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In Rememberance Of Puru Das Prabhu

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My dear friends, sons and daughters.


My heartly blessings are for you. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and

Gauranga, all glories to Sri Sri Radha Vinode Bihariji.


Today I received the sad news about the departure of my dear most bosom

friend, Sriman Puru prabhu. I am praying to Sri Sri Gaura Nityananda

Prabhu and Sri Sri Radha and Krsna that They will bestow Their causeless

mercy upon Sriman Puru prabhu and grace him with high class of

association by which he will perfect his sadhana and bhajan and attain

pure Vraja bhakti.


I remember how he was in India for last 6 months, in Sri Vraja Mandal

parikram and in Sri Gaura Mandal parikram. He visited many Holy places

during this period and certainly gathered many deep spiritual

impressions. I remember how he has served his Gurumaharaja _ Srila

Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja - and also how he has assisted myself in

spreading the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission.


All glories to Sriman Puru prabhu.

Your ever well-wisher,

Swami B.V. Narayan

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What?!?! Is this a hoax post or something? If true all I can say is Godspeed Puru das. I know the exemplary life you lived on this side was pleasing to Krsna and will serve you well .


I wonder how Krsna will engage you now? Will you look in on your devotee friends and try to inspire them from the subtle side as I believe many departed devotees have done? Or will Krsna carry you elsewhere far from this little sphere?


Thank you for the BVL. Both you and RandOm have made a wonderful gift to all branches of Gaudiya Vaisnavism by compiling all this knowledge and making it easily accessable to all.


What I am most thankful for is that although we have argued so much over the net for years, in just the last few days our communication had become so much sweeter and more personal.


This earth is less in your absence.


Dandavat pranams prabhu.

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Sri Sri Guru and Gaurangau Jayatah


Yes it is true, not a hoax. Our dear Puru Prabhu had a heart attack and did not recover, as far as I know this happened yesterday, tuesday.

Puru Prabhu had heart problems. He spend 6 months in India recently and wasnt back for long.

Sriman Puru Prabhu was best know for His Bhaktivedanta Memorial

http://www.bvml.org/ He also tirelessly preached against sectarianism within our worldwide vaisnava family, defeated the ritvik dogma countless of times and sold Srila Prabhupadas books for many years under the same tree Srila Prabhupada ones stood to introduce our philosophy.



Srila Prabhupada in New York's Tompkins Square Park, Summer 1966. The East Village Other said that "he had suceeded in convincing the world's toughest audience that he knew the way to God."


Puru Prabhu was a great sincere devotee of the Lord and i offer my humble and respectful dandavads to Him 1000s of times. He was my friend and godbrother and when i was down and spiritually a wreck He helped me so very much. I will miss your association Puru Prabhu


Haribol !!

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His Divine Grace

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada's

Disappearance Day, Lecture


Los Angeles, December 13, 1973 [731213DB.LA]


nama om visnu-padaya

krsna-presthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktisiddhanta

sarasvatiti namine

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura passed away from this material world on 31st December, 1936. So almost forty years past. So there are two phases, prakata and aprakata, appearance and disappearance. So we have nothing to lament on account of disappearance because Krsna and Krsna's devotee... Not only devotees, even the nondevotees, nobody disappears. Nobody disappears because every living entity... As Krsna is eternal... It is confirmed in the Vedic literature, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. The description of the Supreme Lord is that He is also nitya, eternal, and the living entities are also eternal. But He is the chief eternal. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. So qualitatively, there is no difference between Krsna and the living entities. And quantitatively, there is difference. What is the difference between nitya, the singular number nitya, and the plural number nitya? The plural number nitya is subordinate, eternal servants of the singular number nitya. Just like if you want to serve somebody, so the master is also exactly like you. He has got two hands, two legs, or the same sentiments. He also eats. Everything is same there. But the difference is the master and the servant. That's all. Otherwise, equal in every respect.

So spiritually, appearance and disappearance, there is no difference. Just like in material point of view, if a person takes birth... Suppose you get a son born, you become very happy. The same son, when passes away, you become very unhappy. This is material. And spiritually, there is no such difference, appearance or disappearance. So although this is the disappearance day of Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, so there is nothing to be lamented. Although we feel separation, that feeling is there, but spiritually, there is no difference between appearance and disappearance. There is a song, Narottama dasa Thakura's song, ye anilo prema-dhana. Do you know, any one of you? Can you sing that song anyone? Oh. Ye anilo prema-dhana, karuna pracura, heno prabhu kotha gelo. I don't remember exactly the whole song. That is our lamentation, that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura brought this message to distribute all over... Of course, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expressed His desire, that

prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama

sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama

He predicted that "All over the world, as many towns and villages are there, everywhere My name will be known." Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's name. Which is now, attempted now, it is being actually... To execute this will of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He said personally,

bharata bhumite manusya janma haila yara

janma sarthaka kari kara para-upakara

He wanted that His name should be broadcast all over the world in every town and village. And who would do it? That He asked that anyone who has taken birth in Bharata-varsa, India, it is his duty: first of all make himself perfect by understanding the philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; then broadcast it, distribute it. This was the duty of every Indian.

So Indian, especially in India, they have got the privilege to take advantage of the Vedic literature. In other countries there is no such advantage. So if anyone wants to make his life perfect, then he has to take advantage of the vast treasure-house of Indian spiritual knowledge. Even one Chinese gentleman, he has written one book about religion. That is a course in New York University. So he has said that "If you want to know something of religion, then you have to go to India." That's a fact. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that every Indian... There is need of broadcasting this Krsna consciousness movement, all over the world. So it is the duty of every Indian to first of all make his life perfect. He must know... Perfection means he must know what is his position and what he has to do. That is perfection. At the present moment, people do not know what he is even, whether he is this body or something extra. The big, big scientists, they are also failure. This is perfection. First of all one must know what he is, whether he is this body or something beyond this body. This is the beginning of spiritual knowledge. So that advantage is there in India, by culture, by education. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested that Indians, bharatiya, Bharata- varsa, those who have taken birth as human being... He doesn't speak to the animals. Bharata bhumite manusya janma. Manusya janma means human being. Because without being a human being, nobody can understand these things. The cats and dogs, they cannot understand. So a person whose behavior is like cats and dogs, he also cannot understand. Therefore He said, janma sarthaka kari. First of all make your life perfect and then distribute this knowledge. This is the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission.

So He simply said, but He was expecting that in later days His followers would do that. So that attempt was made by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. Bhaktivinoda Thakura, he desired and, that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message, it should be accepted by East and West equally, and both the Indians and Europeans, Americans, they should dance together in ecstasy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy. That was his desire, Bhaktivinoda Thakura. He simply expressed the desire, "When I shall see this happening, that both the eastern and western people they are united on the basis of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult and dancing together in ecstasy?" That was his ambition. That was ambition of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and this was ambition of Bhaktivinoda Thakura. And Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura took up this affair, business, and he wanted first of all.

So every student, any disciple, every disciple, especially those who are competent, he requested that "You take up this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and preach in the western countries. That was Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's first attempt. Before that, even the acaryas, Rupanuga Gosvamis, they left literature, but they did not attempt to preach practically. And Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he was very, very anxious to preach this Caitanya cult in the western countries. This is Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's special contribution.

So when I met Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura... It is a long story, how I met him. One of my friends, he dragged me. (laughing) (laughter) I was at that time nationalist and manager in a big chemical factory. My age was about twenty-four years. So one of my friends, he asked me that "There is a nice sadhu, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He has come in Calcutta. So let us go and see." So I was reluctant. I thought just like so, there are so many sadhus. So I was not very much... Because I had very bad experience, not very good. So I said, "Oh these kind of sadhus, there are many." You'll be glad to know that even my in young age or early age or early age--it was Krsna's grace--even amongst my young friends, I was considered the leader. (laughing) (laughter) In my school days, in my college days, in my private friendship, some way or other I became their leader. And one astrologer sometimes he read my hand. He said in Hindi, kukum calena(?). Kukum calena means "Your hand speaks that your order will be executed."

Devotees: Jaya!

Prabhupada: So anyway, it was Krsna's grace. I would not go, but their point of view was that unless I certify that sadhu, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he'll not be accepted. Therefore he dragged me. So I went to see Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura on that day. On the first meeting, just we offer our obeisances. It is the practice. So immediately he began his talking that "You are all educated young men. Why don't you take up Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult and preach all over the English knowing public? Why don't you take up this matter?" So I argued with him in so many... At that time I was nationalist. So I told that "Who will accept our message? We are dependent nation. Nobody will care." In this way, in my own way, in these younger days... But we belonged to the Vaisnava family, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Radha-Govinda. That is our worshipable Deity. So I was very glad that "Radha-Krsna cult, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult, this sadhu is trying to preach. It is very nice."

So at that time we had some talks, and of course I was defeated by his argument, my argument. (laughter) And then, when we came out, we were offered prasadam, very nice treatment, the Gaudiya Matha. And when I came out on the street, this my friend asked me, "What is your opinion of this sadhu?" Then I said that "Here is the right person who has taken up Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message, and now it will be distributed."

Devotees: Jaya!

Prabhupada: So I was at that time a fool, but I opined like this. And I accepted him as my spiritual master immediately. Not officially, but in my heart. That was in 1922. Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on my business tour. And I made my headquarter at Allahabad. Allahabad is about five hundred miles from Calcutta. So I was thinking that "I met a very nice saintly person." That was my thinking always. So in this way, in 1928, there was a Kumbhamela. At that time, these Gaudiya Matha people came to Allahabad to establish a center there, and somebody else said, somebody informed them that "You go to that Prayaga Pharmacy." My drug shop was named as Prayaga Pharmacy. My name was also there. "You go and see Abhaya Babu. He is religiously... He will help you." These Gaudiya Matha people, they came to see me. So "Sir, we have come to you. We have heard your good name. So we want to start a temple here. Please try to help us." And because I was thinking of these Gaudiya Matha people that "I met a very nice, saintly persons," and as soon as I saw them, I was very much engladdened: "Oh, here are these persons. They have come again."

So in this way, gradually, I became attached to these Gaudiya Matha activities, and by the grace of Krsna, my business also was not going very well. (laughter) (laughs) Yes. Krsna says yasyaham anughrnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih. If somebody wants to be actually devotee of Krsna, at the same time, keeps his material attachment, then Krsna's business is He takes away everything material, so that cent percent he becomes, I mean to say, dependent on Krsna. So that actually happened to my life. I was obliged to come to this movement to take up this very seriously. And I was dreaming that "Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is calling me, 'Please come out with me!' " (pause) So I was sometimes horrified, "Oh, what is this? I have give up my family life? Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is calling me? I have to take sannyasa?" Oh, I was horrified. But I saw several times, calling me. So anyway, it is by his grace I was forced to give up my family life, my so-called business life. And he brought me some way or other in preaching his gospel.

So this is memorable day. What he desired, I am trying little bit, and you are all helping me. So I have to thank you more. You are actually representative of my Guru Maharaja (Srila Prabhupada starts to cry) because you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja.

Thank you very much. Chant Hare Krsna. (end)

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He also tirelessly preached against sectarianism within our worldwide vaisnava family,....


Yes this is true. He oten would make this clear by repeating Prabhupada's quote, " I am of no faction." It would be a fitting inscription on his tombstone if there was to be one but no matter he is still quoting it today wherever he his along with telling the Tar Baby story.


I hope to hear those that new him to post some positive things about Puru that most of us who only knew him from the internet never heard. Positive things, "otherwise not."


Is it my imagination or is Krsna taking his devotees out of this world earlier than the norm? 58 is not that old.

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It is sad that we will no longer be able to read Puru Das prabhu's posts anymore.


He not only preached against sectarianism but he walked the talk, showing by example and offering respects to all the different genuine camps. We should strive to develop that kind of mentality.



Yes this is true. He oten would make this clear by repeating Prabhupada's quote, " I am of no faction." It would be a fitting inscription on his tombstone if there was to be one but no matter he is still quoting it today wherever he his along with telling the Tar Baby story.


I hope to hear those that new him to post some positive things about Puru that most of us who only knew him from the internet never heard. Positive things, "otherwise not."


Is it my imagination or is Krsna taking his devotees out of this world earlier than the norm? 58 is not that old.

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Sad news indeed! Puru was a genuine sadhu and I truly enjoyed reading his posts and articles for years. Even a rascal and a faultfinder like myself could not find fault in his posts. Salutations and obeisances to this great soul.

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Yes, Puru Das prabhu is a great soul indeed! Did he leave his body in Vrndavan? If so, a fitting place for a great personality to depart.


Though there won't be any new posts from him anymore now that he has departed, he's left behind a fantastic website that is a treasure house of Vaisnava philosophy and information.



Sad news indeed! Puru was a genuine sadhu and I truly enjoyed reading his posts and articles for years. Even a rascal and a faultfinder like myself could not find fault in his posts. Salutations and obeisances to this great soul.
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Yes, Puru Das prabhu is a great soul indeed! Did he leave his body in Vrndavan? If so, a fitting place for a great personality to depart.


Though there won't be any new posts from him anymore now that he has departed, he's left behind a fantastic website that is a treasure house of Vaisnava philosophy and information.


I do not know where he left the body.


I hope his site and legacy will be maintained for the benefit of all devotees

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Puru Prabhu has indeed left our material vision. He passed away yesterday afternoon near his home in Queens, New York. He was running errands for the BVML website, buying blank CD disks for a project we were working on (producing a CD copy of the BVML website w/o the multimedia, for reference use).


He had just returned from a six month visit in India, in which I was with him the last few weeks. His health was very good, except for the swollen leg issue. Even that was getting better with Western medical attention.


This was very sudden and unexpected, I had just spoken with him over the phone hours earlier, and he was fine.


Services are being held this weekend in New York, if anyone needs more information you may email me at aog9mm at

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:crying2: Well, this is a slap upside the head. Although I knew that Puru had suffered serious health problems for several years, this caught me like a sucker punch. The clock on the wall ticks ever more loudly, and it seems as though I'm losing a Godbrother a week now. Not a happy thing, at least for those of us left behind. (Can you hear Vidura's advice to Dhritatrastha now?? :eek2:)


I met Puru in LA in 1973. We seemed to connect quite readily, even though he was definitely a New Yorker, and I had just come from a farm up the slopes of Mauna Kea. He was a warmhearted guy. Although we didn't see each other, except perhaps very briefly, in the years since, I've never forgotten his warm nature and was always happy to see his efforts to harmonize the many forms in which devotees' expressions of faith have evolved over the years. I'll miss him and his posts.

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Out of the thousands of photographs I shot during Gaura Mandala Parikrama, this was Puru's favorite. He is eating a chocolate ice cream bar at ISKCON Mayapur, a thousand yards away from the GBC meetings. He loved the controversy of the chocolate issue, and chocolate tasted especially good after the GBC banned it, but did not stop selling it. The other devotees in the picture are laughing at one of his many funny comments.


Puru leaves behind a wife and three daughters. We miss him dearly and the BVML website will continue on in his honor and the direction of the Vaisnava Acaryas.


I will be creating a photo album of his Mayapur trip soon for others to view.



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Hare Krishna,


wow, this sad news comes as quite a shock to me. I've never met Puru prabhu in person, but I've always admired his ability to extract the exact appropriate quotes, from the huge body of scriptures and commentaries that are available to us, when it came to resolving the issues that were put forward on this messageboard.

He never bothered much to use his own words, with a puffed up attitude, like myself. I suppose he rightly felt that the words of the acharya's are more than sufficient. Though my opinion has no value whatsoever, from his posts I have always understood him to be properly situated in his bhajana and in right understanding of the true spirit of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Although I have no right to speak of it, I'm still also very glad and relieved to see that Theist had in time reconciled past differences with Puru prabhu and got on more friendly terms again.

It is very unsettling to habituously click on the favorites link to Audarya fellowship and read that Puru prabhu has left his body, especially since his last post was only some hours ago. In this way Krishna is once more hitting me on my dull head with the hammer of material reality, saying "this material life is short, so stop wasting your valuable time in pursuance of fleeting objectives", and for a few minutes it works. But then, due to my extreme dullness of mind it settles back to it's old and corrupted state and continues in it's old imbibed habits, until one day Krishna will strike the hammer harder then ever....


It is always to see a devotee of Lord Krishna go. I'm very grateful for his contribution to the community, and very grateful for his great website www.bvml.org, the content of which has helped remove many doubts from my mind. I hope other devotees will keep the site alive and kicking.


I pay my humble prostrated obeisances to Sriman Puru Prabhu

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I am very much shocked and saddened to hear of the loss of this sadhu, Sriman Puru Prabhu. My first recollection of him was seeing a photo and article about him in a BTG from the mid-80s wherein he was interviewed about his work as a taxi driver and how he would distribute books to his customers. Sometimes when I read all the doom and gloom on the internet; the negativity, the hostility, the doubts, the hopelessness, the disturbia, the agonizing drone of the jackhammer-like rat-a-tat-tat, I sometimes catch myself pausing to reflect on how many of Srila Prabhupada's disciples have actually risen above the kanistha stage, the nama aparadha stage. I know I haven't. Then I think of Puru Prabhu and his guru nistha; his commitment and heartfelt dedication, and then I become enlivened anew. Here is a genuine disciple of his Guru Maharaja who has been diligently following sadhana bhakti for some 37 years in a non-sectarian spirit, appreciative of other Sadhus and always careful to avoid committing offenses to Vaishnavas. He leaves behind a remarkable legacy of Internet preaching for the past 10 years or so. I pray that Bhutabhavana Prabhu will continue with the BVML website in honor of Puru Prabhu.


aspiring to be the servant of the servant of Puruji Prabhu and his Guru Guardians,

daruka dasa

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I was completely shocked and saddened to hear of "Uncle Puru's" passing. He was a long-time friend. Reading his posts was one of the main reasons I visited here. His dedication and love for our Srila Prabhupada, his knowledge, his wit, his valuable service, it all is so inspiring to me.


One of my last memories of him is in Mathura during Kartika last year. I rode in a boat with him and his daughter across the Yamuna between Durvasa Tila and Mathura.


Farewell Puruji. My humble obeisances at your feet. I know you have reached a high destination, continuing in your valuable service to Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas. I will miss you.


Govindarupini dd


and from my husband, Bankebihari dasa


"Another dear godbrother and friend passed from this world yesterday, Puru das. He was a great exponent of Krishna Consciousness, a dear diksha disciple of His Divine Loving Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and dear siksha disciple of His Divine Loving Grace Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.

I first met and became friends with "Uncle Puru" in Dallas, Texas in the early 1980's. Then he stayed with us for a time in Badger, California in the mid 1990's. I will always remember the time we sang "Sri Sad-Gosvamyastakam" together, when he had me play on Srila Prabhupadas own kartalas. It was magical! vande rupa-santanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau

He was a special devotee of the Lord and champion of the inner heart of his gurudeva's. He was so solidly knowlegable in pure shastric siddhanta, and could so nicely, and also very strongly, share those beautiful truths with others. Although his body did not always cooperate, he used his time in this life to serve Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Much love my brother. Thank you for being my friend and giving such excellent service to our loving spiritual fathers."


Bankebihari das

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Sometimes on internet forums, this one and others, over the years, I would try my level best to fight against apasiddhanta and Vaisnava aparadha. Yet sometimes I would be in over my head and lo and behold Puru Prabhu would arrive on the virtual scene with his calvary of BVML full of guru, sadu and sastra, and save the day. Just 24 hours ago, I was thinking, "where is Puru, why is he not posting today?" Maybe he's out running errands? And he was, his last errands in this body. As usual his activities were connected with devotional service, evidence of the fact that despite any superficial and apparent contradictions our Uncle Puru was (is) one of the most advanced Western devotees to walk this earth. I new Puruji in N.Y. in '72 and LA in '73 but over the last five years it was my good fortune to get his personal association on a number of occasions. One time a few months ago I jokingly asked him why he didn't work for money as his wife supported the family. He looked at me seriously and said, "Prabhu, I am not long for this world, my heart is a ticking time bomb". I replied something like, "Oh, your cardiologist has kept you alive this long, surely you have at least another decade". He said, "Prabhu, I don't think so". So he knew, but he was usually very jolly because he really was a Vaisnava. But of course being the mundaner and neophyte that I am, I think that nobody I know, especially my bodily identity will die. So I have been in big denial. Now this week, and four godbrothers have left us. Of course three, capped off with the topper, Puru Prabhu. Now , all seems vacant, how will we go on? All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and all the divine guardians.

Raghavendu das

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Radhe Radhe


From the photo I recognized him. I was with him during the Braja Mandal Parikram in Oct 2006; though I never had the best fortune of personally associating with him.


I learned so much from his posts here. He is such a humble servant of his siksha Guru Srila Narayan Maharaj. I’m sure he will be given again the mercy to perfect his spiritual life to attain pure Vraja bhakti.


I’m sure his BVMLibrary website will keep his legacy alive.


Hare Krishna


Malati d d


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I'm saddened by Puru's passing. I am a fan of his BVML site. It's one of the better Vaisnava site on the web.


I'm impressed with all the lovely comments that the devotees have made in this thread about Puru. Thank you for restoring my faith in the humanity of devotees. I sure Puru would be pleased....

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I have met him in person only once, in early 90's. He kindly let me into Prabhupada's museum in the Brooklyn Temple for a private darshana. We talked a little bit and I was struck by his keen insight and sense of humor. Pity he was in a hurry to get back to his taxi driving job and we could not talk for long. In his compassion and trust he let me remain alone in the Museum for as long as I wanted, so I could spend more time with Srila Prabhupada. I only now recognized him from the photos.


It is a pity I have not had a chance to spend more time with him.


We should all treasure the association of mature devotees like Puru prabhu, even if we may not share all of their views.

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Srila Prabhupada's Srimad Bhagavatam 1.13.20




Whoever is under the influence of supreme kala [eternal time] must surrender his most dear life, and what to speak of other things, such as wealth, honor, children, land and home.




A great Indian scientist, busy in the planmaking business, was suddenly called by invincible eternal time while going to attend a very important meeting of the planning commission, and he had to surrender his life, wife, children, house, land, wealth, etc. During the political upsurge in India and its division into Pakistan and Hindustan, so many rich and influential Indians had to surrender life, property and honor due to the influence of time, and there are hundreds and thousands of examples like that all over the world, all over the universe, which are all effects of the influence of time. Therefore, the conclusion is that there is no powerful living being within the universe who can overcome the influence of time. Many poets have written verses lamenting the influence of time. Many devastations have taken place over the universes due to the influence of time, and no one could check them by any means. Even in our daily life, so many things come and go in which we have no hand, but we have to suffer or tolerate them without remedial measure. That is the result of time.


mahaksadasa commentary:


Haribol. It is quite metaphysical that last week, I was strongly thinking of a friend I have had discussions with over the years on the internet. I was, out of the blue, filled with thoughts of my godbrother, Sriman Puru das. Maybe it is simply appreciation for his dynamic preaching effort on the internet, and especially the content over the last few weeks. Yet, the content of the project that was somehow inspired by Sri Puru das is this discourse between Sri Vidura and King Dhrtarastha. And this godbrother suddenly leaves our presence, called back to Godhead, a life successfully performed. Leaving me weeping at the world's loss, yet with the treasure of his association never to be lost.


I only know Sri Puru das thru the cyber waves. He is a writer who freely practices his art. We had many discussions on the whole range of topics from the science of Bhakti Yoga, and neither of us could keep quiet. I used a quip on him once, "everyone is entitled to my opinion", and he truely enjoyed that one. He is a lion on the cyber waves, and many lambs had to face this reality. Under this strong surface, there is also the key element that many may have missed due to the impersonal mnature of the internet, his sweet vaisnava quality of humility. The authority he speaks with is never thought of as his own. He never presumes to be better than others, but always gives fully documented evidence from those WHO ARE better than others, the Vaisnava acaryas.


Time is not really a villain here. It is a fact, it is a windstorm of driving rain, it is a blizzard in April, it's 115 degrees in the shade, it's what it is. The fact that we have no control is not the issue of the sane, it is stipulated fact. Devotees of the Supreme Lord do not control time either. However, they Worship the Supreme Lord in the world of timelessness, even wearing a watch. The passing of time has no effect on this worship, as seen in the activities of the great devotees.


Of the great teachings of our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, the one I find most reassuring as a slave to time is the devotion of Krsna to his devotee, the reciprocation. For one who surrenders his forgetful life to be a vaisnava, there is never any loss. There is no need to artificially place a picture of Krsna before ones face at the time of death. There is no need to mechanically chant wracked with great physical pain. We remember the passing of Srila Haridas Thakura. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave him instruction "reduce your vow and chant less". The devotees who give their lives to serve Krsna actually become the object of Krsna's worship. At the time of death, Krsna is thinking of his devotee, protecting him, sending Sri Puskara or another even grander chariot to bring his devotee back, for consultation, for another even grander project.


Srila Prabhupada speaks of his disciples as gosthyanandis, preachers. Puru das, you preached to me, brother, and I heard you very well. Our unity is the issue here, our diversity is, as you always say, "of no consequence". I am honored that you took the time to be a true vaisnava associate, a true friend in every sense of the word.


Hare Krsna, your servant in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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I was greatly saddened to read about the untimely departure of Sripad Puru prabhu. My clearest memories of him will always be that of a Vaishnava who invited Their Lordships in deity form into the grha -- and most important of all -- he always without hesitation invited the Vaishnavas into his home. He offered his all to all Vaishnavas, young and old, famous and unknown.


Myself, and others undoubedly, saw Puru prabhu as a bigger than life personality who would outlive many of us in this lifetime, one thing we can all be assured of is that he will be remembered fondly those who were fortunate enough to meet him, as well as his diksa and siksa gurus. I hope that I may carry these memories of Puru prabhu for the rest of my life.

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