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Lucid dreams

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Important to remember. Lucid dreaming as presented by mundane researchers such as Stephen LaBerge and others is only on the mental plane. To become truly lucid is to realize our true self in relationship to Krsna. This is the eternally lucid wakefull state that is preferred by the transcendentalists compared to which mundane lucid dreaming is just another form of illusioned dreaming.


If one can be very alert in a lucid dream he can hone in on the sense of "I Am" much more readily then in other mental states. Then due to having received knowledge of the Superself from contact with the devotee of Krsna previously through hearing/reading he can remember the Lord who has accompanied him into the dream. By this rememberance an ordinary lucid dream can become a Krsna conscious lucid dream and we can get a glimpse into that eternal wakefull state that awaits the fully self realized.


We can turn to Krsna from any state waking or dreaming. This is the Krsna conscious version of what is recommended in The Tibetan Book of the Dead where when traveling through the various bardos between death and rebirth the self is constantly advised to turn to enlightenment and thus prevent his own nearing rebirth and step off the wheel of samsara entirely. Failing this he is reborn in gross matter.


Krsna conscious souls don't just want to step off the wheel of samsara into a void they want to step into the land of love for God. We can do this through an ordinary lucid dream if we remember and want to.


Jiv Jago! Jiv Jago!

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I am a lucid dreamer.

Not always but very often I have very lucid dreams that I cannot understand are just dreams until I wake up.


Some of my dreams are very detailed, apparently in color and very lucid.


Dreams are very mysterious to me, because I have many dreams about things that never cross my mind in daily life and just seem to come out of nowhere.


I occasionally have dreams of things that have been on my mind during the day. such as certain jobs, projects or activities I was very absorbed in during the day.


What confuses me is why I have such very lucid dreams about things that I have never even experienced in life and things that are not anything I have familiarity with.


Just two nights ago I dreamed that I was working at an automotive repair shop and some Oriental guy came in with a pick-up truck full of bicycles in boxes and was able to convince the owner of the shop to buy all the bicycles.

Then , I had to climb up in a loft and stack these boxes of bicycles in the loft as someone below was handing them to me.

I was walking very cafefully around the loft and stacking up the boxes and being careful not to fall down.


I think such dreams are something like psychic phenomena or something like remote viewing.


Most of my dreams are very real to me in the dream.

They are not just fuzzy, abstract visions but many times very detailed experiences of other peoples lives.

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Lucid dreams are a particular phenomena and not just more vivid dreams. In a lucid dream you wake up to the fact that you are in a dream. You have a realization that you are real and all that is around is make believe, even the dream body you are wearing at that moment. It is similar to waking up to the fact that we are dreaming right now in this so-called waking state.


Some people take advantage of the situation by using the lucid state as a vehicle to move into an astral projection and in that way fly out of the dream altogether.


The best advice is to just remember Krsna in the lucid state as ther is nothing to seek in the astral plane either.

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Lucid dreams are a particular phenomena and not just more vivid dreams. In a lucid dream you wake up to the fact that you are in a dream. You have a realization that you are real and all that is around is make believe, even the dream body you are wearing at that moment. It is similar to waking up to the fact that we are dreaming right now in this so-called waking state.


Some people take advantage of the situation by using the lucid state as a vehicle to move into an astral projection and in that way fly out of the dream altogether.


The best advice is to just remember Krsna in the lucid state as ther is nothing to seek in the astral plane either.


Yeah, my son was telling something about that.

he was reading about it on a website.


I do have those lucid dreams sometimes.

When I do that is when generally I start to chant japa or sing Hare Krishna.


Most usually I get lucid when I get attacked by a ghost and I realize that I am dreaming and getting attacked by a ghost.


Otherwise, I would say that my dreams are more on the vivid side, because most often I am dreaming of being someone else other than who I am in the physical sense.


I am a dreamer for sure.

Some are vivid and some are lucid.


I have had lucid dreams where I could fly like a mystic.

It wasn't flying like a bird because I could travel from one place to another just by thinking of it and projecting my mind from one place to another.

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