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I'm sorry, I just couldn't let these accusations against my Gurudeva pass.


Guruvani wrote...



Well, I have heard from some very senior devotees that Keshava Maharaja directly instructed Narayana Maharaja to never accept disciples.


So, what's up with that?

Why is he initiating disciples when his guru told him to never accept his own disciples?


Srila Prabhupada told many times that any disciple that followed the regulative principles and chanted his rounds regularly could become spiritual master.


That is why he intiated so many sannyasis.

These sannyasis that he intiated we supposed to become spiritual masters in succession from Srila Prabhupada.



This is a RUMOR people. I personally have asked many senior disciples of Bhakti Prajnana Kesava this question and know FOR CERTAIN that Srila Gurudeva is qualified and sanctioned by his Gurudeva to accept disciples. He told his three stalwart Sannyasis (Srila Gurudeva, Srila Vaman Maharaja and Srila Trivikrama Maharaja) That they all can and should accept disciples. Moreover, if Srila Gurudeva wasn't to accept disciples, why would Srila Vaman Maharaja and Srila Trivikrama Maharaja stand for it? He started initiating when they (Srila Vaman and trivikrama maharajas) were on this planet. I am actually quite sickened by the fact that you would imply that he (Srila Naryana Maharaja) would disobey his Gurudeva and intiated disciples without sanction from his Gurudeva. Don't you dare go ahead and convince us that you do not respect or at least accept Srila Narayana Maharaja because Parama Gurudeva allegedly told him not to initiate.


Your later arguments clearly show you have no understanding of tattva-siddhanta or Srila Prabhupadas teaching. You don't have to be initiated by Srila Prabhupada to be a Spiritual Master, and you don't have to be initiated by Srila Prabhupada to succeed him. We accept the BHAGAVATA PARAMPARA not a DIKSA-BASED PARAMPARA. The acarya is and will continue to be self-manifest. The next Mahabhagvat after him need not be initiated by him.

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You don't have to be initiated by Srila Prabhupada to be a Spiritual Master, and you don't have to be initiated by Srila Prabhupada to succeed him. We accept the BHAGAVATA PARAMPARA not a DIKSA-BASED PARAMPARA. The acarya is and will continue to be self-manifest. The next Mahabhagvat after him need not be initiated by him.


This is why all the followers of Narayana Maharaja are despised all over ISKCON and why they deserve it.

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This is why all the followers of Narayana Maharaja are despised all over ISKCON and why they deserve it.


You've got to be kidding me. You think that because we accept siddhanta established by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada we're hated all over ISKCON?


Wrong again.


Let me break it down for you. My Srila Gurudeva was not so hated and despised in ISKCON before. He would go, give classes and pay his respects to many of the temples Prabhupada established. Senior ISKCON GBC members and sannyasis would come and hear from him (Tamal Krsna Maharaja and others as well). Gradually he became labelled as a threat. A threat to what? Their Power, money, prestige, etc. (Not that He wanted any of it). One example, there was a meeting had by some senior iskcon temple officials in Hawaii (can't recall which island, perhaps Maui) before Srila Gurudeva came, they were trembling out of fear of Him. What happened? A massive Propoganda Campaign led by GBC member Badrinarayan (a figure who I grew up around and was like an Uncle to me) and others against my Gurudeva. People, with attitudes such as yourself, are a result and victim of these propoganda campaigns which continue to this day.

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This is why all the followers of Narayana Maharaja are despised all over ISKCON and why they deserve it.


It's clear that Guruvani has a hidden agenda. He was once part of Sridhar Maharaja's USA temple. Now he accepts certain things that Sridhar Maharaja says such as about the origin of the soul and rejects others teachings such as on guru tattva. But one thing that he has in common with certain factions of Sridhar Maharaja's followers is that he thinks it's open season to denigrate the character of Narayana Maharaja. Such a predjudicial and malicious campaign has no place in an assembly of Vaisnavas of any camp.

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You've got to be kidding me.




But, I heard that Narayana Maharaja told all his followers to stay off the internet and not to create any more bitterness towards him than is already there.


Narayana Maharaja doesn't approve of his followers coming on forums and starting arguments.


Proper followers of Narayana Maharaja don't come on forums and start arguments and issues.


He has forbidden it.

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I think I know him a little bit better than you, I have been to each festival of his and read most of his harikatha for a while now. I am also trying my best to serve him in anyway possible for me. As such, I think I do know his mood and desire a little bit more than you.


What I do think Srila Gurudeva would want, is that if any are blaspheming Him, as a disciple we shouldn't be forbidden from participating on these forums, rather IT IS OUR DUTY TO DO SO. You started this with YOUR comments and YOUR misconceptions. As my duty as His disciple, I must present to others and yourself the CORRECT facts and Siddhantik conclusions.


There are a few Siksa disciples of Sridhar Maharaja with Srila Gurudeva. And from what it looks like, it seems they are pleasing their Diksa and Siksa Gurus much more than you are by coming on here with your weak and baseless arguements against my Gurudeva and the Rupanuga Guru Parampara.

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But, I heard that Narayana Maharaja told all his followers to stay off the internet and not to create any more bitterness towards him than is already there.


Narayana Maharaja doesn't approve of his followers coming on forums and starting arguments.


Proper followers of Narayana Maharaja don't come on forums and start arguments and issues.


He has forbidden it.




If it is true, and I have no idea that it is, then the reason it would be true is that Narayana Maharaja is expressing a universal principle applicable to all. That principle must be that to argue uselessly and thereby try to control other's concepts of Krsna Consciouness is both a waste of time and a spiritual transgression. Sometimes universal principles of spiritual life manifest as common sense. It doesn't take a sastric genius to see that "casting ones pearls before swine" and the ninth offense against the Holy Name are one in the same. asraddadhane vimukhe ’py asrnvati

yas copadesah siva-namaparadhah It is an offense to preach the glories of the holy name of the Lord to the faithless. It is likewise an offense to preach the glories of one's guru to those who have no faith in him. But to respond by resorting to Vaisnava aparadha "after so many instructions on the matter" is farcicle and belies a deeply diseased mentality and condition of heart.

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If it is true, and I have no idea that it is,



Let me give you a clue.



He only authorized Puru to do it and his issues instructions that his disciple should stay away from the internet and not be starting crap on the internet about him.

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Now let me give you a clue.


Srila Gurudeva has also said that anyone who speaks against your Guru, you should cut their tongues with the sword of sastra, truth and logic. You certainly have been making false claims about my Guru, and I have only been trying to rectify and correct anything that was said.


BTW I have never heard Srila Gurudeva say anything regarding the internet while I have been his disciple.


If innocent people or anyone for that matter read what you have said about my Guru and that's all they have to go on, how can I just sit back and allow that to happen? Someone has to speak the truth here.

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