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Advice for gay Vaishnavas?

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Eroticism pertains to the temporary body. Cultivate the soul and such temporary desires will fall away over time. All the senses loosen then lose their grasp on us.


Stop scratching and eventually the itch will go away - not unlike a mosquito bite.

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Obviously they need to cleanse their hearts and minds of homosex thoughts. That means chanting Hare Krsna. You know this so what is this leading to I wonder?


Everyone in the material world is confused as to their identities and how to act. Homosexuality has the added problem being that it is even against material nature's design for human life.


Same advice goes for homosexuals as it does for heterosexuals. Become self-realized, God conscious and love Krsna. The Holy Names are the only viable method to awaken love for Krsna.

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Thinking about Krsna is the means to sublimate all material tendencies.


Of course thinking about Krsna is not the same as speculating about Krsna.


One may think about Krsna as he is when one is introduced to the truth of how he is.


If one has thoughts of Krsna as a gay lover, that is illusion. The people who know Krsna tell us all about him, and we know that gay sex is not on his list of pastimes.


So in respect to the implication of the original question, no, a homosexual person thinking of Krsna in some way to substitute his mundane sexual attraction to men with fantasies of being with Krsna like that will have no positive effect EXCEPT that the person may be sincerely recoginizing their mundane sexuality in general as an impediment to full renunciation. In that case just thinking of Krsna with sincerety will make it more likely the Lord may steer that person to someone who can give them Proper and Exacting advice.


Like anyone else, they should chant the maha mantra, alone and in congregation of devotees. Like any other beginner, if they are serious, they should consider regulating their material living, sex included, according to the principles given by the Acharyas to effect gradual liberation from those material bonds.


Regarding sex, even men and women in married relationship are not at the highest stage of renunciation for Krsna's service unless they are thoroughly and exclusively planning their sex life for creation of Krsna conscious children, approx 3-5 days of fertility and 50 rounds chanted before intercourse.


Any sex within marraige which is simply to enjoy falls short of the standard, and is mixed devotional service.


Homosex is in the same category.


Both the heterosexual married couple and the homosexual couple are both aiming toward the same goal. To be so advanced in their Krsna consciousness that they only act to please Krsna. And as far as sex is concerned, the only time they have sex is when it is optimal to bring a Krsna conscious soul into the world.


BG 16 1-3, purport


"The word abhijatasya in reference to one born of transcendental qualities or godly tendencies is very significant. To beget a child in a godly atmosphere is known in the Vedic scriptures as Garbhadhana-samskara. If the parents want a child in the godly qualities they should follow the ten principles of the human being. In Bhagavad-gita we have studied also before that sex life for begetting a good child is Krsna Himself. Sex life is not condemned provided the process is used in Krsna consciousness. Those who are in Krsna consciousness at least should not beget children like cats and dogs but should beget them so they may become Krsna conscious after birth. That should be the advantage of children born of a father or mother absorbed in Krsna consciousness."


The way of probabilities and odds are that the married couple is closer to that goal.


Once, after making a similar point to a homosexual aspiring disciple, was told that it was impossible to give up being gay. So Srila Prabhupada gave the transcendental guidance that the person should just find ONE nice boy, and settle down, and keep chanting Hare Krsna, and come to see the deities in the temple.


It appears to me that he was trying to do the best he could, seeing the long term view (maybe another lifetime for this guy), and hoping to impress some semblance of monogamy and committed partnership, hoping those values would begin to slowly bring around his sinking Titanic, and steer him toward a lifestyle that can be more readily dovetailed to spiritual advancement and used in Krsna consciousness, not one which is condemned.


Hare Krsna

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Thinking about Krsna is the means to sublimate all material tendencies.


Of course thinking about Krsna is not the same as speculating about Krsna.


One may think about Krsna as he is when one is introduced to the truth of how he is.


If one has thoughts of Krsna as a gay lover, that is illusion. The people who know Krsna tell us all about him, and we know that gay sex is not on his list of pastimes.


So in respect to the implication of the original question, no, a homosexual person thinking of Krsna in some way to substitute his mundane sexual attraction to men with fantasies of being with Krsna like that will have no positive effect EXCEPT that the person may be sincerely recoginizing their mundane sexuality in general as an impediment to full renunciation. In that case just thinking of Krsna with sincerety will make it more likely the Lord may steer that person to someone who can give them Proper and Exacting advice.



OMG that is a new perverted twist I never heard of before. Very insightful of guestitis to catch this.


From the position most of us are starting out from it is best to first think of Krsna as the Cause of all causes, as the Supreme Controller and Maintainer, as the ultimate cause of universal devastation, the only real shelter for all living beings. That way we gain proper respect for Krsna in relation to our positions "Fear (as in great awe and respect) is the beginning of wisdom." This is why SB is given to us in a progressive way. Once we have assimilated the first 9 cantos the tenth canto of the most intimate pastimes of Sri Krsna will open to us.


What is suggested above is just some very twisted form of cheap sahjiyaism.


Just when one thought it couldn't get any worse...

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