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The Swaminarayan Faith

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Shlok 72:

“Upon hearing of their coming, my followers should immediately go to greet and welcome the arrival of their Acharyas, and when the Acharya returns from the town my followers shall see them off to the outskirts of the town.”

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In the scripture Purushottam Prakash, the writer Nishkulanand Swami describes the instance when Swaminarayan Bhagwan established the Dharmavanshi Acharya’s.


Sahajanand Swami felt that now that He had established the grand temples and splendid Sampraday, He wanted to keep His sadhus free from the affairs dealing with wealth, power etc. He therefore decided that He would create leaders for each and every sadhu and householder, who will subsequently be responsible for the Sampraday.

This was in accordance with one of His three resolves; i.e. to establish the leaders of the Sampraday from His own family - Dharmakul.


Before declaring His intention to select His own family, Lord Shree Swaminarayan first gathered the senior sadhus/saints and followers and revealed His intention to install successors to the leadership.


The gathering that included seniors such as S.G. Muktanand Swami, S.G. Gopalanand Swami, S.G. Brahmanand Swami etc. as well as householders such as Dada- Uttam Khachar, unanimously recommended to Lord Shree Swaminarayan that He retain the leadership in His own Dharmakul and select Ayodhyaprasadji or Raghuvirji.


Lord Shree Swaminarayan was very pleased with this suggestion, for this was His own thinking as well. Since there was no room for discussion or further consideration, it was concluded that Lord Shree Swaminaryan's successors will be from His own Dharmakul and will be householders.


Sahajanand Swami then adopted Ayodhyaprasadji and Raghuvirprasadji as His own sons and made them the Acharyas – the Gurus of the Swaminarayan Sampraday.


He then declared, “Those who serve these Acharyas with food, jewellery, vehicles, animals, flowers etc shall be worthy of Akshardham…………. I shall emancipate those who serve and respect these Acharyas. Through these Acharyas I shall give kalyaan (give Akshardham) to all souls………." (Purushottam Prakash Chapter 37, Verse 6-20)

“…After a lot of thought and consideration I have decided to give the Gadi to them…” (Chapter 39 Verse 8)

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“Therefore all of you shall obey the Dharamkul and serve them. They are not ordinary beings; they are great Devtas (Gods). As well as being my Sons they are Brahmin and my Bhaktas and by serving them you shall earn immense happiness. All your wishes will be fulfilled, this is my command that is to remain permanently.”


“So both householders and sadhus obey their (Acharyas’) commands, and not the fancies of the mind. Do not take any actions without their consent…..do not enter into debates with them even if you are greater in knowledge or wisdom…you shall regard the Acharyas as faultless – you shall obey their commands. If you keep them pleased then I will be pleased with you because they are in place of Myself….. I am forever residing in them. I am in them, and they are in Me. I am never far from them and I give darshan (divine sightings) residing in them……….”


“I am forever residing in the Dharmavanshi Acharyas. After seeing such followers I have decided to remain here (in the satsang), therefore those who worship the Acharyas have worshipped Me.”

(Purushottam Prakash Chapter 40)


The establishment of the Dharmavanshi Acharyas was therefore immensely important for both administrative and spiritual purposes.


The constitution of the Sampraday is laid out in Desh Vibhag no Lekh, which describes in detail the functions of the Acharyas.


“….it is my command to all sadhus, bhramcharis and all satsangi's, that for the purpose of your kalyaan (emancipation) you must obey and follow the two Acharyas of Dharmavansh, and obey their commands by thought, action and speech. If this is compromised and whoever turns elsewhere (rejecting the Acharyas) will find that they will never find sukh (happiness) in this world or the worlds beyond and will experience immense distress…” (Desh Vibhag no Lekh)

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Furthermore, in one of the most authoritative scriptures the Vachamanamrut, Swaminarayan Bhagwan clearly states one of the prerequisites for attaining Akshardham

“…The devotee who is aashrit of Dharmakul (i.e. he who has received initiation from Dharmavanshi Acharya and remains loyal to the Acharya) gets a divine Brahm-state body by God’s wish…” (Vachanamrut, Gadhada Pratham Chapter 1)

So it is imperative to be a humble loyal follower of the Dharmavanshi Acharya once receiving the diksha (guru mantra) in order to be qualified to achieve a Brahm form.

Even Gunatitanand Swami, one of the main sadhus of Swaminarayan Bhagwan states “He who insults the temples, Acharyas, sadhus and satsangi’s will find his roots being destroyed and will inevitably fall from the satsang.” (Swami ni Vato Prakran 5, Vat 104)

Sahajanand Swami has decided to remain on this earth in His Acharyas. They are a version of Him. Being Purushottam Narayan Bhagwan, Sahajanand Swami kept an eternal method of attaining Akshardham by first requiring followers to obtain gurumantra or diksha and obey and respect the Dharmavanshi Acharyas. This is a system, which He has established for each and every follower. It was not a system that was to be changed or altered in the future in any way.


In S.G. Nityanand Swami's Shree Hari-Digvijay (endorsed by Lord Shree Swaminarayan) a debate between many great Vedic pundit- scholars and Lord Shree Swaminarayan is well documented.


The pundits challenge Lord Shree Swaminarayan's establishment of the Dharmavanshi Acharyas. It was argued that a householder being a leader of renunciates (sadhus etc.) was anti-Vedic and had no firm basis in the scriptures of the Sanatan Dharma.


Lord Shree Swaminarayan explained in detail how it is in fact preferable to have householders leading a fellowship that consists of male and female renunciates and grihastha - householders.


He provided scriptural evidence for this and stated examples such Vyasji, the founder of the 4 Vedas and 18 Purans and considered the 'Universal Guru' in whose memory we have 'Guru-Poornima'.


Rishi Vyas was in fact a householder. Similarly, Rishis Vasishta and Yagyavalkya were also householders as was Brahmarshi Vishwamitra. A more distinct example is of Shukadevji, who recited the Srimad Bhagwat to King Parikshit, was a shishya (disciple) of King Janaka.

Therefore, the gathering of pandits and scholars agreed that the setup of Dharmavanshi Acharyas was more than coherent with the Vedic Dharmas and was worthy of honour and admiration.


Today there exist many sects that claim they are following the philosophies of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan, where in fact nothing could be further from the truth. As Swaminarayan Bhagwan has emphasised, there is no Akshardham for those who do not honour, obey, respect and serve the Dharmavanshi Acharyas, no matter how great a devotee they are.


It has now become necessary to question ‘Swaminarayan Temples’ whether they are in fact Swaminarayan Temples since the deities appear not to have been installed by the Dharmavanshi Acharyas, which is an outright breach of Swaminarayan Bhagwan’s likings (refer Shikshapatri Shlok 10 and then Shlok 62).


It has also become necessary to question the authenticity of ‘Swaminarayan’ sadhus. According to the scriptures mentioned, a Swaminarayan Sadhu is he who has received the initiation (maha-bhagwati diksha) from Dharmavanshi Acharya- no one else.


Once this has been appreciated, one can realise the true grandeur of the Dharmavanshi Acharyas. They are another form of Swaminarayan Bhagwan and though they appear as humans, they are at a status even higher than Akshar-Muktas. Therefore all Swaminarayan Satsangis should obtain initiation from one of the two Dharmavanshi Acharyas and remain under their instructions and always honour and respect them as they would Swaminarayan Bhagwan Himself.<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message -->

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On the first day of the first fortnight of Maha in Samvat year 1882, Shriji Maharaj was seated at night after evening Aarti, in the Mandapam of Shri Lakshmi Narayan on a mattress with a round pillow arranged as back rest in Vadtal. He had put on all white clothes. On all his four sides and top and under the Mandapam, Paramhansas and devotees from various places were seated everywhere.

Shriji Maharaj then said, ' You elderly Paramhamsas ! I desire to ask you. Which are the most essential facts, a Satsangi must know ? So that he can reconcile the problems and can arrive at a proper compromise ?' Asking the question to the assembly, Shriji Maharaj said after a while, 'Let me explain it to you. This sampraday (sect) is known after the great devotee Uddhava, who incarnated as Ramanand Swami. Ramanand Swami was initiated Vaishnavi Deeksha in dream at Shrirangam by Shri Ramanujacharya. Therefore, Ramanand Swami was the disciple of Shri Ramanujacharya. And I am the disciple of Ramanand Swami. The legacy inherited from Shri Ramanujacharya by Shri Ramanand Swami is installed in me. And schould know that I have installed Dharm-kool-the descendants of Dharmadev continuing with this tradition.

Similarly, you as my disciples should not accept the way of life- life style - that I am as your Acharya and perceptor have been living. You should all strictly observe the rules prescribed for you all in this Sampradaya. Nobody should practice my deeds - or - actions. These holy discourses given by me should be fully acted upon by you all Paramhamsas and devotee-followers. Understand the core of the teaching and act upon. Also advise others to observe these rules. Saying so, Shriji Maharaj retired to his chamber for his meals. The Sadhus and devotees seated in the assembly realized that the form of Shri Krishna described as remote in Akshardham, had manifested before them presently as Shriji Maharaj, son of mother Bhakti and father Dharmadev. No one transcends him. He is the divine form for our worship and he is our perceptor too.

Vachnamrut 18 of Vadtal.


A true Satsangi should know this as Shriji maharaj states at the start of the Vachnamrut. You do not recognise this and contradict Shriji maharaj’s authentic teachings. Then how can yo ube said to be a Satsangi?

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Also how can this BAPS group claim to be preaching righteousness by becoming Satsangi of Bhagwan when they clearly have no advancement program for the female devotees, whereas if you look at the Swaminarayan Sampraday, Bhagwan has clearly established a Householder linage of Guru’s to spread Satsang to the men and their wife’s (Gadiwala) to preach to the females.


The BAPS problem clearly lies on relying on a Celibate Guru i.e. Pramukh Swami, don’t get me wrong I am not blaming him but more of his position, how can a female devotee acquire knowledge / Gnyaan from their Guru if they can not communicate with him in the first place.


The question I ask all BAPS Devotee’s is how can the female’s progress in Satsang ?, because there is no appointed Female Guru, no Sank Yogi / Female Monk clan and the BAPS guru can not initiate the women into anything because he can not converse with them…. Can BAPS be called Sexist? Is it an all male controlled sect?


dont forget another name of Sahajanand swami is Shri Sadhvidharmpravartkaay namaha.


The one who has established the female renunciate Ashram in this universe.


Where is the BAPS female renunciate Ashram as jivuba and Laduba etc lineage is prevalant today. FOr example Kailashba of Gadhpur has the ability to talk to God even today. Shriji Maharaj has also gave her divine darhsan when she was bed ridden and had cancer. She is well now and very samarth. Such are the Brahmroop saints for the female satsang along with teh Acharyas wives. The acharyas wives learn their knowledge from such Sanhkyogi ladies too.

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So many names also exist in sarvamangal stotra too, which has 1000 names of Swaminarayan Bhagwan. Names such as the one who established the giving of initiation to female devotees through the dharmvanshi acharyas wife, i think thats name 676 and many more.

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and again in the shikshapatri He says - those (which also includes acharyas) that do not follow the injunctions written here are considered ex-communicated - and in the prarthna Nirvikalp uttam atti - it says - "Vimukh jan ke vadan se katha suni nei jaat". So if the Acharyas don't follow the shikshapatri - even if they are not officially excommunicated - they are considered ex-communicated - and if you listen to katha from them - knowing their character- then logically that implies that you are at fault aswell!- this is just a logical reasoning.

JaiSwaminarayan :>

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the same vachanamrut also says that ".. you should not imitate my physical behaviour. Instead all ( meaning also the Acharyas) of you should behave according to my words in the form of respective injunctions which i have prescribed for those in my Sampraday( which again also includes the acharyas)


Why yes of course. No one is imitating shriji maharajs physical behaviour. it is BAPS who do not behave according to Bhagwans words. We all know that this rule is for the Acharyas.


How many times do i tell you? That they too have to behave acordingly and if they do not then they to become excommunicated liek Ajendraprasadji was of Vadtal few years ago.


So get your facts right. Our scriptures state it as it is. They do not conceal or edit like the BAPS scriptures. For example the way the arti has been edited.


You never liek to talk about such do you? nor do you reply about my references about the Acharyas by Nishkulanand Swami. Why is that? Because they do not agree with the BAPS theory?


I just hope that you understand all this. i do not state all this for my selfish reasons. i state all this for your own good. So you may attain mosh. But you seem brainwashed. Sp brainwashed that yo uwill not even read up the works on the nandsants never mind my work LOL.

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and again in the shikshapatri He says - those (which also includes acharyas) that do not follow the injunctions written here are considered ex-communicated - and in the prarthna Nirvikalp uttam atti - it says - "Vimukh jan ke vadan se katha suni nei jaat". So if the Acharyas don't follow the shikshapatri - even if they are not officially excommunicated - they are considered ex-communicated - and if you listen to katha from them - knowing their character- then logically that implies that you are at fault aswell!- this is just a logical reasoning.

JaiSwaminarayan :>


i dont think you know what excommunicated means. When the Acharya is excommunicated he is no longer on the gadi. A new acharya from teh family of Dharmdev is chosen. A worthy one. By the way we do not listen katha from teh Acharyas. HAHA. Shows how much you know. We listen to kathas by Brahmnisth Saints.

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So what do we do when the Acharyas are considered ex-communicated ? - what do we do when we dont have a true acharya? what do we do ? stop building mandirs ? stop installing murtis ? because we dont have a true acharya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No when the Acharya is excommunicated we have another Acharya that replaces him. Come on brother. have you not read teh Satsangi Jivan, hari Digvijay, Harililamrut, Haricharitramrut Sagar or anything?

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you know this fact better than i do - and if you dont agree - then there is no point arguing. what i would like to say is that - logically WE THE BAPS are in the absolute right - and there is NOTHING wrong with the way we worship! - and its not for show - we are all here for only one purpose - MOKSHA .... and if you have the same purpose - I DARE YOU - go infront of Harikrshna Maharaj in your mandir - and do a stuti with a true heart and imense sense of need- asking if BAPS is in the right or ask him who can you truely get moksha from - and HE WILL GIVE YOU THE ANSWER then there won't be a doubt in your mind will there ?- go do it!

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No when the Acharya is excommunicated we have another Acharya that replaces him. Come on brother. have you not read teh Satsangi Jivan, hari Digvijay, Harililamrut, Haricharitramrut Sagar or anything?


this you are talking of officially - but what of the acharyas that are on the gadi and do not have the characters matching to deserve that padvi ..... what if it keeps happening - and you don't get a right match for aloooooong time coming ? then what d u do ? leave satsang ?

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HAHA I don’t need to do this. As if I do this im stupid. As this would be like questioning Swaminarayan bhagwans word in the scriptures. I do not need to question Him or His way, as it is not me who is lost. I do not question His scriptures it is you BAPS that do. So you do not need to dare me to do this. I have seen eyewitness and firstly experienced accounts of what is real and what is not. There is clearly a lot wrong in what we worship. Why don’t you meditate on Bhagwan and with immense emotion for him and utmost love ask Sahajanand Swami what the true path is and maybe one day in this life or defiantly your next life you shall know. As in this life it does not seem that you are in search of truth as it is. That is why you ignore the scriptures like you do. That is why you do not answer my scriptural references of even Nishkulanand swami and even the Vachnamrut above about how one should know the Dharmvanshi gurus as the heads.

Swaminarayan Bhagwan according to the Harililamrut clearly states that if the Acharya is bad then surely a grea one is to follow in His position. Their will always be a ‘charti’ and a ‘parti’ ups and downs. This is recorded in the Harililamrut even. Would you like the quotes and reference? I can find for you. Also when Bhagvatprasadji Maharaj was born Shriji Maharaj was in assembly. Then all of a sudden He got up and said get me some Saakar (ground sugar) today is born the next Acharya of Vadtal! So Shriji Maharaj was really happy and He clarified that this is the tradition of the Dharmvanshi Acharyas. That another should follow. These Acharyas are Devtas or mukts form Akshardham. This is within Gopalanand swamis Vatos. Please do take time to read all scriptures mentioned above.

Secondly we do not have to leave Satsang. This has never happened and never will be the case. If there is so much trouble with one Acharya Shriji Maharaj in the Desh Vibhaagh lekh has clearly stated that one should go to the other diocese for example if this is the case within Vadtal Acharya then we should go to the Amdavad Acharya and live under the Amdavad Desh Satsang.


You have changed the arti? you do not know the reason behind it? Just state that it is gurus agna? Well the Satsangi Bhushan shastra clearly states that one should not perform that which is not in accordance with dharm, gyan, bhakti and vairagya even if be the orders of your guru. So looks like you did not listen to the Vachan of Bhagwan either. You think its right to change the artis of great Nand saints like Muktanand swami? Yagnapurush swmai did not change this is has been changed by Pramukh swami. Did you know this? Liberties. No true saint would ever change the arti like this!!!!!!


What you think Muktanand Swamis artis is not right? and you come on here accusing the authentic orthodox Swaminarayan Sampraday of editing scriptures without proof? whereas no proof is needed in the fact that BAPS changed Artis and Shlokas. no wonder you still havent read all these scriptures i talk of. Its because your guru does not wnat you to read them. Ever read the Desh vibhaag lekh?

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HAHA I don’t need to do this. As if I do this im stupid. As this would be like questioning Swaminarayan bhagwans word in the scriptures. I do not need to question Him or His way, as it is not me who is lost. I do not question His scriptures it is you BAPS that do. So you do not need to dare me to do this. I have seen eyewitness and firstly experienced accounts of what is real and what is not. There is clearly a lot wrong in what we worship. Why don’t you meditate on Bhagwan and with immense emotion for him and utmost love ask Sahajanand Swami what the true path is and maybe one day in this life or defiantly your next life you shall know. As in this life it does not seem that you are in search of truth as it is. That is why you ignore the scriptures like you do. That is why you do not answer my scriptural references of even Nishkulanand swami and even the Vachnamrut above about how one should know the Dharmvanshi gurus as the heads.

Swaminarayan Bhagwan according to the Harililamrut clearly states that if the Acharya is bad then surely a grea one is to follow in His position. Their will always be a ‘charti’ and a ‘parti’ ups and downs. This is recorded in the Harililamrut even. Would you like the quotes and reference? I can find for you. Also when Bhagvatprasadji Maharaj was born Shriji Maharaj was in assembly. Then all of a sudden He got up and said get me some Saakar (ground sugar) today is born the next Acharya of Vadtal! So Shriji Maharaj was really happy and He clarified that this is the tradition of the Dharmvanshi Acharyas. That another should follow. These Acharyas are Devtas or mukts form Akshardham. This is within Gopalanand swamis Vatos. Please do take time to read all scriptures mentioned above.

Secondly we do not have to leave Satsang. This has never happened and never will be the case. If there is so much trouble with one Acharya Shriji Maharaj in the Desh Vibhaagh lekh has clearly stated that one should go to the other diocese for example if this is the case within Vadtal Acharya then we should go to the Amdavad Acharya and live under the Amdavad Desh Satsang.


You have changed the arti? you do not know the reason behind it? Just state that it is gurus agna? Well the Satsangi Bhushan shastra clearly states that one should not perform that which is not in accordance with dharm, gyan, bhakti and vairagya even if be the orders of your guru. So looks like you did not listen to the Vachan of Bhagwan either. You think its right to change the artis of great Nand saints like Muktanand swami? Yagnapurush swmai did not change this is has been changed by Pramukh swami. Did you know this? Liberties. No true saint would ever change the arti like this!!!!!!


What you think Muktanand Swamis artis is not right? and you come on here accusing the authentic orthodox Swaminarayan Sampraday of editing scriptures without proof? whereas no proof is needed in the fact that BAPS changed Artis and Shlokas. no wonder you still havent read all these scriptures i talk of. Its because your guru does not wnat you to read them. Ever read the Desh vibhaag lekh?



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There for your sake i did it.

You are funny how old are you? I can say that in my Mansi puja. i ask allsorts of questions to my beloved Gansyam maharaj. I asked what you ask me when i was 15 or somthing. i am not insecure. I have a dhani. My Dhani is Purshottam bhagwan Swaminarayan. Im married to Him. I have read His word. I have seen many samarth santos. This is not an arguement. I know whats right. Ive seen the truth. i have seen BAPS as i was in it. i knew Tyagvallabh swami and many more. I changed for the better. Im so glad i did. Whats the matter cant you keep up with my post above? All the scriptural reference? What Nishkulanand swami states? You do not agree by the looks of it.

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Do you agree with Nishkulanand swami or not? IF you do then why do you not follow it? As he clearly stated that we should always have refuge under the Dharmvanshi Acharyas. If not then why not?

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