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Lady Syamarani?

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All Glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga!

All Glories to Sri Radha Vinoda Bihari!


Dandavat Pranam,


Maharajah's, Prabhu's and Didi's,


Please join us for our next big harinam in central London Saturday June 30th 5 pm beginning outside the Covent Garden Tube Station.


Meet the world renowned devotional painter 'Lady Syamarani' same evening at a public programme 7-10 pm at the Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, Holborn, London.


Please grace us with your presence for the pleasure of Guru and Gouranga!



Lady Syamarani? What?

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Syamarani dd is also known as Jadurani dd, she's a disciple of SP and Syamarani is a sweet nickname given by Srila BV Narayana Mhj.

She's the painter of most beautiful paintings in Vaisnava books. She's following Srila BV NM at the festivals and that's why they say, meet Lady Syamarani

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Lady Syamarani? What?


It's not hard to figure that one out.

The address on the invitiation is coming from England.


In England they refer to respectable women as "lady" this or "lady" that.


It's a cultural nuance based upon time and circumstance.


ain't nothing wrong with that.

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Actually, Lady as a proper title is a title associated with high social rank in Great Britain. Here's what the Random House dictionary says: (initial capital letterthinsp.png) (in Great Britain) the proper title of any woman whose husband is higher in rank than baronet or knight, or who is the daughter of a nobleman not lower than an earl (although the title is given by courtesy also to the wives of baronets and knights).


It did strike me as odd sounding: "Lady Syamarani."

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Actually, Lady as a proper title is a title associated with high social rank in Great Britain. Here's what the Random House dictionary says: (initial capital letterthinsp.png) (in Great Britain) the proper title of any woman whose husband is higher in rank than baronet or knight, or who is the daughter of a nobleman not lower than an earl (although the title is given by courtesy also to the wives of baronets and knights).


It did strike me as odd sounding: "Lady Syamarani."


then as a Vaishnavi, Syamarani is already a brahmana and thus on the highest level of social rank and well-deserving the title "lady".


she is not some common street walker, that is for sure.

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It's not hard to figure that one out.

The address on the invitiation is coming from England.


In England they refer to respectable women as "lady" this or "lady" that.


It's a cultural nuance based upon time and circumstance.


ain't nothing wrong with that.



I lived in England for 12 years and the term "Lady" is not used as Guruvani thinks it is...

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More evidence of the personality cult around her....


well, surely that is better than a personality cult around Britney Spears?


everybody is in some sort of personality cult.


for you, it might just be you are in your own personality cult.


personalism is natural.


everybody is in somebody's personality cult.

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Hare Krishna.


Not to be "smart" or challenging, because I'm just wondering; does anyone know if Srila Prabhupada ever addressed his disciples like this?


Also, what would the respected male devotees be called in the same vein of thinking? Sir? Your Highness?


I'm a bit confused by this, to be honest. I know in England they have started to "knight" pop and rock stars, but those titles like "Sir Elton John" or "Sir Paul McCartney" do sound a little silly, even though the Queen herself has authorized their knighthoods. But is this a common practise in Vaishnavism, and if so (or if not), who authorizes this title?


Forgive me for all the questions, but sometimes it's a maze, trying to figure out all the rules. :)

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Syamarani dd is also known as Jadurani dd, she's a disciple of SP and Syamarani is a sweet nickname given by Srila BV Narayana Mhj.

She's the painter of most beautiful paintings in Vaisnava books. She's following Srila BV NM at the festivals and that's why they say, meet Lady Syamarani


Hare Krishna.


Sorry, one last inquiry on this subject.


It is stated here that "Syamarani is a sweet nickname given by Srila BV Narayana Mhj."


Are nicknames common amongst devotees? Is it O.K. for someone to call me "Bhakto Frederico"? If so, can it be a brahmacary who does so, or must the nickname come from a "Mhj" (Maharaj?).


Thank you.

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Hare Krishna.


Sorry, one last inquiry on this subject.


It is stated here that "Syamarani is a sweet nickname given by Srila BV Narayana Mhj."


Are nicknames common amongst devotees? Is it O.K. for someone to call me "Bhakto Frederico"? If so, can it be a brahmacary who does so, or must the nickname come from a "Mhj" (Maharaj?).


Thank you.


nicknames aren't common, but many times we abbreviate names because we are uncultured.


Bhakta is not a nickname.

Bhakta means "devotee".


So, in ISKCON new devotees were most usually addressed as "bhakta" so-and-so.

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Megaditto's Guruvani!!


I want to be swept up in the personality cult of Gurudev, Mahaprabhu, and Sri Sri Radha-Krishna!!!


Heck, on the mundane platform, I'm pretty carried away by the personality cult of Hugo Chavez.



well, surely that is better than a personality cult around Britney Spears?


everybody is in some sort of personality cult.


for you, it might just be you are in your own personality cult.


personalism is natural.


everybody is in somebody's personality cult.

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Megaditto's Guruvani!!


I want to be swept up in the personality cult of Gurudev, Mahaprabhu, and Sri Sri Radha-Krishna!!!


Heck, on the mundane platform, I'm pretty carried away by the personality cult of Hugo Chavez.




man..............there has got to be something more fun than that?


I am not into people as much as I am in to places.


Nature, beautiful scenery, the ocean, beaches, exotic plants and palm trees...............


I guess I am in Bhumi Devi's personality cult.


But, I can imagine what the higher planets are like...


Goloka.... the supreme exotic and erotic paradise where the drug of choice is Namamrita..............;)


One drop of Namamrita and you are addicted for ETERNITY!!!!!!!!

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Britney Spears doesn't tell you to give up your jobs, no harm. She doesn't give sannyasa to unqualified people. And she doesn't tell you that only shecan see God. She doesn't tell people to abandon their minor children.


So her cult is actually less dangerous.

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Britney Spears doesn't tell you to give up your jobs, no harm. She doesn't give sannyasa to unqualified people. And she doesn't tell you that only shecan see God. She doesn't tell people to abandon their minor children.


So her cult is actually less dangerous.

that's not true, I was just talking to Britney last week and she was saying all those very things to me.:deal:


I told her I would think about it.

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Actually she is a lady, by any definition. I met her in Brooklyn. When she began speaking with me in the street I thought she was another girl looking for a guy, but she only wanted to know my favorite colour of Krsna. But she was a lady, as classy as it gets; it was embarrassing that I could have been so arrogant.

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Well, Jadurani saw me in L.A. in 1975 and asked me if I could come to her studio and pose for a painting with my shirt off.


My bhakta leader wouldn't let me do it.


So, for you guys out there that don't know about me, I can tell you that Jaduarani wanted me to pose as a Yamaduta in her painting of Ajamila.


So, now maybe you guys understand that when you get me mad you had better be afraid.............very afraid.......:D:rofl:


(just a little joke)

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There are several honorifics which can be used for male devotes, such as Sriman, Srimad, Sripad, His Holiness, Prabhu, Maharaja, His Grace, and perhaps some others. But not too many for female devotees. Mata and didi, of course. Srimati perhaps? But then, there would be some who would object to that. I'm not involved in any personality cult, but I have no problem at all with someone from Great Britain addressing Jadurani/Syamarani as "Lady." If the Queen of England were aware of Jadurani's actual life achievements--- 41 years of nonstop seva beginning with Srila Prabhupada's 1st established Temple in NYC in 1966 along with her remarkable devotional career as a masterful artist and preacher of Krishna Consciousness, who knows? I can't speak for the person who wrote that ad, but I doubt that he/she intended anything more than an informal means of distinguishing Jadurani as a very senior devotee. I've spent time in England before and light-heartedly addressed respected devotee women as "Lady" so and so. No biggie.


I don't see what all the fuss is about. Much ado about nothing if you ask me.

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I've spent time in England before and light-heartedly addressed respected devotee women as "Lady" so and so. No biggie.


I don't see what all the fuss is about. Much ado about nothing if you ask me.

It may come from something like that. I agree that it's silly to get very excited about this. I noticed it some time back, thought it sounded a little odd, but I have enough personal respect and affection for Jadurani that it never occurred to me to call anyone else's attention to it. I'm quite embarrassed that I responded at all to this thread. I guess I felt compelled to respond to KB's off-the-cuff remarks about Lady as a proper address. I hope all will accept my apology.


And I'm a little put out to see her compared--unfavorably, at that--with Britney Spears.


The oddest things find their way to the "Spiritual Discussions" forum. :wacko:

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Well, Jadurani saw me in L.A. in 1975 and asked me if I could come to her studio and pose for a painting with my shirt off.


My bhakta leader wouldn't let me do it.


So, for you guys out there that don't know about me, I can tell you that Jaduarani wanted me to pose as a Yamaduta in her painting of Ajamila.


So, now maybe you guys understand that when you get me mad you had better be afraid.............very afraid.......:D:rofl:


(just a little joke)

That is a very good one ! :)

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