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Many Are Qualified to Initiate:Voted into the sannyasa ashram?

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by Gaursundar das (Denver, Colo.)


Posted March 25, 2007



ISKCON seems to operate within the realms of inequality. As a devotee since 1979, I find it disconcerting that the GBC is going against guru, shastra and sadhu concerning recognition as a leader in Srila Prabhupada's movement.

Who came up with the rule that you had to be voted into the sannyasa ashram? This is between the guru and his or her disciple. Such a rule is directly against shastra.

For the sincere disciples of Srila Prabhupada, I salute you, but why are only direct initiates of Srila Prabhupada allowed to initiate devotees into spiritual life? There are certainly many others in the movement who possess the necessary qualifications. In the shastras there are many examples of a guru telling disciples to go out and initiate people as Srila Prabhupada instructed his direct initiates to do. Today's gurus should be telling their qualified disciples to do the same. If this is not done then ISKCON will certainly stagnate.

What we are doing is sending a message to everyone who joins that you cannot ever advance spiritually enough to help spread the movement until the direct disciples of Srila Prabhupada have all gone back to Godhead. Unfortunately, some direct initiates may find themselves in a different situation than they expect; perhaps they will have to be born back into this movement and feel left out for their whole lifetime. Hopefully, they will not get molested by demon-like scum that claim to be disciples of Srila Prabhupada but are simply disciples of the lower modes of ignorance and darkness. Think about it; wake up. This movement is not about spreading power, money and fame.

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I agree. The parampara must continue, so more sincere devotees should be auithorized and empowered to initiate aspiring devotees. I'm quite certain it will happen but it must happen soon.




by Gaursundar das (Denver, Colo.)


Posted March 25, 2007



ISKCON seems to operate within the realms of inequality. As a devotee since 1979, I find it disconcerting that the GBC is going against guru, shastra and sadhu concerning recognition as a leader in Srila Prabhupada's movement.

Who came up with the rule that you had to be voted into the sannyasa ashram? This is between the guru and his or her disciple. Such a rule is directly against shastra.

For the sincere disciples of Srila Prabhupada, I salute you, but why are only direct initiates of Srila Prabhupada allowed to initiate devotees into spiritual life? There are certainly many others in the movement who possess the necessary qualifications. In the shastras there are many examples of a guru telling disciples to go out and initiate people as Srila Prabhupada instructed his direct initiates to do. Today's gurus should be telling their qualified disciples to do the same. If this is not done then ISKCON will certainly stagnate.

What we are doing is sending a message to everyone who joins that you cannot ever advance spiritually enough to help spread the movement until the direct disciples of Srila Prabhupada have all gone back to Godhead. Unfortunately, some direct initiates may find themselves in a different situation than they expect; perhaps they will have to be born back into this movement and feel left out for their whole lifetime. Hopefully, they will not get molested by demon-like scum that claim to be disciples of Srila Prabhupada but are simply disciples of the lower modes of ignorance and darkness. Think about it; wake up. This movement is not about spreading power, money and fame.

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Why would anyone place themselves under the ecclesiastical system invented by Iskcon's leaders? It's not Prabhupada's transcendental system so there is no need to worry about them one way or another. They may agree or disagree but who cares.


One should neither hate the ecclesiastical's nor cooperate with them.

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So who will decide who is sincere?

That's all we need another thousand gurus who think they are sincere and qualified without any confirmation from the pure devotee.

Just so the neophyte newbies can have a thousand more choices to confuse their already perplexed predicament.

Better to find those that the suddha bhaktas recognize, and that truly exhibit the qualities of a genuine acharya and from my personal understanding they are rather rare.... but I'm sure where there are sincere disciples, the Lord will send along a genuine guru.

By all means aspire to be guru but first let us qualify as disciple.

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