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from prapatti.com


podhu thaniyangaL


srIshailEsha dayApAtram dhIbhaktyAdi guNArNavam |

yatIndra pravaNam vandE ramya jAmAtaram munim ||


lakshmI nAtha samArambhAm nAthayAmuna madhyamAm |

asmadAchArya paryantAm vandE guru paramparAm ||


yO nityam acyuta padAmbuja yugmarukma

vyAmOhatas taditarANi truNAya mEnE |

asmad gurOr bhagavatOsssya dayaikasindhO:

rAmAnujasya caraNau sharaNam prapadyE ||


mAtA pitA yuvatayas tanayA vibhUti:

sarvam yadEva niyamEna madanvayAnAm |

Adyasya na: kulapatEr vakuLAbhirAmam

srimat tadanghri yugaLam praNamAmi mUrdhnA ||


bhUtam sarasya mahadAhvaya bhatta nAtha

srIbhaktisAra kulashEkhara yOgivAhAn |

bhaktAnghrirENu parakAla yatIndramishrAn

srImat parAngkusha munim praNatOsssmi nityam ||

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Dear devotee in some places the verse:


'Ramanuja Dayapatram Gyana Vairagya Bhushanam

Srimat Venkatanatharayam Vande Vedanta Desikam.


is chanted inseat of Sri Shailesha..... verse.


It just depends upon which branch of the sampradaya the devotee is from. The Sri Shaila verse, is according to the lineage which is traced to Sri Ramanuja through the great Manavala muni, where as the 'Ramanuja dayapatram verse is traced sung in honour of the great Vedanta Desika. Both lineages are bonafide and they respect the Acharayas of both lines.


the next verse surrenders to the Guru parampara, which starts with LakshmiNatha (Vishnu) has, Nathamuni and Yamunacharaya in the Middle and ones initiating Guru and the end.


The 'yo nityam' verse adresses Srimad Ramanuja who established the main tenants of the sampradaya and propounded the philosophy of Vaishnavism. He was the main figure in organising and establishing the sect as it is today in the Kaliyuga.


The mata-pita verse adresses Namalavar-Shatakopa muni. He appeared sometime before Ramanujacharya, and is acharya responsible for composing the hymns which give the teachings of Devotional service and Surrende, which is believed to be the only way to the Lord.


The final verse, praises Sri Ramanuja the great Alvar saints (who Shatakopa was one of) they all composed Tamil hymns (Divya Prabhandanam) which form the basis of SriVaishnavism (along with the sanskrit Vedas and Smritis). Infact these hymns are possibly the foundation of all main vaishnava devotional works such as Meerabai, Tukaram, etc....

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Jai Shrimannaryan,

I am looking for the complete text of "GURU PARAMPARA" usually chanted in most of the vyankatesha-balaji temples..... If anybody has a text of that please share.

Looking very eagrly for replies




nArAyaNam. padmabhuvam. vasishTham. Saktim. ca tatputra parASaram. ca

vyAsam. Sukam. gauDapadam. mahAntam. govindayogIndram athAsya Sishyam. |

SrI Sam.karAcAryam athAsya padmapAdam. ca hastAmalakam. ca Sishyam.

tam. toTakam. vArttikakAramanyAn asmad gurUn santatamAnatosmi ||

sadASiva samArambhAm. SankarAcArya madhyamAm.

asmadAcArya paryantAm. vande guru paramparAm. ||



These are the advaita guru paramparA verses, which salute the prominent gurus of advaita, starting from nArAyaNa through Sankara and his disciples, upto the AcAryas of today. It is typical of advaita that the first guru is called nArAyaNa (vishNu) in the first verse and sadASiva (Siva) in the second. The paramparA thus lists:



padmabhuva (brahmA)







govinda bhagavatpAda


padmapAda, hastAmalaka, toTaka, sureSvara (vArttikakAra),

and others (anyA:).

In the Indian religious and philosophical traditions, all knowledge is traced back to the Gods and to the Rshis who saw the vedas. Thus, the advaita guru-paramparA begins with the daiva-paramparA , followed by the Rshi-paramparA, which includes the vedic seers vasishTha, Sakti, parASara, his son vyAsa, (the famous redactor of the vedas, he is also traditionally identified with bAdarAyaNa, the composer of the brahmasUtras), and vyAsa's son Suka. After Suka, we turn to the mAnava-paramparA, which brings us to historical times and personalities. The traditions regarding these human gurus are recorded in the Sankaravijaya literature, and typically, they are regarded as incarnations of various deities. gauDapAda is the famous author of the mANDUkya kArikas that are attached to the mANDUkya upanishad. His disciple, govinda, is regarded as an incarnation of AdiSesha, the cosmic serpent. He was the preceptor of Sankara, who is regarded as an incarnation of Siva. Sankara's four well-known disciples were named padmapAda, hastAmalaka, toTaka and sureSvara (vArttikakAra). Tradition has it that Sankara appointed these four disciples as heads of the four maThas that he founded. The others are the gurus who come later in the tradition.


Sankara and his disciples, padmapAda and sureSvara, are arguably the most important philosophers in the advaita vedAnta tradition. After the mANDUkya kArikAs, Sankara's commentaries to the upanishads, brahmasUtras and bhagavadgItA are the oldest extant vedAnta treatises. The importance of Sankara can be seen from the fact that every vedAntin after him makes his mark either by expanding on his thought or by refuting him.


Sankara can be dated more or less reliably to the 8th century CE. Upto Suka, the first few gurus cannot be dated to historical times. The date of gauDapAda, the author of the mANDUkya kArikAs, is usually inferred from the tradition that he was Sankara's teacher's teacher, and from references to the mANDUkya kArikAs in other works. However, not much historical information is known about govinda bhagavatpAda, Sankara's teacher, except that Sankara salutes him in the invocatory verses in some of his works.


from: smkodav@

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