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I believe in KRSNA therefore I desire to love KRSNA and go back to KRSNA!

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Spontaneous attraction


<!-- end .post-top --><!-- the main section of the post goes here -->It was my first day of distributing books in the long distance trains. I had gone to Mumbai Central station carrying a bag full of variety of Srila Prabhupada’s books. I took a platform ticket and entered the posh and luxurious Rajdhani Express departing to New Delhi. Since it is a centrally air-conditioned train with an expensive fare, only affluent people travel in it. But big money doesn’t always mean a big heart, which is what I shortly experienced.


I entered one train car and began showing books to the passengers. They were not the least interested. Some politely said, “No thanks,” while others just plainly ignored me not even bothering to acknowledge my presence. It was very hard on my false ego, still I continued patiently. I reached a compartment where two ladies were sitting on the side berth and one family was on the main berth. One of the elderly ladies in the family asked for the books. One by one she saw all the books but then returned all of them back. I tried explaining about the books but she waved me off. I turned to the two ladies on the side berth. They were talking to each other, but when I showed them the books they vainly rotated their necks away. Dejected I heaved my bag over my shoulder and took a step to move out when suddenly I heard, “Can I see these books?” My heart jumped. I looked at the source of request and all my excitement fizzled down - it was a small kid 6 or 7 years old.


“Hey kid, these books are not for tiny-tots like you.”

“Do you have them in English,” he demanded.


I was surprised at his boldness. “What is the harm anyway?” I thought and took out all the English books and handed them to him.


“What is this?” he asked.


“This is small Krishna.” I said.

“Mama I want Krishna, Mama I want Krishna.” The boy grabbed the book and dashed to one of the lady on the side berth. “No beta (son), we don’t need this book, please return it to uncle.” “No, no, I want Krishna, I want this book.” The boy broke in to a hysterical fit.

“Please take this book mataji,” I requested, “this will make your son very happy.”

“What smart cheaters you people are!” the lady hissed, “It is very nice trick that you people employ - give the book to a kid and then make him trouble his parents. Well done!”

The remark pierced my heart. I had honest intentions and had in no way tried to trick or cheat the lady. Somehow I was trying to serve Srila Prabhupada and now I’m faced with this situation, it was necessary that I represent our movement in the proper way.

“Mataji, my intentions are very clear and honest,” I replied. “It was your son who asked for these books and I forewarned him that these are not for his age group. OK. Now your son is asking for a book based on Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, he is not doing some sin, is he? Why are you coming in between him and Sri Krishna? As a mother it is your duty to give proper culture and training to your son and there is no better literature than this book. I request you please take it.”

“Please mama, I want Krishna,” the boy implored, “PLEASE!”

“OK,” she gave up, “how much does it cost?”

“Only ten rupees.”

She looked at the book and the cute face of Krishna and then opened her purse.

“Thank you, here is our temple card, please visit when you are in Mumbai next time,” I said while pocketing the ten rupee note she gave me.

“How fortunate is this boy,” I thought, while walking out of the train. A few people stared at me. I cared the least. My heart was bursting with joy and my face beamed as I remembered the fortunate soul who was so spontaneously attracted to the beautiful picture of Lord Krishna.


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“Artwork and photos courtesy of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

www.krishna.com. Used with permission.”





Spontaneous attraction


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<!-- C O M M E N T S -->Comments <!-- end .comments-header -->




1 >> Ordinary people sometime think that sankirtana devotees are just like

>> mundane salesmen who are out to sell their product by hook or by crook.

>> Sometimes, they even accuse the devotees to be cunning or cheater.

>> Here is one story about how a devotee dealt with the issue.

I had a similar experience once while distributing hard bound Bhagavatams on the street outside a post office in a small town here in Sweden. A lady with a retarded daughter passed by and the young girl grabbed the book I offered the mother. The girl refused adamnantly to return the book to me despite her mother’s repeated enteaties. The mother had little choice but to ask me the price. I gave it at the minimum BBT price. A little later from the distance I spotted a gentleman headed toward me with a book in hand. Expecting trouble I met him politely. He was enraged, loudly claiming I had cheated his wife, demanding their money back. He also complained that, “this book is not even in Swedish.” (which it *was* not including the sanskrit, of course). Calmly, I assured the man I would return the laxmi. “Please however first just look at any page in the book and see if it is in Swedish or not”, I requested. He consented to open the 3rd canto Bhagavatam by chance to chapter 11 and read aloud to me verse 31:

“My dear King, just consider what I have said to you, which will act as medicinal treatment upon disease. Control your anger, for anger is the foremost enemy on the path of spiritual realisation. I wish you all good fortune for you. Please follow my instructions.”

He closed the book, put it under his arm and walked away taking with him the advice of Svayambhuva Manu to Dhruva Maharaja.

Your servant, Yogindra das

<!-- end .comments-middle -->Comment posted by Yogindra das on May 3rd, 2007


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I also want to leave this nightmarish world as I have seen a lot of suffering too. I want to know whether starving to death and thinking of Lord Narayana is a good option. I have lost all interest in living and have no desire for money, wife, job etc.


Happiness is non-existent here. What exists is only misery. If your body is not bothering you its your mind .If it is not your mind then its your body!!


Where is this non existent feeling called happiness.Thinking of Sri Vayu ,Sri Krishna only brings happiness.


Why not give up the body by fasting???

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dear krsna,


i'm impressed by the humility in your nature. it is sad that you had to face such ignorant and rude people. however, i think you're doing a great deed because your are spreading awareness and offering a way to enlightenment to these ignorant people. that child has done a great thing, because even if he may not be able to understand gita, at least the adults in that house will read it and benefit from it.


believe me, there are people who are searching for answers and often they will find you. i know it's not easy to deal with this world, at times it is cruel. i know spiritual or monastic people say that one should abandon everything and go into isolation to meditate. but i have realized that it is more challenging, at the same time, far better to live right in the middle of this chaotic world and among ignorants - because it is a true spiritual test - and one can truly learn to forgive others and take on the challenge to mediate and not get affected by the chaos and ignorance.


you're on the right path. bless you.


to sadman,


if everything is just maya or illusion, it doesn't mean life is meaningless. if you can't find its meaning, remember one thing - your life has a purpose and that purpose is to release yourself from the painful cycle. killing yourself by fasting, it consciously killing yourself, precisely a suicide. suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. so what you see as a way to escape life, is actually still a trap. i know life is painful and full of suffering but you've come a long way in this spiritual journey so it means something.


observe your breathe and meditate. life is a war, choose krsna your guide and fight this war.


bless u.

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