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The mysterious origin of the soul is now within our grasp of understanding.

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After first choosing to extend ones nitya-baddha consciousness from their marginal nitya-siddha rasa body and 'sub-consciously' enter the mahat-tattva and then eventually surrender to a 'so called' devotee of Krishna with the desire to be assimilated into a state of total inactive bliss by becoming an atom at Krishnas' lotus feet, is not only selfish, but is another aspect of Impersonalism!!


Such desires are denying ones original rasa body that is always fully active in the devotional service to Krishna. The nitya-siddha-svarupa body is the original position of all marginal living entities from whence they can choose to serve the rebellious desires or the lower sub-conscious nitya-baddha dreaming consciousness that all marginal living entities are endowed with as already explained.


The fact is the only way to enter the mahat-tattva or material creation is to ‘consciously’ fall down from ones svarupa body in the Goloka-Vrndavana or Vaikuntha portion of the Spiritual Sky. The mahat-tattva is simply a place where the lower dreaming nitya-baddha conscious condition of the marginal living entity goes when they choose to ignore Krishna.





The mahat-tattva dark cloud is where Maha-Vishnu is in a deep dreaming state; His dreams hold mostly the mistaken dream realities and desires of the marginal beings while in their nitya-baddha lower self.


The nitya baddha sub-conscious condition of the marginal living entity is the rebellious dreams, thoughts, desires and impersonal escape of just a few (25%) of those eternal nitya-siddha-svarupa or atma-vigraha devotees. Krishna’s marginal potency or living entities all have a two-fold aspect to their existence.





The highest and original constitution of the marginal energy is bodily form known as vigraha that is the embodiment of sat (eternity) cit (full knowledge) ananda (always blissful) in the service of Krishna. This bodily condition of the marginal beings is the full expression of their potential that is called -


Nitya-siddha-svarupa One’s Krishna Conscious eternally positioned unique original personal bodily relationship with Krishna as an eternal servant that is without end in Goloka-Vrndavana, even if one has sub-consciously turned their back on Krishna to experience existence through their lower nitya-baddha sub-conscious self transmitted as non-Krishna conscious desires or thoughts that are clothed by ethereal and eventually biological bodies by Maha-Vishnu within His mahat-tattva.





Ones original svarupa body is always in Goloka.




On the other hand the marginal nitya-siddha devotional beings also have a secondary condition or nitya-baddha consciousness that can enter the dark cloud (mahat-tattva) situated in one corner of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti.


The reason why the lower self or nitya-baddha consciousness enters the mahat-tattva or material creation is due to their desires not to be with Krishna as their devotional form or nitya-siddha-svarupa body. Such disloyal dreams, thoughts and desires are projected or transmitted as a ‘secondary consciousness’ (nitya-baddha) to that dark perishable cloud or mahat-tattva temporary material manifestation where they are then given counterfeit bodily material forms (ethereal and biological vessels) by the creator of that perishable place of the dreaming, Maha-Vishnu.








The difference between the nitya-siddda-svarupa body and the nitya-baddha sub-conscious state is the nitya-siddha is perpetually a transcendental Krishna Conscious bodily form where as the nitya-baddha consciousness has no bodily form until it is provided one by Maha-Vishnu within the mahat-tattva.





His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.



Understanding the true origins of all living entities



This book is based on the teachings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Krishna Consciousness. The difference between mental speculation and philosophical speculation is backing up ones realizations with quotes from Srila Prabhupada who is my eternal Spiritual Master. Unless one engages in philosophical speculation, just how will one formulate relevant questions to place before their guru and search through his teachings for correct meaning and understanding?


Therefore the difference between philosophical and mental speculation is conclusions based on Srila Prabhupadas teachings (books, tapes and letters) that is handed down to our society in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century, giving the correct meaning and translations of all previous Acharayas, further more, as Srila Prabhupada has said, no other books are necessary other than his teachings. In fact, even if other Vedic texts are read or translated, that includes the six Gosvami’s, Bhaktivinode Thakura and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja etc; such literatures are seen always through the explanations Srila Prabhupada has given us.



Srila Prabhupadas' lectures, classes, morning walks, letters, tapes and books are the basis for understanding all previous Spiritual Masters.




Devotees may read and translate ancient Sanskrit texts or recent Bengali and Hindu texts written by previous Acharyas however, such translations can only be properly seen through the teachings of Srila Prabhupada only and never through the teachings of others, including his godbrothers, god nephews, or even his own disciples who have gone outside of his teachings and have become polluted with contradictory views to the ‘Personal teachings’ of Srila Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada has said on many occasions that everything we need to know is in his teachings and there is no need to read any other literature.The purpose of this, as Srila Prabhupada clearly explained, is to protect the sincere seeker of truth from the vague interpretations and apparent contradictions from other groups or camps polluted by their Impersonal belief that we all originated from the Brahmajyoti.



All teachings of Impersonalism, Srila Prabhupada instructed his disciples, must be avoided.


Srila Prabhupada is the 32nd Bonafide Spiritual Master in a line of disciplic succession that goes all the way back to Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has single headedly, unlike his godbrothers and even previous Acharayas, Sadu’s and Babajis spread the teachings of Lord Krishna and Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu to every corner of the globe.


Due to his endeavours and without any help from his Godbrothers in the Gaudiya math, the chanting of Hare Krishna and the distribution of his books has reached every city, town and village around the world, where Krishna has now become a household name.


Some terms will be unfamiliar to many who read this book, however such terms are just another way to empathize the fact that we always have an original svarupa body in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha.




The terms atma-vigraha or nitya-siddha-svarupa, jiva-atma-vigraha, jiva consciousness, or the secondary conscious state or lower-self, known of the nitya-baddha, is also known as the jiva-tattva, jiva-s’akti’ jiva-tatastha, jiva-prakriti etc depending on the conditional state of ones extended secondary consciousness one is ‘dreaming’ in. Such terms, even though unfamiliar to many of us, are just another way to empathize that we always have an original svarupa body serving Krishna in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha even if we are unaware of this fact due to our absorption in the nitya-baddha dreaming conscious condition that can only function in the mahat-tattva.



The terminologies such as ‘atma-vigraha’ or ‘jiva-atma-vigraha’ are just another translation like that of German, Russian Chinese’s etc, of the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.




The words atma (soul) vigraha (bodily form) is only establishing that the soul/jiva has an eternal imperishable body we call the nitya-siddha or svarupa body that is eternally Krishna Conscious in an atmosphere where no past or future exists because everything is in the perpetual present, as the Brahma Samhita teaches us.


The difference between the nitya-siddda-svarupa body and the nitya-baddha sub-conscious state is the nitya-siddha is perpetually a transcendental Krishna Conscious bodily form where as the nitya-baddha consciousness has no bodily form until it is provided one by Maha-Vishnu within the mahat-tattva




Mother Yasoda looks in to the mouth of her son Krishna and sees the entire creation of the Vaikuntha worlds as well as the mahat-tattva material creation




This imperishable reality is beyond our material concept of temporary time and space. In fact the understanding in this book can only help many to further comprehend the true Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha origins of the life force or jiva-soul, instead of believing in the nonsense Brahmajyoti origins as propagated by the Buddhists, Impersonalists and other Vaishnava sects. This book also especially gives a crystal clear understanding of how the mahat-tattva (material creation) works, explaining the creator and facilitator of that ‘universe of the dreaming’; Maha-Vishnu.



The imperishable Kingdom of Krishna/God (Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha) and perishable cosmic or material formation (mahat-tattva) are both Krishna’s creation.



The effulgence surrounding and originating from Krishna is a bright all-pervasive living light called the Brahmajyoti as the Brahma-Samhita teaches us however, the foundation of that living light, Brahmajyoti, Spiritual Sky or the entire creation, is the unlimited marginal individual bodily atma-vigraha beings emanating from Krishnas' body as that perpetual Brahmajyoti.


The living Brahmajyoti in not Impersonal, it is held together by form because Brahman or Brahmajyoti is the existence of innumerable bodily forms that are adjacent to Krishna’s Personal body or Vigraha Form.


The Brahmajyoti effulgence, or all of Krishnas’ Vigraha expansions and marginal vigraha forms known as nitya-siddhas, have an eternal relationship of everlasting servitude to Krishna within either the central Goloka-Vrndavana Spiritual Sky or the surrounding Vaikunthas, or both!




All marginal nitya-siddha forms are eternally subservant to Krishna and have 78% of the qualities of Krishna/God as their full potential nitya-siddha-svarupa-vigraha bodily self.

Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes, as Srila Prabhupada has taught us from his presentation of the beautiful Srimad Bhagavatam, therefore the eternal unchanging Spiritual Sky (Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha) is where unlimited expansions of Krishna are forever joined in a relationship of loving devotion with His innumerable (countless) marginal perpetual Krishna Conscious bodily nitya-siddha forms.



These bodily forms are the full Krishna Conscious potential of all marginal emanation within the imperishable timeless Spiritual Sky, Brahmajyoti or all creation. Krishna’s bodily Form and countless Vishnu Expansions, as well as His marginal potency or subsidiary vigraha devotee’s, ARE the entire source, or rather, IS the Brahmajyoti effulgence surrounding the Syamasundara form of Krishna.




The dreaming Maha-Vishnu


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The difference between the nitya-siddda-svarupa body and the nitya-baddha sub-conscious state is the nitya-siddha is perpetually a transcendental Krishna Conscious bodily form where as the nitya-baddha consciousness has no bodily form until it is provided one by Maha-Vishnu within the mahat-tattva.




The shadowy cloud that exists in one area of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti is just as much a mysterious phenomenon too many Sanskrit scholars as the dark holes in outer space are to modern quantum science of the 21<sup>st</sup> century that material scientists are baffled by?



Srila Prabhupada has given us the full explanation of that dark mahat-tattva cloud creation of Maha-Vishnu that exists in 25% of the Spiritual Sky, as illustrated on the cover of his beautiful Srimad Bhagavatam and in the painting above. This dark cloud (mahat-tattva) also illustrated above is where the sleeping Maha-Vishnu accommodates the mostly mistaken dreams of the marginal nitya-siddha devotees and is where their nitya-baddha consciousness goes to be material (ethereal and biological) perishable bodily form, such bodies or vessels are part and parcel of the mahat-tattva and always belong to Maha-Vishnu. He provides such costumes so that the visiting nitya-baddha consciousness or jiva-tattva can exist in the mahat-tattva and attempt to satisfy their non-Krishna conscious dreams, thoughts and desires.


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So what is the dark cloud that exists in one corner of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti that the Vedas call the material creation or mahat-tattva? Also what is the marginal potency or energy that radiates from Krishna’s beautiful body?



The perishable cosmic manifestation or material creation (mahat-tattva) is simply the place where the dreaming consciousness of the marginal devotees goes when they choose to deny Krishna and the perpetual nitya-siddha-svarupa body they serve Krishna as.




This inferior sub-conscious condition of the marginal nitya-siddha devotees is actually the manifestation of a secondary independent self called the nitya-baddha consciousness (sub-conscious dark side or half of the marginal living entities)



The nitya-baddha dreams and desires are transferred as a life force, soul, jiva-tattva, jiva-s’akti, jiva-bhutah, jiva-prakriti etc that has substance and said to be ten thousandth the size of a tip of hair. These conscious projections transmitted from ones own nitya-siddha body in Goloka or Vaikuntha enters the mahat-tattva first in seed form (a spiritual spark of effulgent minute substance that IS the nitya-baddha consciousness with all its thoughts and dreams of grandeur) without any bodily form or ethereal covering. The nitya-baddha consciousness does not have any bodily form, it is simply dreaming consciousness presented to the mahat-tattva as a seed, spark or effulgence emanating from Goloka.




Unlike the nitya-siddha-svarupa higher self of ones personality and identity that is eternally as a bodily form, the nitya-baddha consciousness can only be given a bodily form or vessel by Maha-Vishnu within the mahat-tattva, until then the nitya-baddha lower self is simply a spark of living consciousness situated within the body or thoughts of Maha-Vishnu waiting to be ‘planted’ (embodied) within His mahat-tattva creation.



In this way when Maha-Vishnu glances over His material creation, He impregnates the mahat-tattva with His blue print of species of life then designates those bodily ethereal and biological vessels to the visiting bodiless nitya-baddha consciousness. In this way when one first enters the mahat-tattva, Maha-Vishnu provides them first with the bodily, vessel and post of Lord Brahma.







When one first enters the mahat-tattva, Maha-Vishnu provides them first with the bodily vessel and post of Lord Brahma.



The effulgence seen from the viewpoint of the mahat-tattva emanating from the Vaikunthas can also be the nitya-baddha conscious sparks or seeds entering the mahat-tattva and awaiting for Maha-Vishnu to give such ‘nitya-baddha sparks of consciousness’ bodily form. In this way the tranferral condition of consciousness is not the dormant tatastha conscious state achived after liberation from the mahat-tattva, achieved by those yogis who still deny they have a genuine transcendental body from whence they are dreaming their material existence and Impersonal escape from.



The bodiless conscious condition (nitya-baddha) that firsts enters the mahat-tattva in the shape of a seed or living spark is the manifestation of dreams and desires to exploit the material creation yet has no body to fulfil those desires in until Maha-Vishnu plants them in the mahat-tattva (providing an ethereal vessels for the nitya-baddha consciousness to get around within His material creation - mahat-tattva) when he glances over the material creation.



Therefore after first ‘sub-consciously’ leaving ones perpetual svarupa body in Goloka or Vaikuntha, the nitya-baddha dreaming conscious condition version of the ‘self’ passes through the intermediate state of existence (tatastha) that exists as a transitional zone between Vaikuntha and the mahat-tattva without any bodily form, awaiting for Maha-Vishnu to give reality and form to ones dreams.




This secondary sub-conscious nitya-baddha version of the self manifests when one chooses to no longer remain Krishna Conscious.



It is important to understand that the word marginal or subsidiary means all living entities or nitya-siddha-svarupa devotees, are Krishna’s secondary creation that is His surrounding Brahmajyoti effulgence or creation. The effulgence or marginal potency or energy emanating/surrounding Krishna, is created by Krishna with diversity that makes Krishna complete, in other word, every nitya-siddha devotee has a nitya-baddha lower self that can be activated when one no longer wants to be Krishna Conscious.


For the reason of diversity and for Krishna the Supreme Lord to feel complete, all of Krishna’s marginal potency, which are all of His nitya-siddha-svarupa emanations, have their own individual two-fold consciousness or the ability to choose between their nitya-siddha Krishna Conscious original self or their nitya-baddha non-Krishna conscious counterfeit self. This means, even though everything is all the creation of Krishna, it is not some collective Borg (emotionless android assimilation) creation where everyone is assimilated into the devotional collective as a mindless servant. In fact those devotees who want to merge into body of Maha-Vishnu and just become an atom in His body are worse than the Mayavadi Impersonalists.


The ultimate relationship with Krishna is not one of thoughtlessness, inactivity or mindless devotional activity; real Bhakti-yoga or devotional service is based on ever increasing thoughtful love or service one wants to do.


The relation with the spiritual Master is based on reciprocation. Srila Prabhupada once said to a disciple ‘the love you give me is the love you will receive from me’ As a representative of Krishna and our guidance back to Krishna, Srila Prabhupada was simply illustrating the qualifications we need in order to re-establish our original position of servitude with Krishna that again qualifies us to re-establish and re-awaken back in our nitya-siddha-svarupa original bodily condition and fullness of consciousness (Krishna Consciousness)


In this way all marginal living entities or beings (Krishna’s effulgence) do not have to remain as their original nitya-siddha-svarupa-vigraha body if they decide to choose they no longer want to be Krishna Conscious, however only 25% make this choice at a time (each time the mahat-tattva cloud appears in the Spiritual Sky) while some nitya-siddhas never ever activate their nitya-baddha lower self and enter the mahat-tattva, unless it is for Krishna Lila or pastimes.




The important point made here is the nitya-siddha-svarupa devotees do not have to remain aware of their nitya-siddha-svarupa or their Krishna consciousness if they choose – this is what marginal means as Srila Prabhupada has explained. Marginal simply means the living entity has a two-fold ability, to choose either serving Krishna or serving the concoctions and dreams within ones sub-conscious mind.



From the marginal living entities’ nitya-siddha original bodily (vigraha) source, their secondary consciousness (nitya-baddha) enters into the mahat-tattva as a dreaming conscious state called the jiva-tattva and is provided by the over Lord of the mahat-tattva, the sleeping and dreaming Maha-Vishnu, counterfeit imitation temporary bodily costumes as well as being eventually provided the yogic pathway out of the mahat-tattva incarceration to their impersonal Brahmajyoti dormant consciousness, if they choose to pursue the difficult path of Impersonalism (which is denying their svarupa body or source and origins of their projected nitya-baddha consciousness).


The marginal nitya-siddhas sub-conscious ‘other self,’ or the nitya-baddha, sometimes manifests simply due to ‘choosing’ to activate that non-Krishna conscious secondary dreaming sub-consciousness, this right, even though the cause of much suffering for those who make that choice to ‘consciously’ leave Krishnas Personal association, is the endowed right of all marginal nitya-siddhas, although as the painting above illustrates, only 25% choose to get lost in their own sub-conscious dreaming nitya-baddha selfish desires.




So there can naturally exist a dark shadow phenomenon within all marginal nitya-siddha beings that is simply activated by the choice to not serve Krishna. That ability to choose between light and darkness is what ‘marginal’ means.



This dark shadow is called the nitya-baddha sub-consciousness and is where ones conscious awareness is restricted by their desire not to serve Krishna. Technically the activation of the nitya-baddha consciousness is the constitutional right all marginal beings. Within all marginal being is this duality of consciousness governed by the choice to serve or not serve Krishna. In this way all nitya-siddha beings have a nitya-baddha-shadow.


All nitya-siddhas exist in their full constitutionally devotional unconditional position as eternal selfless humble servant of the servant of the servant of beautiful Krishna and can never fall down however, the Srimad Bhagavatam is very clear that 25% (as shown in the painting above) of all nitya-siddhas choose to activate their nitya-baddha sub-conscious dreaming condition and turn their back on Krishna and their eternal original perpetual bodily form and follow their nitya-baddha dreams that places them in the mahat-tattva or material creation.



The dreaming condition of the nitya-siddhas’ in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha is just as real as the perpetual reality that exists there.



In this way even though every marginal being or emanation from Krishna has an originally svarupa body, they can change that rasa bodily identity simple by dreaming of serving Krishna in different ways, a peacock, blade of grass a flower, a tree, a friend, a parent, uncle, teacher, cow herd boy, a flute, a chair Krishna sits on, a jewel on the clothing of Krishna, a gopi, etc, etc. Such understandings are very intimate and only understood as one advances in their Krishna Consciousness. In a similar way, when one stops dreaming of Krishna then those dreams manifest their existence in a separate reality that is not Krishna Conscious, this is how one enters the material creation or mahat-tattva, not as their svarupa body, but in the bodies the dream of.


The individual marginal beings as their nitya-siddha-svarupa bodies are known collectively as the Brahman or Brahmajyoti living personal effulgence that surrounds and emanates from the transcendental body of Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This personal Brahmajyoti takes up 75% of all creation, where all the marginal bodily living entities display the full potential of their individuality and identity that is always Krishna Consciousness. These percentage numbers are hard to understand when there is no beginning or end to all creation however, this description is given in the Srimad Bhagavatam that gives one an idea how many stay in Goloka with Krishna and how many choose to go it alone (without personal awareness of Krishna) into the land of the dreaming or mahat-tattva.




The marginal potency or energy of Krishnas’ effulgence is actually Krishnas’ nitya-siddha-svarupa-vigraha bodily servants that ARE the living effulgences that make up of the universe.



Krishnas’ bodily effulgence, Brahmajyoti or Spiritual Sky IS their bodily Spiritual pure effulgence, originally, ultimately and unendingly. This wonderful living effulgence is simultaneously the bodily effulgence of God/Krishna and His nitya-siddha-svarupa perpetual devotees. Further more, the subsidiary or marginal nitya-siddha vigraha servants of Krishna’s entrance into the temporary material creation (mahat-tattva) are only possible from within their sub-conscious dreams (nitya-baddha conditional state) and never as their nitya-siddha-svarupa body.


Such dreams are transferred as a secondary consciousness (jiva-tattva, jiva-s’akti, jiva bhutah, jiva-tatastha etc - collectively called the nitya-baddha lower self and is also the supply of consciousness that eventually can appear as the impersonal Brahmajyoti which is simply the dormant conscious condition of the nitya-baddha)




It is important to remember that the ultimate source of all consciousness is the bodily effulgence of Krishna.






The nitya-baddha dreaming sub-consciousness originates from ones perpetual svarupa or rasa body (nitya-siddha) in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha which is, along with other individuals, the marginal effulgence emanating/surrounding the Bodily Form of Krishna.








This secondary dreaming conscious manifestation first possess counterfeit bodily vessels (nothing like ones permanent svarupa bodily form outside the mahat-tattva in Goloka or Vaikuntha) that are real but temporary, beginning with the ethereal body of Brahma within the material creation and then can devolve after billions of births within the mahat-tattva, to a state of inactive or dormant dreaming consciousness that is also known as jiva-tatastha consciousness.



In other words the Impersonal Brahmajyoti is simply the inactive non-dreaming secondary condition or lower reality (marginal nitya-baddha) of the marginal nitya-siddha devotees, transmitted from the fullness of their marginal svarupa or rasa-atma-vigraha body that is eternally serving Krishna in unlimited Lila’s or past times.










This secondary dreaming conscious manifestation first possess counterfeit bodily vessels that are real but temporary, beginning with the ethereal body of Brahma within the material creation.



What is the Brahmajyoti and its shadow the Impersonal Brahmajyoti? And what are the nitya-siddha devotee’s and their nitya-baddha shadow?



Remember it is important to understand that the marginal potency, energy or individual nitya-siddha-svarupa servants of Krishna ARE the fully active living effulgent Brahmajyoti in their original vigraha bodily Krishna Conscious condition serving Krishna in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha, where as the living Impersonal Brahmajyoti is simply the comatose sub-conscious dreaming condition (nitya-baddha) of the nitya-siddha devotee’s that eventually go on (after existing in ethereal and biological vessels within the mahat-tattva) to manifest collectively, if they continue to deny who they really are in relation to Krishna, as the collective effulgent Impersonal living Brahmajyoti or shadow of the Brahmajyoti.






Therefore one must understand that the Impersonal Brahmajyoti is simply the transformation of the individual dreaming nitya-baddha sub-conscious condition of the marginal beings, that eventually (with great difficulty) find their way to the shut dormant mode of their own consciousness that is non other than the Impersonal Brahmajyoti.





Only when the Impersonal jiva-tatastha dormant sub-conscious transformation occurs from the nitya-baddha material active embodied jiva-s’akti, or jiva-bhutah sub-conscious secondary condition of the marginal living entities, that ones individual conscious condition and awareness changes into the Impersonal Brahmajyoti aspect of their own consciousness.





Only then can that secondary condition of the marginal living entities appear as an insignificant inactive dormant living spark of conscious transformation, due to denying that the origins of their tatastha consciousness originates from their own perpetual nitya-siddha-svarupa devotional bodily form in Goloka-Vrndavana. This dormant tatastha Impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti or ones own consciousness is situated between the Vaikuntha imperishable Spiritual Sky and the perishable mahat-tattva cloud also situated in the Spiritual Sky.





This is the ultimate understanding of what the Brahmajyoti really is in its fullness. This is an important point to understand.



Unfortunately many caste Goswami’s, brahmanas, big, big gurus, jnani’s, sadu’s and pandits who foolishly believe the origins of our consciousness (jiva-tattva) is from the Brahmajyoti (Impersonalists), instead of the correct understanding that our consciousness (jiva-tattva) originates from our perpetual individual svarupa body in Goloka-Vrndavana, will enviously criticise, ridicule and even violently threaten the real Personalist Vaishnava’s who concretely know that all of us have always been personalists, even though from time to time we choose to forget that Krishna Conscious Svarupa perpetual body in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha, which is the origin and source of our individual nitya-baddha consciousness whether in the mahat-tattva or the Impersonal Brahman/Brahmajyoti, Brahma-sayujya or tatastha.






It is also said that the nitya-baddha shadow of the marginal nitya-siddha beings is where both the material mahat-tattva and the Impersonal Brahmajyoti come into existence. How this happens and fascilitated by Maha-Vishnu will be fully explained in this book.


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On many occasions Srila Prabhupada has said that our existence in the material world is so long that it seems we have come from tatastha and then throws his transcendental insight in the equation by saying that before that we also existed in another creation of matter and before that, and before that, and before that – how far can we go back? And he finishes by saying, before that even, we were with Krishna.




His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society or Krishna Consciousness.









Srila Prabhupada - “No one falls from Vaikuntha.” We really do not fall. We think we are fallen. But this just means we have forgotten our original situation and condition"





Srila Prabhupada is very clear. Originally we have a direct personal relationship with Krishna in the spiritual world. But when we want to take Krishna’s position, we therefore put ourselves into a dreaming state due to our non-Krishna conscious choices.





In this dreaming state after we enter the mahat-tattva dream of Maha-Vishnu that is a real but a perishable reality situated in one corner of the Brahmajyoti Spiritual Sky or creation, we choose to forget our actual position and thus are free to act out our non-Krishna conscious desire and dreams within the mahat-tattva cloud in our attempts to become the centre of attraction or in our attempt to even become a supreme enjoyer.




These mistaken self centered choices or non Krishna conscious dreams are characterized as being “fallen” from our position in the spiritual world, but Srila Prabhupada explains that in Vaikuntha reality, beyond mundane time and space that governs the mahat-tattva, we are not fallen and our authentic bodily self is eternally there, “We are simply in a dreaming condition” explains Srila Prabhupada.

When the dreaming nitya-siddha devotee's secondary consciousness (nitya-baddha) returns to his/hers original rasa bodily position after vacating ethereal and biological vessels kindly provided by Maha-Vishnu, they again re-establishes their full constitutional potential as ones genuine body serving Radha and Krishna.


In this way, one will find themselve in the exact same Krishna Conscious position in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha as if they never left due to the absence of the divided time that exists only in the mahat-tattva. Such time and impermance has no influence in the eternity of Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha because it simply does not exist there. Everyones Krishna Conscious perpetual body is always in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha whether they believe this or not because ones rasa body is the orins of ones consciousness in the mahat-tattva. So once one gas returned to the everlasting Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha from the perishable mahat-tattva, it will be as they had never left, just like in a dream. Also when the light (nitya-siddha) is on, one can see who they really are because the darkness (nitya-baddha) that denied them the spiritual vision of seeing their perpetual rasa Krishna Conscious body is no longer there because in the presents of nitya-siddha bodily self, the counterfeit nitya-baddha material consciousness simply does not exist like darkness cannot exist in the presents of light.






Understanding that our original sub-conscious fall down to the mahat-tattva is originally from our rasa body in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha, has also been endorsed in an English translation of Prema-pradipa by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura, as well as an English translation of Sri Chaitanya’s Teachings by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada, the Spiritual Mater of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.






“However, because of contact with matter, the imprisoned jiva-tattva or jiva-s’akti extended consciousness looses the memory of their original spiritual rasa bodily form in Vaikuntha. . . Material rasas are perverted reflections of the nitya-siddha-svarupa-atma-vigraha devotees’ original spiritual rasas.” Prema-pradipa, p. 83





Ramanuja Acharya also vigorously argues that the spiritual perpetual rasa body of the soul has always existed and that upon liberation, one once again attains that which has always existed. (Vs. 4.4.1)





Our perpetual nitya-siddha-svarupa-atma-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha Krishna Conscious body does not fall and can never fall from Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha.





We simply choose to do ‘our own thing’ and knowingly turn our back on Krishna and the perpetual body we serve Krishna as, because of the attachment to pursue our non-Krishna conscious dreams, desires and thoughts that put us in the centre instead of Krishna. This is why our dreaming condition is transferred to the mahat-tattva.





Every marginal vigraha Krishna Conscious devotee that collectively appears in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha Spiritual Sky and appears to exist collectively as a bright personal effulgence emanating/surrounding Krishna’s beautiful body [Krishna's Supreme Vigraha body] that radiates the entire creation with (Brahmajyoti).






The Impersonalist cannot understand this and how it is possible for the secondary conscious condition of the marginal atma-vigraha devotee’s can eventually manifest as the Impersonal aspect of that Brahmajyoti, it is simply based on the marginal living entities state on consciousness.







The secondary (mahat-tattva or material creation) and the Impersonal Brahmajyoti, tatastha Brahma-sayujya realms of creation of Lord Krishna, also originate from His marginal expansions in the Personal Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha Spiritual Sky, both the second and third aspect of ‘conscious projection’ are the manifestation of the secondary marginal conscious state of the atma-vigraha devotees, first passing through the tatastha realm on their way to the temporary active stage in the mahat-tattva confined to ethereal and biological counterfeit bodily vessels, and then back to the inactive state of tatastha consciousness or the so called Impersonal Brahmajyoti, free from ethereal and biological containers provided within the mahat-tattva however, this time they enter the tatastha foolishly believing it is their original conscious condition because of still denying they have a perpetual original svarupa body in Goloka from whence their secondary consciousness or lower self originates.


























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Hare Krishna Hare krishna Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Srila Prabhupada ki jay!!

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yes, the soul is NOT situated in the heart of the living entity - it is asleep under a bush in Goloka Vrindavan.


yes, the soul is not passing continiously from one body to another - it is asleep under a bush in Goloka Vrindavan.


Krsna lied in Bhagavad Gita when He said these things.


Katha Upanishad (1.2.20) also lies:


anor aniyan mahato mahiyan

atmasya jantor nihito guhayam

tam akratuh pasyati vita-soko

dhatuh prasadan mahimanam atmanah


“Both the Supersoul [Paramatma] and the atomic soul [jivatma] are situated on the same tree of the body within the same heart of the living being, and only one who has become free from all material desires as well as lamentations can, by the grace of the Supreme, understand the glories of the soul.”



The believers in this "asleep in Goloka" theory dont understand the very BASIC elements of our siddhanta, yet they dare to tackle one of the more difficult subjects in the Vaishnava theology.

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Some people would not even recognize Krishna if He was standing in front of them because they are so absorbed in their own ‘dreams’ and don’t even know nor understand that they also have a rasa body in Vaikuntha they eternal serve Krishna as. They cannot understand that that svarupa body is the origin of their present deluded consciousness


Chapter 7, Verse 3.

Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.

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]yes, the soul is NOT situated in the heart of the living entity - it is asleep under a bush in Goloka Vrindavan.


yes, the soul is not passing continiously from one body to another - it is asleep under a bush in Goloka Vrindavan.

Krsna lied in Bhagavad Gita when He said these things.


Katha Upanishad (1.2.20) also lies:


anor aniyan mahato mahiyan

atmasya jantor nihito guhayam

tam akratuh pasyati vita-soko

dhatuh prasadan mahimanam atmanah


“Both the Supersoul [Paramatma] and the atomic soul [jivatma] are situated on the same tree of the body within the same heart of the living being, and only one who has become free from all material desires as well as lamentations can, by the grace of the Supreme, understand the glories of the soul.”



The believers in this "asleep in Goloka" theory dont understand the very BASIC elements of our siddhanta, yet they dare to tackle one of the more difficult subjects in the Vaishnava theology.

Whatever the truth of the matter may be it is not helpful to keep misstating the oppositions opinion like you have above Lowborn.


No one says there are sleeping souls in Goloka. Please undesrstand that once and for all.


Because of the absence of the time factor there is no loss of consciousness in Goloka once one has returned to that awareness. Once returned one realizes himself as nitya-siddha and the so-called fall was only an illusion...it never happened. "Never happened" because there is no past tense as we know it.


This is their argument and to continually ignore it means you are joisting at windmills. Why not join the reql fight and take on your opponents argument for real?


Either way, from the Brahman or Goloka the jiva is dreaming it's material eistence. The soul becomes covered by the material mind and gross body exactly like one's consciousness becomes covered by a dream identity in sleep. One night a king the next night being eaten by a tiger. When you dream one night of being a king and the next night of being eaten by a tiger is that reincarnation?


It is illusion only. How could it be anything but an illusion considering this is the illusory energy?


The soul is not moving from one body to the next. Krsna says the soul is immovable in the Gita. The only movement there is is one of consciousness and not movement as understood and experienced under the influence of time and space. So from Goloka or Brahman (I'll let you all argue about which) the soul becomes covered by the illusion of moving between birth & death, heaven and hell, past & future.



This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same.


All these qualifications of the atomic soul definitely prove that the individual soul is eternally the atomic particle of the spirit whole, and he remains the same atom eternally, without change. The theory of monism is very difficult to apply in this case, because the individual soul is never expected to become one homogeneously. After liberation from material contamination, the atomic soul may prefer to remain as a spiritual spark in the effulgent rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the intelligent souls enter into the spiritual planets to associate with the Personality of Godhead.

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Whatever the truth of the matter may be it is not helpful to keep misstating the oppositions opinion like you have above Lowborn.



This world is real


The soul is here, in this material world RIGHT NOW.


That is our siddhanta

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Living entities are not stationary as is shown in this verse.

They are wandering all over the universe.



Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Madhya 19.151


brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva

guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja



brahmāṇḍa bhramite — wandering in this universe; kona — some; bhāgyavān — most fortunate; jīva — living being; guru — of the spiritual master; kṛṣṇa — of Kṛṣṇa; prasāde — by the mercy; pāya — gets; bhakti-latā — of the creeper of devotional service; bīja — the seed.




"According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Kṛṣṇa. By the mercy of both Kṛṣṇa and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service.


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This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the same.

you are not present everywhere, are you?

the soul is immovable in the sense that IT CANNOT BE MOVED BY A MATERIAL OBJECT.

you sleepers should study the basics first :)

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The bottom line about the "Sleeper" apasiddhanta is that it doesn't take into account the difference between Krsna's eternal associates and the fallen living entities. Consequently the term nitya siddha becomes rendered meaningless. If the nitya siddhas are just like the baddha jivas then they have no worshipable postion. We may as well then worship Krsna alone and that's were such an unauthorized theology will take its followers.

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A further thought: After all Krsna's flute is a devotee, as is His tierra or crown, so is His golden dhoti, His garland. Without all these items who are really devotional persons, Krsna is just blackish, like space. He's so dark, all there would be is His impersonal effulgence. So that's all the Goloka Sleepervadis will have left since all devotee are fallable just like the baddha jivas. Whose the impersonalist now Sarva Gatah?

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Whose the impersonalist now Sarva Gatah?


this entire idea of dreaming while in Goloka is nothing but a modification of Mayavada concepts

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you are not present everywhere, are you?


the soul is immovable in the sense that IT CANNOT BE MOVED BY A MATERIAL OBJECT.


you sleepers should study the basics first :)


Well not just material objects but anything material..which includes the entire material phenomena including birth and deathand subsequent rebirth.


PS Kulapavanna AKA Lowborn you are still known by your customary insult by which you end ever one of your posts.

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you are not present everywhere, are you?


the soul is immovable in the sense that IT CANNOT BE MOVED BY A MATERIAL OBJECT.


you sleepers should study the basics first :)


And according to you Prabhupada does not know the basics?




It is a fact that wherever we go, if we simply let the people hear our chanting and if we repeat what we have heard from the bona fide Spiritual Master, then surely many, many sincere souls will become attracted to our movement. This is because Krishna Consciousness is lying dormant in every living entity, just like fire is dormant within a match. If we simply strike the match, then the fire within will come in blazing light. Our method of striking the match is Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. This vibration is sufficient to awaken the sleeping spirit soul to the fact that Krishna is there, and if we try to remember Him always and spread His message of Bhagavad-gita, then our life becomes perfect and we are perfectly executing our position as part and parcel of the Lord. -

Letter to Praladhananda

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you are not present everywhere, are you?


the soul is immovable in the sense that IT CANNOT BE MOVED BY A MATERIAL OBJECT.


you sleepers should study the basics first :)


I don't have to be everywhere to be immovable in the sense of time and space which are material considerations.


The Brahman is aggragate of innumberable individual souls non of whom are moveable by material nature. The reason the whole Brahman cannot be moved is that it is form of individual spiritsouls who can not be moved. If you could move one then you could move them all.

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does that mean that if Krishna's dhoti falls down that he will be running around Goloka naked?:eek:


no, silly! Krsna's dhoti is simply asleep! sleeping on the job dreaming about enjoying the rasas of material world... :)


but if it was true that it is possible to fall down from Goloka - sooner or later a dhoti on one of the innumerable forms of Krsna would indeed fall down ;)

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And according to you Prabhupada does not know the basics?

Our method of striking the match is Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. This vibration is sufficient to awaken the sleeping spirit soul Letter to Praladhananda


and right after hearing this wakeup call the jiva wakes up in the spiritual world, leaving behind a lifeless body here on earth... ;)

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It is a fact that wherever we go, if we simply let the people hear our chanting and if we repeat what we have heard from the bona fide Spiritual Master, then surely many, many sincere souls will become attracted to our movement. This is because Krishna Consciousness is lying dormant in every living entity

Letter to Praladhananda

But now days devotees are trying to repeat what they've heard and others are saying that they are wrong or unbonafide. There is always some living authority whether you call that person a teacher, guru or whatever. Trying to deny that is like writing a book about how we don't need books. This forum and most ISKCON and offshoot environments have become a Tower of Babel using Prabhupada's books. No authority and no consensus.
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and right after hearing this wakeup call the jiva wakes up in the spiritual world, leaving behind a lifeless body here on earth... ;)


You are so dull Lowborn. That is exactly what your opposition is saying. But what do they wake up from? The sleeping conditioned called material life.


You are pbviously srguing just to argue because you are speaking both sides of the debate and do not realize it, which means you don't have an understanding of your own position let alone what you are opposing.:rolleyes2:

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Lord Manu said: The supreme living being has created this material world of animation; it is not that He was created by this material world. When everything is silent, the Supreme Being stays awake as a witness. The living entity does not know Him, but He knows everything.




Here is a distinction between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanishad 2.2.13). According to the Vedic version, the Lord is the supreme eternal, the supreme living being. The difference between the Supreme Being and the ordinary living being is that when this material world is annihilated, all the living entities remain silent in oblivion, in a dreaming or unconscious condition, whereas the Supreme Being stays awake as the witness of everything. This material world is created, it stays for some time, and then it is annihilated. Throughout these changes, however, the Supreme Being remains awake. In the material condition of all living entities, there are three stages of dreaming. When the material world is awake and put in working order, this is a kind of dream, a waking dream. When the living entities go to sleep, they dream again. And when unconscious at the time of annihilation, when this material world is unmanifested, they enter another stage of dreaming. At any stage in the material world, therefore, they are all dreaming. In the spiritual world, however, everything is awake.



Please try to understand this simple thing and stop embarrassing yourself. This goes for your buddies as well.

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I don't have to be everywhere to be immovable in the sense of time and space which are material considerations.


The Brahman is aggragate of innumberable individual souls non of whom are moveable by material nature. The reason the whole Brahman cannot be moved is that it is form of individual spiritsouls who can not be moved. If you could move one then you could move them all.


These verses simply contrast material reality with the reality of Brahman. Brahman cannot be cut, burnt, moistened, dried or moved by any non-Brahman reason or tool. Prabhupada is not using the Advaitin interpretation of "all pervading". This is what he writes:


"The word sarva-gata ("all-pervading") is significant because there is no doubt that living entities are all over God's creation. They live on the land, in the water, in the air, within the earth and even within fire."


one more time:


"there is no doubt that living entities are all over God's creation"


The living entities are not imagining to be here in the material world - there is no doubt that living entities are all over God's creation, everywhere we look.

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Only by the mercy of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada have we come to know of the most merciful Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Transcendental Autocrat. :pray:


Srila prabhupada has made KRSNA easily understandable, His origin, pastimes, and devotees-all for the common man of this Kali-yuga.:pray:


Yes the very dull minds of this Iron Age that are always disturbed need a easily understandable version of Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam as to clean the most vicious vices of sin (from the conciousness of mindand false ego.):pray:

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