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The Jiva-soul: Its Origin, Nature, And Potentialities

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The Jiva-soul: Its Origin, Nature, And Potentialities



The perpetual Kingdom of Radha and Krishna, known as Krishna-Loka or Goloka-Vrndavana and encircled by the imperishable Vishnu-Loka or the Vaikuntha Planets, where Krishna’s numerable expansions of Vishnu and Lakshmi reside along with their infinite number of devotee’s (known as Krishna’s marginal potency or individual bodily servants) takes up 3/4 of the imperishable Spiritual Sky or total creation.

Krishna’s planet is centered above in the red lotus flower and surrounded by unlimited expansions of Vishnu and Lakshmi in the surrounding yellow Vaikuntha planets are both made up of living entities (individual bodily personalities and Krishna’s marginal potency) with eternal devotional bodies.

Where as the less significant and smaller mahat-tattva cloud also in that Spiritual Sky (perishable material universe only 1/4 of creation) and its impersonal escape, is nothing other than the rebellious dreams, thoughts and desires of just a few of those eternal bodily personalities that are projected or transmitted as a ‘secondary consciousness’ to the mahat-tattva or temporary material manifestation due to their desire not to be with Krishna as their devotional form or body. It is there within that mahat-tattva cloud the projected secondary consciousness emanating from ones original perpetual body becomes contained by ethereal and biological vessels provided by the presiding Deity of the mahat-tattva, Maha-Vishnu.

Krishna’s subsidiary or marginal living entities make Him inclusive and all pervading like the sun and the sunrays, yet both Krishna and His marginal potency always remain individual persons as those original authentic perpetual person in/as transcendental bodies that is who they really are for eternity.

In other words such spiritual bodies in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha Empire are not vessels or container or a body one is housed in, no, it is not like that in the perpetual spiritual Sky because those bodies are who one really is for infinity. The energy of Lord Krishna is divided into three: para, kshetrajna and avidya. The para energy is actually the energy of the Supreme Lord Himself; the kshetrajna energy is the individual living entities or the marginal potency of Krishna that are all originally eternal bodily persons like Krishna yet always in the constitutional position of eternal servants and the enjoyed, while Krishna is the enjoyer; and the avidya energy is the material world (mahat-tattva), under the influential control of Maya-Devi, the wife of the creator of the mahat-tattva, Maha-Vishnu.

Never was there a time when all the individual transcendental bodies (marginal potency, soul or atma-jiva-vigraha) did not exist nor in the future will such original bodies cease to be. This is confirmed as follows -

‘Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be’ - Bhagavad-Gita as it is chapter 12 text 2

Krishna is a perpetual a ‘Bodily-Person’ and so are all of the individual marginal potencies that emanate/surround Him.

We hear from the Vedic texts that the Supreme Brahman or Brahmajyoti exhibits Krishna’s effulgence, and therefore everything becomes illuminated. We can understand from Brahma-samhita that this Brahmajyoti, or the Brahman effulgence, emanates from the Personal body of Lord Krishna. Many Vaishnava philosophers have considered this effulgence of individuals to be Impersonal however, all ‘so-called sparks’ in Krishna’s effulgence are actually the manifestation of unlimited individual bodily-personalities that are referred to as Krishna’s marginal potency or sparks.

All marginal sparks, atoms in the effulgence, potencies, energies etc are all individual bodily personalities that originally manifested as an eternally Krishna Conscious body or sat-cit-ananda-vigraha.

It is only when they (the marginal devotee’s) foolishly transmit their secondary consciousness to the mahat-tattva, such knowledge of their originality is lost and the disease of Impersonalism (Mayavadism) overwhelms them. This disease of believing our origins are from Impersonal origins even affects many great Vaishnava devotee’s like Srila Bhaktirakshaka Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaja, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja Swami, B.G. Narasingha and many others in both the Gaudiya Math and ISKCON.

Ultimately Krishna’s marginal potency bodily personalities are the Brahmajyoti!! It is from all those perpetual bodily individuals forms (vigraha’s), who are always engaged in various pastimes with Krishna in Goloka-Vrndavana or Vishnu within the surrounding Vaikuntha planets, may sometimes go on to consciously leave Krishna’s imperishable abode and enter the perishable mahat-tattva cloud within one corner of the Spiritual Sky in a secondary non-Krishna conscious state that automatically becomes an Impersonal phenomenon within the Brahmajyoti. Only in this way via the mahat-tattva cloud can the Impersonal Brahmajyoti temporarily exist

All the ‘individual bodily marginal sparks of the effulgence emanating from Krishna’ are actually collectively the Brahmajyoti Brahman effulgence or the Vaikuntha’s. The mahat-tattva, also part of the Brahmajyoti, comes into existence due to the non-Krishna conscious desires, aspirations, thoughts and dreams of the marginal living entities perpetually serving the either Vaikuntha or Goloka-Vrndavana.

All of Krishna’s marginal ‘sparks’ have the same bodily features like Him. Sparks emanating from the whole means individual bodily personalities emanating and surrounding Krishna’s Personal bodily form that is compared to a fire from whence those individual sparks come from. It’s only a metaphor, a allegory, a figure of speech, Krishna is certainly not a blazing fire in His Ultimate self and form and neither are the marginal individual bodily personalities impersonal sparks emanating from that blazing fire. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is often referred to as the energetic, while His marginal servants are known as the marginal energies however, in both cases the original and ultimate appearance of both Krishna (energetic) and His marginal potency (energies) are always individual bodily personalities of Master (Krishna) and servant (marginal individuals called nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha eternal devotee’s of Krishna). In other words every living entity (marginal potency) has an original devotional bodily form that is perpetually serving Krishna in unlimited pastimes within either Goloka-Vrndavana or Vaikuntha.

The smaller mahat-tattva (material universes) phenomenon on the other hand is a dark perishable cloud, as shown above, that is also situated in the Spiritual Sky and surrounded by the superior Vaikuntha Planets that vastly out number the insignificant material universes within the mahat-tattva cloud. This dark impermanent cloud is a discoloration within the Spiritual Sky and is constructed for the mutinous desires, thoughts or dreams of those individuals who no longer wish to be with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Krishna is the original Supreme Personality from whence all other individual perpetual bodily personalities (known as Krishna’s marginal potency or energy) are sustained from. Krishna also expands Himself from His Personal Goloka-Vrndavana abode and takes up residents on the infinite number of Vaikuntha planets; however Balarama, Krishna’s brother in Goloka-Vrndavana, appears as Sankarshana and is the origin of Maha-Vishnu who goes on and creates the mahat-tattva.

Lord Krishna, the original Godhead and cause of all causes, firsts expands as Balarama who resides with Him in His Personal abode. It is Balarama who creates and maintains the dark cloud (mahat-tattva) that is encircled by overwhelming presents of perpetual Vaikuntha Planets.It is within the mahat-tattva, the four-armed sleeping expansion of Balarama appears. He is known as Maha-Vishnu and is accompanied by His wife Maya Devi. Together they build, administer and create the facilities to fulfil the desires, thoughts and dreams of those who no longer yearn to remain in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha realm and who prefer to ‘consciously’ transfer their ‘self-awareness’ or secondary conscious state (jiva-sakti or jiva-bhutah) to Maha-Vishnu’s mahat-tattva creation. One has to understand Maha-Vishnu’s appearance in the mahat-tattva with great intelligence because the material energy is also emanating from Him. Maha-Vishnu is the original source of the impermanent material energy or mahat-tattva, just as the sun is the source of the sunshine. The sunshine cannot cover the sun globe, nor can the material energy, being an emanation from of Maha-Vishnu, cover Him. Maha-Vishnu is simultaneously within and without of the mahat-tattva, He is in the three modes of material energy, but actually the three modes of material energy cannot cover Him. The highly intellectual philosophers understand this. In other words, although Maha-Vishnu appears to be within the material energy yet is never covered by it.

Maha-Vishnu therefore provides the bodily vessels and their material surroundings that make the transmitted jiva-bhutah’s desires a reality however, even though it is all-real, it is also temporary and for that reason the dreams of Maha-Vishnu are considered an illusion. All non-Krishna conscious dreams or disloyal thoughts of self importance are transmitted as the jiva-bhutah consciousness (the soul or life force) and then contained in outward ethereal or biological vessels (supplied by Maha-Vishnu) or may eventually, after many, many births and deaths, become silent in an impersonal inactive un-bodied liberated state that both belong to and are only achieved after ones secondary projected consciousness has entered the mahat-tattva (the impermanent material universal creation).

As explained, the non-Krishna conscious dream, seditious feelings and requirements of self-importance is expressed as a secondary conscious condition known as the jiva-bhutah consciousness which is transferred out of the imperishable Vaikuntha realm to the perishable mahat-tattva cloud phenomenon also in the Spiritual Sky. Then entire Spiritual Sky or creation is further known as the Brahmajyoti, as shown above.

Once the transmitted jiva-bhutah consciousness enters the mahat-tattva cloud, it is immediately contained in outward ethereal or biological vessels that belong to and are provided from within the mahat-tattva by Maha-Vishnu, or eventually, after many, many births of trying to enjoy those bodily vessels, the transmitted jiva-bhutah consciousness may discover the existence of an Impersonal inactive outlet state of consciousness (jiva-nikaya) if they continue to deny the Krishna Conscious bodily origins of their transmitted secondary consciousness transferred to the mahat-tattva from the outside Vaikuntha realm. The Impersonal condition, only found after going through the mahat-tattva in ethereal and biological vessels, releases one from being trapped in those impermanent decaying vessels. The jiva-nikaya condition of inactive consciousness is only achieved after one is impersonally liberated from those bodies by withdrawing into a dreamless, thoughtless and desireless condition of consciousness they foolishly believe is becoming one with God and the universe. Maha-Vishnu, the Over-Lord, facilitator and provider within the mahat-tattva or material universe, does also allowthe jiva-nikaya impersonalists to merge into His body but they certainly do not become Maha-Vishnu, they simply remain dormant there until Maha-Vishnu creates the next mahat-tattva manifestation. Such dormant jiva-nikaya dormant consciousnesses eventually fall down to the jiva-bhutah condition and become again contained in ethereal and biological vessels provided by Maha-Vishnu.

Both states of consciousness, namely the active embodied jiva-bhutah consciousness that is confined to ethereal and biological vessels, as well as the ‘play-acting imaginary oneness with the universe, whichis actually just an inactive condition of individual consciousness called the jiva-nikaya liberated position,arebothonly attained after first ‘consciously’ entering the mahat-tattva from ‘the outside surrounding Vaikuntha planets’ where ones perpetual Krishna Conscious bodily form exists.

The so-called dormant jiva-nikaya dreamless condition, where ones consciousness isindividuallymerged into the ‘supposed Impersonal Brahma-sayujya or Impersonal Brahmajyotiis actually no more than just a consciously non-active place or reality within the mahat-tattva creation where ones secondary consciousness, that changes from the active jiva-bhutah condition to the inactive jiva-nikaya condition, remains dormant. This Impersonal stationary condition is not full of an unlimited number of individual ‘inactive’ jiva-nikaya, it is all those transmitted jiva-nikaya consciousnesses congregated together that are the stationary effulgent Brahma-sayujya or Impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti.

The Impersonal Brahmajyoti is Krishna’s individual marginal perpetual bodily personalities or potency in their secondary conscious manifestation that only exists for those who travel first through the mahat-tattva. As they persist to enjoy the material universe on their own terms and ignore, not only Krishna, but also their original personal devotional bodily identity and continue to arrogantly refuse to accept the existence of Krishna and there own original body, they will continue on being embodied by ethereal and biological vessels until they become fed-up with such impermanent vessels. It is then they seek an inactive solution because their only memory of being active in a bodily form always ends in pain and suffering because they cannot see their genuine bodily origins beyond the mahat-tattva cloud. In this way the Brahma-sayujya and impersonal Brahmajyoti condition is ultimately, after first existing in those frustrating ethereal vessels covered by biological bags of bones and stool, achieved as a relief from the temporary painful nature of those vessels confined to the mahat-tattva. Finding liberation from those vessels is how the Brahma-sayujya and Impersonal Brahmajyoti manifest.

This dormant secondary conscious condition of the marginal potency is transmitted as the individual sparks that is the Impersonal Brahmajyoti, Brahma-sayujya. Such dormant Impersonal consciousness can also merge into the Body of Maha-Vishnu, yet at no stage does such transmitted inactive projected consciousness loose its individuality. All these aspects of Impersonalism are actually a state of ‘motionless individual consciousness’ that can only first exist in a unmoving state after first eventually emerging or withdrawing from the confines and shackles of ethereal and biological vessels within the mahat-tattva. These Impersonal states of liberation can only be achieved after millions of births and deaths of attempting to end the ‘thought process of material desires’ that confine ones transmitted consciousness to ethereal and biological vessels that belong to and are part and parcel of the mahat-tattva.

The great Impersonalist yogis struggle very hard to achieve their freedom from Karma, or attempting to shed the ethereal and biological vessels or bodies the transmitted forgetful consciousness is restricted to. If the Impersonalists do not realize their true authentic Krishna Conscious bodily origins from whence their consciousness originates, then the only way to be free from the ethereal and biological containers is inactivity and cessation of thoughts, desires and dreams - an extremely difficult task. Only when one no longer desires or attempt to enjoy the impermanent material universe or mahat-tattva in ethereal and biological vessels, can they then achieve the difficultly attained Impersonal liberated state by freeing themselves from karma, good and bad. It is then that the inactive jiva-nikaya consciousness individually merges either into the collective Impersonal compilation, where numerous other inactive individual jiva-nikaya consciousnesses are situated or even worse, attempt to merge into the Transcendental bodily form of Maha-Vishnu which is a most regrettable selfish ignorant act to the Vaishnava’s or Krishna’s devotees.

All Impersonal aspects of existence are only made possible by first travelling through the mahat-tattva impermanent cloud when ones secondary consciousness becomes free from the ethereal and biological constraints however, even the merging into the Brahma- sayujya, Impersonal Brahmajyoti or the bodily form of Maha-Vishnu, is temporary. As already emphasized, the Impersonal Brahmajyoti or Brahma-sayujya is only attained after one first enters the mahat-tattva after being consciously transferred from their perpetual original and authentic body in Goloka-Vrndavana or the Vaikuntha’s. Such Impersonal liberation is only attained after one first ‘consciously’ abandons their original perpetual Krishna Conscious body in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha, and then after entering the mahat-tattva and chasing desires, dreams and thoughts of self importance and grander, further abandons the ethereal and biological vessels one has ‘consciously’ transferred too in order to achieve their independence from Krishna’s Personal association.

This is what His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada means when he says:

“Because he falls down from Brahma-sayujya (impersonal liberated condition or Impersonal Brahmajyoti or Brahman), he thinks that may be his origin, but he does not remember that long, long, long, long ago before that even, he was with Krishna.

This is an important revelation at a time (the beginning of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century) when even so-called advanced Guru’s and Swami’s in Vaishnava traditions like the Gaudiya Math, foolishly mislead others to believe their origins are from the Brahma-sayujya, Impersonal Brahmajyoti or Tatatra-sakti. All these states of impersonal consciousness are only attained after first passing through the mahat-tattva or creation of Maha-Vishnu.

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Srila Prabhupada further explains: -


“Regarding your questions concerning the spirit soul’s falling into Maya’s influence, it is not that those who have developed a passive relationship with Krishna are more likely to fall into nescient activities. Usually, anyone who has developed his relationship with Krishna does not fall down in any circumstances, but because the independence is always there, the soul may fall down from any position or any relationship by misusing his independence. But his relationship with Krishna is never lost. Simply it is forgotten by the influence of Maya, so it may be regained or revived by the process of hearing the Holy Name . . ." Letter to Jagadish, 4.25.70


"A living entity misuses his little independence when he wants to lord it over material nature. This misuse of independence, which is called Maya, is always available. Otherwise, there would not be independence. Independence implies that one can use it properly or improperly." Srimad Bhagavatam 3.31.15


Only after many births confined to ethereal and biological containers or bodies within the mahat-tattva, does one eventually no longer desire to be ‘consciously extended’ to those bodies and contained in those impermanent vessels or bodies of suffering and despair within the smaller inconsequential mahat-tattva cloud or material manifestation. It is Impossible for such inactive consciousnesses to exist in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha domain (3/4 of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti) or within the active dreams of Maha-Vishnu within the mahat-tattva.


It must be emphasized that such an inactive state of consciousness is generally only attained after first being consciously transferred (Not in ones original genuine Krishna Conscious body because ones perpetual bodily form never leaves Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha) to the mahat-tattva cloud and only then after being active in ethereal and biological bodies for millions of births and deaths, until one becomes fed-up with those impermanent decaying bodies supplied by Maha-Vishnu in the mahat-tattva. Only then, while immersed deeply in forgetfulness of who’s one’s authentic perpetual bodily identity is outside the mahat-tattva, and the frustration with ethereal and biological vessels one has taken shelter of for so long, does one seek out the Impersonal solution. Such an inactive state of individual consciousness (jiva-nikaya) and its motionless quiescent place called the Impersonal Brahma-sayujya and the Impersonal Brahmajyoti can never exist in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti that takes up 3/4 of Krishna’s Creation. Such mysterious non-Krishna conscious impermanent realities exist only because of the mahat-tattva dark cloud that is created by Maha-Vishnu for those who do not wish to be with Krishna.


The ethereal and biological vessels are eternally part and parcel of the mahat-tattva and are only obtained after first entering the mahat-tattva (the impermanent material universal creation), which is a dark existent (real but temporary) impermanent cloud where the four-armed expansion of Balarama, (Krishna’s brother) the dreaming Maha-Vishnu, and His wife Maya Devi (an expansion of Lakshmi) resides and manages, as shown above. It also appears many scholars are getting Krishna’s Goloka-Vrndavan/Vaikuntha permanent Spiritual sky mixed up with Maha-Vishnu’s impermanent mahat-tattva.


The biological body is a garment made up of billions of other embodied jiva-bhutah’s each at different stages of evolving from a single cell through to complex organs on their path of evolving back to the biological human form. To enter into the lower biological species in the first place, the embodied jiva-bhutah conscious had fallen (a further fall down) from the biological human platform. The biological human body is achieved (covers the ethereal vessel) after falling from the heavenly sub-space universe. The heavenly planets are achieved after one abandons their service to Krishna in the Goloka-Vrndavana, or Vishnu in the Vaikuntha’s, by consciously (not as their true bodily form and identity) leaves Vaikuntha and enters the mahat-tattva cloud as already explained..


Where there is life, then there is either an embodied jiva-bhutah moving those single celled biological organisms, or they may also be moved by Maha-Vishnu’s all-pervasive aspect. This happens all through the mahat-tattva, from Brahma down to the amoeba. In other words, if no embodied jiva-bhutah is available to fill those ‘posts’ within the mahat-tattva, then Maha-Vishnu expands Himself to ‘fill in the gaps’ in order to facilitate those few who have abandoned their service to Krishna by ‘consciously’ leaving their unique Krishna Conscious perpetual jivatma-vigraha body.


Due to that choice, the jiva-bhutah consciousness foolishly takes shelter within the mahat-tattva dark cloud. Within this dark cloud or material manifestation, there only exists the phenomenon of decay, impermanence and forgetfulness, even on the opulent heavenly planets within the mahat-tattva where one can live in an ethereal vessel for tens of thousands of years, which is the goal of Jews, Christians, Muslims and some schools of Buddhism, the heavenly planets are only temporary. These frustrating impermanent qualities do not exist outside the mahat-tattva in the surrounding Vaikuntha Planets. To achieve the mahat-tattva, one does not have to first forget Krishna, no, that is not possible in the Vaikuntha realm, forgetfulness only comes after entering the mahat-tattva.


One chooses to leave Krishna which simultaneously means they leave behind, in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha, their perpetual unadulterated body that is their genuine self simply because they want to enjoy existence on their own terms without Krishna. This is only achieved through conscious projection or teleportation. (Many Vaishnava’s are not familiar with the many terminologies in this book however, if we are to correctly understand the origin of the jiva soul, then such terminologies are necessary for explaining that we all originate from Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha)


Due to the perpetual nature of the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha’s, ones original body is always there even if one has ‘consciously’ extend themselves to the mahat-tattva. For the purpose of allowing the choice’s of His marginal potency-jivatma-vigraha devotee’s, Krishna has created the mahat-tattva cloud via His Maha-Vishnu expansion. In this way, be it in the Vaikuntha’s or the mahat-tattva, Krishna is the only provider.


The biological bodily garments (8,400,000 of them) cover the ethereal vessel which contains or embodies the transmitted jiva-bhutah or jiva-sakti-secondary relocated consciousness. As already explained but needs to be emphasized, this transferred jiva-bhutah secondary consciousness originates from ones authentic perpetual bodily-self (nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha) that eternally exists in a loving servitor relationship with Krishna in either Vaikuntha or the more intimate Goloka-Vrndavana Kingdom of Radha, Krishna and Lord Chaitanya and their expansions and associates.


The extension of consciousness, transmitted from ones eternal Krishna Conscious body, or ones authentic, original and genuine bodily appearance, that is often referred to as the so-called marginal sparks or atoms in the effulgence, is only transferred (as a secondary self-centered consciousness) from ones perpetual bodily self to the containments of ethereal and biological vessels in the mahat-tattva (the dreams of Maha-Vishnu) when one wants to enjoy existence separately from Krishna. This choice is given to all marginal living entities in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha (vigraha’s) because without it there can never be genuine love or service?


Always chant Hare Krishna for the purpose of always remembering Krishna and to further gradually reawaken ones ‘old dormant original’ Krishna Consciousness, then these seemingly inconceivable topics can easily be understood regardless if one is a fallen rascal who previously selfishly and insensitively exploited the material world around them due to the diseased conditioned of their biological vessel, caused by the individual embodied soul’s (life force or jiva-bhutah’s entrapment within ethereal and biological containments) accumulation and crushing build-up of an overwhelming avalanche of Karmic reactions!


Srila Prabhupada and Lord Chaitanya (the most merciful combination of Radha and Krishna) have come to save such delinquent souls from their accretion and devastating massive karmic backlog that is like an overpowering flood forcing one in the opposite direction to where they are trying to swim! Such souls have forgotten they have all been transferred as the jiva-bhutah consciousnesses that have emigrated to the mahat-tattva as a secondary consciousness that was originally transmitted from their authentic innovative perpetual Krishna Conscious bodily form outside of the confines of ethereal and biological vessels. Such impermanent vessels are the part and parcels of the mahat-tattva. In this way one’s eternal consciousness does not belong to the mahat-tattva or the ethereal and biological vessels one is presently housed in.


Srila Prabhupada, the great pure devotee of Lord Chaitanya (the most merciful combination of Radha and Krishna) have come to save such delinquent souls and finally direct them back home back to Godhead.


The Kingdom of God (Krishna) is an Eternal Personal Active Loving Devotional abode of unlimited pastimes that is forever lasting and never aging. Krishna’s marginal potency or energy are eternal servants known as the atma- (self)-jiva- (soul)-vigraha (unending form) transcendental body (the soul's real spiritual Krishna Conscious self and form). All marginal bodily individuals can never fall down to the material universe nevertheless; it does not mean one can never fall down from their perpetual bodily self.


How is this paradox possible when one can never fall down, yet also fall down?


How this happens is through a secondary conscious transformation that is activated when one no longer desires to be with Krishna. Such fall down is only ‘consciously’ feasible by means of a transformative capability made achievable by a secondary conscious version of the self that is transmitted from ones original authentic body and out of the Vaikuntha realm and the projected into the mahat-tattva cloud. Remember, during this transformation of consciousness, ones perpetual Krishna Conscious atma-jiva-vigraha body always remains in its original devotional position within the Vaikuntha’s or Goloka-Vrndavana and can ever never fall down. The secondary conscious lower self is transmitted as consciousness called the jiva-bhutah or jiva-sakti consciousness. This secondary consciousness is an extension of one’s real perpetual self and form that is eternally serving in Vaikuntha or Goloka-Vrndavana and only manifests or comes into existence when one denies their original Krishna Consciousness.


When the light of Krishna Consciousness is there, this dark sub-conscious version of the self (jiva-bhutah) cannot exist however, when such dark consciousness does exist, one can longer see whom they really are serving Krishna.


As emphasized, one never falls down as their permanent devotional Krishna conscious nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-jivatma-vigraha–bodily form. As soon as one desires to enjoy or take pleasure in their existence separately from Krishna, they are only sub-consciously transferred to the mahat-tattva or material impermanent manifestation where they can shape, carve out and choose their own ethereal and biological vessels and destiny that are all provided within the mahat-tattva by the dreaming Maha-Vishnu. In this way it must be clearly understood that ones secondary projected consciousness is the jiva-bhutah or jiva-sakti lower self, which is only activated when one no longer wants to serve Krishna in His perpetual Kingdom in their perpetual bodies in either Vaikuntha or Goloka-Vrndavana.


When we foolishly deny who we are as Krishna’s eternal servant, then struggle against our devotional inheritance or nature, uncertainty develops and cause our ‘now limited jiva-bhutah conscious awareness’ to become covered by ethereal and biological bodies or vessels that impound our consciousness (jiva-bhutah) within the restricted realms of the mahat-tattva. Eventually, after many births, we loose control over who we have imagined ourselves to be within the mahat-tattva. In our continual search for happiness; we frantically possess millions upon millions of different ethereal and biological bodily identities and personalities however, non of them gives us permanent pleasure because of the impermanent nature of the material universe or mahat-tattva..


The natural eternal constitutional position of ‘ones ‘authentic bodily self' (atma-jiva-vigraha Krishna Conscious bodily form) is forever engaged in an infinite number of pastimes and relationships serving Krishna. Nitya-siddha, or our eternal constitutional marginal condition of servitude or loving selfless unconditional devotion to Krishna, is the ultimate natural, original and perpetually nature of ones innovative active Krishna Conscious state. Such a Krishna Conscious condition is our genuine bodily form or self that is forever dedicated to devotional selfless service to Krishna and His pure devotees.


Our atma-jiva-vigraha perpetual Krishna Conscious body represents what permanence, perpetual and eternity means – no beginning, no end and never decays or changes yet at the same time there are always unlimited transcendental changes and devotional adjustments going on within unlimited pastimes that are illimitable active in the present, beyond the concept of past and future, birth or death.


The Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha (the supreme imperishable Kingdom of God) feature of the Spiritual Sky exists in the majority of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti (3/4 of the creation). It is a place where past and future does not exist because everything there is imperishable and exists always in the eternal present beyond our material understanding of time and space.


Only within a dark cloud (1/4 of creation) that is also existing in Spiritual Sky (Known as the mahat-tattva or material universe) does impermanence, past, present, future, birth, death, suffering, impermanence and forgetfulness exist and always moving in cycles, i.e., the cycle of birth and death, the cycle of Yugas or ages, the cycle of the climatic seasons etc. These qualities of decline and regeneration do not exist within the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha realm. Only within Lila-rasa or the mellows of ones personal pastime with Krishna, does eternal farsightedness exists in diverse behavioural ways of outward manifestations (relationships) and ‘seasons of seemingly change’ according to rasa (pastimes with Krishna and His devotees) that never needs regeneration because it never ages or fades.


The atma-jiva-vigraha devotee’s are sometimes referred to as marginal spiritual sparks and Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead however, both are distinct as individual Persons, atma-vigraha devotees or Purushas meaning “Individual Persons" with bodily form in the sense of a conscious spirit. Both God (Krishna) and the individual spirits (atma-jiva-vigraha devotee’s) are purushas, but Krishna is the Adi (Original, exemplary) Purusha, Parama (Highest) Purusha, and the Purushottama (Best of the Purushas or atma-vigraha bodily personalities), and Krishna the Supreme Atma-Vigraha or Purushas.


The finite atma-jiva-vigraha devotee’s are always subservant to Krishna or His various expansions including Maha-Vishnu who is the provider and facilitator of the material manifestation or mahat-tattva. Krishna is their provider in all aspects of existence even when they ‘consciously’ (or transmitted consciousness that is called the jiva-bhutah or jiva-sakti) choose to leave Vaikuntha and enter the material universe or mahat-tattva where Maha-Vishnu provides the ethereal and biological vessels that facilitates the jiva-bhutah’s or jiva-sakti’s non-Krishna conscious desires. In the Vedas and Puranas all Persons as their marginal identity are distinct individuals with a perpetual bodily form that is the authentic identity of the ‘so-called’ spiritual spark, so for Vaishnavas, it is not difficult to understand the eternal personal existence of the finite jivatmas (atma-vigraha devotee’s) in relationship to the infinite Deity Paramatma (Lord Krishna) is always personal and ones original constitutional position is an eternal bodily person eternally serving Krishna.


Such Lila’s or pastimes although, can change in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha feature of the Spiritual Universe in ways that can only be understood as one genuinely re-awakens their 'old' and original Krishna Conscious bodily identity and withdrawal their extended transmitted secondary consciousness (jiva-bhutah) from the confines of ethereal and biological vessels ensnared within the material universe (mahat-tattva). And even then, after withdrawing from the dream of Maha-Vishnu (the Over-Lord and facilitator of the mahat-tattva) and giving up the ethereal and biological containers at their root cause, which is the desire to enjoy separately from Krishna, can one again take up their original position in the Kingdom of God (Krishna).


Along these lines ones projected jiva-bhutah consciousness is eventually withdrawn or again re-established back as ones Krishna Conscious real self or atma-jiva-vigraha body as the dust of material desires are cleared from the mind and replaced with memories of ones real self serving Krishna. Even then, when re-established as ones real self, the ways of Krishna's devotional perpetual Kingdom will always be inconceivable and remain a mystery.


In other words, even though one has an original nitya-siddha-svarupa-atma-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha or atma-jiva body, still the entire creation will remain a forever expanding creation, not with living entities (atma-jiva-vigraha devotees) for they have always been and there was never a time when they did not exist. The forever-expanding creation is due to the forever expanding pastimes of Krishna and His expansions that will always eternally remain a mystery.


Srila Prabhupada states in his teachings of Lord Chaitanya referring to the living entity (jiva-bhutah consciousness) entrapment in the material manifestation (mahat-tattva): -


‘The living entity is eternally part and parcel of God, when he is liberated from the impermanent material manifestation; he revives his original, eternal, part-and-parcel bodily identity. The realization of aham brahmasmi ("I am not this biological body") does not mean that the living entity loses his identity. At the present moment a person may consider himself to be matter, but in his liberated state he will understand that he is not matter but spirit soul, part of the infinite. To become Krishna conscious or spiritually conscious and to engage in the transcendental loving service of Krishna are signs of the liberated stage’.


Every living entity (Krishna’s marginal potency) has an original nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-atma-vigraha body they can realize if they remain Krishna Conscious, or can never realize when not Krishna Conscious. The meaning of these Sanskrit words are: -


Nitya-siddha - Everyone (all living entities or the marginal potency of Krishna) has a perpetual nitya-siddha higher self or Krishna conscious body that can never fall or leave Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha.


The fall down (forgetting Krishna) state is not a bodily plunge, it is a conscious descend downwards to the lower self or unconscious dream setting where one’s ‘thoughts’ enters and creates the holographic dimension of the material delusional universe, such creations are not factually created by the jiva-bhutah transmitted consciousness, even though one may think they are creating such facilitates due to forgetfulness of who they really are and Krishna the cause of all causes. In actual fact all the dreams, thoughts and desires of the transmitted secondary self are built into a secondary reality within the mahat-tattva by Maha-Vishnu.


Nitya-siddha refers to ones original Krishna Conscious body or higher personified self personified that is always there in bodily form in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha (Gods Kingdom) even when ones dreaming jiva-bhutah consciousness, or lower self is projected into the material universe of dreams, or further transformed into the jiva-nikaya stage or non-dream state that happens after the embodied jiva-bhutah becomes frustrated with the impermanent nature of its material hallucinations, that, from the viewpoint of the Vaikuntha’s, are no more real than a mirage in a desert. However on this absolute level, all dreams, hallucinations, thoughts and mirages are real but temporary because the mahat-tattva or material universe does temporarily exist in the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti.


Eventually the jiva-bhutah’s ethereal and biological containments that trap the transmitted life force or secondary consciousness in the material-interactive condition of existence in the mahat-tattva, withdrawals from the confines of those bodily vessels and the dreams of Maha-Vishnu, withdrawing to the jiva-nikaya inactive non-ethereal, biological and material condition. This is just another change of consciousness, altering one illusion for another, an active sub-consciousness (material activities), to an inactive sub-consciousness (Impersonal Brahman or Brahmajyoti that exists outside the dreams of Maha-Vishnu but still within the confines of the mahat-tattva.). They are both an illusion (real but temporary) and only exist in sub-conscious dreams transmitted from the Nitya-siddha-atma-vigraha body to the mahat-tattva as either the jiva-bhutah or jiva-nikaya condition while totally unaware of the atma-vigraha Krishna Conscious body.


Due to the nature of eternal time and the permanence of the Spiritual universe or Personal Brahman or Brahmajyoti, past, present, future, space and time that can only exist within the mahat-tattva cloud within the Spiritual Sky, are amalgamated as an everlasting event with no beginning or no end. Everything in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha eternally happens in the present. This confirms that ones original atma-jiva-vigraha body is always in Goloka-Vrndavana, even if one is sub-consciously off somewhere else in some imaginary dream. That dream world or non-Krishna conscious mahat-tattva is the material universe and comes under the phenomena of past, present, future, time, space, ethereal vessel, biological vessels, impermanence, forgetfulness, birth, disease, old age, death

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The author is Pradyumna Swami, I discovered it in my reseach on the origin of the jiva soul


Interesting view point and understanding of Prabhupada's teachings, I've never seen it all explained like that before. It will certainly give those who think we originate from the impersonal brahmajyoti something to think about.

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Unedited section of Pradyumna Swami's Book


Krishna or God is a perpetual ‘Bodily-Person’ and so are all of the individual marginal potencies (souls) that emanate/surround Him.


We hear from the Vedic texts that the Supreme Brahman or Brahmajyoti exhibits Krishna’s (God’s) effulgence, and therefore everything becomes illuminated. We can understand from Brahma-samhita that this Brahmajyoti, or the Brahman effulgence, emanates from the Personal body of Lord Krishna.



Many Vaishnava philosophers have considered this effulgence of bodily individuals or souls to be Impersonal however, all ‘so-called sparks in the effulgence or souls’ in Krishna’s ‘energy emission of rays’ are actually the manifestation of unlimited individual bodily-personalities that are referred to as Krishna’s marginal potency, sparks or jiva-atma-vigraha souls.


Even the terminology ‘originally manifested’ is incorrect because there is no beginning or end to Krishna or His marginal devotee’s. One thing is certain; all living entities that enter the dark mahat-tattva cloud in the far corner of the Spiritual Sky have all originated from the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha, not as their perpetual devotional Krishna Conscious body, but rather as a transformation of consciousness caused by non-Krishna conscious desires.


All marginal sparks, souls, jiva's, atoms in the effulgence, potencies, energies etc are all individual bodily personalities that originally manifested as an eternally Krishna (God) Conscious devotional body or sat-cit-ananda-vigraha. (Etenity, knowledge, bliss and form)

It is only when they (the marginal devotee’s as their authentic devotional body) foolishly transmit a 'secondary conscious phenomenon’ (jiva-bhutah) to the mahat-tattva (material universe), that such knowledge of their original service to Krishna in the transcendental body they really are, is temporarily lost (never severed due to their spiritual body being the source of their transmitted jiva bhutah consciousness) and the disease of Impersonalism (Mayavadism) and confinement to ethereal and biological vessels or bodies, overwhelms and traps their transferred secondary consciousness to the confines of the material temporary universe or mahat-tattva.



The unfortunate unknowledgeable view of believing our origins are from Impersonal origins even affects many great Vaishnava devotee’s like Srila Bhaktirakshaka Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaja, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja Swami, B.G. Narasingha and many others in the Gaudiya Math. Many Vaishnava philosophers have considered this effulgence of bodily individuals or souls to be Impersonal however, all ‘so-called sparks in the effulgence or souls’ in Krishna’s ‘energy emission of rays’ are actually the manifestation of unlimited individual bodily-personalities that are referred to as Krishna’s marginal potency, sparks or jiva-atma-vigraha souls. Their understanding of the jiva or souls origins is simply incorrect. The fact is, we are all eternal person as a perpetual transcendental body and always have been that bodily form. We can either accept that Krishna conscious bodily origins, or we can deny that body and consciously transfer our desires, aspirations, dreams and thoughts to he mahat-tattva (impermanent material universe of self centered importance).



Ultimately Krishna’s ‘marginal-potency-bodily personalities’ are the Brahmajyoti!!


It is from all those perpetual bodily individuals forms (vigraha’s), who are always engaged in various pastimes with Krishna in Goloka-Vrndavana or Vishnu within the surrounding Vaikuntha planets, may sometimes go on to ‘consciously’ (never as the body they are eternally, that is their true selfless devotional unique self) leave Krishna’s imperishable abode and enter the perishable mahat-tattva cloud within one corner of the Spiritual Sky in a secondary non-Krishna conscious state that automatically becomes an Impersonal phenomenon within the Brahmajyoti. Only in this way, via the mahat-tattva cloud, can the Impersonal Brahmajyoti temporarily exist.


All the ‘individual bodily subsidiary sparks (vigraha’s) of the effulgence originating from Krishna’ are actually collectively the Brahmajyoti Brahman effulgence or Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha’s bodily personalities serving Krishna.



The mahat-tattva on the other hand, is also part and the parcel of the Brahmajyoti, and comes into existence due the dreams of Maha-Vishnu (the parcel or energetic) and simultaneously the non-Krishna conscious desires, aspirations, thoughts and dreams of the marginal living entities (the part or energy) perpetually serving the either Vaikuntha or Goloka-Vrndavana when they abandon that service. Without the part, (marginal) the parcel (Krishna) is not complete – without the marginal secondary transmitted consciousness emanating from the marginal living entities authentic bodily origins, Maha-Vishnu’s dreams within the mahat-tattva and incomplete. Krishna and his marginal devotee’s are inseparable even when his marginal servants choose even when His marginal servants choose to extend their consciousness to a secondary existence away from the full potentialities of their own original devotional bodily identity.


Because Krishna is the Supreme Personality of God and the cause of all causes, He anticipates such choices of His marginal energy (vigraha’s). In other words, for Krishna to be complete, the marginal potency, including their secondary transmitted consciousness, actually make Krishna the absolute-whole or simultaneously one and different (acintya-beda-beda-tattva)


It is because Krishna allows individuality, He knows in advance that some will choose to reject Him and their own Krishna conscious nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha body and apt for the secondary option which is the mahat-tattva or material universe.



For Krishna to be complete, He creates this secondary option via His Maha-Vishnu expansion (technically Maha-Vishnu is an expansion of Balarama who is Krishna’s brother). The mahat-tattva is created ironically out of love for His marginal vigraha devotee’s because He would rather they choice to love or serve Him than be like a slave or ‘mindless’ servant without free will. Therefore one can stay in Krishna’s Autocratic Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha realm if they choose, or they can ‘consciously’ enter the impermanent mahat-tattva (never as their authentic bodily form as that body is perpetually part and parcel of the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha Spiritual Sky).



All of Krishna’s marginal ‘sparks’ have the same bodily features like Krishna – sat-cit-ananda-vigraha.



The marginal potency or sparks emanating from the whole categorically means individual bodily personalities emanating and surrounding Krishna’s Personal bodily form. Sometimes this is compared to a fire from whence those individual sparks come from. It’s only a metaphor, a allegory, a figure of speech, Krishna is certainly not a blazing fire in His Ultimate self and bodily form and neither are the marginal individual bodily personalities impersonal sparks emanating from that blazing fire. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is often referred to as the energetic, while His marginal servants are known as the marginal energies however, in both cases the original and ultimate appearance of both Krishna (energetic) and His marginal potency (energies) are always individual bodily personalities of Master (Krishna) and servant (marginal individuals called nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha eternal devotee’s of Krishna).



In other words every living entity (marginal potency) has an original devotional bodily form that is perpetually serving Krishna in unlimited pastimes within either Goloka-Vrndavana or Vaikuntha.


As explained, it is important to understand that Krishna’s marginal potency bodily personalities are the Brahmajyoti!! It is from all those perpetual bodily individuals forms (vigraha’s), who are always engaged in various pastimes with Krishna in Goloka-Vrndavana or Vishnu within the surrounding Vaikuntha planets, that a secondary non-Krishna conscious phenomenon may sometimes ‘consciously’ leave or be projected from their Krishna conscious authentic original bodily self within the imperishable abode of Krishna (Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha). This is how the living entity (a secondary projected non-Krishna conscious self, enters or falls down to the perishable mahat-tattva cloud within one corner of the Spiritual Sky in a inferior non-Krishna conscious state that automatically becomes an Impersonal phenomenon within the Brahmajyoti existing in the mahat-tattva cloud.



Only in this way, via the mahat-tattva cloud (never as ones authentic body that can never leave Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha realm), can the Impersonal Brahmajyoti temporarily exist.


All the ‘individual bodily marginal sparks (souls, jiva’s, living entities or life force) of the effulgence emanating/surrounding Krishna, are actually collectively the Brahmajyoti Brahman effulgence or the Vaikuntha’s that is eternally glowing with individual personalities in perpetual devotional bodies.



It must be give emphasis to, that the mahat-tattva, also part of the Brahmajyoti, comes into existence due to the dreams of Maha-Vishnu in partnership (the parcel and the part can never be separated) with the non-Krishna conscious desires, aspirations, thoughts and dreams of the marginal living entities perpetually serving in either Vaikuntha or Goloka-Vrndavana, when they foolishly desire to be the master instead of the servant.



All of Krishna’s marginal ‘sparks, jivas' or souls’ have the same bodily features like Him. Sparks emanating from the whole means individual bodily personalities emanating and surrounding Krishna’s Personal bodily form that is compared to a fire from whence those individual sparks come from.



The terminology of sparks, energies, atoms in the effulgence, and potency are only metaphors, a allegories - a figure of speech, Krishna is certainly not a blazing fire in His Ultimate self and form and neither are the marginal individual bodily personalities impersonal sparks emanating from that blazing fire.



Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is often referred to as the energetic, while His marginal servants are known as the marginal energies however, in both cases the original and ultimate appearance of both Krishna (energetic) and His marginal potency (energies) are always individual bodily personalities of Master (Krishna) and servant (marginal individuals called nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha eternal devotee’s of Krishna).



In is way it is clear that every living entity (marginal potency) has/is an original devotional bodily form that is perpetually serving Krishna in unlimited pastimes within either Goloka-Vrndavana or Vaikuntha whether they are aware of who they really are or not.

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This understanding is a sastic point that should be not be ignored. Such an understanding is clear we are eternal persons serving the Supreme Person Krsna. Srila Prabhupada warned His disciples to keep away from His Godbrothers in the Gaudiya Math because of their impersonal understanding of Vaisnava teachings.


"We hear from the Vedic texts that the Supreme Brahman or Brahmajyoti exhibits Krishna’s effulgence, and therefore everything becomes illuminated. We can understand from Brahma-samhita that this Brahmajyoti, or the Brahman effulgence, emanates from the Personal body of Lord Krishna. Many Vaishnava philosophers have considered this effulgence of individuals to be Impersonal however, all ‘so-called sparks’ in Krishna’s effulgence are actually the manifestation of unlimited individual bodily-personalities that are referred to as Krishna’s marginal potency or sparks.


All marginal sparks, atoms in the effulgence, potencies, energies etc are all individual bodily personalities that originally manifested as an eternally Krishna Conscious body or sat-cit-ananda-vigraha.


It is only when they (the marginal devotee’s) foolishly transmit their secondary consciousness to the mahat-tattva, such knowledge of their originality is lost and the disease of Impersonalism (Mayavadism) overwhelms them. This disease of believing our origins are from Impersonal origins even affects many great Vaishnava devotee’s like Srila Bhaktirakshaka Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaja, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja Swami, B.G. Narasingha and many others in both the Gaudiya Math and ISKCON.


Ultimately Krishna’s marginal potency bodily personalities are the Brahmajyoti!! It is from all those perpetual bodily individuals forms (vigraha’s), who are always engaged in various pastimes with Krishna in Goloka-Vrndavana or Vishnu within the surrounding Vaikuntha planets, may sometimes go on to consciously leave Krishna’s imperishable abode and enter the perishable mahat-tattva cloud within one corner of the Spiritual Sky in a secondary non-Krishna conscious state that automatically becomes an Impersonal phenomenon within the Brahmajyoti. Only in this way via the mahat-tattva cloud can the Impersonal Brahmajyoti temporarily exist."

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Thank you for this understanding, some believe Krishna could not bring an elephant through the eye of a needle, similarly, some foolishly believe we must of originated from the Brahmajyoti because they do not have the faith to believe all marginal so called sparks could actually have an original spiritual body of sat cit ananda vigraha. The ISKCON official view has always Known that and this helps one understand it further


All of Krishna’s marginal ‘sparks, jivas' or souls’ have the same bodily features like Him. Sparks emanating from the whole means individual bodily personalities emanating and surrounding Krishna’s Personal bodily form that is compared to a fire from whence those individual sparks come from.


The terminology of sparks, energies, atoms in the effulgence, and potency are only metaphors, a allegories - a figure of speech, Krishna is certainly not a blazing fire in His Ultimate self and form and neither are the marginal individual bodily personalities impersonal sparks emanating from that blazing fire.


Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is often referred to as the energetic, while His marginal servants are known as the marginal energies however, in both cases the original and ultimate appearance of both Krishna (energetic) and His marginal potency (energies) are always individual bodily personalities of Master (Krishna) and servant (marginal individuals called nitya-siddha-svarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha eternal devotee’s of Krishna).


In is way it is clear that every living entity (marginal potency) has/is an original devotional bodily form that is perpetually serving Krishna in unlimited pastimes within either Goloka-Vrndavana or Vaikuntha whether they are aware of who they really are or not.

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  • 1 month later...



The Final Absolute Proof: The Jiva Consciousness Did Fall From There Svarupa Body in Goloka



The wonderful Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavat-purana tell us that the Kingdom</ST1> of<ST1> Krishna is an eternal active place of boundless pastimes where nothing perishes and so called time is in the eternal present where their is no past or future.


Everything in Krishna’s Abode is always eternally there because of the perpetual and imperishable nature of His Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha Spiritual Sky or Abode.


This means ones eternal, perpetual, unchanging, continious, everlasting, devotional ceasless, never ending, long lasting, continual jivatma vigraha is ALWAYS there and can NEVER leave because of the eternal nature of Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha.




Perpetual Vaikuntha means nothing there can decay perish or disappear, therefore everyones never ending bodily form or svarupa body is already there and never leaves Goloka or Vaikuntha.. <O:P<O:P




As already mentioned and must be constantly emphasised, this means all of us have an eternal form and relationship that is always with Krishna in His everlasting Abode that is forever there and has always been there, even though from time to time, we are consciously unaware of this unending reality due to our forgetfulness and fantasies of material grandur.



Such desires DREAMS and thoughts that create our mirage like insignificant secondary consciousness (real but temporary) that transmits ‘the thoughts one wants created’ to the material universe in the jiva-bhutah condition consciousness known as the nitya-baddha proviso of existence within the mahat-tattva (material universe).


<O:PIn a uncomplicated way of trying to understand this, all of us dream when we sleep, the dreams we have in our biological body or vessel appear real and while immersed in that dream state one forgets their biological body they are dreaming from.



In a similar way, the non-Krishna Conscious thoughts, convictions or ‘dreams’ manifest a separate dreaming version of the self (that is real but temporary) and while in that dreaming state or secondary consciousness (jiva-bhutah), we forget our genuine Krishna conscious bodily form.


<O:PKeep in mind, on the absolute level, unlike the mundane biological level; ones thoughts or dreams are as real as their atma-jiva-vigraha body, with a major difference, they are expressed through counterfeit bodily vessels within the mahat-tattva.



All ethereal and biological vessels as well as their material surroundings are provided by Maha-Vishnu for the purpose of allowing one in their secondary conscious state to live out those dreams, thoughts and desires.



Such non-Krishna Conscious thoughts and desires cannot exist within the same devotional space that all their perpetual Krishna Conscious bodies exist in (namely Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha). In this way, it is ones Krishna Conscious desires’ cause one to consciously enter the mahat-tattva cloud.



All self-centered desires, dreams or thoughts expel themselves from Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha perpetual portion of the Spiritual Sky due to the selfish independent desires (choices) to no longer want to be with Krishna.





For ones conscious awareness to remain in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha abode, one has to be Krishna Conscious.



In this way ones non-Krishna Conscious thoughts, dreams and desires cannot remain there and are transferred as a secondary conscious state (jiva-bhutah) to a far distant transient place in the Spiritual Sky set aside for such temporary thoughts, dreams or desires.


Those desires, thoughts and dreams, represented by the jiva-bhutah consciousness, are provided ethereal and biological containers provided by Maha-Vishnu to chase their dream, in some cases for an almost eternity.




This place of ‘the dreaming’ is called the PERISHABLE mahat-tattva that is a real phenomenon in the Spiritual Sky yet temporary.




When one is awake in their biological body, or when one is dreaming in that body, it is still the same ‘self’ existing on two completely different levels of consciousness at the same time, one in the biological body, the other as dreamed up fantasies the biological body is dreaming.


<O:PSuch dreams appear real while ones biological body is sleeping, so real, one completely forgets the biological body one is dreaming from.


In a comparable way to undderstand this, when ones dreams or thoughts are not <ST1:PKrishna conscious, they create a secondary conscious state called the jiva-bhutah conscious condition or "conditioned state" brought about by ones Krishna Conscious desires and DREAMS.


This state of consciousness is then transferred to within the mahat-tattva cloud (material universe), which is real but temporary and house in ethereal and eventually biological bodies provided by Maha-Vishnu that enables the visiting jiva-sakti consciousness in the eclosed atmosphere of the mahat-tattva or material creation.


In this way, the thoughts of ones lower self, unlike the illusionary unreal dreams one has while their biological body is sleeping, are actually a real reality but subject to decay. Remember, on this level of consciousness, your thoughts are your actions and stays that way while even contained in ethereal vessels within the material heavenly planets. Only in the middle planets of biological vessels are ones thoughts and dreams suppressed.


<O:POnes sleeping biological body dreaming, is only an analogy and it does not mean the biological understanding of dreaming is the way we dream ourselves out of the Vaikuntha’s.


<O:PThere is a difference, ones dreams within Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha are non different from reality or actions. In other words, if one has non-Krishna Conscious thoughts, dreams or desires, they cannot experience those thoughts, desires or dreams in the devotionally uninterrupted <ST1>Kingdom of </ST1><ST1>Krishna. Krsnaloka or Vishnuloka




To experience such self-centered dreams and desires, the secondary consciousness (jiva-bhutah, jiva-tattva, jiva-sakti etc, etc) is extended or projected to the mahat-tattva or material universe.



In this way, ones secondary consciousness is transferred to within the confines and restrictions (being contained in ethereal and biological vessels) of mahat-tattva when one is unaware of their real original identity and form (The atma-vigraha or nitya-siddha-svarupa Krishna Conscious body).


As already explained, this means all of us (all marginal living entities) have an eternal shape, form, body and connection that is forever with Krishna in His everlasting Abode which is infinitely eternal even though from moment to moment, we may choose to consciously deny of this everlasting reality due to our desire to experience existence separate from Krishna.


Only then, after that choice is made, does forgetfulness enter the equation where ones fantasies of independent grandeur away from beautiful Krishna is created by our dreaming secondary consciousness that transmits one to the material universe (mahat-tattva) or nitya-baddha forgetful condition of existence as the jiva-bhutah conscious condition that originates from our perprtual bodily form in Goloka-Vrndavana.

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This place of ‘the dreaming’ is called the PERISHABLE mahat-tattva that is a real phenomenon in the Spiritual Sky yet temporary.






The mahat-tattva is created by Maha-Vishnu






To experience the choice of self-centered non-Krishna conscious dreams and desires, the secondary nitya-baddha consciousness (jiva-bhutah, jiva-tattva, jiva-sakti etc, etc) is extended or projected out of Vaikuntha and into the mahat-tattva or material universe. Such dreaming consciousness originates from ones nitya-siddha svarupa body which is existing perpetually outside of the mahat-tattva cloud.




When one is awake in their biological body, or when one is dreaming in that body, it is still the same ‘self’ existing on two completely different levels of consciousness at the same time, one in the biological body, the other as dreamed up fantasies the biological body is dreaming.

<O:PSuch dreams appear real while ones biological body is sleeping, so real, one completely forgets the biological body one is dreaming from.






In a comparable way to understand this, when ones dreams or thoughts are not <ST1:PKrishna conscious, they create a secondary conscious state called the jiva-bhutah conscious condition or "conditioned state" brought about by ones Krishna Conscious desires and DREAMS.




This state of consciousness is then transferred to within the mahat-tattva cloud (material universe), which is real but temporary and house in ethereal and eventually biological bodies provided by Maha-Vishnu that enables the visiting jiva-sakti consciousness in the eclosed atmosphere of the mahat-tattva or material creation.




In this way, the thoughts of ones lower self, unlike the illusionary unreal dreams one has while their biological body is sleeping, are actually a real reality but subject to decay. Remember, on this level of consciousness, your thoughts are your actions and stays that way while even contained in ethereal vessels within the material heavenly planets. Only in the middle planets of biological vessels are ones thoughts and dreams suppressed.




Ones sleeping biological body dreaming, is only an analogy and it does not mean the biological understanding of dreaming is the way we dream ourselves out of the Vaikuntha’s.


<O:PThere is a difference, ones dreams within Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha are non different from reality or actions. In other words, if one has non-Krishna Conscious thoughts, dreams or desires, they cannot experience those thoughts, desires or dreams in the devotionally uninterrupted <ST1>Kingdom of </ST1><ST1>Krishna. Krsnaloka or Vishnuloka





To experience the choose of self-centered dreams and desires, the secondary conscious nitya-baddha consciousness (jiva-bhutah, jiva-tattva, jiva-sakti etc, etc) is extended or projected to the mahat-tattva or material universe originating from ones nitya-siddha svarupa dody outside of the mahat-tattva.

In this way, ones secondary consciousness is transferred to within the confines and restrictions (being contained in ethereal and biological vessels) of mahat-tattva when one is unaware of their real original identity and form (The atma-vigraha or nitya-siddha-svarupa Krishna Conscious body).

As already explained, this means all of us (all marginal living entities) have an eternal shape, form, body and connection that is forever with Krishna in His everlasting Abode which is infinitely eternal even though from moment to moment, we may choose to consciously deny of this everlasting reality due to our desire to experience existence separate from Krishna.





Only then, after that choice is made, does forgetfulness enter the equation where ones fantasies of independent grandeur away from beautiful Krishna is created by our dreaming secondary consciousness that transmits one to the material universe (mahat-tattva) or nitya-baddha forgetful condition of existence as the jiva-bhutah conscious condition that originates from our perprtual bodily form in Goloka-Vrndavana.







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