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Prayer Request

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I didnt know where else to post this.. My Uncle has Cancer and is in real rough shape. They removed the right side of his bottom jaw and half his tongue. They arent sure if this is going to help and he may not make it.

So your prayers would be thankful. Also is there a mantra or practice I can use to heal him?

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Yes, I'll pray to Krishna for your dear Uncle. If you simply chant the Hare Krishna mantra to him, he will benefit unlimitedly:


"Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare


Hare Rama, Hare Rama

Rama Rama, Hare Hare"


The material world is harsh, but we can take solace in Krishna's words from the Bhagavad Gita (second chapter), that the soul within the body is not killed or cut by any weapon.


Please let us know how it goes.


God bless & Hare Krishna.

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