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Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja




Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, along with His associates, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Acarya, Sri Gadhadhara Pandit and Sri Srivasa Thakura

[March 12, 2007 (in India) is the appearance day of Srivasa Thakura, who is Sri Narada Muni in krsna-lila. Herein we are presenting a few words on his glory, spoken by Srila Narayana Maharaja in 2002. The main topic of Srila Maharaja's class was "taste for krsna-bhajana", and Srila Maharaja gave Srivasa Thakura as an example of a pure devotee who, due to his taste for bhajana, had no taste in material affection:]


You are always engaged in maintaining your life. Sometimes business is very good and you think, "Oh, this is very good." And sometimes it is down and you think, "What to do? What to do? What to do?" You forget to chant and you forget to worship. This shows that you have no taste (ruci) in bhajana. If you are in the stage of ruci, all items for your maintenance will come to you automatically.


If anything is not coming for your maintenance, like money, food, or anything else, don't worry. When Srila Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja was residing near Govinda-kunda, he saw that many persons were engaged in eating very delicious food at a picnic. He thought to himself, "I should also have some delicious food." And then he replied to himself, "You want delicious food? Very good; I will arrange that right away." He picked up some bitter neem leaves, ate them, and told himself, "You sho uld take this and be satisfied." Sometime he used to eat the mud of the kundas (ponds) and thus became blind, but he didn't care. He was simply absorbed in chanting, "O Radhe! Radhe! Where are You?"


premamayi radhe, radhe, radhe

vrndavana vilasini, radhe, radhe

vrsabhanu-nandini, radhe, radhe

kanu-mana-mohini, radhe, radhe

astasakhira siromani, radhe, radhe


He prayed, "Tomara kangala tomaya dako, radhe radhe – O Srimati Radhika, I am a very poor beggar, begging Your darsana." He was always chanting, "O Radha, O Radha," and he was always in a mood of separation from Her. If you, on the other hand, are worried for your maintenance, thinking, "Today there is no food!Our business is down!My relative has died!" and you are busy in those thoughts, how will you attain krsna-prema?


You should follow Srivasa Pandita. During kirtana one day, his only son died and his wife and relatives began to weep. He told them, "If you disturb the kirtana, I will jump in the Ganges at once. Mahaprabhu had also been participating in that kirtana, and when He understood what happened, He entered the son's room and told that dead boy, "Why are you sleeping? Wake up." The boy then opened his eyes and began to speak. He said, "I am doing very well in the place where I have just taken birth. It is favorable for doing bhajana there, and here it is not." Mahaprabhu then told him, "Yes, you should go."


In this world, it is essential to maintain our life. Without this, we can't do our bhajana. But don't be in anxiety about this. Your maintenance will come automatically, according to your previous activities. If something comes, that is okay, and if something that you have collected is lost, still you should not worry. Suppose you have deposited many thousands of dollars in a bank, but somehow your busin ess failed and your money was lost. Don't worry about that. You cannot achieve krsna-prema, or anything else, by money. You cannot eat your bank money. You can only eat two capatis or two slices of bread – nothing more.


In this regard, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura quotes from Padma Purana in his Bhajana Rahasya:


alabdhe va vinaste va


aviklava-matir bhutva

harim eva dhiya smaret


"The mind of one who has taken shelter of the holy name is undisturbed even if food and clothes are not easily obtained, or if they are obtained but then lost. Leaving behind all material attachments, such a person takes complete shelter of Govinda." (Padma Purana)


Chant Hare Krsna without any worry. Remember Srivasa Pandita and his four brothers. They chanted throughout the night, "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" and "Hari haraya nama krsna y adavaya namah." There was nothing to eat in Srivasa Pandita's house, and Mahaprabhu told him, "You chant Hare Krsna day and night, but you should also try to maintain yourself. Make some money by working or by begging. Somehow or other you should maintain yourself and your family."


Srivasa Pandita replied, "We will not do so. We will only chant." Then he clapped three times as he said, "One, two, three." Mahaprabhu asked, "What are you doing?" Srivasa Pandita replied, "I will wait one day, and if there is no food, I will wait for another day, and then for a third day. Then, if nothing comes by the third day, I will jump in the Ganges. I will say 'Hare Krsna' and jump." Mahaprabhu then told all the devotees, "Those who have sincerely taken shelter of the holy name and are sincerely chanting will never have to beg. Laksmi, the Goddess of Fortune herself, may beg, but My devotees will never have to do so. I will take responsibility for their maintenance on My own head, and I will arrange everything for them. I will maintain them; this is My promise." Have strong faith in this.


[Devotee:] Gurudeva, you described some of the glories of Srivasa Pandita. You said he was not even concerned when his little son died during the kirtana. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told the boy to come back, but he said, "No, I am in a better place now." My question is: what better place could he be in? He was already in Mahaprabhu's kirtana with Srivasa Pandita.


[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Krsna had called him to participate in the pastimes He was performing in prakata Vraja in one of the universes. He was playing with Krsna and His associates there, and he was very happy. He therefore told Mahaprabhu, "Let me stay here; I am very happy here." It may be that, due to his sadhana-bhajana, he had become a gopi and he was residing with all the gopis. He may have be en with Sri Rupa Manjari, so why would he want to return? His new situation was the fruit of his serving Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

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