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Can We Stop Meat-eaters from Killing People As Surplus Grain Goes to Feed Animals?

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<table class="contentpaneopen"><tbody><tr><td class="contentheading" width="100%">Meat-eaters Kill People </td><td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%"></td><td class="buttonheading" align="right" width="100%"></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="contentpaneopen"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" width="70%">

Can we use the following info in order to stop the senseless slaughter of animals and the future famine on this planet?:confused:





</td></tr><tr><td class="createdate" colspan="2" valign="top"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top">

Eighty percent of starving children live in countries that actually have food surpluses; the children remain hungry because farmers use the surplus grain to feed animals instead of people.

  • Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million
  • Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million
  • Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20
  • Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 80
  • Percentage of oats grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 95
  • Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90
  • How frequently a child dies as a result of malnutrition: every 2.3 seconds
  • Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 40,000
  • Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 250
  • Percentage of U.S. farmland devoted to beef production: 56
  • Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce a pound of edible flesh from feedlot beef: 16

Our Environment

A vegetarian saves more than 100 animals and 1 acre of trees every year.

  • Fossil fuels needed to produce meat-centered diet vs. a meat-free diet: 3 times more
  • Percentage of U.S. topsoil lost to date: 75
  • Percentage of U.S. topsoil loss directly related to livestock raising: 85
  • Number of acres of U.S. forest cleared for cropland to produce meat-centered diet: 260 million
  • Amount of meat imported to U.S. annually from Central and South America: 300,000,000 pounds
  • Percentage of Central American children under the age of five who are undernourished: 75
  • Area of tropical rainforest consumed in every quarter-pound of rainforest beef: 55 square feet
  • Current rate of species extinction due to destruction of tropical rainforests for meat grazing and other uses: 1,000 per year

Our Health

Children who grow up getting their nutrition from plant foods rather than meats have a tremendous health advantage. They are less likely to develop weight problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer.

  • Most common cause of death in the U.S.: heart attack
  • How frequently a heart attack kills in the U.S.: every 45 seconds
  • Average U.S. man's risk of death from heart attack: 50 percent
  • Risk of average U.S. man who eats no meat: 15 percent
  • Risk of average U.S. man who eats no meat, dairy or eggs: 4 percent
  • Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption of meat, dairy and eggs by 10 percent: 9 percent
  • Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption by 50 percent: 45 percent
  • Amount you reduce risk if you eliminate meat, dairy and eggs from your diet: 90 percent
  • Average cholesterol level of people eating meat-centered-diet: 210 mg/dl
  • Chance of dying from heart disease if you are male and your blood cholesterol level is 210 mg/dl: greater than 50 percent

Our Natural Resources

You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for an entire year.

  • User of more than half of all water used for all purposes in the U.S.: livestock production
  • Amount of water used in production of the average cow: sufficient to float a destroyer
  • Gallons of water needed to produce a pound of wheat: 25
  • Gallons of water needed to produce a pound of California beef: 5,000
  • Calories of fossil fuel expended to get 1 calory of protein from beef: 78
  • To get 1 calory of protein from soybeans: 2
  • Percentage of all raw materials (base products of farming, forestry and mining, including fossil fuels) consumed by U.S. that is devoted to the production of livestock: 33
  • Percentage of all raw materials consumed by the U.S. needed to produce a complete vegetarian diet: 2


According to leading scientists and the EPA, up to 95 percent of our dioxin exposure comes from red meat, fish, and dairy products. Even small amounts of dioxin can cause cancer, depressed immune response, nervous system disorders, miscarriages, and birth deformities.

  • Percentage of U.S. mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 99
  • Percentage of U.S. vegetarian mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 8
  • Contamination of breast milk, due to chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in animal products, found in meat-eating mothers vs. non-meat eating mothers: 35 times higher
  • Amount of Dieldrin ingested by the average breast-fed American infant: 9 times the permissable level


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Education is the only answer. There are no Pariksit's around to defend the cows and other animals by force of sword. It is said the pen is mightier than the sword anyway so that is our method to bring abourtchange.


Of course those who engage in cow torture and slaughter by drinking commercial (including organic and free range) milk are also guilty and have no platform to criticize the meat eaters.

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Theist, just exactly what is the point you are trying to make? This is not the first time I'm reading this argument from you about the commercial milk thing and, to say the least, it smacks of a very narrow view of this issue at best and pompous moralizing pontification at worst. Persons from all over the world, not just from America, take part in the discussions which go on on this forum. Whilst what you wrote may have some validity in your own country, it is by no means applicable to many other places. For instance, cow slaughter is legal in just two Indian states, i.e. Communist-ruled West Bengal and Kerala. In the rest of India, the killing of bovines does happen but only clandestinely, and primarily by Mohammedans. There is no way whatsoever in which the hundreds of millions of non-Bengali and non-Keralite Indians who utilize commercially produced cow or buffalo milk are somehow implicated in what you say they are. In fact, in this large country called India, there are millions upon millions of bulls, cows and calves of all ages (even those owned by people) which roam around freely and are given traffic priority on the roads and streets by vehicles. Of course, the animals in the urban areas are less fortunate than those living in regions where there is a lot more greenery to graze. The same conclusion holds true for Nepal as well, and I am sure, a few other countries.


And one should also develop a sense of perspective or nuance. A non-vegetarian seafood or fowl eater is certainly committing a far lesser offence than one who takes pleasure in consuming the flesh of a former milk-giving cow or of a former soil-tilling ox. Numerous other similar examples could be cited. In addition to well-known prohibited veggies like onions and garlic, some strict Vaisnavas even eschew carrots, but most of us do use them when preparing prasadam to offer to the deity. Similarly, if one chooses to drink commercial milk, even in America or Europe, but is otherwise a committed lacto-vegetarian, that individual is certainly doing his or her little bit to help the world ecologically, and is for sure purifying his or her body to a material extent. Such a person is on an incomparably higher level than a gross carnivore. And that is a fact no one can deny.

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Vikram, Of course I speak from my own experience and in terms of the west. I live in the west. I have no need to list every possible exception in a post. If the shoe doesn't fit then don't wear it.


It's a rare day I ever say anything about what goes on in India or Russia or anywhere outside my own experience.





In addition to well-known prohibited veggies like onions and garlic, some strict Vaisnavas even eschew carrots, but most of us do use them when preparing prasadam to offer to the deity. Similarly, if one chooses to drink commercial milk, even in America or Europe, but is otherwise a committed lacto-vegetarian, that individual is certainly doing his or her little bit to help the world ecologically, and is for sure purifying his or her body to a material extent. Such a person is on an incomparably higher level than a gross carnivore. And that is a fact no one can deny.


When a person buys commercial milk in the west they are supporting the practice of taking the calves , male and female, immediately from the mother. The females go into the dairy system and the males are used for veal. To keep their flesh tender they are housed in crates too small to allow them to even turn around because that would toughen the meat. They are also fed a diet that is formulated to keep the meat tender for the satisfaction of the demons who will consume it. The mothers are killed for slaughter as soon as their milk production drops too low.


Especially bizarre are those devotees who avoid carrots because they consider them meat due to some fable in the Puranas but at the same time sacrifice calves for veal in order to drink cows milk because they assume it will increase their brain tissues to allow them to perceive things spirtiual. Guess what. Compassion is a spiritual virtue so why don't they show compassion to the calves and boycott milk that comes at the expense of murdered calves and cows? I mean when do these higher brain tissues kick in?

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Theist, you sure paint a disturbing picture about the horrific torture of calves which goes on in your part of the world. Trust me, I can now appreciate better where you are coming from when you condemn Western commercial milk drinkers with equal vehemence as you do carnivorous people. Your concern for Lord Krsna's favourite animals is admirable.


By the way, I do eat carrots, and was not speaking from personal experience. Rather, I was just giving an example of which i was aware.



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Thank you for having such an open mind Vikram. It was clear that you offer carrots and are not I have been to India only once and saw generally how the cows are treated with such patience even though I know things are degrading there as well. It is hard for Indian brothers and sisters to picture to what extent the demons torture the cows and other animals in the west before slaughtering them merciliessly.


To see devotess of Govinda partaking in this practice makes my heart especially heavy.


Check this site on milk. http://www.milksucks.com/index2.asp






This male calf will stand in this position for 14 weeks to keep it's flesh tender for the demons palate and then slaughtered and feed to them as veal which they consider a prize dish.

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Here is a secretly filmed video taken by PeTA at a slaughterhouse called Agriprocessors. This is been sactioned by Jewish religious authorities as Kosher, ie the proper way to slaughter cows in God's eyes according to them. Of course we know these people have no connection with God or they could never sanction this.


This is the short version. I could not watch the whole short version. It is very disturbing but some of us need to be disturbed enough to take some counter action. It is a scene that one would expect to see only in hell. Indeed this animal killers have imported hell to earth. Some people should not watch this. It is mind altering. Please use discretion.


I posted this link on Jewish discussion boards and they were shocked at what they saw and what their religious leaders had ok'd in the name of God.




One thing really stands out from my lone trip to India. And that was seeing a McDonalds just outside Vrndavan on Mathura road. How sad it is to see these demons taking root in India and especially Vraja.


Indian friends please forget the fool Richard Gere and his stupid kiss and run McDonalds and like companies out of India. I await the happy day when I read in the news that that McDonalds on Mathura road has been closed even if by fire as a last resort.

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Thank you for the web links Theist. Otherwise, I agree with your observations on the presence of McDonald's in India. Definitely, they have got to go away, and any closed outlet of theirs is like a mini-battle won for lovers of Vedic culture. In fact, when they set out to conquer the booming Indian market in the 1990s, they were forced under pressure from various Hindu groups to buckle and exclude Big Macs from their list of products. Instead, they adopted a mutton substitute for the predominantly non-beefeating Indians. That was a small step they were made to take. However, this is definitely not sufficient, and it is indeed painful to see persons born and raised in the homeland of Sanatana-dharma relishing cooked corpses of chickens and sheep.

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