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Dravidians are actually Aryans of South(Arya of Dravida)

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Dravidians are actually Aryans of Dravida(Aryans of South). It is not an opposit of Aryans.

The word came into more importance since the Britishers wanted to split Indians and so they created a Hype that Dravidians were the opponents of Aryans.

If analyzed properly even names can be given to Aryans of North as Uttarians that is Aryans of Uttara, Aryans of East as Purabarians that is Aryans of Purab and Aryans of west as Pascheemarians that is Aryans of Pascheem. Even the Asuras of Persia were also Aryans hence they were called Assarians. When the foreigners invading Persia then some of these Elamite or Assur Aryans(Assarians) of Elam entered Gujarat and Southern India through Sea routes inorder to avoid clashes with the Uttarians(their immediate neighbors) and then went to south and mingled with Southern Aryans(Dravidians)that is the reason why when Islam conquered Persia even the Persian followed the same route like their ancestors and landed into Gujarat.

Also Tamilians are descendants of Sri Rama just like how a North Indian is descendants of Sri Rama. That is the reason why there is references of Sri Rama's name is many Tamilian Mantras.

During Sri Rama's era there were very few Humans. Sri Rama was the ancestor of Modern Human at that time this was the reason why there were many apes like Sugreev and <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>Bali</st1:place> at that time because they belonged to older Human speices something like Neanderthal Man.





Even if they fought with each other but still it was a war between two Human species not two Human races.

Also, Sri Rama fought with Ravana was not because he wanted to conquer other kingdom the reason for this analysis is that first of all when Sri Rama fought with Ravana at that time he was just a wanderer and not a king of Ayodhya hence he cannot conquer or rule any kingdom without the permission of his father Dasaratha the actual king of Ayodhya. It was only after Sri Rama became the King of Ayodhya he performed Ashwamedha Yagya and conquered other states.

Also, Sri Rama and Ravana both belonged to Aryan culture because Sri Rama was a Indo Aryan and Ravana was a the descendant of Indo Aryan and Assur Aryans (Assarians)whose ancestors migrated from Persia to South India hence he became also a Dravid Aryan(Dravdian - The Aryan of South).

All Dravidians(Aryans of South) were not Dalits and all Uttarrians (Aryans of North) did not belonged to High caste. Dalits were actually the war prisoners of both Uttarrians(Aryans of North) and Dravidians(Aryans of South) who were forced to live a low caste status.

All Hindus should celebrate Ram Navami, Krishna Janmastami, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Poornima, Nanak Jayanti and Parsi New Year. So that in future people will not remember that at one point of time Buddhism and Jainism were different from Hinduism. Also, keep in mind that Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Mahavira Vardhman, Gautam Buddha and Guru Nanak were Ancient Indians and Zoroaster belonged to Greater India(Maha Bharat) which stretched from Greek to <st1:country-region><st1:place>China</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:place>Central Asia</st1:place> and south eastern countries.

Since it was Greater India (Maha Bharat) which stretched from Greek to <st1:country-region><st1:place>China</st1:place></st1:country-region> and <st1:place>Central Asia</st1:place> and south eastern countries that was the reason why many so called foreigners as per today’s generation participated in the great war Mahabharat war.

This proves that there was no Aryan Invasion.

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Hiduism is Living Style of ancient Indians and

Aryans made it as westerenised (foreignised)

If you want know much about this variation listen to me.


First What is Hiduism


Indians are lived in north and west areas of India,They are the olden cities in India.But after that so many people came from other parts of world periodically.Some people adjusted into our system and some people are not adjusted.Adjusted people mingled with Indians.But Aryans are the daemons not adjusted and they fight with local people and they taken command on several parts of north India.After that they lived with their expansion to south till the developed areas.The local people ,ancient Indians were surpassed or gone to forest areas and hill areas for their lives.In that time SriLanka or Lanka(,part of dravidian culture ) King Ravana stood behind of ancient Indians along with their powerful Dravidian kings.But after killing Ravana and other Dravidian kings aryan's expansion of kindom was completd.


Dravidians follow Shaivism or Hinduism(God Shiva or Godess and God Tried) based and Aryans (follow the culture that His fore fathers as Supremes).They used the differences of ancient Indians based on God.They after used this type of Variations that Sri Ram(Aryan ) Sri Maha Vishnu.


How Sri Rama will become Maha Vishnu,Sri Rama was Aryan and Human being (who follow only their fore fathers) and finally he accpetd God Shiva is god not his Fore Fathers as Supreme.That is the Rameshwaram Temple(Tamil Nadu).


How Sri Krishna will become Maha Vishnu,Sri Krishna is tallented hill aread person,who never have good openion on principles of Family version of India.He explained that life is play(war),it should not have any rules and requlations,If you want to live on your own interest which was still going on in some areas in North india.


Shaivism or Vaishnavism are family based or Society based.I.e they follow strict rules and priciples.These are relision faiths and Political views.


Sri Ram,Sri Krishna versions are two Identified much popular versions of India being wesrenising or foriegnising the Indian culture.

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First Hinduism is the Living Style of Indians and Their spiritual Ideas which were very good and their tradition is accepted by whole world as the best one.

That was spread to the whole world some are changed their system and adopted Indian culture of Spiritual thoughts.Because of that reason only in China,Madhya Afhghanisthan and So many acian countries started worshipping God shiva.(This has some proofs that God shiva worshipped by So many other countries).


At this time So many people started coming to India and living here only.Because of that reason the other cultures also effected to adopted the Indian spiritual Ideas.


Exmaple:the other all known relisions principles are already there.Mean that some philosophical and mature people adopted the worshipping God,Nature, Animals from Indian Culture.


They tried to explain and spread the way of spiritual living throughout the world.Because of that reason,So many relisions and after that relision false prestegious are increased.But relision faith is goo but relision false prestege is not good.

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Some say that uncivilized Aryans came from outside and then conquered civilized people called Dravidians who were later made dasa(slave)

The fact is that even Dasa is an Iranian tribe which did not wanted to be a part of Aryan organization.


Dasa and related terms have been examined by several scholars.[3] While the terms Dasa and Dasyu have a negative meaning in Sanskrit, their Iranian counterparts Daha and Dahyu have preserved their positive (or neutral) meaning. This is similar to the Sanskrit terms Deva (a "positive" term) and Asura (a "negative" term). The Iranian counterparts of these terms (Daeva and Ahura) have opposite meanings.

The meaning of the word divodasa, which has been long preserved in the Khotanese dialect, is "man". Two words that contain "dasa" are the Vedic names Divodasa(Diodus in Greek)(meaning "divine man") and Sudas (meaning "good man"). Dasa is also in Iranian "Daha", known to Graeco-Roman authors as the Dahae (Daai), designating probably Iranian tribes. The term Daha occurs in a Persepolis inscription of Xerxes

Daha also referred to a dasyu tribe in Margiana. Dahistan (east of the Caspian Sea/Gorgan) derives its name from this tribe [5]. The Greek historians Q. Curtius Rufus (8,3) and Ptolemy (Geography: 6,10,2) located the region of the Dahas on the river Margos (modern Murghab) or in Margiana (Parpola 1988). The Dahas are also mentioned by Pomponius Mela (3,42)[6] and Tacitus (Ann. 11,10)[7].

Strabo wrote about the Dahae the following:

"Most of the Scythians, beginning from the Caspian Sea, are called Dahae Scythae, and those situated more towards the east Massagetae and Sacae."

(Strabo, 11-8-1)

Strabo's description places Dahae nomads in the area around modern Turkmenistan. Tacitus, in the Annals , writes of the Parthian king Vardanes I that he subdued "the intermediate tribes as far as the river Sindes, which is the boundary between the Dahae and the Arians." [8]


Dasyus is in Iranian "dahyu" and means tribe, province and district. "Dah-" means "male, man" in Iranian. The "dahyu-pati" (also dahyunam) was the head of the tribe. (The Greek "des-potes and the English "despot" correspond to this term. (Windfuhr 1999)) A "dahyu-sasti" (command of dahyus) is a confederation of two or more dahyus. [9]

Devas versus Asuras

This divide goes back to the composition of the Rig Veda. Both the religions believe in the holiness of the Veda except that the Zarathustrians believe in certain sections of the Rig Veda. When the Rig Veda was being written, there occurred a divide among the Brahmanas writing it. The Brahmanas of the Pauravas (Indians) or Parthas believed that Aditi was the good mother of the gods while the Irani or Dasa Brahmanas believed that Diti was. The Pauravas' chief god was Shri Indra and said that He has overtaken Shri Varuna as the leader of the gods. The Irani believed that Shri Varuna was still the chief of the gods. In the Irani pantheon, Shri Indra was given the status of a demon while they worshipped an Indra-like character who accepts the law of Varuna known as Indar. From this originated the Dasarajna war in which the ten kingdoms of the Irani, represented by the Brahmana Vishwamitra fought against the Indian King Sudas. From then on, the Indians referred to the asuras as the demons while Devas were the gods and the Irani, viceversa. When Zarathustrianism was established, Shri Varuna who Zarathustra referred to as the Ahura Mazda (Rigvedic Assur Mehda or Assur Mahad) was God Almighty while all other spirits were given the status of angels.

That the Dasa were Iranic is no doubt as the Rig Veda mentions, that the Dasa, along with the Dasyu and Panis live beyond the Rasa River.[13] That the river was a division between the "Devas" and the "Asuras" is also acknowledged in the Vedas.[14] Scholars such as Tilak [15] have connected "Rasa" to the Avestan "Rangha", which is supposed to have been near the Hapta Hindu.[16]

Persian names like Darius, Xerxes and Cyrus sounds like foreign names but in old persian language their names sound like Indian names Cyrus is actually Kuru

Xerxes I of Persia in Persian: Khashayarsha

the Old Persian throne name Xšayāršā, meaning "Ruler of heroes

Cyrus the Great (Old Persian Kūruš)

Darius I the Great oldd Persian Dārayavahuš Indians called him दरायु (Darāyu) in Sanskrit.

Don't forget that in ancient times Persia was our direct neighbour so it is obivious that Aryans fought amongst themselves and their descendants told the tales to their younger generation from their point of view whether it is correct or wrong.

Greeks are actually a small fraction of tribe of Central Asia which followed culture similar to Indian Aryans because Indra and Zeus are one and the same. Their stories are also same.

Even Greeks are not original inhabitant of Greece it is said that they entered Greece from north that is from Central Asia and Indian Kingdome was stretched till Central Asia because Central Asia was a part of Uttar Kuru kingdom whereas Southern Kuru Kingdom in which Kurukshetra took place is directly a part of India and Iran.

In reality Term ARYAN is like not a caste, not a race and not a religion. It is actually an organization something like UN (United Nation), SAARC, European Union.


Some consider Ravana was a not a Aryan.

Then they will have to Answer few questions

Do they consider Hanumana as Dravidians?

If yes then why did a Dravidian Hanuman Supported an Aryan Rama to fight against a Dravidian Ravana.

Inspite of doing that Hanumana is still respected as god amongst the Dravidians.

Sri Krishna is considered as Dravidian, so is there any evidence that Sri Krishna referred Aryans as Invaders and did anywhere Sri Krishna referred Dravidians as different race or sect?

As per latest scientific research it is Cromangnon(Homo Sapiens) who evovled in India migrated to Europe which was occupied by Neanderthalis and interbreed with them to create a new Homo Sapiens Sapiens speices.

The traces of migration is found in Arabian Peninsula but right not it is very difficult to prove anything because of Islamic law.


Very soon you will get all the proofs.

Sri Rama belonged to Cro Magnon species.

Anywhich ways all humans were produced from one source so if Aryans and Dravidans were not same then the ancestor of Aryans and Dravidians were one (Homo Sapiens).

Till now people are not ready to accept that Taj Mahal is a Hindu temple inspite of all the proof then why will people like them accept "Aryans and Dravidians were same" without proof. Because of Vote bank Politics Why do they believe that Britishers would have accepted that "Aryans and Dravidians were same".

Remember in ancient times there were different tribes inhabitating in India there was no division like Aryans and Dravidians.

Infact even in Ramayana and Mahabharata people belonging to different tribes supported each other.

Consider fifty fifty chances that there could be possibility that Aryans and Dravidians are same or there could be possibilty that Aryans and Dravidians are not same.

The genetical difference it is because of the intermingling of many tribes like Huns, Mongols, Paradas, Madrasa, Nagas, Yavana etc..

It is not because of Aryans and Dravidians. Because there is no where mentioned even during Ashoka's time about Aryans and Dravidians Difference Whereas Ashoka's period is the only Historical record available in which it is proved that India and foreign countries were more closers.

At that time Greeks were aware about Indians and vice a versa can you give any instance that even in todays generation each and every single Greek is fully aware about an Indian culture or vice a versa except few celebrities.

There were still many so called dravidians living outside India who used to invade, they were considered as foreigners. Take for example Sri Lanka if you say that India was invaded by Aryans from the North and due to which Dravidians ran towards South then How come sri Lanka is a reverse case Where Aryans invaded from the South and Dravidians ran towards north, and it was a well know fact that Dravida are Sea Travlers whereas Aryans only knew to ride Chariot, oh you mean to say that they drove chariots on top of the ocean and conquered sri lanka from south. Or Aryans were Inhabitant of Lanka and then Dravidians Invaded North Lanka. It is very confusing situation.

Some people are behaving like Vatican pope who stopped Galileo from researching because they strictly believe that Sun revoled round the earth only when the science developed and with open mindedness attitude it was revealed that it is actually Earth revoled round the Sun.

So, when time will come everything will become clear. Even Nonsense will appear sensible.

Tamil itself was derived from Grantha. The Archealogical findings and lemurian language was ancient language than Tamil. Even like other languages Tamil itself was derived from the Ancient Language. The difference is that they retained most of the old style of speaking and writing then others who modified over time. Something like for computer intellectuals Java is more used today because is more machine independant langauge than other and so is language. The creation behind Language is merely communication but today language has become a cause of division. One should be broadminded and accept that language in which he can communicate with more people. Understand language as a Medium of communication a science do not use language for your personal pride and honour it will hold no good for yourself and for mankind. Consider language whether english or any other language just a phone through which you speak don't make it GOD. Consider language as the medium of coummunication.

Indeed Sanskrit is not the oldest languages but In ancient times it was Pali(Prakrit) language from which all languages were derived. Pali was the language of common man the script that was used was Bhrami which this is how they used to communicate with foreign empire Persian and with Jews. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C4%81hm%C4%AB_script

Agreed that in some of the archealogical finding they found many words similar to Tamil it could be also possible that Tamil was derived or was influenced from those ancient languages whose Archealogical findings have discovered.

Like that even other languages can claim that the archealogical findings have some similar words to their. Among the south Indian Language Tulu is the natural spoken Language which does not has script of itself. Among South Indian Language Tamil was the first language that had script for itself.

Tulu was derived from Proto-South Dravidian language Granha along with Proto-Tamil-Kannada combination. The next one was derivation of Pre Kannada and Proto-Tamil-Toda. Then Proto-Tamil-kodagu was derived while from Pre Kannda, modern kannada was derived. From Proto-Tamil-malayalum, Pre Tamil and Malayalum was derived. Todays Tamil was derived much later along with irula. The last derived South Indian language is Telugu.

www.boloji.com/places/0020a.htm script refers to the oldest members of the Brahmic family of alphabets. The best known inscriptions in Brahmi; are the rock-cut edicts of Ashoka, dating to the 3rd century BCE. These were long considered the earliest examples of Brahmi; writing, but recent archaeological evidence in South India[2] and Sri Lanka[3][4] suggest the dates for the earliest use of Brahmi, to be around the 6th century BCE, dated using radiocarbon dating and thermoluminescence, though these dates are controversial.

This script was ancestral to most of the scripts of South Asia, Southeast Asia, Tibet, and perhaps even Korean Hangul. The Brahmi; numeral system was the ancestor of the Hindu-Arabic numerals, which are now used world-wide.



The Tamil script evolved from an ancient southern form of the Brahmi script, but was also influenced by the Grantha script. It is currently used to write the Tamil language in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu as well as in Sri Lanka. Interestingly, the Tamil language is one of the oldest recorded languages in southern India. The earliest texts, written in the southern variant of Brahmi, date from just before the 1st century CE. Overtime the script changed, and by the 8th century CE the Tamil script has evolved into more or less its modern form.



The divide and rule of Britishers was the main cause of Aryan Dravidian theory. Whatever it is one should not forget that he is an Indian. The Term Aryan and Dravidians should be scrapped off from the minds of people to develope a super power India.

If an Aryan or a Dravidian becomes an obstruction in the developement of Indian then both Aryan and Dravidian should be prosecuted.

There is Only Indian. Indian. India in Dharmik India.

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