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Krishna Has a Problem

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Interesting points about the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.



Devotee, Jun 5, 2007 7:52 PM: "In a previous Sanga you wrote, "Being defeated by Her love, He (Krsna) tried to steal it in a last ditch effort. This got Him into more trouble in His appearance as Sri Caitanya, who spent the better part of His antya-lila in tears and madness. Only by the mercy of Radha's intimate associates Lalita and Visakha in the forms of Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya was He able to resolve the issue, one that is nonetheless eternal and one that presents a golden opportunity of

service for us."


I am wondering what opportunity of service this offers the contemporary devotee? It seems like the situation was handled, at the time. What more can I do to serve Krsna in this regard?"


[see Sanga: Krsna Has a Problem





Krsna realized that the gopis' position as the asraya alambana afforded them more ecstasy than His position as the visaya alambana did. Thus He tried to take the position of the asraya alambana by becoming a devotee of Himself as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, at which time his dark complexion became effulgent like molten gold and He became known as Gauranga (the Golden Lord). When Krsna appeared as Gauranga He eventually studied under the tutelage of Svarupa Damodara and Raya Ramananda, devotees who were Sri Radhika's most confidential associates. Only with their help and blessing did He succeed in His quest.


Thus the problem was solved. What then is the golden opportunity? The golden opportunity is Gaurahari, the golden Lord Himself. Were it not for His appearance how would anyone know about all of these things? How would it be possible to taste such love? Sri Rupa Goswami writes, anarpita carim cirat karunayavatirna kalau: "Gauranga came to give what has never been given before." What did He give? He gave us the opportunity to experience Radha's love for Krsna, unnatojjvala rasa sva bhakti sriyam. He gave us the golden opportunity to experience that which He Himself could not taste without the blessing of Sri Radha. In other words, in the course of pursuing that experience He showed the world how to taste it, how to become a dearmost devotee of Krsna by serving the handmaids of Sri Radhika. Thus He not only tasted but taught as well. Careful study of his pastimes and precepts reveal that the sadhana that Gaurahari taught the world culminates in the highest love.


Srila Sanatana Goswami writes:


"Realizing that the ecstasy of His beloved devotees is even sweeter than His own, out of greed the Lord descended to this world in the form of His own devotee. Dressed as a renunciant, golden in effulgence, He bears the name Sri Krsna Caitanya. All glories to that Lord Hari, who has appeared as the son of mother Saci!"


Commenting on this verse of Brhad-Bhagavatamrta, Sri Sanatana writes that it is only by the mercy of Sri Caitanya that one can experience gopi-bhava like that of Radha's dearmost handmaidens. There is no other way. This is the gift of Gaura to the world!


Srila Rupa Goswami writes:


"His name is Sri Krsna Caitanya; His quality is that He is most magnanimous; His lila is giving Krsna-prema; His form is effulgent like molten gold. Praise unto Him, Sri Krsna, again and again!"


Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati shares this secret with us:


"If you are truly pious, then to the extent that you develop devotion to Gauranga's lotus feet, the moon rays of Radharani's lotus feet will well up suddenly in your heart."


You ask what all of this means to us today. It means that we should try our utmost to take advantage of the golden opportunity Gaura has given by learning the secrets of scripture from a realized soul, and under His or Her guidance we should serve Sri Krsna Caitanya with all our hearts in the kirtana of harinama. We should know our goal, the sadhya, for this will help to inform our sadhana. As our hearts become cleansed

through guru-guided sadhana, gradually all of these things will be realized within. This is what chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is all about. It is about attaining the service of Radha-Krsna in Vrndavana.

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