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Origin Of Biblical Monotheism

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Don't know if this is fully correct:

1,250 B.C. the tribe of Israel are mentioned for the first time by name. This tribe lives in the Land of Egypt and is oppressed by the Pharaoh.







The Pharaoh Echnaton (1351–1334 B.C.) recognizes the potential about the Tree of Life. Instead of traditional polytheism, Echnaton introduces a monotheistic cult surrounding Aton, the One God.

Moses whose existence was possibly modeled on Pharoah Echnaton leads his people into the Promised Land and teaches the One Creator of the World although there was still the worship of many gods: the Canaanite gods of Baal, Moloch, Aschera.

What would mean that biblical monotheism originates in Egypt culture of Pharaoh Echnaton?

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Don't know if this is fully correct:

1,250 B.C. the tribe of Israel are mentioned for the first time by name. This tribe lives in the Land of Egypt and is oppressed by the Pharaoh.







The Pharaoh Echnaton (1351–1334 B.C.) recognizes the potential about the Tree of Life. Instead of traditional polytheism, Echnaton introduces a monotheistic cult surrounding Aton, the One God.

Moses whose existence was possibly modeled on Pharoah Echnaton leads his people into the Promised Land and teaches the One Creator of the World although there was still the worship of many gods: the Canaanite gods of Baal, Moloch, Aschera.

What would mean that biblical monotheism originates in Egypt culture of Pharaoh Echnaton?


Well there is no evidence of that - it's really just speculation - however - there is a great deal of evidence that krishna is a literary creation developed over time.

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Guest guest


Well there is no evidence of that - it's really just speculation - however - there is a great deal of evidence that krishna is a literary creation developed over time.

Bhakta Don's mutiny continues.

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Well there is no evidence of that - it's really just speculation - however - there is a great deal of evidence that krishna is a literary creation developed over time.

Dr. Phil Fernandes ( A chapter from his doctoral dissertation):

"It appears that there are two opposing drives in each person. One is a thirst for God (John 6:35). The other is the drive for human autonomy (Romans 3:10-12). If a persons seeks God with all his heart, he will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). But if he chooses to continually reject the Creator, there is no amount of evidence that will change his mind, unless he chooses to sincerely consider the evidence. All that the Vaishnava apologist can do is provide evidence for the existence of the God of the scripture and to refute arguments for atheism. Once a strong case for Theism is made, the atheist must still choose to accept or reject the evidence. The inward persuasion of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the nonbeliever is necessary, but, in the end, the atheist must choose to follow that persuasion. The ultimate problem is not one of the intellect; it is a moral problem of the will. When all is said and done, one must choose God."

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Dr. Phil Fernandes ( A chapter from his doctoral dissertation):

"It appears that there are two opposing drives in each person. One is a thirst for God (John 6:35). The other is the drive for human autonomy (Romans 3:10-12). If a persons seeks God with all his heart, he will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). But if he chooses to continually reject the Creator, there is no amount of evidence that will change his mind, unless he chooses to sincerely consider the evidence. All that the Vaishnava apologist can do is provide evidence for the existence of the God of the scripture and to refute arguments for atheism. Once a strong case for Theism is made, the atheist must still choose to accept or reject the evidence. The inward persuasion of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the nonbeliever is necessary, but, in the end, the atheist must choose to follow that persuasion. The ultimate problem is not one of the intellect; it is a moral problem of the will. When all is said and done, one must choose God."


So I choose KRSNA!:pray:OM TAT SAT

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Well there is no evidence of that - it's really just speculation - however - there is a great deal of evidence that krishna is a literary creation developed over time.


<big> Krishna is a fiction - he is NOT real.</big>


500 years ago Krishna walked on this earth. There is no doubt whatsoever that He lived on earth.


And if you believe the soul does not die then that REAL PERSON who came to earth 500 years ago is still living.


On the other hand, there is no evidence at all that Moses actually existed.



<!--mstheme-->Most archaeologists who are not conservative Jews or Christians, believe that Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and other leaders mentioned in the Bible prior to King David were probably the product of myth; they did not exist as actual people. Archaeologists are debating about how much of David's and Solomon's stories are accurate.








Exodus 4:24 says that God tried to kill Moses?

What a strange thing this bible is ... absurd and irrational.


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500 years ago Krishna walked on this earth. There is no doubt whatsoever that He lived on earth.


And if you believe the soul does not die then that REAL PERSON who came to earth 500 years ago is still living.


On the other hand, there is no evidence at all that Moses actually existed.










Exodus 4:24 says that God tried to kill Moses?

What a strange thing this bible is ... absurd and irrational.



That attack is quite lame and - do you know why God was angry with Moses?


There is no evidence that krishna ever existed what to speak of him being God! Even that Chaitanya - where is the evidence that he was God?


Heck - even hindus in general are not in agreement as to who [or what] krishna and chaitanya are....


The bhagavatam was written in the recent 9-10th century - not five thousand years ago by some Vyasa - another individual who never really existed. Do you think that all of the bhagavatam stories are true? Do you think that the moon is further away than the sun and that there is only one sun in the universe? That's what that books claims.


Explain - why is krishna related as having engaged in contradictory activities - such as fornications with the wives of others?


That said - there are a great deal of 'truths' found in the vedas but - they are lost behind the myths and the vain ritualism and - there are many things said about krishna that are true of God - while even more of what is said about krishna - is not true about God...

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Yahweh wanted to kill moses so Moses wife cut off the foreskin of her son to make Yahweh happy. A barbarian religion? Yes it is!




Exodus 4:24

God attacked Moses and tried to kill him.


Exodus 4:25

Then Zipporah, taking up a flint knife, cut off her sons's foreskin.


And with the foreskin, she touched Moses's feet and said, 'You are my blood-bridegroom!'


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This Yahweh is a psychopath.


He is always threatening to kill people.


But why didn't moses die when Yahweh wanted to kill him? If Yahweh was all-powerful then Moses would just have died instantly, simply because Yahweh wanted him dead. So it is pretty obvious that Yahweh is just a symbol for some wrathful "demon" force that the Jews were frightened of. Yahweh is no god at all.


But then not only is Yahweh imaginary, but Moses too!

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Modern religionists, called Christians, believe in the almighty God, the ONE supreme person who created the world.

They think Jesus was the incarnation of God.


To them God is omnipotent and all powerful.


They pray to God.

That is good.


I listened to Joel Osteen preaching a sermon on TV on Sunday and this guy blew me away.

I heard the spiritual master talking through him.


I know they are meat-eaters...yada...yada... yada...


But, there is a lot of good heart in modern Christians and they do more humanitarian work all around the world than anybody.


Really, they are worshiping Lord Vishnu, but they don't even know it.


Their faith is cluttered with Biblical accounts, but their faith has some value and God hears their prayers that is for sure.


When I saw that huge crowd of people all humbled in church and hearing the "word of God" I was touched....I got a little choked-up.


All that old Biblical stuff doesn't really mean much.

It's faith in God and a great appreciation for the value of human life that makes Christianity a positive force in the world.


I have been good friends with a couple of devoted Christian men and they knew I followed the Hare Krishna faith.

We got along like brothers and had very good dealings and with each other.

They liked me a lot, even though I was a Hare Krishna, so I don't judge Christians harshly at all.


I wish the Hare Krishna people were as simple and sincere as many of the Christians I have known.


If the Hare Krishna movement had the sincerity and simpleness of the Christian people, the movement wouldn't be in the mess it is in today.


I think there is a lot that the Hare Krishna movement could learn from the Christian church in the western world.

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Modern religionists, called Christians, believe in the almighty God, the ONE supreme person who created the world.

They think Jesus was the incarnation of God.


To them God is omnipotent and all powerful.


They pray to God.

That is good.


I listened to Joel Osteen preaching a sermon on TV on Sunday and this guy blew me away.

I heard the spiritual master talking through him.


I know they are meat-eaters...yada...yada... yada...


But, there is a lot of good heart in modern Christians and they do more humanitarian work all around the world than anybody.


Really, they are worshiping Lord Vishnu, but they don't even know it.


Their faith is cluttered with Biblical accounts, but their faith has some value and God hears their prayers that is for sure.


When I saw that huge crowd of people all humbled in church and hearing the "word of God" I was touched....I got a little choked-up.


All that old Biblical stuff doesn't really mean much.

It's faith in God and a great appreciation for the value of human life that makes Christianity a positive force in the world.


I have been good friends with a couple of devoted Christian men and they knew I followed the Hare Krishna faith.

We got along like brothers and had very good dealings and with each other.

They liked me a lot, even though I was a Hare Krishna, so I don't judge Christians harshly at all.


I wish the Hare Krishna people were as simple and sincere as many of the Christians I have known.


If the Hare Krishna movement had the sincerity and simpleness of the Christian people, the movement wouldn't be in the mess it is in today.


I think there is a lot that the Hare Krishna movement could learn from the Christian church in the western world.


You see folks how KB got such a soft heart. He's really a good natured guy after all - behind all that rough exterior.;)


I'd vote for him any day.:rolleyes:


How about KB for President?!:)

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I was reading the other day and Srila Prabhupada was describing the different kinds of loving relationships that the devotee can have with Krishna.


Srila Prabhupada described santa-rasa as "loving Krishna as the great unknown".


That struct me as kinda funny how somebody can love "the great unknown" but that is what the Christian and the Muslim faith is about.


That kind of religious faith is about loving "the great unknown".


It's a form of santa-rasa, though it surely needs some refinement.


Western religionists have evolved a theology over the last 2000 years and there is a transcendentalism to that theology.


It is Biblically based, but in fact much of the faith of the modern Christian people really transcends the Bible.


Love of the great unknown is a transcendental faith.

We shouldn't let the Bible stories disqualify the transcendental faith of the Christians, nor should we let the cosmology of the Bhagavat disqualify the transcendental faith of the Vaishnavas.

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This Yahweh is a psychopath.


He is always threatening to kill people.


And Krsna in the Gita tells us that He is all devouring death



But why didn't moses die when Yahweh wanted to kill him? If Yahweh was all-powerful then Moses would just have died instantly, simply because Yahweh wanted him dead. So it is pretty obvious that Yahweh is just a symbol for some wrathful "demon" force that the Jews were frightened of. Yahweh is no god at all.


But then not only is Yahweh imaginary, but Moses too!


Your bigotry is showing. It is a kanistha quality that you should be past by now Muralidhar.



One entry found for bigot.<form name="entry" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/dictionary"><table valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <input name="hdwd" value="bigot" type="hidden"><input name="listword" value="bigot" type="hidden"><input name="book" value="Dictionary" type="hidden">

</td></tr></tbody></table> </form> Main Entry: big·ot audio.gif


: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


The Old Testament Bible is a collection of writings from various prominent members of the Jewish peoples and has been falsely claimed to be the words of God whom they call YAHWEH. That does not mean their budding concept of one Supreme Lord is any less a revelation from the Lord.


In anyone I meet that has even the slightest understanding of monotheism I can recognize the work of Paramatma who is the source of that knowledge. He is the real source of monotheism irregardless of external appearances as to how it developed.

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I found that quote I was refering to.

It comes from the introduction of Krishna Book.



Krishna can perfectly reciprocate one's loving propensities in different relationships called mellows or rasas. Basically there are twelve loving relationships. One can love Krishna as the supreme unknown, as the supreme master, the supreme friend, the supreme child, the supreme lover. These are the five basic love rasas. One can also love Krishna indirectly in seven different relationships, which are apparently different from the five primary relationships. All in all, however, if one simply reposes his dormant loving propensity in Krishna, then his life becomes successful. This is not a fiction but is a fact that can be realized by practical application. One can directly perceive the effects that love for Krishna has on his life.
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Now we are cookin'. Accepting appreciating and acknowledging the truth that we find in others.


The next step then becomes one of showing the next step in God consciousness. Servitorship and friendship towards the Lord if they want to hear of such things.


If not we respect their worship of God the great unknown.


Myself, I look forward to the day when I can reach santa-rasa which I see as a fixed position of safety and from which I can contemplate with a clear mind any further closeness to Krsna.

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This Yahweh is a psychopath.


He is always threatening to kill people.


But why didn't moses die when Yahweh wanted to kill him? If Yahweh was all-powerful then Moses would just have died instantly, simply because Yahweh wanted him dead. So it is pretty obvious that Yahweh is just a symbol for some wrathful "demon" force that the Jews were frightened of. Yahweh is no god at all.


But then not only is Yahweh imaginary, but Moses too!


No - your krishna is an immoral and demoniak 'thing' - if he is real at all.....

You just go ahead - play with your legos and spew out your anti-semitic crap - it says a great deal about YOU. I'm not wasting my time here further....

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Bhakta Don,


Sorry to read your last post. If you judge Krsna consciousness by the ill chosen words of some practioners are you not falling into the same trap that they themselves have fallen into?


Rise above it prabhu. Accept nowledge of God where you find it. And you must know by now Krsna consciousness contains a lot of such knowledge.

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Theist you may call me a bigot and feel that (in your own self righteous way)


But take a look at the things the Hebrews did to other races, as recorded in their own testament.


They were not godly people, and out of all of them, their prophets (in the style of Bin Laden) were the worst of the bunch.


Is there one crime against humanity that Bin Laden is accused of that the Hebrews did not do many, many, many, many times?

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If the Hare Krishna movement had the sincerity and simpleness of the Christian people, the movement wouldn't be in the mess it is in today.


Amen to that!

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