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Origin Of Biblical Monotheism

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Krishna is a fiction - he is NOT real

If you chant His Holy Name He will reveal His Reality to you.

Krsna is the most precious Reality in my life, in the universe.

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Theist you may call me a bigot and feel that (in your own self righteous way)


But take a look at the things the Hebrews did to other races, as recorded in their own testament.


They were not godly people, and out of all of them, their prophets (in the style of Bin Laden) were the worst of the bunch.


Is there one crime against humanity that Bin Laden is accused of that the Hebrews did not do many, many, many, many times?


And you can consider me self-righteous if you wish. The fact is this is not your first lashing out at Christians and Jews. Nor is this thread about the habits of ancient Jewish society. It is on the elevation from polytheism to monotheism.


I am well aware of the atrocious behavior by the Jews and others written about in the Old Testament. The fact that you choose to not address the point of the thread and instead sling some mud on the name Yahweh is what I still call an example of bigotry. You haven't learned to respect the names of God held by other cultures? That is bigotry in my book. Exactly like some Christians who insist Krsna cannot be a name of God.


Krsna conscious devotees are supposed to be above that bro.

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many scholars herald aten-worship (1353-1336 bc) as a breakthrough in a spiritual and cultural evolution: the world's first monotheistic religon- rising above superstition. similarities between the Hymn to Aten and the song of solomon (supposedly written 500 years later has encouraged speculation about the influence of atenism on early jewish monotheism. In Moses and monotheism freud argued that moses was an egyptian nobleman and the biblical exodus a pious fiction with a remote tradition reworked to service their own biases. conversely, a book by ahmed osman advances the theory that akhenaten's deity derived from tales of the jewish god related to him by his maternal grandfather yuya, the joseph of the old testament. i was at mt. sinai last year and didn't realize at the time there was a debate about- did the exodus really happen? it seems odd that several million people can camp at a mountain and there is no sign they were ever there. no bones, no pottery, no nothing. plus the mountains are so close together that there would not be room for that many people there- although i'm always open if some evidence should shed some some light on the subject. also this site wasn't dubbed mt. sinai until aprox. 1,000 years later by alexander the great's mother, a devout christian and one of the first archeologists of the world. of course, there is another theory that some to that monotheism came to egypt from india via parasurama- although there is a distinctive time line of 1,693,000 years to reconcile with.

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just a quick note: Karnak temple: Eighty-one line inscription by Merneptah on what is called the Israel Stele, which contains among a list of conquests the only known pharonic reference to Israel: “Israel is crushed, it has no more seed”. On the strength of his Israel Stele at Karnak and the identification of his father as the Pharaoh of Oppression, many scholars hold that Merneptah was the Pharaoh of the Exodus. The Israel Stele is now located in the Cairo Museum.

Karnak Temple: called the shoshenk relief commemorating the triumphs of the XXII Dynasty Pharoh Shoshenk. Traditionally scholars have identified him as the Biblical Shishak I Kings (14: 25-26) who plundered Jerusalem and achieved a victory over Rehoboam, son of Solomon, king of Judah in 925 BC, thus establishing a crucial link between the chronologies of Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament. In one relief, Shoshenk’s figure is almost invisible, but Amen-Ra stands with a sword in his hand and announces the conquest and of 156 villages in Judah and Palastine and presiding over the slaughter of Rheoboamite prisoners in Palastine.

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There is no use in an intricate academic analysis into the history of Israel or the Jews.

Let's just give modern Christians credit for believing in God and giving thanks to him for all they have.

We don't need historical, academic research into the history of the Jews to recognize that "Christians" are sincere and faithful people who believe in ONE supreme God and that they are NOT God like some Hindu sects in India believe.


To recognize that you are NOT God and to pray to the Lord of all creation is much better than the Mayavada Hindu sects that are hell bent on spiritual suicide.


Christians are Vaishnavas whether they know it or not.


they are our brothers.....

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There is no use in an intricate academic analysis into the history of Israel or the Jews.

Let's just give modern Christians credit for believing in God and giving thanks to him for all they have.

We don't need historical, academic research into the history of the Jews to recognize that "Christians" are sincere and faithful people who believe in ONE supreme God and that they are NOT God like some Hindu sects in India believe.


To recognize that you are NOT God and to pray to the Lord of all creation is much better than the Mayavada Hindu sects that are hell bent on spiritual suicide.


Christians are Vaishnavas whether they know it or not.


they are our brothers.....


"...the Mayavada Hindu sects that are hell bent on spiritual suicide."


Spiritual suicide? Really, there is no such thing!

If you merge into Brahman then you merge into a God/Goddess. You lose your freedom/independence temporarily in order to experience the exact same as the target. I could not fathom one could stay there as long as one wanted. You have to come out after a certain amt. of time and probably start samsara again. The decision is probably at the time of mukti and I am sure almost absolutely every one does not merge into Brahman. I don't know what the fuss is about! Following Shankaracarya's system does not influence you to merge into Brahman at the end (mukti)--it is a purely independent decision, you have God's free will and you do what you want. To me their sect looks like a bhakti path initially focused 100% on jnana and detachment.


No one needs their teachings. They are extremely intelligent and know what they preach is incorrect.

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Well there is no evidence of that - it's really just speculation - however - there is a great deal of evidence that krishna is a literary creation developed over time.


Don Muntean has finally revealed his true colors! he always had an agenda of promoting the Jewish Tribal God, not authentic Vaishnavisim. Now he's revealed himself... turning away completely from any pretense of being associated with Krsna, to promote his Yahweh rantings and call other gods make believe!

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No - your krishna is an immoral and demoniak 'thing' - if he is real at all.....

You just go ahead - play with your legos and spew out your anti-semitic crap - it says a great deal about YOU. I'm not wasting my time here further....


This is Yahweh for you, folks! this sounds like a tirade straight out of the Torah.


The sublime Lord who spoke the Bhagavad Gita could never compare to the crazy tribal god of the Torah, who spews hatred and curses upon his enemies...


Who is the demoniak thing? certainly not Krsna!

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With so much talk about the so-called crimes of ancient Israel let's take a look at recent recent history - on this date in history:


In 1946, Jewish refugees from the Holocaust, with no other place to go, returned to their hometown of Kielce, Poland -- and were attacked by the townspeople in a bloody pogrom that left 42 Jews dead and 80 wounded. The pogrom began when rumors spread that Jews had kidnapped a Polish child. Polish policemen and soldiers entered the Jewish residences and began the violence; the Jews were then attacked outside by mobs in a fray that lasted five hours. Some 3 million Polish Jews had been murdered in the Holocaust, yet this pogrom -- occurring 15 months after the end of World War II -- was a horrific aftershock.


When do these 'pogroms' stop?


When looking into the past and railing against ancient Israel and their so-called ancient crimes do not forget that the nations around ancient Israel were fond of many nasty things - like child and human sacrifice.

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This is Yahweh for you, folks! this sounds like a tirade straight out of the Torah.


The sublime Lord who spoke the Bhagavad Gita could never compare to the crazy tribal god of the Torah, who spews hatred and curses upon his enemies...


Who is the demoniak thing? certainly not Krsna!

Krishna as the 'supreme' is not even accepted by all hindus!


I guess you'll defend them 'advanced' ancients who offered their children in the fires to molech and baal wouldn't you....

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When looking into the past and railing against ancient Israel and their so-called ancient crimes do not forget that the nations around ancient Israel were fond of many nasty things - like child and human sacrifice.


No doubt you are right and I can't accept any of such practices as God inspired no matter which culture indulged in it. And that goes for the animal sacrifice and HUMAN sacrifice of the vedas where they would go to the forest to capture a man/animal and sacrifice him. Can't convince me that was inspired by God either.

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<big> Krishna is a fiction - he is NOT real.</big>


You have no basis for this statement Don. Like Guruvani on another thread who is blind to existence of Christ and calls him ficticious you are now making the same error.


You may believe that and that is your riight but you can not prove it.

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The light emitted by the Divine drives away all worldly ignorance and misery and draws the purified soul unto itself. It is as if a great light draws to itself one of its own rays gone astray. What happens to the individual ray after it is merged in the great light, is left undescribed. No vocabulary, it is urged, can carry us into the mystic depths of existence inside the great light. This is the semitic psychology represented by the idea of the undefinable personality of Godhead.


from Vaisnavism - Real and Apparent, by Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura

In the way of thinking that Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura categorized as "semitic psychology" God is thought to be an invisible being.


In the New Testament we find Paul declaring that God is invisible and that this invisible God incarnated as Jesus.


Paul also says this person Jesus was the "firstborn of every creature" and that Jesus created "all things".



[12] Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

[13] Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

[14] In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

[15] Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

[16] For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

[17] And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.



This type of Semitic psychology, with it's invisible God and its insistence that the [possibly fictional] prophet Jesus is God Himself, is a totally different psychology from the spiritual psychology taught by Sri Chaitanya.


The subject of this thread is "Origin of Biblical Monotheism".


The monotheism of the semites is a form of Mayavada. It is worship of an invisible God who is the source of light - like the Sun.

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In the way of thinking that Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura categorized as "semitic psychology" God is thought to be an invisible being.


In the New Testament we find Paul declaring that God is invisible and that this invisible God incarnated as Jesus.


Paul also says this person Jesus was the "firstborn of every creature" and that Jesus created "all things".




This type of Semitic psychology, with it's invisible God and its insistence that the [possibly fictional] prophet Jesus is God Himself, is a totally different psychology from the spiritual psychology taught by Sri Chaitanya.


The subject of this thread is "Origin of Biblical Monotheism".


The monotheism of the semites is a form of Mayavada. It is worship of an invisible God who is the source of light - like the Sun.


Yes your stone and metal god is quite visible - right?

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Krsna is seen with spiritual eyes, not material. One must purify the blunt senses before being able to see Him. That is we see Him when He decides to reveal Himself. God resists the proud.

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