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THIS WEBSITE IS FOR EVERYONE -- who wants to use his/her brains !!!! smile.png

Q1. What is this website all about?

a) Its a Meeting Place for all people philosophically oriented.

b) It allows members to make their own BLOGS !! Usually it can be kept private..unless you want to change that.

c) Members can post their pictures online !!! Try to keep it small !!!

d) Members can send private emails to each other without disclosing their email ids.

e) Members can read books like Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Koran and other great books

f) Yes!!! you can discuss each verse or shloka or sura from each book as Comments !!!!

g) FORUMS!!! Yes we offer forums for you to discuss " Burning Issues"

h) POLLS !!! You can cast your vote on various issues.

i) Syndicate content from this site to your own readers or blogs

j) Find out who is online, browse profiles and GET GOING !!

k) If you want to make your posts very effective; please read COMPOSE TIPS

PLEASE REMEMBER : Kindly keep a copy of your post/comment etc in a Clipboard, Word Document or Text File in your local computer to avoid loss of date due to server errors or internet slowdowns. You can delete your copy once you post it onto the site or keep it with your for future use.

l) Other features include a Buddy List, List of Active Forums/Recent Comments/Recently Joined

m) YES!!! We have Organic Groups features also. So you can network separately and privately if you so choose!!!

Happy Interactions.

P.S. Sometimes due to too many users, the site may not display anything on LOGIN...so just Refresh twice..and everything will be FINE !!!




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