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What does it really feel like to be on the chariot of the uncontrolled & wicked mind?

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One of the funniest things I've ever seen on TV was on the Muppet Show.


There was a one-off Muppet puppet (not a recurring appearance) who had like twenty legs attached to a wheel that was spinning. Behind the Muppet was a backdrop loop that was making it look like the Muppet was running while the wheel with the legs spun.


The piece started with the Muppet saying in a gentle voice, "On the outside, I'm very calm and very serene, but on the *inside*...I'm like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel..."


The song picked up in pace and fervor until, at the end, the Muppet runs into a telephone pole and stops.


Hmmmm...I bet there's a YouTube clip of this somewhere...


Anyways, I re-enact this in my own life daily :)

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Mano-Rathena,(Chariot of the Mind)

Like a circle in a spiral:crazy2:

Like a wheel within a wheel:crazy:





Since they have today a science for almost everything there should be a science examining the amount of material pleasure enjoyed by the different species. Then it could be better understood why some desire within their minds to become something like a frog - not because they want to have a frog's body but to experience these enjoyments...


O Lord Krishna, at this moment let the royal swan of my mind enter the tangled stems of the lotus of Your feet. How will it be possible for me to remember You at the time of death, when my throat will be choked up with mucus, bile, and air?

Mukunda-mala-stotra 33

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O Lord Krishna, at this moment let the royal swan of my mind enter the tangled stems of the lotus of Your feet. How will it be possible for me to remember You at the time of death, when my throat will be choked up with mucus, bile, and air?

Mukunda-mala-stotra 33


kṛṣṇa tvadīya-pada-pańkaja-pañjarāntam

adyaiva me viśatu mānasa-rāja-haḿsaḥ

prāṇa-prayāṇa-samaye kapha-vāta-pittaiḥ

kaṇṭhāvarodhana-vidhau smaraṇaḿ kutas te


O Krsna! Please allow my mind to immediately yield to Your lotus flowerlike feet, just as the flamingo enters into the labyrinth of the lotus flowers' stems. When at the moment of my last breath my throat becomes constricted by the action of the bodily humors air, bile, and phlegm, how will I be able to remember You?


Purport by Srila Prabhupada

This verse, prayer, is taken from one book known as Mukunda-mala-stotra. This prayer was offered by one king whose name was Kulasekhara. He was a great king, at the same time a great devotee.

There are many instances in the history of Vedic literature that the kings were very great devotees, and they are called rajarsis. Rajarsis means: although they are on the royal throne, they are all saintly persons.

So this Kulasekhara, King Kulasekhara, is praying to Krsna that,

"My dear Krsna, the swan of my mind may now be entrapped with the stem of your lotus feet. Because, at the point of death, the three elements of bodily functions, namely the mucus, and the bile, and the air, they will overlap, and there will be a choking in the voice, so I shall not be able to utter your sweet Holy Name at the point of my death.''

The comparison is given in this way, that the white swan, whenever it finds a lotus flower, it goes there and sports by diving into the water and entangling him in the stem of the lotus flower.

So King Kulasekhara wants that in the healthy stage of his mind and body, he may be immediately entangled with the stem of the lotus feet of the Lord and die immediately. The idea is that one should take to Krsna consciousness while his mind and body is in good condition. Do not wait for the last stage of your life.

Just go on practicing Krsna consciousness while your body and mind is in a healthy state, and then at the time of death you shall be able to remember Krsna and His pastimes and be immediately transferred to the spiritual kingdom.:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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