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Why have we all lost the audacity to call 'a spade a spade'?

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<TABLE class=wide cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class="msg content user first">So when you become actually preacher of God consciousness, you cannot make

any compromise. You must call the spade a spade. Just like Prahlada

Maharaja. Prahlada Maharaja is one of the mahajanas. Out of the twelve

mahajanas, he's one of them. Because he was very bold. He was not afraid of

his demonic father. He chastised him in so many ways. But he was never

afraid. So just like our people are being persecuted in Australia. You know?

They have been put into jail because they are preaching Hare Krsna. So this

is not very easy thing, easy-going. My Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, he did not like that his disciples would be

easy-going, cheap Vaisnava. Cheap Vaisnava. Dusta mana tumi kisera vaisnava.

He sang a song, "My dear mind, oh, you are going to be a Vaisnava. And what

kind of Vaisnava you are?" Dusta mana tumi kisera vaisnava, pratisthara

tare, nirjanera ghare, tava hari-nama kevala kaitava. "You are chanting Hare

Krsna, imitating Haridasa Thakura or Rupa Gosvami, in a solitary place...

Not solitary place. You are thinking of woman and money. That's all. Mind is

filled with dirty things. So this kind of bhajana is simply cheating,

cheating." He was after preaching. First of all, go door to door. Just like

Nityananda Prabhu did it at the risk of life. He was hurt by Jagai-Madhai.

Blood came out of His head. Lord Caitanya became very much angry. He wanted

to kill immediately Jagai Madhai. Lord Nityananda said, "My dear Sir, You

promised that this incarnation You'll not take any weapon, Please be kind

upon them."


So this is Nityananda. Nityananda-vamsa means one who takes the risk of

preaching work, he can claim Nityananda-vamsa. Not that easy-going. The

preaching work is not easy-going. There are so many difficulties. All the

big, big preachers... Sri Ramanujacarya. His life was attempted to be

killed. Why Ramanujacarya? My Guru Maharaja was attempted to be killed.

Twenty-five thousand rupees were raised fund for bribing the police officer.

He told me personally. The Navadvipa, Navadvipa Gosais, they wanted to kill

him. So preaching work is always risky. Tat sadhu manye 'sura-varya dehinam.

So krsna-samprasnah. If you want to make the whole world peaceful, yenatma

suprasidati. Suprasidati. Prasidati means to become satisfied, and su means

super, extra satisfied. Then people should be educated to inquire about

Krsna. That's all. Simply. This very word. Yat krtah krsna-samprasnah. Make

such propaganda in a way that everyone becomes inquisitive, "What is this

nonsense, Krsna, they are speaking?" At least...


Just like Jagai-Madhai, when they... In the beginning, they were very much

adverse to sankirtana, hari-sankirtana, but one day, the Madhai was telling

to Jagai, "My dear brother, Jagai, after all, these rascals sing very

nicely, (laughter) Hare Krsna. They sing ver...Oh, you are going to be

Vaisnava?No, no. I am not going to be Vaisnava. (laughter) I'm just

appreciating. They sing very nicely." So you go like that. They will arrest

you. You have got good experience. In London, they were arrested. You were

in London. How many times you were arrested?


Gurudasa: Three.


Prabhupada: Three times. Our record is that our people were arrested

thirty-six times. They... Now the police has become disgusted. They don't

arrest. Yes. But this thing is going on in Australia, especially in

Melbourne. I have got, received... So they asked me what to do? To do? Chant

Hare Krsna, and you'll get good opportunity. When you are put into jail,

you'll be free to chant Hare Krsna. So they are doing that. They are not

eating. The minister in charge of the jail department, he was perturbed that

"These people are not eating," and they were allowed to that "You can cook."

But they refused, because the same kitchen, they're cooking, I mean to say,

flesh. So refused. So then after few days, they were let loose. "All right.

You go home." Yes. So this is going on.


So religious persecution is always there.




>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.5 -- Vrndavana, October 16, 1972




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Back to Godhead, No. 45)




"I beg to submit herewith that by the Grace of Shri Krishna through His mercy personified -- my spiritual master, I have realised it most thoroughly that going 'Back to Godhead' is the highest privilege of mankind and that is the supreme perfection of human life.


"Unfortunately, the present day human civilization is very much attracted with the beauty of Apara Prakriti the illusory material Nature and as such they are over-powered by a demoniac form of propensity in the atheistic set up of civilization manifested in the matter of sense gratification. This tendency is dangerously harmful to the real progress of life.


"The aim of life should be to make a sincere effort to go 'Back to Godhead' but contrary to this, the tendency is to go back to hell or in the cycle of evolutionary animal life as it is described in the 16th chapter of Bhagwat Geeta.


"Please therefore save them from the great falldown. Believe me or not, I have got the clue of going 'Back to Godhead' just after leaving my present material body and in order to take along with me all my contemporary men and women of the world, I have started my paper 'Back to Godhead' as one means to the way.


"Please do not think of me as an wonderful or mad man when I say that I shall go 'Back to Godhead' after leaving my present material body! It is quite possible for everyone and all of us."


(Srila Prabhupada letter to Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, November 21, 1956)



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