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Firm Believer in the Existence of the Supreme Person

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What is a firm believer in the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?


Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gita 9.10, Melbourne, 26 April, 1976: Mudha means asses - no intelligence. The ass carries tons of load on his back and especially in India the washermen they keep ass carrying the loads of cloth and he's given a little morsel of grass and he stands there always at the door of the washerman and just on his order he has to carry tons of load. Not a single cloth belongs to him but he carries and what is the exchange, a little grass. But this animal, this foolish animal cannot understand that, "I can get grass anywhere, why am I standing here to carry the loads of the washerman?" Therefore it is ass. Ass means he has no intelligence.

Simply for a little grass in exchange I am engaged to work whole day and night. So, the karmis, karmis means the fruitive actors, workers, practically you will find everyone of us, there're working so hard day and night, going here from the early in the morning four o'clock, but what are they eating?

Say, two chapaties, that's all. Or three chapaties. He has no sense. For two chapaties or three chapaties, why am I working so hard? That is ass. He has no question. He's working day and night. Don't take this ass the only ass. The so called hard worker he's also working like an ass, in exchange of, I have seen one big business man he was eating, drinking only a little tea and a morsel of toast. That's all, whole day. But he's bussy always, working very, very hard. So the karmis are considered as ass. But the grass is already there, the ass cannot see. Therefore sastra says, Narada Muni says, that why you're so bussy about your economic development? That is already ordered. You cannot get more what you're destined to get, neither you can get less, you'll get it! The human life is not meant for making arrangements for what I shall eat or where I shall sleep. This is already arranged. The human life is meant for as the Vedanta-sutra says, athato brahma jijnasa. But because we do not know the vedic sastra therefore we uneccessarily try to make economic development. There're so many hundreds and thousands of men who're working very hard, but does it mean that everyone is becoming millionaire? No, that is not possible. Even though you are working very, very hard, what you're destined, you'll get. A child born in a rich family, since its birth it is millionaire and another person throughout his life he has worked very hard, hardly he's gotten his two times food.

Why? There's the cause, maya dyaksena prakriti suryate sa caracaram, whatever you're destined, the management is in the hands of the Supreme. So, you cannot get more and you cannot get less. It is already destined. This believe, unless one is firmly a believer in the existence of the Supreme Person, God, one cannot believe it. He thinks, I shall improve my position. That is not possible. When I first came to America, I thought that America is so rich, there's no poor man. But when actually went there I saw that there're so many persons lying on the street. Why?

The country is rich, they have got ressources, everything, but why some men are lying on the street and some are very happy in otherwise? So, destination, destine, ordered things are there, this is the vedic instruction we get information, everything we'll get according to his karma. Destiny, the human life is only for inquiring about the aim of life, the sufferings of life, the absolute Person who's managing the whole affair. These inquiries should be there. The human being must inquire about these things, that is human life. In many places it is explained in different way, this human form of life is not meant for working so hard like the pigs, whole day and night, they're searching after food. This is not human life.


Melbourne, 26 April, 1976

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So what about the idle people who sponge off others? Who don't work hard at all and live a carefree life?


Are they asses? How?


You're not destined to get anything if you don't work hard for what you can get, so you must work hard to get what you can get. You have to work hard to fulfill your destiny, whatever that may be. Your destiny may allot you millions of dollars, but how are those millions going to come? Just by saying it's in your destiny doesn't mean you will get those millions if you don't work to get those millions.

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So what about the idle people who sponge off others? Who don't work hard at all and live a carefree life?


Are they asses? How?


You're not destined to get anything if you don't work hard for what you can get, so you must work hard to get what you can get. You have to work hard to fulfill your destiny, whatever that may be. Your destiny may allot you millions of dollars, but how are those millions going to come? Just by saying it's in your destiny doesn't mean you will get those millions if you don't work to get those millions.

How do you explain the many millions of people who work hard like asses and remain poor?


How do you explain those that take birth in rich families?


"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added to you."

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How do you explain the many millions of people who work hard like asses and remain poor?


How do you explain those that take birth in rich families?

Or take the President of the United States who bows down before a dog.




Did this dog work hard to have this life-style right in the White House, http://www.whitehouse.gov/ ? He even doesnt have to worry that people badmouth him sponging off others.

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It appears that working smarter not harder is the key to prosperity in the modern world.

Getting a good education appears to be more useful than just working hard like an ass.


So, it is not necessarily how hard you work, but how smart you work.


At least in within the parameters of modern American society it appears that education is generally more important than just working hard.


Otherwise, investing in real estate can lead to prosperity if one has the investment money or the financing skills to get into real estate.

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It appears that working smarter not harder is the key to prosperity in the modern world.

Getting a good education appears to be more useful than just working hard like an ass.


So, it is not necessarily how hard you work, but how smart you work.


At least in within the parameters of modern American society it appears that education is generally more important than just working hard.


Otherwise, investing in real estate can lead to prosperity if one has the investment money or the financing skills to get into real estate.


But sometimes it is not so much what you know but who you know;)


Hare Krsna


Jay Prabhupada

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But sometimes it is not so much what you know but who you know;)


Hare Krsna


Jay Prabhupada

That is quite true, but it is also one's karma concerning who one knows.

That can also change as you meet new people.


Some people inherit wealth without doing anything for it.

So, that is also karma coming into fruition.

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So, it is not necessarily how hard you work, but how smart you work.


Someone once said to Prabhupada, "Yes, it's all temporary I see that, but why not let me enjoy as much as I can before I go?" Prabhupada replied, "That's not intelligent. It is like if I offer for you to enjoy this beautiful woman here as much as you like, and when you are done, then I kill you. Can you enjoy? Where is that enjoyment?" Like the condemned man on death row, you can order whatever you like for your last meal, and in the morning you will be executed. So, how can he enjoy? Someone may object to this: "Yes, but the condemned man has only one day; we may have a hundred years." But actually there is no difference. It is just a question of time. Whether we have a day or a year or a hundred years, the fact is that whatever endeavor we make, whatever arrangement we make, whatever attachment we develop, however many friends and followers and worshipers, we will be taken away. We will be kicked out."

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How do you explain the many millions of people who work hard like asses and remain poor?

They (we) are exploited thanks to our demoniacs leaders pseudo-kshatryas, this is a fact. Is this our karma? I think that the answer is in the Vedic literature. we should take the example of Mother Earth in the tenth canto and others pastimes like from Lord Parasurama in srimad bhagavatam. She was suffering and meet Lord Brahma for help, later Vishnu said that He will descend to the Earth, at least Lord Vishnu never said her, sorry but is their karma. It is said in the scriptures that demonds incarnate in the earth as leaders often and The Lord has to descend to stop them, this world is not a patala loka, so personally I think that not all is our karma.


Leaders have the responsability to follow the scriptures injunctions and to protect all people, it is said in the srimad bhagavatam that a good king absorbe a large portion of good karma of all his population and if the king is corrupt and make suffer his subjects, a large portion of the bad karma of the subjects is transfered to the King.



How do you explain those that take birth in rich families?

First, How that family get the riches?


If that family got the riches by ilicit ways and/or are atheist or demoniac by nature so their progeny will not be very spiritual, I mean this is not a really good karma, often people with demoniac minds are attracted to riches, luxury and so on.


Personally I have a cousin that is very wealthy, she is from india and they get their riches working very hard.


I show her Krsna Consciousness and now is a wonderful devote.


Karma is very complex, at least in riches families people is not sufering for hunger or are not concerned with that things. Is very important to have that basic things to progress in spiritual life. In third world countries people is very worried to stay alive and have little time for spiritual understanding, all this thanks to our leaders.


Once an owner of an industry said "I you want to get rich, Don't work, let that others work for you, that is the secret."

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They (we) are exploited thanks to our demoniacs leaders pseudo-kshatryas, this is a fact.


That proves it wasn't their hard work that created their fate.



First, How that family get the riches?


If that family got the riches by ilicit ways and/or are atheist or demoniac by nature so their progeny will not be very spiritual, I mean this is not a really good karma, often people with demoniac minds are attracted to riches, luxury and so on.


That is not the point. You said only by hard work could one get riches. Spirituality has nothing to do with it. It is not by hard work as mentioned above it is by smart work that one can make gains in this life and the next.

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That proves it wasn't their hard work that created their fate.




That is not the point. You said only by hard work could one get riches. Spirituality has nothing to do with it. It is not by hard work as mentioned above it is by smart work that one can make gains in this life and the next.


With hard work I mean honest work. You can work hard bodily or mentally.


ask to our leaders if they get their riches with honest work, mostly all merchants and politicians never get their riches by honest means, you have to cheat, thieve, kill or exploit, that is not intelligence is astuteness. Krsna in the bhagavad gita is exposing all these people.


The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent. They believe that to gratify the senses unto the end of life is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being bound by hundreds and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification.

The demoniac person thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.

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ask to our leaders if they get their riches with honest work, mostly all merchants and politicians never get their riches by honest means, you have to cheat, thieve, kill or exploit, that is not intelligence is astuteness. Krsna in the bhagavad gita is exposing all these people.


I was speaking with an older lady, and she told me "I tought all my kids and grand-children to play cards..."


"Oh," I replied.


"Do you want to know why?" she asked.


"Why?" I asked, thinking it had something to do with numbers or math.


"So, they'd learn to cheat," she answered to my great suprise.


"Ah!" I thought to myself, "that's why I've never 'gotten ahead' in life!! I'm too honest!"

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With hard work I mean honest work. You can work hard bodily or mentally.


ask to our leaders if they get their riches with honest work, mostly all merchants and politicians never get their riches by honest means, you have to cheat, thieve, kill or exploit, that is not intelligence is astuteness. Krsna in the bhagavad gita is exposing all these people.


The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent. They believe that to gratify the senses unto the end of life is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being bound by hundreds and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification.

The demoniac person thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it and let it all happen.

Albert Einstein

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