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Hare Krishna

This is my first post on this forum and I look forward to getting some insight and answers about my questions regarding Hare Krishna. I am a born Hindu and although Lord Krishna has always been our God, I never really took Lord's worship seriously. We believe all Hindu Gods and Goddesses but during my free time I read Bhavagad Gita and I feel great and baffled at the same time. I happen to take thing seriously and if according to Gita we should detach ourselves from this material world then what are we suppose to do for our whole life? I also have read Srila Prabhupada's commentary and some of his writings on the subject and it appears that he practicaly wants us to quit this material world and worship Lord Krishna 24X7. How can we follow Bhagavad-Gita without not feeling guilty about someof the things we do that are against the principles of Krishna Consciousness Movment???

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Hare Krishna Prabhu,


I commend you for your decision to go forward and inquire about spiritual life.


All I can say is that it seems that you have not really understood what Prabhupada is saying, or that you have not read properly. Your understanding that we need to "detach ourselves from this material world" is correct but your understanding of how that is to be done is not correct.


You seem to think (correct me if I am wrong) that to detach ourselves means inaction, or just to cease any material activiy. That is not what Krishna or Prabhupada is asking us to do.


What we need to do is engage in the process of Bhakti Yoga, to chant, hear, to so some service then gradually our consciousness will change. What I mean by that is that we go on will our life whatever that may be, our work, our interests, family life etc but we put Krishna in the centre thats the point. When we work we are not meditating on sense gratification, but meditating on pleasing Krishna although the work is the same.


Dont worry too much about not being able to follow all the principles, dont beat yourself up about it, it is also a trick of maya to do so. It is a gradual process, the point is to focus on the positives, hear, chant, do service, then automatically you will begin to lose taste for material sense pleasures and you will gradually come to the point where you will give them up.


This is all in the Gita, and I suggest you study it along will all of Prabhupada's books. All your questions will be answered. I recommend you purchase a copy of the original Macmilan first edition Gita, it is SO MUCH MORE POTENT AND PURE and study it, you will find this will guide you.


Hare Krishna



Hare Krishna

This is my first post on this forum and I look forward to getting some insight and answers about my questions regarding Hare Krishna. I am a born Hindu and although Lord Krishna has always been our God, I never really took Lord's worship seriously. We believe all Hindu Gods and Goddesses but during my free time I read Bhavagad Gita and I feel great and baffled at the same time. I happen to take thing seriously and if according to Gita we should detach ourselves from this material world then what are we suppose to do for our whole life? I also have read Srila Prabhupada's commentary and some of his writings on the subject and it appears that he practicaly wants us to quit this material world and worship Lord Krishna 24X7. How can we follow Bhagavad-Gita without not feeling guilty about someof the things we do that are against the principles of Krishna Consciousness Movment???

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