Ananta Sesa Posted July 11, 2007 Report Share Posted July 11, 2007 In the Vedas it is said that the stars are like the Moon, but here in the West the scientists say that the stars are like the Sun... So I would like to know if somebody here knows if there really is any evidence of the stars being like the Sun? The most strange thing is that if you want to find out webpages about how the Sun in our Solarsystem was Created you won´t find anything at all... You only find pages about how the scientists think the stars were created, and when you mention this strange oddity to people they just say that: "- But our Sun is anyway a Star so why do you need to read about how our own Star was created, when you anyway get the information by reading about how the other stars were created" As if they would know that there is no difference between the Sun and the stars... Anybody here who can help me out on this...? Any webpages with more detailed information regarding this topic? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 11, 2007 Report Share Posted July 11, 2007 Quote Is there any Scientific Proof that the Stars are like the Sun? Yes. But you may not wish to accept their observations which is your choice. I do find your claim not to be able to find webpages on star formation surprising. I wonder if you have actually searched for any. Quote As if they would know that there is no difference between the Sun and the stars... You demand scientific knowledge from them but do you have any scientific knowledge to back your claim of their only being one sun in the universe. And why so angry? Are you really mad because someone has exposed a doubt in your own subconscious mind that you try so hard to keep submerged? And now that it has been brought into your conscious awareness you feel forced to deal with it? Let me ask you this. Suppose modern observations are correct and there is more than one sun in the universe. Does that really have an effect on your need to develop pure love for God? Forget the universal structure. Your mission lies beyond the walls of the universe irregardless of how it is constructed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 theist said: Yes. But you may not wish to accept their observations which is your choice. I do find your claim not to be able to find webpages on star formation surprising. I wonder if you have actually searched for any. You demand scientific knowledge from them but do you have any scientific knowledge to back your claim of their only being one sun in the universe. And why so angry? Are you really mad because someone has exposed a doubt in your own subconscious mind that you try so hard to keep submerged? And now that it has been brought into your conscious awareness you feel forced to deal with it? Let me ask you this. Suppose modern observations are correct and there is more than one sun in the universe. Does that really have an effect on your need to develop pure love for God? Forget the universal structure. Your mission lies beyond the walls of the universe irregardless of how it is constructed. I didn´t find pages about the formation of our specific Sun, not even on Wikipedia! I just mainly thought that is it really possible that there can exist any untruths in the vedic litterature, be it material or spiritual matters? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Guest said: I didn´t find pages about the formation of our specific Sun, not even on Wikipedia! I just mainly thought that is it really possible that there can exist any untruths in the vedic litterature, be it material or spiritual matters? Are you the same person that started this thread? Anyway why would our sun be formed in a different way then other stars/suns? I don't really follow modern science so I can't repeat their theories but I do remember seeing a television program on this topic NOVA or Nature of those. Also I know sun deaths have been observed...Supernovas etc. We know one thing for sure, the universal creation took place under the guidance of Krsna's Intelligent Design. That is enough for me and the rest is just interesting food for thought. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dasa Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 I'm not sure if that idea is discussed on the site, but there are a lot of interesting articles here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Quote The most strange thing is that if you want to find out webpages about how the Sun in our Solarsystem was Created you won´t find anything at all... I just did a google search on 'sun formation' and lots of sites popped up. The first one being a site called The Formation of the Sun linked below. This is the first sentence from that site. Astronomers think that the Sun was formed from a giant cloud which was rotating slowly, about five thousand million years ago, and that the Sun is slightly older than the Earth. It goes on to explain this giant cloud was made mostly of hydrogen etc etc. I didn't read it past this. Some search you did Ananta Sesa. Such bluffs don't advance your argument very well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ananta Sesa Posted July 12, 2007 Author Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 dasa said: I'm not sure if that idea is discussed on the site, but there are a lot of interesting articles here..... Thank you very much! Very interesting articles indeed! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ananta Sesa Posted July 12, 2007 Author Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 theist said: I just did a google search on 'sun formation' and lots of sites popped up. The first one being a site called The Formation of the Sun linked below. This is the first sentence from that site. Astronomers think that the Sun was formed from a giant cloud which was rotating slowly, about five thousand million years ago, and that the Sun is slightly older than the Earth. It goes on to explain this giant cloud was made mostly of hydrogen etc etc. I didn't read it past this. Some search you did Ananta Sesa. Such bluffs don't advance your argument very well. Thank you for the link! I did not understand what you meant with "Such bluffs don´t advance your argument very well" Who is bluffing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
som Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 In Brahma-Samhita, Lord Brahma mentions this about Sun: [Yac Chakshur Esha Savita Sakala Grahaanaam Raajaa Samasta Sura Murtir Ashesha Tejah Yasajnyayaa Bhramati Smbhrta Kala Chakro Govindam Adi Purusham Tamaham Bhajami "The sun who is the king of all the planets, full of infinite effulgence, the image of the good soul, is as the eye of this world. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda in pursuance of whose order the sun performs his journey mounting the wheel of time." - BS 5.52 - ] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 if we look into the lives and theories of these scientists we will find volumes and volumes of speculation, fraud, cheating and lies. these scientists are big time cheaters and liars. I watch all their latest theories and programs on the science documentaries and all their theories and claims are just laughable and ridiculous. these scientists are ignorant fools that make a fat salary dreaming-up all these false theories and false science. really, I don't trust anything these idiots spout-off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Murali_Mohan_das Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Agreed. However, I wouldn't be watching TV to learn about science. Most of the science programming I've seen lately is targeted at the lowest common denominator (would that be you?). The most recent program on dinosaurs (a favorite of my son's) had a distinguished-sounding Englishman reading a script that sounded like it was written by a fourth-grader. In any case, here's the theory behind the science: Astrophysicists use spectrography to analyze distant bodies. Spectrography is based on the fact that, depending on the chemical make-up of a substance, when it burns, it will give off a unique spectrum of light (put the end of a bare copper wire in the flame on your stove and watch the flame turn green). By comparing the spectra from distant stars with the spectrum of our own sun, we can make comparisons regarding their chemical make-up. By observing the Doppler shift in the observed spectra, scientists can ascertain whether the body is moving towards or away from the point of observation. Look up "spectrography" on Google or Wikipedia for more info. Guruvani said: if we look into the lives and theories of these scientists we will find volumes and volumes of speculation, fraud, cheating and lies. these scientists are big time cheaters and liars. I watch all their latest theories and programs on the science documentaries and all their theories and claims are just laughable and ridiculous. these scientists are ignorant fools that make a fat salary dreaming-up all these false theories and false science. really, I don't trust anything these idiots spout-off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 the light that reaches Earth from the stars takes millions of years travelling at the speed of light get here. so, what we are seeing might not even exist now because what we are seeing the light from something millions of years ago. you can't learn anything about the universe today by looking millions of years into the past. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Murali_Mohan_das Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Guruvani said: you can't learn anything about the universe today by looking millions of years into the past. And some folks just can't learn anything about the universe no matter *where* (or when) they look. How about 5000 years in the past? Or 500? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Murali_Mohan_das Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Murali_Mohan_das said: And some folks just can't learn anything about the universe no matter *where* (or when) they look. How about 5000 years in the past? Or 500? {sarcasm]Certainly, there can't be anything from the *70's* that's worth studying, could there? {/sarcasm} Here's a list of the 26 nearest stars: The furthest star on the list is 11.7 light years away, so the light arriving now would be from when you were potty-training your youngest child, wouldn't it, Gauravani. Not exactly ancient history, is it? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 My understanding of a light year is how far light travels in a year. That is a great distance and does reveal a lot about the distant past. It also shows us what something of the illusory nature of time and space. It also shows us the universe is more than 4 billion miles in diameter. If you think it down enough everything we experience through our senses is in the past by the time we perceive it, if only by a portion of a nano second. The only true present we can experience is transcendencal substance. But that is all another point. I have no idea how stars are formed exactly except that Krsna is in control of the process. But just the fact that we can perceive these stars or suns is proof to me that they exist. And what is the experience of some resident of a planetary system around one of these distant suns when they see our sun as a tiny point of light in their sky? The Bhagavatam says the one sun in the universe is supplying the whole universe with it's need for sunshine. But could a tiny point of light in their night sky really be supplying all their energy needs? Do devotees really feel comfortable offering that explanation up to the world as a replacement explanation for the theories offered by the modern scientists? Yes their theories may be incomplete or totally wrong but they still make the one sun idea look pretty silly. After hearing that how do we reasonably expect anybody in the academic community to take Krsna lila seriously? The Indelligent Design people have the right approach. It is enough to promote the truth that behind the phenomena of the universe is Universal Intelligence. Only after that is solidly established can we successfully bring up the question of Whose Intelligence that is. That is the dividing point between simple God realization and realization of the Personality of Godhead but first things first. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Murali_Mohan_das said: Here's a list of the 26 nearest stars: The furthest star on the list is 11.7 light years away, so the light arriving now would be from when you were potty-training your youngest child, wouldn't it, Gauravani. Not exactly ancient history, is it? If you think looking through glass lenses can know anything about what is hundreds of millions of miles from Earth, then you have just joined the ranks of the mentally insane. Maybe you buy that load of manure, but I sure don't. These guys can't even find the Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest. How do they know what is happening hundreds of millions of miles alway? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Murali_Mohan_das Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 You can think what you like about the scientists (and anybody else). I was merely trying to answer the question--yes, there is "scientific" proof that the Sun and other stars are of similar composition. Can we confirm our instrumental assessments by direct observation? Not likely. It's easy to feel superior and smug, isn't it? Being truly humble is more of a challenge. Guruvani said: If you think them burger heads looking through glass lenses can know anything about what is hundreds of millions of miles from Earth, then you have just joined the ranks of the mentally insane. Ronald McDonald is looking through his telescope and telling us what is hundreds of millions of miles away? Maybe you buy that load of manure, but I sure don't. These guys can't even find the Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest. How do they know what is happening hundreds of millions of miles alway? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Murali_Mohan_das said: It's easy to feel superior and smug, isn't it? Being truly humble is more of a challenge. It's easy to be naive and gullible isn't it? Blind faith in science is ok nowadays, but blind faith in God is primitive. I will keep my blind faith in a higher power. If I am going to put blind faith in somebody it sure won't be the burger heads looking through telescopes. I'll take my chances on Krishna. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Murali_Mohan_das Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Guruvani said: Blind faith in science is ok nowadays, but blind faith in God is primitive. The only way someone can have blind faith in science is if they know nothing about it. A good scientist has no blind faith. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 12, 2007 Report Share Posted July 12, 2007 Of course these people that like to criticise the modern scientific methods must also include medical science. I wonder if Guruvani asked the doctors he went to when he fell off his roof and hurt his back if they were meat eaters or if they had blind faith in God. I doubt it. More likely he just crawled into the hospital pleading for help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 13, 2007 Report Share Posted July 13, 2007 theist said: Of course these people that like to criticise the modern scientific methods must also include medical science. I wonder if Guruvani asked the doctors he went to when he fell off his roof and hurt his back if they were meat eaters or if they had blind faith in God. I doubt it. More likely he just crawled into the hospital pleading for help. Maybe you should change your name from "theist" to "scientist". Now, you will even compare a doctor with an astronomer?. Doctors perform a valuable service to human society. Astronomers waste millions of dollars on trivia that have no value in human society. Theist? No, more like "scientist". Astronomy is a pseudo-science and is mostly speculation, not science. Peeking through telescopes is not science. It's childs play. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 13, 2007 Report Share Posted July 13, 2007 Alternative caption: Sorry Mr. Guruvani, I couldn't find a neurosurgeon to preform your back surgery who also had blind faith in God and never learned medical science from meat eaters. But don't worry ,my seven year old nephew will come in and do it for you right after gurukul let's out for the day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 13, 2007 Report Share Posted July 13, 2007 your doctors also kill over 25,000 people a year in the USA alone with their malpractice. another 180,000 people die each year in the USA because they can't get medical treatment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theist Posted July 13, 2007 Report Share Posted July 13, 2007 Tell us where you went for help after you fell of the roof. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guruvani Posted July 13, 2007 Report Share Posted July 13, 2007 theist said: Tell us where you went for help after you fell of the roof. I went to an astronomer and he said that there was another Sun inside my head. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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