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teachings of Lord Siva

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Haribol. Please dont use this thread to carry out your "us and them" sectarianism. I dont care for any of that Siva is better than Narayana or vis a vis. And Lord Siva and Lord Narayana dont care about it, neither. They actually like their life and each other and their relationship with each other.


This topic is a simple teaching of Lord Siva, just a sentence, in fact, that is a great exercize for all.


excerpt from the Birth of Death




.....Since at this time, the human beings were immortal, the increase of

their kind created an unbearable situation for the Earth. Hearing the

cries of the humans on Her surface, the Earth Goddess approached Lord Brahma,

the creator. Lord Brahma was perplexed, and, finding no solution to

the problem, He experianced great anger. This anger began to consume

the entire cosmos with the fires of annihilation, and Lord Brahma was

thus satisfied.


Lord Shiva arrived and immediately bowed to Lord Brahma's feet,

begging, "Be merciful, O Lord, do not destroy what You have created."


Lord Brahma: "I have no mercy, just anger.


Lord Shiva: "If this were the case, I would not have come before You.

Your whole creation is blasted with fire, please look upon the human

beings in another way."


Lord Brahma: "Mata Earth begged for help, crying pitiously, but I

cannot solve Her problem. I know why She cries, She is sinking in the

Causal Ocean from the weight of Her people, but I have no solution."


Lord Shiva: "Then ali creation is but ashes."


Lord Brahma: "I withdraw all anger and restore everything as before,

but the problem remains, I have great doubt."




mahaksadasa: This teaching is perfect and complete on how to control the anger that arises from our frustration against one human, a bunch of humans, or, as in my case, the whole damnable human race. When immersed in justifiable anger, just think of who caused our anger in another way. GET OVER IT, before our whole creation (our very spiritual lives) are turned to ashes.


All glories to Lord Siva, who has kindly appeared before Lord Brahma to save the human race by helping Lord Brahma create the Personality of Death.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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