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Wonderfully nice pictures. :pray:


"Under an impenetrable veil he hides all that can draw upon him the esteem of men." quote by herservant

Yesterday I had a special day at a spiritual function. Our town has had some multicultural fairs and activities on the weekend. In particular, yesterday was one of them magical days of real connection with others. A lady approached me and said the simple words...'you cannot judge a book by it's cover.'


How much more so the Christ. Who was plain in the site of men. Whose glory within is indescribable by earthly words. Yesterday I realized that we can look beyond the body...look beyond the mental structures that many of us mistakenly identify with in each other...that deep within each of us is pristine beauty. Behind these veils is something gentle and kind. The particle of God...exquisite in glory. The abode of rasa with divine.


Thanks Mahak for your cool head and nice energy. Your association is special.

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