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I Read japa on a roof of a house again, there it is certainly good, quiet, at the same time sunbathed a little. At us weather cloudy so the sun can be seen only is a little bit days as it there passes the next cloud. Clouds move the never-ending cascade, it is similar to an infinite army to which does not have the end.


I at once have recollected, how Shrila Prabhupada describes as the God is hidden from us is similar to the sun which is sometimes closed by clouds from our look. Very lyrical description and indeed. Clouds cannot hide the sun because it is a huge planet, and clouds are so small. But as we even more small, it seems to us, that the sun that vanishes that appears again.


I observed of the sun and in spite of the fact that it is motionless concerning me, because of movement of clouds sometimes to me started to seem, that the solar disk suddenly comes in movement and promptly overcoming a congestion of clouds, jumps out from them is similar to any meteor. And still as I have received knowledge from educated people - at school itc., - I could understand, that it only some illusion.


Precisely as fools, whose knowledge is insignificant, think, that the God is connected by a matter and that His actions are caused by movement of material energy. But it only the illusion, occuring that we too small. The God is all and as full the whole, He cannot be covered or caused any small by a part of that creates, even if it is the whole universe.


I looked at the next houses in that party whence there is a wind and depending on that, has darkened or the nearest house was illuminated, I could understand, whether there will be here where I stand, light or a shadow through minutes - two. Actually, on movement of a shadow from clouds I could understand, what actually their speed. From the ground it seems, that clouds almost cost, but looking as far as light and a shadow on houses promptly slides, I have concluded, that speed of clouds some meters a second.


As far as the elements of the sky is great! Me could throw off from a roof as a small insect the slightest impulse. Directly on my eyes the direction of a wind was replaced with 90 degrees and in half an hour back. That is clouds have been chased all over again to one строну, then in another, and then again there. In clouds millions tons of water - and the God transfers them simply by air to one place in another, unless it is not ingenious? People lay the pipeline, but the God bears water directly by air.


Clouds accept some freakish forms and sometimes those who are not so clever - children and women - try to become attached to these forms: about as it is beautiful, it is similar to that, and it on that.. But the cloud is imperceptible for our eye is transformed and in one minute its form will be already another, therefore what advantage in such attachment?


Precisely also materialists become attached to time things in this world, not understanding, that all these beautiful forms are chased by a wind of time and soon they will absolutely others. But those who are really intellectual, prefer to become attached to the God whom as the sun though it is immovable and constant, is the reason of clouds of illusion of this world. He the primary master and a source of everything, and we should search for Him.

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