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Can You Explain Practically How The Earth Has Come From KRSNA?

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morning conversation



Nairobi (1.11.1975)



Prabhupada: [break] …explaining last night that earth, water, air, fire,

they have come from Krsna’s energy. Can you explain how it has come? Any one

of you. People may say that “You can say like that, but prove that the earth

has come from Krsna.”


Devotee (1): You said last night… You mentioned a verse from the

Bhagavad-gita, aham sarvasya prabhavo [bg. 10.8], that Krsna is the source

of everything.


Prabhupada: That’s all right. That is… Your scripture says, but I am a

third person. Why shall I believe in your scripture? You prove. You are

quoting from your own scripture. I don’t take your scripture. You give me

practical explanation how earth has come from Krsna.


Devotee (1): Well, one has to accept the scriptures.


Prabhupada: So that you may accept.


Devotee (1): This is what Krsna has left here five thousand years ago.


Prabhupada: “That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter.”


Devotee (1): …for your benefit, for everyone because you are part of Krsna



Prabhupada: That is your saying. You prove that.


Devotee (1): That’s not my saying. That’s the Supreme Lord’s saying.


Prabhupada: That’s all right.


Indian man or Devotee (2): Like a child has to accept the authority of her

mother to know about our father.


Prabhupada: That is all right, but you give some practical explanation that

how earth has come from…


Devotee (1): The only practical explanation we can have or any living entity

has is that explanation which his father gives him, the Supreme Lord gives

him. He has given us…


Prabhupada: That is all right.


Devotee (1): …explanation in the Bhagavad-gita.


Prabhupada: Still, vijnana means jnana and viveka. Viveka means personal

conviction. That is called vijnana. Jnana and vijnana. One knowledge you get

from me, and then you practically apply your consciousness that “Yes, what

Prabhupada has said, it is right.” That is called vijnana. One knowledge,

accepting blindly from the authority, that is knowledge. But how it is

practically made or done, that understanding is called vijnana.


Devotee (2): We have so many examples of…


Prabhupada: Give that example. That I wanted.


Devotee (2): We have so many examples of scientific creations by intelligent

brain, personalities on this planet, so many things which we can see, like

the clothes we wear and the machines we are using in our everyday lives

which require…


Prabhupada: So how Krsna has prepared earth? That I want.


Devotee (2): So we can see by studying the nature of the construction of

this earth that it is much more intelligent…


Prabhupada: So how earth is coming from Krsna? Tell me that.


Devotee (3): The scientists say that this earth came from gases, but they

cannot explain exactly where those gases have come from. That source, that

is Krsna.


Prabhupada: No, they do not know, but we know. How in your belly gas is

formed? How? There was no gas, but automatically the gas is formed. And

therefore sometimes, if it is much gas, then you go for treatment. So this

is the practical. The gas is also generating from my body. So as I am an

individual, insignificant body, if there is possibility of generating little

gas, so Krsna’s gigantic body, why not gigantic volume of gas? This is the



Jnana: The materialistic scientists, they are saying that matter is energy.

So we understand if it’s energy there must be an energetic.


Prabhupada: Yes. So how the energetic is producing, this is common. Gas is

forming. Just like you perspire, there is water. So one ounce of water may

come from your body. So water is coming from your body, so why not from the

gigantic body of Krsna, the oceans, millions of oceans, come out? This

should be the understanding. We see practically that water is coming out

from my body. So it may be one ounce or less than that because my body is

very small, but Krsna’s body is unlimited, so why not unlimited supply of

water? This should be the common sense. And this body, this body, what it

is? It is earth. When the body will be dead it will be earth. So I am spirit

soul, a small particle, so much earth is coming from me, why not Krsna, the

supreme spirit? This is the explanation. God is great, I am small. From me a

small quantity of earth is coming, water is coming. Why not from the

gigantic body of Krsna, so huge, I mean to say, volume of water, gas, and

everything as we see it is coming? So therefore Krsna is correct. He’s

correct, but for our understanding we can understand like this, chemicals,

the chemicals coming from our body. There are so many salt. And you test the

blood or the perspiration. You’ll find so many chemicals.


Brahmananda: For us to… For our body to produce earth…


Prabhupada: Now, just to understand that I am part and parcel of Krsna, so

the chemical and the water and the earth is coming from my body, so why not

Krsna’s body, gigantic, the greatest, the chemicals, water, earth, water…?

When Krsna says, bhumir apo ‘nalo, “It is My energy,” that’s fact. Where is

the difficulty to understand? We can… We are little sample of God, a small

God. So if we can produce, this body… The spirit soul as I have described

yesterday, one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, it is very, very

minute. From that minute spirit so much earth, water, fire is coming. So why

not the supreme spirit, huge quantity of water, earth, will not come? How

one can deny it?

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