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Cemeteries for Neophytes?

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Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi and Temples to be Cemeteries for Neophytes?


Mar 12, USA (SUN) — Do we really want Srila Prabhupada's samadhi to eventually look like the centerpiece of some Christian graveyard? Where bodies are expected to pop out of the ground at the second coming?

Presently there are three samadhis there, in one of which the recipient had to be laid out flat. He had died by hitting a tree at high speed, and after various cuttings-up in an autopsy, his body had to be laid out flat inside his tomb, not in the posture of samadhi. Another samadhi is of someone who died of liver cancer complications after contracting a degenerative disease. While these souls may have served Srila Prabhupada well, were they uttama-adhikaris, devotees of the top most qualification, and so qualified for a samadhi?

Samadhi means just that. A samadhi is for that great soul who has attained the status of paramahamsa. He has attained samadhi in life, not by death. Seeing everything in existence as spiritual previous to the non-functionality of his material body, he takes the spiritual out of everything in this material world, where matter and spirit are mixed, just like the swan that takes milk from the water. Living in this transcendental consciousness effortlessly by dint of prema-bhakti pure devotion, when he leaves his body that body is not a lump of contamination, it is a spiritual relic. It is iron that has become fire by constant immersion in the fire of devotion. As such, that form is not material but fully spiritualized and thus worshipable. Such a form is fit for samadhi and to become a place of pilgrimage.

Souls who have not attained such a sublime status should never be given a 'samadhi'. Such behavior is simply a pretense and a farce. A body that was a vehicle for sense enjoyment, fruitive activity and mental speculation is contaminated and should be purified by mantra and fire and the ashes thrown in a river.

Srila Prabhupada tells the story of his godbrother Tirtha Swami, who had his samadhi built approximately seven years previous to his death. Eventually he died in a hospital with tubes inserted into various parts of his body and after an extended period of coma. Still his disciples used the prepared samadhi. But the mood of Srila Prabhupada in telling the story is one of derision. It is simply disgraceful egotism to wish for artificial worship of this bag of stool after one's death. One may as well have one's disciples worship the rickshaw one used in life.

As regards qualification, there are a number of instructive stories. The most recent being the order of Gaura-Kishora dasa Babaji to have his body dragged through the streets of Navadhvipa and then given to dogs as a meal. Such humility is the required qualification. There is no 'physical' samadhi for Srila Narotama dasa Thakur because he entered the Ganga and then ordered his disciples to pour the water over him. This caused his body to dissolve into a milky substance in the Ganga, some of which was captured in one of the lotas and put in a 'milk samadhi'.

Nonetheless, just as the GBC follows the Gaudiya Math practice of rubber-stamping the unqualified as 'gurus' so clearly condemned by Srila Prabhupada, so also we see the GBC is now arranging for their 'samadhis' when they have left us. Apparently, there is no consideration of qualification other than the money to have one built. Perhaps another is there: one should have gone along with all the nonsense and never rocked the floundering GBC boat.

We can safely predict that these tombs, if they are allowed to accumulate like a bunch of tombstones in a cemetery, will become only monuments to the deviation and concoction of the GBC. They will become places of public disgrace where the nonsense of the buried bodies is discussed. Already this is happening -- just sit at the nearby coconut-juice stand in Mayapur and hear the comments.

Perhaps one day an angry Ganga will rise up and flush them all away down the pipe of time. Yet a far better proposal would be for the misleaders to come to some realization of the nonsense egotism under which they are performing their activities. It is clear to all that they prefer their mental speculation to the directions of the Founder-Acarya, whom they are turning into a lip-service icon. When the leaders of ISKCON are not in accordance with their Spiritual Master's instructions, are they even disciples? What to speak of paramahamsas?

Are the temples Srila Prabhupada built to become crowed cemeteries for neophytes? Already samadhis are popping up in different places of ISKCON.

Yet the GBC will answer: Why worry that Srila Prabhupada's temples will become chock-a-block with samadhis? We've already thrown ninety-five per cent of Srila Prabhupada's disciples out of the movement.

But this enlightened policy of the GBC forgets one thing: the second generation. Seeing the activities of their guru and understanding that one imitates the guru, rather than following the sastra, we can imagine that they will soon be picking out a spot to bury their bag of nine holes for eternal glorification. And then the next generation, and then the next. After a few generations of that, it'll be like finding your way through a maze just to find the temple door.

But seriously, is this what ISKCON properties are to become -- a mass of self-indulgent samadhis haunted by ghosts? I have yet to find any instruction of Srila Prabhupada on this matter. It would be enlightening to hear pertinent contributions from devotees on this point. Without wanting to speculate on the mind of one's Spiritual Master, however, perhaps Srila Prabhupada could not even imagine how his disciples would be lining up samadhis for themselves.

But Srila Prabhupada did say "Will the GBC ruin everything?" So I guess multiple samadhis is included in that statement.

Kindly contact your GBC and guru and tell him you'd rather see his body burnt than buried… See his reaction and hear what he says and then assess his qualification for a samadhi.

GBC, stop this nonsense neophyte samadhi building immediately.

We hope this is found helpful,

Your servant,

Balavidya dasa






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We have heard this many times before

Messaiahs pointing to the door,

But no ones got the guts to leave the temple

(From Im Free, Tommy the rock opera, p townshend and the who)


Easy on the cemetary criticism, I work in one, the best job I ever had.


But I agree fully with theist, if someone wants a samadhi site, buy it, dont steal it. Maybe you should re-negotiate your life insurance policy. Make Prudential buy you the Rock, dont clutter the holy dhama with your stool you left behind.


If you DESERVE a samadhi site, Krsna will give you one. Not everyone can be buried in my cemetary, even if you have followers and much funds. The criteria is that you gave your life to nationalism of the USA, and passed away like a ksatriya, in the military service of the USA. There are popular admirals buried next to junkies living their last years in cardboard huts on the beach, but their common bond is their honorable service to their nation.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS tell their relatives when they kick, they will get their bodies back so they can bury them next to aunt millie and uncle frank.

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no, you're right. He may have a point. It is possible that they are just imitating Prabhupada, consciously or unconsciously, like they always have. Anyway, the case has already been presented convincingly in the article itself. A person who is interred in samadhi needs to have attained the level of samadhi within his life. Otherwise it is just sentimentality. I could give examples, but I won't. And the author is right, if we keep giving samadhi to every guru and sannyasi in ISKCON, it is going to become cluttered after a few generations.


If it means anything, I am not a ritvik-vadi but someone who believes there should be regular gurus, just like there are in India and like Mahaprabhu and Prabhupada instructed. But that is just my opinion. You can find statements in the writings of the Goswamis that madhyama-adhikaris can be gurus under certain circumstances. But the question here is, does every sannyasi and guru in Vraja get a samadhi? I would think not. There are so many, it would be logistically impossible. That honor seems to be reserved for the real special personalities. But the ISKCON-wallas, lacking a deeper understanding of Indian culture, or even the desire to learn it, are going the way of cheap imitation. It seems that every Prabhupada-disciple who is a sannyasi and GBC/guru will be likely to get a samadhi, whether they have actually attained samadhi or not.

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Srila Prabhupada, until provoked by jayapataka, was not all that concerned about the form he used to spread the mission of Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga. He told them to do what they wanted, and they did. Jayapatakas reminding him of Bhaktivinodes point is bogus, it is a student correcting his guru, gravely offensive as usual. Not unlike the bogus comment by satswarupa about rtvik, another case of students pretending to teach their guru.


When they were about to execute Socrates, they asked him what to do with him when he was gone. His reply was "first you have to catch me".


Im glad this thread is not well travelled, this issue is making a lot of noise on the rtvik sites, again a chance for them to do anything other than be concerned about their own spiritual progress, and a chance for them to do their favorite pastime, criticize other vaisnavas.


When Srila Prabhupada said, put me by the gate, the proper response by a DISCIPLE should be, "OKAY". But what does he get? "But prabhupada, you said that such and such said this was offensive". Sounds to me like that fool who, when Madhavendra Puri was in trance lamenting in separation from Radha Krsna, said, "Dont worry, just chant." This fool went on to be a great disturbance to Lord Chaitanya, and equally disliked by all His associates.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


I shouldnt have responded here, but I guess I was contaminated by all that drivel on the faultfinders.com.

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Are the GBC Building Samadhis to Bury the Teachings of Srila Prabhupada?




Mar 25, USA (SUN) — Let any one soul now come forward and support the idea that Srila Prabhupada's temples should become burial grounds. We entreat any first or second generation follower of Srila Prabhupada and in particular the GBC to justify in public forum the construction of multiple samadhis on the grounds of ISKCON. This matter is of vital interest to the future progress of ISKCON. Are samadhis to appear regularly all over Srila Prabhupada's worldwide properties? Are we as a society to forget the glories of the Founder-Acarya amidst construction projects that will simply embody the distraction from Srila Prabhupada's position that we have been subject to since November 1977?


If disciples feel the need to build a tomb for their guru, then let them buy some land outside of ISKCON and build there. To appropriate the sacred grounds of Srila Prabhupada's temples for the simultaneous worship of post-mortem neophyte disciples is an outrage of unspeakable proportions and speaks volumes of the mentality of our 'leaders'. In Mayapura, there is the samadhi of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada established in fitting glory. Would Srila Prabhupada have requested his samadhi there? Absolutely not. No sober soul would even suggest that Srila Prabhupada would request such a thing even though Srila Prabhupada was the perfect empowered fulfillment of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada's preaching mission. And yet we are now on the brink of an explosion of samadhis throughout ISKCON as disciples leave their bodies in increasing numbers. What to speak of what will be done by succeeding generations when this deplorable precedent is established.


In a practically unbelievable manner completely devoid of Vaisnava humility and etiquette, the GBC have organized areas around the samadhi of the saktavesa-avatara, Srila Prabhupada in Mayapura, and elsewhere, for themselves and their favored sannyasis for future burial without any consideration apparently involved other than their status as 'big managers' of the failing institution that they are determinedly destroying with their insistent deviation from the instructions of Srila Prabhupada. And yet they want their samadhi next to that of Srila Prabhupada for their continued glorification. A perfect example of adding insult to injury.


Such unthinking ignorance embodies the minimization of Srila Prabhupada post-November 1977 and the mentality of deep envy of one's very spiritual master.


One reads the writings of the great devotees and acaryas and cannot help but realize their natural ecstatic humility before their beloved Spiritual Master and the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord Himself became the foot-washer at the Raja-suya sacrifice of Maharaja Yudhistira. Devotees the caliber of the Pandavas simply walked north and disappeared from this world with a beautiful simplicity and completeness that is instructive to all. Vedic civilization has always relegated the body as simply a vehicle for the soul. As such, practically all followers of the Vedic path have consigned their external forms to the symbolic cleansing of mantra and fire, the ashes to be thrown in a holy river after such purification. In this way the final act of their body teaches the profound necessity of detachment from the temporary material tabernacle for present and successive generations.


Nonetheless, the GBC managers of ISKCON, conditioned by their Judaic/Christian heritage and unabashed self-esteem, are actively attempting to reverse these transcendental concepts of humility and bodily detachment by determinedly organizing their own tombs. Such shameless ignorance. These are 'tombs' because the burial places of neophytes are not and will never become 'samadhis' no matter how much incense is waved there. If that is what our misleaders want, then let them buy up the spots they want right now, but let those places be outside of ISKCON properties. Of course, none would perform such bare-faced undignified self-glorification, understanding that it would be a cause not of glorification but of disgrace. So why is exactly the same thing being done on ISKCON property under the cover of 'GBC resolution'?


Does the usage of the procedures of the GBC make this behavior any less ignominious? Rather, it makes the idea even more disgraceful by using the ploy of GBC policy as a surreptitious cover for the patently obvious desire for self-glorification. In fact, such disgraceful arrangements practically and symbolically expose the very heart of the wholesale deviation of the GBC from Srila Prabhupada's directions, exposing a mentality of calculated subterfuge to attain self-glorification. Since November 1977, the GBC, the GBC policies, and GBC rubber-stamped gurus have been the greatest problem ISKCON has faced. Even the GBC has had to admit the same at the meetings of this year's Mayapura Festival. This samadhi issue symbolizes the gamut of GBC deviation, both philosophically and practically from the Vedic path.


There is a time for sweet words and there is a time for chastisement. Narada Muni told the blind Dhrtarastra that he was nothing more than a kept dog living a life of shame and embarrassment in the very house of the Pandavas, whom he had spent the better part of his life trying to kill in a vain attempt to elevate his imperious son Duryodhana to a position of governance for which he was patently unqualified. At the recent Mayapura festival one member of the GBC told us, and I paraphrase, "The GBC is guiding this movement wonderfully. Do not be envious, seeing others being glorified, your heyday will come. Everyone will have a heyday by the arrangement of Krsna." This idea is so out of touch with reality and Vaisnava consciousness that it beggars belief that such words could be spoken from the vyasasana in Sri Caitanya's Mayapura.


Are not the GBC determinedly ignoring practically every principle enunciated by Srila Prabhupada, and as a body, beginning to resemble a pack of blinded stray dogs that, having lost the vision of surrendered service to their master, are now wandering here and there in the desert of mental concoction and philosophical deviation? Consider:


(1) The GBC rubber-stamps 'gurus', when Srila Prabhupada condemned this practice.


(2) The GBC body is no longer a body for the creation and exchange of preaching strategies, but a body intent on the very "centralization and bureaucracy" condemned by Srila Prabhupada.


(3) The GBC has become an arrogant, absolutist managerial hierarchy rather than an assemblage of sadhus primarily concerned with the welfare of the members and the standards of spiritual life as enunciated by Srila Prabhupada.


(4) The GBC sanctions the continued editorial violation of Srila Prabhupada's books by proven incompetents, ignoring all protest.


(5) In the region of fifty-percent of Srila Prabhupada's taped lectures and conversations remain unreleased and practically forgotten, as ignorance of his message abounds.


(6) Instruction in the teachings of Srila Prabhupada has become a lucrative business of 'higher education' when the very methodology of instruction countermands the Vedic standards Srila Prabhupada exemplified and insisted we as a society follow: brahminical detachment and generosity. And at the same time, many ‘gurus’ hardly know the faces of their disciples, what to speak of personally training them.


(7) Almost incredibly just one of our leaders spends approaching one million US dollars on travel alone per calendar year. We repeat this is just one of our GBCs. Contrast this with the frugality and economy that Srila Prabhupada embodied and entreated us to follow.


The list could go on and on, and the list seems to lengthen with every passing Mayapura Festival. And yet we are being told "don't be envious and criticize, your heyday will come". What unmitigated humbug.


The general body of Srila Prabhupada disciples are not envious, they are completely appalled by a GBC sanctioned parade of maniacal bogus gurus who have wreaked havoc practically without restraint since 1977. And they do not see any change of the deviant policy that has created and fed such monstrous personalities. They stand aghast to see the GBC ignore so many clear instructions of Srila Prabhupada for management and policy-instructions that need not great spiritual insight or potency to perform, but rather simple plain instructions that only require simple obedience. For example, "Salary project should be stopped. If they want salary, they can work outside. In the name of Vaisnava, he is drawing salary, living comfortably, having sense enjoyment. So all you, my officers, should think it over and do the needful." Does such an instruction require great debate and discussion? Is it difficult to see that such implementation would have great practical, financial and indeed spiritual benefit to the ISKCON temples? But is it followed by even one GBC member in his zone?


These are the type of direct instructions of Srila Prabhupada that are the domain of the GBC, however the general body of devotees not only sees that such instructions are being ignored by the GBC, but actively contravened. ISKCON is steadily developing into a cult of self-intoxicated misleaders who with their cronies plunder all assets of the society with little concern for the welfare of the general body of members, who are left to sink or swim. This is exactly the description of the progress of the Age of Kali. Sri Kalki will manifest to kill without discrimination the false leaders of society who have degenerated into nothing more than plunderers feeding off the populace. Thus, Sri Kalki decides, if one will not surrender to sastra, then one will become subject to astra. We have seen so many whimsical ISKCON plunderers put to the sword already by Sri Kalki. There has been a pageant of perversion since November 1977 and a regular occurrence of decapitation, throat-slashing, madness, untimely death, and chronic illness amongst the deviant sociopaths that have grabbed at the assets of the society and arranged for their own vain glory. These fools and rascals were so anxious for their own heyday but were rather put to the sword of the Lord. And at the same time, dissenting voices have been black-balled, cast aside, and yes, even murdered after being labeled as envious by the pompous pretenders. And the proven murder conspirators have been elevated into positions of high status within ISKCON.


Yet now, we hear the same deeply offensive, philosophically inept, and pathetically self-revealing line still being spouted, this time from the vyasasana in the personal abode of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu during a purported exposition of the Srimad-Bhagavatam: "We are managing wonderfully. Don't be envious, you too will be glorified." Such words are a pure abomination. They are a public advertisement of one's own lack of qualification to sit and deliver the message of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Is this not a big donkey encouraging his own applause from the assemblage of little donkeys? Yet even a donkey wandering within sown fields found parched and drying may one day realize that heydays are very seasonal and short, and as soon as the hay is ready, it is put to the blade by the reaper. History teaches many lessons, but donkeys make poor students, hee-hawing as they yearn for their heydays.


The mission of Srila Prabhupada is meant for the glorification of Sri Sri Radha Krsna in the mellows of Sri Krsna Caitanya. Srila Prabhupada was so proud to see that we were known as the "Hare Krsna" with little overt reference to his glorious self. Though always the captain of the ship, Srila Prabhupada always pointed all disciples towards the dust of the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, centering all service on Their Lordships. Now this Vaisnava humility is lost and Sri Sri Radha-Krsna moved to the side to make place for the poorman’s pageant of our self-promoting leaders who routinely traverse the society alone with a seasonal eye for more and more disciples and more and more daksina for their multi-million dollar bank accounts.


The intoxicated GBC leaders of ISKCON have been so befuddled by the illusory potency as a result of their compounded disobedience to Srila Prabhupada that they now actually think that the questioning and warning voices that they hear so often are enviously hoping that one day they can also arrange for their own self-glorification. What insulting crass idiocy. Does it ever occur to these public fools that the objection to GBC policies is grounded in a simple perception of their disobedience to Srila Prabhupada? This disobedience has now become institutionalized within ISKCON by GBC policies that openly subvert the teachings and managerial directions of Srila Prabhupada. And the response is that we are all envious and want the self-glorification that they have arranged for themselves. Let us applaud the Goddess of the Illusory Energy for simultaneously bewildering and exposing these fools and rascals.


Let the big leaders of ISKCON realize that the heroes of ISKCON are not the speculating fools that fly around the world claiming the credit for everything and polluting the atmosphere going to one useless GBC meeting after the other, but it is the simple humble devotees that serve every day without recognition. The devotees that do their service steadily, often at their own expense; the devotees that struggle to bring up their families without any help from temple authorities and slave under mundane employment; the devotees that sleep on the floor and whose material belongings are contained within a humble locker; the devotees that struggle to sell the books on the street; the devotees that try to collect some funds for the maintenance of their beloved Deities; the devotees that cut the vegetables, sweep the floor, and take out the trash; the devotees that have been initiated up to five times and yet still have faith and love in Srila Prabhupada.


These are Krsna's beloved devotees and heroes, and it is only because of them that ISKCON has survived the ravages inflicted by the self-appointed hypocritical monsters parading themselves as representatives of the Supreme Absolute Truth, Sri Krsna. These devotees are the ones paying the Temple Presidents and managers outrageous salaries. These are the devotees that are providing the unlimited expense accounts for the proud fools who simply present a farcical imitation of Srila Prabhupada, but hardly exhibit obedience to Srila Prabhupada. Personalities who keep personal bank accounts of millions of dollars and yet wear the dress of a sannyasi. Personalities that institute a bare-faced guru-rubber-stamping lie about the intentions of Srila Prabhupada for the continuance of the disciplic succession and forcibly continue that failing lie until today, treating guruship as some kind of franchise over which they have absolute control in the movement of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The same personalities that refuse Srila Prabhupada's instruction to call all his beloved disciples before him in Vrndavana for one last darshan during his final manifest days. Blind personalities that cannot see that they are stumbling along the path to their own destruction ditch.


And now these rascals are arranging for their samadhis all over Srila Prabhupada's temples like a rash of boils upon a beautiful face. The GBC are now demanding an "oath of allegiance to the GBC" as a prerequisite for all sorts of positions within the society. To demand such a concoction is an open admission of defeat on their part. Have they forgotten that Srila Prabhupada drew such love from his disciples that they considered nothing else but his service as their life and soul? Is it possible to institutionalize such surrender by some artificial contrivance? By a resolution can love be created?


Yet, who should be the subject of an oath of allegiance? Should it be Srila Prabhupada or a managerial body with a deplorable record that continues to fail Srila Prabhupada in so many ways? Would it not be a better and more pertinent policy in view of historical events post November 1977 for each GBC every year at the Mayapura Festival to declare before an open assembly of the devotees and before the Mayapura Deities an oath of allegiance to the practical application of all teachings of Srila Prabhupada without deviation, addition, subtraction and concoction?


If that were performed before the annual meetings, would that not speak more loudly and eloquently to ISKCON than a million GBC resolutions? What a gloriously ecstatic and instructive event that would be, especially if the oath was taken to heart and at the meetings themselves such an oath was followed unquestioningly by a majority of the members. Would the cataracts of concoction be cleanly cut out, then vision would be found again, and with a new focus upon surrender, one’s proper direction would quickly become clear by the Guiding Light of the Lord. Until that happy day, one remains visionless and headed down the welcoming ditch of delusion, inevitably.


By arranging for one's own samadhi in Srila Prabhupada's temples, does one become a paramahamsa-uttama-adhikari devotee of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna - the actual qualification? Or does one become a fool and rascal before one's Spiritual Master? The GBC are only arranging Hell for themselves and their cronies, and their tombs will become only gateways of disgrace to the lower planets and rebirth in lower species. After perhaps millions of births they will be given a chance to attain to pure devotion again. Are not the GBC attempting to bury out of sight the teachings of our glorious Founder-Acarya and create a society where their ignorant mental speculation, financial advantage, and lustful self-glorification reign supreme? Are they not mad intoxicated elephants of poor vision proudly bellowing that they are managing “wonderfully” while they trample underfoot the teachings of Srila Prabhupada? Is humility to be pounded into a paste and buried along with the instructions of the Founder Acarya?


When will the GBC realize that ISKCON is surviving not because of them but in spite of them? When will they surrender unquestioningly to Srila Prabhupada’s directions for the management of the society, making such practical implementation the absolute unchanging standard. To bring the Spiritual Master milk when he has ordered water will never become service


This 'tombs for neophytes policy' embodies the mindless, rebellious and offensive ignorance that is at the very heart of the GBC's heedless disobedience to Srila Prabhupada. And the GBC have brainwashed themselves into the knee-jerk reaction that anyone who faults their behavior in the guiding light of the unequivocal directions of Srila Prabhupada is “envious”. Such are the dark shadows of madness within which one’s friends are seen as enemies, just like the sightless Dhrtarastra casting out Vidura, beckoned by the cold cacophony of Duryodhana, the incarnation of Kali.


Dear GBC, we are not envious, we are trying to save you from great offense! And thus the strong words that are meant to awaken you to a coming destruction ditch you apparently do not see in your blindness of speculative concoction. Stop this nonsense right now by passing a resolution that no samadhis may be built within Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON evermore. Wake up to your prime duty of preserving an ISKCON clearly centered on Srila Prabhupada, his exemplary life, and undeviating compliance to his teaching.


You have a choice of either the Lord’s sastra or astra:


yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya

vartate kama-karatah

na sa siddhim avapnoti

na sukham na param gatim


"He who discards scriptural injunctions [and the order of the spiritual master] and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination." Bg 16.23.


Srila Prabhupada: “If we do not care for the sastra, whimsically manufacture our own ways of life, na siddhim sa avapnoti, it will never be successful. Na sukham. And there will be no happiness. Na param gatim [And no attainment of the Supreme Destination].”


True glory resides within the humility of surrender alone.


We hope this is found helpful,


Your servant, Balavidya dasa

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faultfinders.com.... that sounds like a really cool site. But I looked it up and nothing came up for it. :( I wonder what the site really is.


All kidding aside, after having access to information through the internet, I would never go back. Those who are in power seem to like to withhold information, whether there is a need to or not. Then the rank-and-file devotees, who are trying to do what their supposed to, are left in the dark and told to "just chant and be happy, Prabhu." My feeling is, I have a decent intellect, at least let me know what is going on so I can draw my own conclusions. If people want to find fault after knowing the good and the bad, then that is their own choice.


Hari bol!

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