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Heart in sharp pain

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To the core

hrdya gratis-tight knotted material desires

all twisted and intertwined

one into the other.


or like a shaft

peircing me day and night

caustic mental and psychic pain

making normal breathing difficult


I know not merely a physical phenomena

the soul diseased

the Holy Name bitter to chant

Meeting devotees causes distress

the Dieties become stone

the Bhagavat myth

the sadhus all tricksters----


Am i a candidate for hell ?

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To the core

hrdya gratis-tight knotted material desires

all twisted and intertwined

one into the other.


or like a shaft

peircing me day and night

caustic mental and psychic pain

making normal breathing difficult


I know not merely a physical phenomena

the soul diseased

the Holy Name bitter to chant

Meeting devotees causes distress

the Dieties become stone

the Bhagavat myth

the sadhus all tricksters----


Am i a candidate for hell ?


dear soul

almost every individual on this earth has most of the above qualities only varying in degrees of percentage.....forget sadhus,devotees,gurus for that matter forget the world around u.....think about human life span(75 in modern lifestyle)...substract it from ur age and see how many years u are

left with.....do not do the things to impress the wolrd.....do that which is worth your life.do not do which ends here with ur death....do that which you want to follow you to ur next life...do u want bad samskaras to follow u? i don't think anyone does! there is always a first step for any big achievement

do not be afraid or lazy to put that step.....b'cause by the time u realize u may be at the end of ur life...........medicine is bitter but cures diseases...so is the holy name for a worldly man....be persistent in using that medicine u'll be free from mental and physical pain. i assure u and promise you that u'll find peace and happiness if u take the first step towards god....as god walks ten steps towards you.

-hare krishna!

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dear soul

almost every individual on this earth has most of the above qualities only varying in degrees of percentage.....forget sadhus,devotees,gurus for that matter forget the world around u.....think about human life span(75 in modern lifestyle)...substract it from ur age and see how many years u are

left with.....do not do the things to impress the wolrd.....do that which is worth your life.do not do which ends here with ur death....do that which you want to follow you to ur next life...do u want bad samskaras to follow u? i don't think anyone does! there is always a first step for any big achievement

do not be afraid or lazy to put that step.....b'cause by the time u realize u may be at the end of ur life...........medicine is bitter but cures diseases...so is the holy name for a worldly man....be persistent in using that medicine u'll be free from mental and physical pain. i assure u and promise you that u'll find peace and happiness if u take the first step towards god....as god walks ten steps towards you.

-hare krishna!


What do you mean by do not impress the world?

If not how can anyone make a living?

What do you mean by do not do which ends here with ur death?

So that means you dont eat sleep or have a family?Those things end here with ur death arent they?

What follows after you die?

As far as we all know nothing,you are dead and burnt into Ashes.

Do you remember your past lives?If not how do you believe you had one?

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What do you mean by do not impress the world?

If not how can anyone make a living?

What do you mean by do not do which ends here with ur death?

So that means you dont eat sleep or have a family?Those things end here with ur death arent they?

What follows after you die?

As far as we all know nothing,you are dead and burnt into Ashes.

Do you remember your past lives?If not how do you believe you had one?

dear soul

i am happy to be at ur service to share with u the knowledge i learned from the divine personalities. but before that i need u to have belief in

my words otherwise there is no point in entering into this questionare....!

1.most of the things we do is done out of fear like what others think of us if we don't do this....if ur happiness is assoiated with others then u can't be happy .There are so many people whom u need to impress for ur happiness.just as this proverb: tell to bite frog is angry,ask to leave snake is angry

2.what ever job u take up for living follow its rules and do it to ur best.for ex:if u are in marketing it is important to dress up and talk sweet to impress people as its the basic principle of that job but its not necessary to follow high class standards to live life.mahatma gandhi wore just a piece of cloth where ever he went he didn't care to impess others but followed that which made him happier.

3.no matter how many desires you fulfill they still arise.king yayathi has under gone two youths in his life and yet wasn't satisfied and wanted more....how much ever luxuries you possess they all end here....put ur energy to that which comes with you....after death and that is your virtues.

how much ever u develop desire towards god that much desire follows ur next birth.

4.eating,sleeping and having family life has been going on from enormous births which can explain the poor,the rich,healthy and sick people around.maintaing body is necessary but not soul purpose of life.it is to get rid of birth and death which is the only purpose of human life.

5.i would suggest u read this e-book (free)available at swami sivananda homepage. he explained very well about reincarnation.


thank you.

-hare krishna!

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dear soul

almost every individual on this earth has most of the above qualities only varying in degrees of percentage.....forget sadhus,devotees,gurus for that matter forget the world around u.....think about human life span(75 in modern lifestyle)...substract it from ur age and see how many years u are

left with.....do not do the things to impress the wolrd.....do that which is worth your life.do not do which ends here with ur death....do that which you want to follow you to ur next life...do u want bad samskaras to follow u? i don't think anyone does! there is always a first step for any big achievement

do not be afraid or lazy to put that step.....b'cause by the time u realize u may be at the end of ur life...........medicine is bitter but cures diseases...so is the holy name for a worldly man....be persistent in using that medicine u'll be free from mental and physical pain. i assure u and promise you that u'll find peace and happiness if u take the first step towards god....as god walks ten steps towards you.

-hare krishna!


This isn't towards you but everyone.

I believe we shouldn't say hare krishna has a greeting/followup b/c it is a sacred mantra and one says it in private not public. Do any diksa-disciples say their mantras in public? This mantra is of the same category almost. Most of all, we shouldn't go yelling, or screaming out the name in some public area trying to get people to chant. Do we take our sacred deities to some public area and convince people to worship it!?

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This isn't towards you but everyone.

I believe we shouldn't say hare krishna has a greeting/followup b/c it is a sacred mantra and one says it in private not public. Do any diksa-disciples say their mantras in public? This mantra is of the same category almost. Most of all, we shouldn't go yelling, or screaming out the name in some public area trying to get people to chant. Do we take our sacred deities to some public area and convince people to worship it!?


dear soul

hare krishna is a divine name and its certainly not a greeting.but its my personal choice to say or write lords name how much ever i can so that i can think more of him and less of world.isn't the purpose of mantra to think of god?well for me ...it is!



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The mahamantra has saved me from serious depression and wasting what's left of my life in meaningless sense gratification.

The 'Dark Night of the Soul' you are experience could turn to the very dawn of your spiritual awakening. Turn to the Lord in your heart. He is infinitely kind.

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