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Initiation is Already There

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68-08-19 Letter: Tamala Krsna

About my coming to San Francisco, I have already written to Jayananda. I am always hankering after going there, but because there are some other program, immediately, so please ask all the devotees on my behalf to wait and in the meantime, enjoy chanting Hare Krishna. The chanting Hare Krishna is our main business, that is real initiation. And as you are all following my instruction, in that matter, the initiator is already there. Now the next initiation will be performed as a ceremony officially, of course that ceremony has value because the name, Holy Name, will be delivered to the student from the disciplic succession, it has got value, but in spite of that, as you are going on chanting, please go on with this business sincerely and Krishna willing, I may be coming to you very soon. I have already written to Jayananda about this, so don't be impatient. Pray to Krishna that I may meet you very soon.

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69-10-31 Letter: Dinesh

Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated October 21, 1969 along with a contribution of $25. I have already acknowledged receipt of your new record. Regarding the disciplic succession coming from Arjuna, disciplic succession does not always mean that one has to be initiated officially. Disciplic succession means to accept the disciplic conclusion. Arjuna was a disciple of Krishna and Brahma was also a disciple of Krishna. Thus there is no disagreement between the conclusions of Brahma and Arjuna. Vyasadeva is in the disciplic succession of Brahma. The teachings to Arjuna was recorded by Vyasadeva verbatim. So according to the axiomatic truth, things equal to one another are equal to each other. We are not exactly directly from Vyasadeva, but our Gurudeva is a representative of Vyasadeva. Because Vyasadeva and Arjuna are of equal status, being students of Krishna, therefore we are in the disciplic succession of Arjuna. Things equal to the same thing are equal to one another.

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70-05-14 Letter: Syamasundara

So if from your center the surrounding villages are drawn to the attention of Krsna consciousness simply by the distribution of Prasadam and chanting of Hare Krsna Mantra, it will be a great success. It is not necessary always to be officially initiated, but if they participate in the group chanting of Hare Krsna Mantra and taking of Prasadam weekly or daily as it is possible, that will fulfill our mission.

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71-07-14 Letter: Makhanlal

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter undated and have noted the contents carefully. Yes, you have my blessings for the gayatri initiations of Jaya Deva Das Brahmacari and your wife Tilaka Devi Dasi. I am enclosing herewith a tape of the gayatri mantra chanted by me along with two copies of gayatri mantra and one sacred thread, duly chanted on by me, as well. The process should be that you let each of them hear the tape individually (through earphones). Show them how to chant on the fingers. Let them read the mantra and listen to the tape. Then, on my behalf you can present the sacred thread to Jaya Deva. Then hold a fire Yajna as you have seen done so many times before. If there are any questions about procedure, etc, you can consult with Karandhara and he will instruct you properly.

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76-08-20 Letter: Ajita

The names and beads duly chanted upon by your local GBC man, may be given at a fire yajna. The brahmana thread and gayatri mantra which must be heard through the right ear, may also be given at the fire yajna. All initiated disciples must chant 16 rounds a day without fail and observe the four regulative principles very strictly. The brahmanas must become learned in the sastras and very clean internally and externally by regularly bathing with water and the holy name. A brahmana must be fixed up in understanding of brahmana. One should not take it cheaply. This initiation is very serious and one should endeavor to follow the orders of the spiritual master with great determination. Daksina should also be offered when one presents oneself for initiation.

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We can see how things evolved in ISKCON between the letter to Makhanlal in 1971 and the letter to Ajita in 1976.


By 1976 Srila Prabhupada had authorized the GBC men to chant on the beads and threads for ISKCON initiations.


In 1971 Srila Prabhupada was still doing most of that himself.


As ISKCON grew and prospered Srila Prabhupada adjusted the standards to meet the demand.


This is the way of the acharya - Krishna's representative.



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that is a beautiful picture.

it makes me all misty-eyed.


Srila Prabhupada was the most handsome and beautiful human being I have ever seen.


looking at this picture crushes my heart ......


Srila Prabhupada is my hero no doubt.


that picture is a real tear-jerker....

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Srila Prabhupada:



About my coming to San Francisco, I have already written to Jayananda. I am always hankering after going there


I got to see Srila Prabhupada in San Francisco in 1975.

I also got to meet Jayananda that year.


I saw the most awesome and beautiful event of Srila Prabhupada riding on the Rathayatra cart with Lord Jagannatha.


I was disapatched from L.A. with the pandal crew to help set up all the pandals for the Rathayatra festival of '75.


Seeing Srila Prabhupada on that Rathayatra cart was one of the most momentous moments of my eternal existence.


Meeting Jayananda was really special.

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Srila Prabhupada:




I got to see Srila Prabhupada in San Francisco in 1975.

I also got to meet Jayananda that year.


I saw the most awesome and beautiful event of Srila Prabhupada riding on the Rathayatra cart with Lord Jagannatha.


I was disapatched from L.A. with the pandal crew to help set up all the pandals for the Rathayatra festival of '75.


Seeing Srila Prabhupada on that Rathayatra cart was one of the most momentous moments of my eternal existence.


Meeting Jayananda was really special.



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maybe Srila Prabhupada was on the cart of Lord Balarama....


My memory from 32 years ago is not real good.


all I know is I was there and I saw Srila Prabhupada.


I tried to follow him on the cart as much as I could.


San Francisco 1975?

Wow....... that was a classic Rathayatra festival....


Surely one of the greatest moments of my eternal life.

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I eventually left L.A. because they were sending me out at Christmas in a Santa Claus outfit to collect money in Burbank.


I wanted something simple and earthy.

I blooped and went to the farm in Tennessee.


That was too primitive at that time, so I blooped and went to the Chicago temple which was awesome.


at least I didn't have to be Santa Claus in Chicago..............


I did my share of flower power on State Street though. :cool:

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Hear the Falconer






Jul 10, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (SUN) — From a letter to Praghosa dasa.



We are witness to a time not unusual to the inevitable "birth, development, and dissolution..at last" as described by SP in his quoting Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's comments on the Brahma Samhita. Our Iskcon Movement has shown the distinct signs of Material growth Material development, and now Material decline.


........And why?


Because we have conflated our own personal histories within Iskcon with the purpose of Iskcon itself. More so, we have conflated our IMPRESSIONS of what we observed when we encountered Srila Prabhupada with Srila Prabhupada Himself.....a Person, although easily accessible, also a Person impossible to comprehend, understand, or even (in any significant degree) obey.


Because of our sketchy, cartoon ideas of who He Is and Was, we reduced Him in our eyes to a Force, or Person that could be comprehended with our limited senses and limited emotional and intellectual range.......In short, we tried to think of Him as "one of us" (or just like "me") but INFINITELY BETTER!


For this reason alone, we created His Iskcon movement around ourselves, our "oral histories" our "dimmed recollections" of "how He "set it up" ....and then moved forward with the astonishing certitude of the truly ignorant.


We heard from him (SRAVANAM) in 1066, and 1967......at least, we thought that we did!.. From then on ....WE KNEW WANT HE WANTED, AND HOW HE WANTED IT.....No matter what He would say from that time on.....and we assumed that this "Holy Man" could not understand legal matters, management, cash flow, etc as much as we AMERICANS AND EUROPEANS could easily do......(Note the reason for the downfall of Karandhar, the bogus appointment of Atreya Rishi to the GBC, and countless other foibles of GBC vs Srila Prabhupada)




Very simple......We began to deal with one another rather than with Srila Prabhupada and his VANI .....We traded SRAVANAM at FROM HIS LOTUS LIPS (Either directly, or by ABSORBING THE PURPORT OF THE PURPORTS O HIS BOOKS)..For "taking in each other's wash" and INTERPRETING His instructions based on dishonestly selected quotes, and by taking into account the "POWER HELD BY THE QUOTER" ....or more often than not, not quote at all.....just .."Prabhu, we have to be PRACTICAL"....translated to mean that SP was not "practical"!


Now we are angry that Bir Krishna is giving past life regressions to his so-called disciples!.......but we have allowed our Iskcon movement to arrive at that sad plane described by the Irish poet W B Yeats....."The Gyre cannot hold...The falcon cannot hear the falconer"!


All of the symptoms that the Sampradaya Sun and Dandavats will or will not print are caused by our unwillingness to HEAR THE "FALCONER" and to stop the disease of imagining that we can solve this on our own!


Srila Prabhupada's books, tapes, lectures, room conversations, morning walks etc are more than accumulated compendia of Wisdom, Knowledge, etc that we can tap to either build ourselves up, or use to "work on" our personal "mukti" at the time of death.




These books are FILLED with information as to HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD IN ITS MOMENTOUS HOUR OF NEED!....A moment that has now arrived.


Read as such, these Books are to our limited eyes...."MAGICAL"...as we can read them for a type of guidance that we have never once contemplated to KINETICALLY AND CLEARLY CREATE STRUCTURES TO HOUSE AND HOLD THE HUMAN RACE AS IT RACES TO IMPENDING DOOM.


Our human global "experiment" with building a "Ravana's tower" of "Ugra Karma" industry to enable us to use petroleum to live in desert areas by pumping water in electrically, freezing our entire food supply electrically, purchasing money from hoards of goods stolen from Krishna called "supermarkets" electrically, taking our fiat money of nothing more than theoretical value from a cache known as a "bank" (but literally composed of nothing more than 1's and 0"s electrically) that functions only electrically, is practically over.


Remove electricity from our major urban centers for a few weeks or months, and suddenly, the skyscraper cannot be occupied, the suburban house will have neither water nor stove, nor frozen food, The gas pump will pump no gas, and more horribly, the industrially farmed acres of mono-crops grown far from wells and rivers , will rot within days without irrigation water brought electrically from afar.


Cannibalism within days, not weeks, months, or years!




The INSIDE of Srila Prabhupada's unedited books will SUDDENLY MAKE MORE SENSE!


I have enclosed a small study which we have entitled...."In support of Srila Prabhupada's Iskcon Manifesto" which clearly outlines His Directions for saving the world in dire straits. I Invite you to read it, comment on it, correct errors when found, and use it to its full potential......




In the end, Gifting our fellow men "en masse" with the SIDDHANTA of Srila Prabhupada's clear (but concealed from material thinkers) instructions for the next step and the next for INCLUDING our fellow men as surrendered shelter taking newly arrived servants of Lord Krishna, will be our only defense against death at the hands of a desperate and grasping society that (without electricity for a few weeks or longer) will stop at nothing to take from us what we imagine that we own.


DAIVI VARNASHRAM SOCIETY MEANS..."EVERYTHING BELONGS TO KRISHNA...NOTHING BELONGS TO ANYONE ELSE"...and that motto will mean that who hoards grains with an eye to profit from the distress of the hungry, will have his hands cut off or worse.....In the end, EVERYTHING WILL BE OFFERED TO KRISHNA, AND NOTHING HELD BACK WITH WHICH TO TAUNT THE ORPHAN AND THE WIDOW AS THEY STARVE WHILE OTHERS FEAST.


The depth of our destined impact on human society has up 'til now, escaped us. We have not comprehended the true purport and import of having taken initiation from a Pure Devotee of the Lord...........but due to shift in circumstance...WE WILL!


Your eternal servant,


NNV das.



Below, please find a copy of the "ISKCON MANIFESTO" as well as the DIRECTION OF MANAGEMENT and other related papers.


Please study them....they will create the world of tomorrow for the bewildered human race.



(The future of Iskcon for the next ten thousand years)


1. Srila Prabhupada owns Srila Prabhupada’s Vani (Books, DVDs, CDs, photos, conversations, etc).


2. Access to His Vani is through SRAVANAM (total absorption in the process of hearing).


3. The test of Sravanam is KIRTANAM. Having authentically imbibed through SRAVANAM, the Hearer then generates the same vibration through KIRTANAM. KIRTANAM need not be perfect, but must reflect only the source-SRAVANAM.


4. ISKCON is the Vani form of Srila Prabhupada’s body. The sole purpose of ISKCON is to shelter those immersed in SRAVANAM. All other functions of ISKCON, such as ashram life, deity worship-householder life, Sankirtan, Nam Hatta, are important but totally subservient to SRAVANAM.


5. Book distribution and preaching are a function of SRAVANAM and are informed from no other source than SRAVANAM.


6. All other sources of sound vibration from whatever source or guru do not belong in ISKCON(, as they are not derived from SRAVANAM of Srila Prabhupada’s Vani.(


7. The principle of SRAVANAM-KIRTANAM is to hear and generate the sound vibration of the Pure Devotee of the Lord, which requires that one not add, subtract, or modify in any way( Srila Prabhupada’s Vani derived from SRAVANAM.


8. Sound vibrations not derived from Srila Prabhupada Vani do not belong in ISKCON(, and can by their very nature be categorized as “ANTI-SRILA PRABHUPADA(” or “(ANTI- ISKCON(”.


9. Beyond SRAVANAM-KIRTANAM there is obedience. Without obedience, KIRTANAM is of no use. Obedience brings into the world


10. SrilaPrabhupada’s Vani-in a tangible, practical, form. Obedience must be meticulously impeccable-not neglecting even the most minute detail of instruction. Obedience transcends time and place-Just as ISKCON itself transcends both time and place, presenting, as it does, an Embassy of the Spiritual World.


11. Srila Prabhupada’s Vani is timeless. Each Millennium of the Golden Age of Kali will access Srila Prabhupada’s Vani. Although not limited by time and place, Srila Prabhupada’s Vani will manifest suitably to accommodate all times and places for the duration of the Golden Age of Kali.


12. One must avoid the mistake of considering Srila Prabhupada’s Vani as similar to other scripture or mundane text. It derives its entirety from the Spiritual World; in fact Krishna Loka. The melodies and bhajans revealed by Srila Prabhupada are to be understood to have been transported from the Spiritual World and brought down to our world by Srila Prabhupada. For this reason, chanting any melody not revealed by Srila Prabhupada will become an offense to the Lord and without contribution to one’s spiritual advancement.(


13. Melodies embraced and encouraged by Srila Prabhupada in His lifetime (such as George Harrison’s “Govindam Adipurusham”) are to be seen to be non-different than those He has personally introduced. Melodies not specifically endorsed by Him (bogus Bengali melodies etc.) are to be considered APARADH in the presence of the Melodies brought by Him from Krishna Loka.


14. The Authorized means of absorbing Sravanam is augmented by the process of Istagosthi, where, regardless of rank or Ashram, all in the circled assembly are understood to be equal. Even KRISHNA joining this sacred circle presents Himself as equal to all others in that assembly.


15. The purpose of Istagosthi is Siddhanta, which is reached by consensus, and represents the level of Vani realization of the assembled circle of friends.


16. ISKCON is composed of many functions, but all of these functions exist within the Vani of Srila Prabhupada.


17. All branches of ISKCON temples are fully independent and are represented by elected Governing Body Commissioners( who serve three-year terms as per the Direction of Management (1970), which is Srila Prabhupada’s Gift of personal autonomy to each of us who are His disciples. The duty of the elected GBC is to faithfully research( the Vani of Srila Prabhupada( with the purpose of bringing its distinctions into the world. Only by such research and obedience to the conclusions of the Vani researched, can the GBC be considered “The Ultimate Governing Authority of ISKCON”. Conclusions reached by the GBC not derived from Vani through the process of SRAVANAM are to be considered Aparadh, and as such, Anti-ISKCON.


18. (Line item 17 intentionally deleted)


19. Strict obedience of Srila Prabhupada’s Vani is designed to “Save the world in its momentous hour of need”.


20. Daivi Varnashram is the vital outer function of ISKCON and is designed to encompass the general population in a safety net of KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS, derived soley from SANKIRTAN, the congregational chanting of Krishna’s holy Names. As no other Dharma exists in this age, Varnashram Dharma will exist only in the form of Chanting Krishna’s Holy Names.


21. The complete purpose of the Golden Age of Kali is fulfilled by the general declaration that all things and entities belong to KRISHNA (and no other ownership exists(.


22. In that light, all things grown and produced and manufactured are to be directly offered to KRISHNA from lands belonging to KRISHNA, for the sole purpose of creating pleasing offerings to KRISHNA. This is “Ram Rajya”.


23. PRASADAM resulting from such offerings and prepared by the purified Brahmins’ touch exists to feed all those who hunger or require clothes or other shelter. To hoard is to prevent the experience that all things belong to the Lord(.


24. ISKCON exists to protect cows and bulls, which are the vital component of agrarian Vedic Life. Such cows and bulls flood the land with their serene existence for the benefit of all.


25. Three Varnas will exist within external ISKCON. Each Varna will exist to facilitate the spiritual advancement of the general population of external ISKCON, guided and inspired by expert Brahmins.


26. Brahmins will maintain the Temples of the Lord with cooking, teaching, priestly functions and sacred rites. Such Brahmins will inhabit the Temples in an environment that does not require the need for external work for hire. They will receive Bhog, and they will distribute Prasad.


27. The Temples themselves are an expression of Pancharatrika Vidhi-Introduced by Sri Narada Muni, via His “Narada Pancharatra” on the instruction of His father Lord Brahma. Such Pancharatrika Vidhi enables even the most unclean reformed mleccha access to the Worship of the Lord. Daivi Varnashram represents the social aspect of Pancharatrika Vidhi, as it is no longer possible to observe the elaborate Yajnas of the Vedic culture. Pancharatrika Vidhi replaces all such sacrifices and Yajnas with “Harinam Evakevalam”…. namely chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, which is fully capable of delivery any and all fallen conditioned souls who could never under any circumstances have taken part in the Varnashram Dharma that ended five thousand years ago upon the advent of our present Kali Yuga.


28. It is the duty of every initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada as well as any well-wishers of such disciples to establish the absolute standards of authentic Vani Based Sravanam Kirtanam and to maintain them year after year, decade after decade, century after century and millennium after millennium.

29. Any other path will not succeed.


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Guest guest


I eventually left L.A. because they were sending me out at Christmas in a Santa Claus outfit to collect money in Burbank.


I wanted something simple and earthy.

I blooped and went to the farm in Tennessee.


That was too primitive at that time, so I blooped and went to the Chicago temple which was awesome.


at least I didn't have to be Santa Claus in Chicago..............

I did my share of flower power on State Street though.


lol! Yes. They also sent me as santa clause to collect money. Hare Krsnas in the guise of Santa clause?!!I don't know why the temples did this! Just like they call themselves Hindus to collect funds! lol!

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by: Visoka dasa


Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:51 am (PST)


Gratitude to Srila Prabhupada

Jayananda was very eager to see everyone engaged in Krishna's service.

He once wrote, "When I reflect on my consciousness had I not had

association with devotees and Srila Prabhupada, I shudder to imagine

the nightmare I would be in. If we could become a little dedicated to

distributing the mercy, so many could be saved so much suffering." –

from Remembering Jayananda by Kalakantha Dasa

From A Second Chance, by Srila Prabhupada:

Those engaged in broadcasting the holy name through the Krsna

consciousness movement should always consider what their position was

before they came and what it is now. They had fallen into abominable

lives as meat-eaters, drunkards, and woman-hunters, performing all

kinds of sinful activities, but now they have been given the

opportunity to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. Therefore they should

always appreciate this opportunity. By the grace of the Lord we are

opening many branches, and the members of this movement should use

this good fortune to chant the holy name of the Lord and serve the

Supreme Personality of Godhead directly. They must be conscious of the

difference between their present conditions and their past conditions

and should always be very careful not to fall from the most exalted

life of Krsna consciousness. Every devotee of Krsna should have this

determination. Devotees have been elevated to an exalted position by

the mercy of Krsna and the spiritual master, and if they remember that

this is a great opportunity and pray to Krsna that they will not fall

again, their lives will be successful. > SC 18: Pilgrim with a Purpose

I traveled with Jayananda for about six months in the Radha-Damodara

bus. I loved him well. He was like the big brother I never had growing

up. He woke me up every morning by touching my feet and singing "jiv

jago, jiv jago, gaura-chanda bole" – Wake up sleeping soul. Often he

sang it very loudly accompanyed by drum, kartals and even a harmonium

one time when I was deep in maya. He always displayed great humility

and gratitude towards Srila Praphupada, and he bestowed upon this

young bhakta great mercy and kindness. – Vyasasana Dasa

Compassion for others

He was diagnosed with leukemia, which gradually reduced his body to a

shell. Accepting that he would die soon, Jayananda continued to

express his deep gratitude toward Srila Prabhupada. His friends were

shocked and saddened to see his disease-ravaged body, but Jayananda

was still too busy performing devotional service to give it much

concern. And when he did agree to medical treatment, he used his time

in the hospital to tell doctors, nurses, and patients about Krsna

consciousness. From BTG "A Modern Saint" by Bhayahari Dasa

From A Second Chance, by Srila Prabhupada:

A devotee is especially merciful to the fallen, conditioned souls.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the personification of bhakti, loving

devotion to God, teaching all of us how to become devotees. He is

therefore called patita-pavana, or the one who delivers the fallen,

conditioned souls. Anyone following in His footsteps is also

patita-pavana. Ajamila was now in this same mood, and thus he thought,

"Now I shall be able to become the friend of all living entities and

become peaceful." This should be the standard of determination for all

Krsna conscious persons. A devotee of Krsna should free himself from

the clutches of maya, and he should also be compassionate to all

others suffering in those clutches. The activities of the Krsna

consciousness movement are meant not only for oneself but for others

also. This is the perfection of Krsna consciousness.

The activities of the Krsna consciousness movement are meant not only

for oneself but for others also. This is the perfection of Krsna

consciousness. One who is interested only in his own salvation is not

as advanced in Krsna consciousness as one who feels compassion for

others and who therefore propagates Krsna consciousness. Such an

advanced devotee will never fall down, for Krsna will give him special

protection. That is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness

movement. Everyone is like a plaything in the hands of the illusory

energy and is acting as she dictates. One should come to Krsna

consciousness to release oneself and others from this bondage. > SC

18: Pilgrim with a Purpose

Like the Six Goswamis, Jayananda was "dear both to the gentle and the

ruffians." He was as much at home with the Italians at the produce

market as with the brahmacaris in the temple. Because of his genuine

compassion, Krsna gave Jayananda the unique ability to make people

want to serve, directly or indirectly. Whenever a new bhakta would

come, Jayananda made him feel that he was engaged in important work.

He was willing to let people do things their own way, without getting

finicky about details -- unless somebody's creativity interfered with

practical necessity. New bhakta or old, everyone felt satisfied after

a day's work with Jayananda. > Kalakantha dasa on Jayananda Prabhu

Association of Devotees

Here is a nice story that give proof that Jayananda was a

maha-bhagavata – someone who can produce in others the sentiments of

devotional love for devotees of Krishna by dint of their actions.

Spontaneous sentiments for Krishna and His devotees are generated by

pure love for Krishna. This love and its taste are perceived in

non-devotionally inclined persons when they get the merciful

association of a maha-bhagavata devotee. Jayananda was such a devotee

that he could inspire such feelings even after leaving the planet.

An occasion of this sort came when a devotee was approached by a

rather down-and-out fellow in the streets of New York. The man

inquired about Jayananda and wanted to know if the devotee knew him.

When he was told of Jayananda's departure, he began to weep profusely.

"He was the only person I ever felt ever cared about me," said the

derelict. He had worked on the Ratha-yatra carts with Jayananda Thakur.

As far as his total example goes, Jayananda-acharya was and will

probably remain unbeatable. We have the proof in New York City Hall,

in the streets and in our own hearts. If new devotees want to find a

perfect example of humility, we have Jayananda for all of time in

ISKCON. – (From COM, not sure who wrote this)

Srila Prabhupada:

These verses lucidly explain how a living entity is victimized by his

material conditioning. The beginning of illusion is to misidentify

oneself as the body. Therefore the Bhagavad-gita begins with the

spiritual instruction that one is not the body but the spirit soul

within the body. One can always remain conscious of this fact only if

one remains pure by chanting the holy name of Krsna, the Hare Krsna

maha-mantra, and staying in the association of devotees. This is the

secret of success. Therefore we stress that one should chant the holy

name of the Lord and keep oneself free from the contaminations of this

material world, especially the contaminations of lusty desires for

illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, and gambling. With

determination one should vow to follow these principles and thus be

saved from the miserable condition of material existence. > SC 18:

Pilgrim with a Purpose

Balabhadra: I was sent from Hawaii to take Jayananda's association two

weeks before Ratha-yatra. Wherever he went, Jayananada always took

prasadam and everybody was glad to see him. There was no imposition,

even though they knew he was going to ask for something. We went to

the man who owned the cab company, because Jayananda wanted to use his

tow truck. Jayananda was loaded with prasadam when we arrived, but we

discovered that the man was sick in the hospital. So we went over to

the hospital.

As we entered his room, he saw Jayananda and started to cry, because

Jayananda was like a son to him. The man was very sick and,

practically speaking, had no family. You could see on his face he was

surprised to see Jayananda, but at the same time so glad to see him.

Jayananda gave him the prasadam, and of course there was no question,

Jayananda could use the tow truck.

Jayananda was a dynamic cook. He had a little cook stove and he would

make these sabji preparations -- right at the Ratha site -- that would

just melt in your mouth. You would think, how can he cook? But his

cooking was done with bhakti. Although there was cauliflower,

potatoes, and ghee, there was so much bhakti. When I first joined,

Govinda dasi was cooking for Prabhupada, and Prabhupada also cooked.

Jayananda's cooking was like that. It was such nectar. Sometimes

Jayananda would make these big buckets of nectar drink with

strawberries, bananas, and buttermilk.

Late at night we would go up to the kitchen, get some white flour and

mix it with water in a five gallon bucket to make a paste. Then we'd

grab two other devotees and go out in our old, beat-up Econoline van.

Jayananda would drive while we were in the back of the van putting

paste on posters. He would stop at various sites, and we'd put up

these big blocks of posters for Ratha-yatra. We'd usually get back at

midnight, but it never mattered how late we got back -- Jayananda was

always up early.

Working for Krishna

He was the kind of guy you would find working under a truck or taking

out the garbage, even though he was given a position in a major ISKCON

temple as temple president. When he could have just sat back and taken

it easy, he felt that he needed to work hard, that he was so fallen

that if he didn't, he would never make any progress in Krsna

consciousness. On the other hand, he knew for certain that he had

found the truth. So, while he was humble in his personal demeanor, he

became almost ferocious if you questioned Prabhupada or the disciplic

succession. Not that he didn't appreciate good, sincere inquiry. But

if your mood was challenging, watch out! Jayananda wouldn't tolerate

it. The kitten would become a lion. >RDV: Foreword

When I remember the words of your beloved disciple Jayananda Prabhu, I

think that he has expressed the essence of the reason why we, ordinary

foolish children of Kali-yuga, feel unceasing love for you and

confidence in you, which we would never be able to feel for anybody

else. Jayananda Prabhu said, "I wasn't much of a religionist, but I

was attracted to Srila Prabhupada. I knew he didn't want to cheat me,

so I wanted to work for him." Yes, Srila Prabhupada, we want to work

for you! - Vyasa-Puja offering from Czech Republic

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