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Dream Yoga / Astral in Hinduism

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I've been deeply interested in the Dream Yoga practices lately & was wondering if there's a similar practice within Hinduism that lets you work with the subtle body (sukshma sharira) or something on the lines of astral projection.


And where in India must I look to learn this practice? Do you know of any Guru who teaches this?



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The Tibetan Dream Yogas do seem to have a separate branch on the subject . I believe in hinduism , these are taken as siddhis & there's some chakra work involved .

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The Tibetan Dream Yogas do seem to have a separate branch on the subject . I believe in hinduism , these are taken as siddhis & there's some chakra work involved .




Do you know of a particular Hindu work dedicated to the subject that we could direct omonk to?

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I'm not sure really. Kundalini Yoga practitioners usually have spontaneous OBEs . But I've yet to see it as a separate practice. Maybe this thread will get better replies in the Kundalini Yoga section

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Yoga Nidra or Yogic Conscious Deep Sleep

Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep. It is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras, the deep impressions that are the driving force behind Karma . It is expounded in the upnishads.

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Soul covered with layers of materialistic desires searches for happiness in the outside world. Whereas it itself is the true source of happiness . One who is headed in the right direction in the course of spiritual knowledge acquires true knowledge through the cycles of kal [death/rebirth] and these layers gets peeled off one by one.

A stone thrown in a sea would only sink due to its weight or self ego.

More one is closer to the true self more he is away from the clutches of maya or karmic desires [sankalpas] , new or old.


And this is what we try to achieve through yog nidra .

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Here is a verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam and purport by Srila Prabhupada. It is necessary that we transcend even deep sleep.



When one's consciousness is completely purified of the contamination of material existence, gross and subtle, without being agitated as in the working and dreaming states, and when the mind is not dissolved as in sushupti, deep sleep, one comes to the platform of trance. Then one's material vision and the memories of the mind, which manifests names and forms, are vanquished. Only in such a trance is the Supreme Personality of Godhead revealed. Thus let us offer our respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is seen in that uncontaminated, transcendental state.



There are two stages of God realization. One is called sujneyam, or very easily understood (generally by mental speculation), and the other is called durjneyam, understood only with difficulty. Paramatma realization and Brahman realization are considered sujneyam, but realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is durjneyam. As described here, one attains the ultimate realization of the Personality of Godhead when one gives up the activities of the mind—thinking, feeling and willing—or, in other words, when mental speculation stops. This transcendental realization is above susupti, deep sleep. In our gross conditional stage we perceive things through material experience and remembrance, and in the subtle stage we perceive the world in dreams. The process of vision also involves remembrance and also exists in a subtle form. Above gross experience and dreams is susupti, deep sleep, and when one comes to the completely spiritual platform, transcending deep sleep, he attains trance, visuddha-sattva, or vasudeva-sattva, in which the Personality of Godhead is revealed.


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It is extremely beneficial for those who wants to learn meditation and are leading a very busy or demanding life.




Would explain a little about any daily practices that are involved in your sadhana, and the ultimate goal please as I am not familiar with any details of this yog nidra. I can understand how being able to enter into deep sleep like trance states would be the ultimate health practice for the pyscho/physical bodies of man. I am not sure if thus is what you are referring to though.

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There's one very major difference in yog nidra and other meditation practises.

In yog nidra we concentrate on agnya chakra in lying position . In this postion our backbone is parallel to ground. We let all our body get relaxed.its better not to lie on a very hard or soft floor. Concentration on agnya chakra or third eye would let casual thoughts come and go. As the level of concentration increases , casual thoughts starts getting lessening.

Usually our conciousness is scattered all along the body. But with practise we try to see our true self , with increased concentration on agnya chakra.

Even some yogis refer it to breathing through agnya chakra.


Sir you asked about daily practises in my sadhna. Yog nidra is good when body is very tired and instead of just sleeping its better to be in yog nidra state.

Other sadhna practises that I do are Surya Sadhna , Sadhna in siddhasana and sirshasana. You can find more information on surya sadhna at our brahamcharya site.

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Yes I do mantra sadhna . Its the mool mantra of guru granth sahib ji. Hari's name is everywhere in this holy book. But the translations are innumerable . A true translation can only be done by a true guru who's in the position as the writer was.

I am still awaiting to get a shabad from a true BrahmGyani guru. Though it's very hard to find a true one nowdays but by hari's grace I have found one.

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I am not familar with mool mantra, actually I am not knowledgeable of any mantras except the Hare Krsna maha mantra. But the Lord has innumerable names and if any of those names are glorified in any mantra that mantra must be sound. I have heard that any mantra is spiritualy potentiated by the Nama of the Lord alone and that the Hari Nama is the true essence of all sound vibration.


Yes guru can only be found by Hari's grace.


Hare Krsna

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why do we meditate at all, for pieceful living in this material world,finding solution to your problems by communing with God . if it is so then you are wrong somewhere, slowly it will take you away from materilaism and you will start feeling better in seclusion,a life devoid of passion ,then comes a stage of frusreration when you start crying for salvation as there is no comeback from that stage of seclusion and detachment but salvation happens at its time and till then you have to wait n wait, may be for years you have to be in that stage of seclusion,

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A pot willed with ocean water

Kept in ocean.

Who's lonely ?

Ocean or the pot water,

Captive in the boundaries

of Lust (Kam), Anger (Krodh),

Greed (Lobh), Worldly attachment (Moh),

and Pride (Ahankar).

Break these boundaries , become one with the sea,

make bonds with the transcendental hari and

never be lonely or in seculsion again.

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Yoga Nidra essentially bypasses the dream state ... and jumps to the deep sleep / formless state.


I don't think Yoga Nidra is an effective way to get awareness of sukshma sharira.

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