by using Hollywood actors to advertise for it. It has nothing to do with religion they simply sell different kind of psychological tools which are working.



Reacting in difficult situations: "Do not try to placate your friends at the height of their anger; do not attempt to confront them in the first shock of bereavement; do not question their sincerity at the moment when they make a solemn promise; do not be overeager to visit them in the hour of their disgrace." Rabbi Shimon be Elazar


Reaching out to others: "He who saves a single life, it is as though he has saved the entire world." The Talmud


Having realistic expectations: "You are not required to complete the work, but neither are you at liberty to abstain from it." Rabbi Tarfon


Making the most of each day: "Repent one day before your death," he said. His disciples asked: "How can one know which day that day will be?" He replied: "Precisely! Repent today, therefore, in case you should die tomorrow. Thus will you spend all your days wisely." Rabbi Eliezer


Making choices: "Do not imagine that character is determined at birth. We have been given free will. We ourselves decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us, no one decides for us, no one drags us along one path or the other; we ourselves, by our own volition, choose our own way." Maimonides


Being yourself: It is said that just before his death, Rabbi Zusya wept in the presence of his students. He realized that, on Judgment Day, God would not ask him why he wasn't like Moses, why he wasn't like David, or why he wasn't like Isaiah, because he was not any of them. Instead, he realized God would ask: "Why were you not Zusya? Why did you not live up to the best that is in you?" Turning to his students, Zusya asked, "What then shall I answer?" Hasidic Tale

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