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Rampant increase of divorce in India?

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Dr.Jogeshwar Mahanta

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Here is the consequence. Please ponder over.


Please find male -female difference in suicides between 1983 and 2005.

> >

> > 1983(BPR&D)

> >

> > Male 27260(58.5%)

> > Female 19319(41.5%)

> > _____________________

> >

> > Difference 7941(17%) (A)

> >

> > 2005(NCRB)

> >

> > Male 72916(64%)

> >

> > Female 40998(36%)

> > __________________

> >

> > Difference 31916(28%)(B)

> >

> > Difference between (B)-(A)=23967(11%)

> >

> > How do we explain this difference? What will be the fate of India?

> > regards

> >


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Brow beating does not help yar.


what do we do is the question.


please come out with ideas?




Well my understanding of Vedic philosophy is that about all you can do is chant the names of the Lord because as the Kali-yuga progresses things are likely to only get worse. I have always found civic activism and all that to be pretty much an exercise in frustration but whatever floats your boat. Good luck in your endeavor.

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Here is the consequence. Please ponder over.


Please find male -female difference in suicides between 1983 and 2005.

> >

> > 1983(BPR&D)

> >

> > Male 27260(58.5%)

> > Female 19319(41.5%)

> > _____________________

> >

> > Difference 7941(17%) (A)

> >

> > 2005(NCRB)

> >

> > Male 72916(64%)

> >

> > Female 40998(36%)

> > __________________

> >

> > Difference 31916(28%)(B)

> >

> > Difference between (B)-(A)=23967(11%)

> >

> > How do we explain this difference? What will be the fate of India?

> > regards

> >


<!-- / message -->


The fate of the whole world as I understand it from Vedic philosophy is that it is going to be filled with unwanted population and basically religion will be non-existant and the Kalki-Avatar will incarnate and restore religion to the world.

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God has endowed us with so many indriyas-chakshu, karna,nasa, jiwha,twak,bak, pada,pani,payu, upastha,chitta, manas,aham and dhi for utilization.


Is it an appropriate decision to keep all these unused and wait for kalki avtar? Perhaps it is allowing alasya,klanti,abasada,visada and tandra to over power us?


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God has endowed us with so many indriyas-chakshu, karna,nasa, jiwha,twak,bak, pada,pani,payu, upastha,chitta, manas,aham and dhi for utilization.


Is it an appropriate decision to keep all these unused and wait for kalki avtar? Perhaps it is allowing alasya,klanti,abasada,visada and tandra to over power us?




I don't know what all those things you are refering to are but if you have the ability and the means to influence people to live more religously than I think it is good to do all you can. It just seems most of the people trying to solve the problems in the world always want to leave God out of the equation and that never seems to work in my experience.

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Dear ancientmariner,


To be sure I am not peaching any religion. Every one is free to choose his/her religion.


But what is surprising to me that being concerned about human suffering means getting drifted away from God.


I see, in fact, a wonderful devotion to God which seems to be the general mood here.




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Dear ancientmariner,


To be sure I am not peaching any religion. Every one is free to choose his/her religion.


But what is surprising to me that being concerned about human suffering means getting drifted away from God.


I see, in fact, a wonderful devotion to God which seems to be the general mood here.






Fair enough but my point is that at least according to Vedic Philosophy the way I understand the only way to really help people end suffering is to awaken their Krsna Consciousness. I don't mean to say that caring about human suffering makes you drift away from God. The point is that most philanthropists in the world today think they can end suffering without God and I disagree. Here is a quote that explains it somewhat:


Performs Welfare Work for Everyone


It is stated in the Krishna book story of Sudama Brahmana that when loving service is rendered to Lord Krishna, the entire creation benefits. Thus, a pure devotee of the Lord, who always engages in devotional service, performs welfare work for everyone. This welfare work is nothing like mundane philanthropy, which provides unfortunate persons with material facilities to temporarily offset their suffering condition; rather, it is meant to completely extricate them from material existence and award them an eternal blissful life in the spiritual realm.

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There is rampant increase in divorce in India. The increase goes unabated.


Are indian matrimonial civil and criminal laws are responsible for destruction of Indian family life?




Prabhupada tried to get India to return to the ways of the Vedas as far as I know. Apparently India is still following the ways of the West. I guess keep trying to broadcast the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and hope like hell the people listen. After that I don't know what to do because as far as I know even in Indian religous tradition people have freewill and you can't force them to stay married.

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Dear ancientmariner,


Deaspite wisoms of Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras and Puranas we are groping in miseries.


If the enlightened men failed to arrest the degeneration of human societies then room is left to ponder over.


But be sure there will be no Kalki incarnation in any future of humanity.


The degeneration is to be altered by persons like you and me,if at all, by His grace.



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Dear ancientmariner,


Deaspite wisoms of Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras and Puranas we are groping in miseries.


If the enlightened men failed to arrest the degeneration of human societies then room is left to ponder over.


But be sure there will be no Kalki incarnation in any future of humanity.


The degeneration is to be altered by persons like you and me,if at all, by His grace.





Well I pray that you are right and Krishna has empowered you with the ability to reduce divorce in India and hopefully in other countries. Best of luck in your noble pursuit. I tend to be a bit of a cynic and think humanity is going to continue to degrade more and more until the arrival of the Kalki-avatar but there may be brief periods in the Kali-yuga where people become more religous, who knows for sure. More power to you and I hope Krishna blesses you and your family.

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Well I pray that you are right and Krishna has empowered you with the ability to reduce divorce in India and hopefully in other countries. Best of luck in your noble pursuit. I tend to be a bit of a cynic and think humanity is going to continue to degrade more and more until the arrival of the Kalki-avatar but there may be brief periods in the Kali-yuga where people become more religous, who knows for sure. More power to you and I hope Krishna blesses you and your family.


Thank you ancientmariner for your blessing.


A drop of water does not make an ocean.


Cynicysm yes, it visits me too at times and then Iask Him -why have you sent me here then if I can not work?


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There is rampant increase in divorce in India. The increase goes unabated.


Are indian matrimonial civil and criminal laws are responsible for destruction of Indian family life?



divorce rates are going up everywhere, it is a part of a larger problem: the human society is becaming more and more animalistic. this is how Kali yuga progresses.


the dam is leaking in hundreds of places - fixing one leak does not solve the problem.

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How the dam itself be reconstructed then?



This is a very good but difficult (and frustrating question).


Human society is the interplay of many factors. I am a westerner but I was told that prior to marriage in India the Bride and the Groom must go through days or weeks of marriage preparation and counciling so that they will be ready for marriage.


Perhaps this is no longer required, and thus divorce has risen?


Or is it that like Western secular societies India is starting to embrace (what I consider false) views about autonomy and individual freedom?


If this is the case then it will be an uphill battle in the government and the courts. Look at what is happening in the West: (1) Mother and Father are no longer considered necessary for the child (single parents, gay marriage), (2) some have said that religious instruction of son or daughter is child abuse (Richard Dawkins), (3) Women feel they have an absolute right to murder their babies if they don't want them (abortion), (4) Some in america want the age of sexual consent to be lowered to 13 years of age (ACLU). And it goes on and on.


These are the abuses of a false understanding of autonomy and individual freedom, which is usually refered to as liberalism. Liberalism is killing the traditional values of the Western culture and if India is not careful Liberalism, like a plauge of locusts, will slowly destroy its culture. In this age of the Kali Yuga I don't know if it can be stopped.


I wish I had a simple solution but there is not one. Theocracy is not the answer, but I think on some level a government has got to recognize certain Spiritual truths. If it does not it will almost inexorably go down the path of secular liberalism and devolve in to coutnries like the Netherlands.


I am praying for Divine help:



Whenever spirituality decays and materialism is rampant, then, O Arjuna! I reincarnate Myself. To protect the righteous, to destroy the wicked, and to establish the kingdom of God, I am reborn from age to age."


Bhagavad Gita, IV, 7-8

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God is not going to reincarnate any more my dear friends.


500 threads here on divorce means 6%. that is, at least 6% persons in this site have either divorce problem or divorce concern. this is 'world review' forum. Let them show their faces, present their views and pledge to re-establish Vedic culture and see how others are co-operating.


Unless this is done the "happy and healthy" India mission of Swami Ramdev baba will remain just as an utopia.


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God is not going to reincarnate any more my dear friends.


500 threads here on divorce means 6%. that is, at least 6% persons in this site have either divorce problem or divorce concern. this is 'world review' forum. Let them show their faces, present their views and pledge to re-establish Vedic culture and see how others are co-operating.


Unless this is done the "happy and healthy" India mission of Swami Ramdev baba will remain just as an utopia.



Sounds like a noble soul but there really isn't any happiness in the material world. Even family life is generally not very happy but I guess it can be if the partners practice Krsna Consciousness. So the only real way to be happy is to be engaged in the service of Krsna and the easiest way to do that in Kali-yuga is to chant the Hare Krisna mantra. A "happy and healthy" mission is noble in the sense that if people are healthy they might be more inclined to engage in Krsna Consciousness but people even turn to Krsna Consciousness out of distress so who knows. Best of luck in your pursuits.

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How the dam itself be reconstructed then?



I think you have to work on making people realize their spiritual nature. Thus they will be less animalistic, less egotistical, and less prone to whimsical material pursuits of happiness such as divorce.


The dam is built by millions of twigs working individually and collectively. We are just twigs.

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This is a very good but difficult (and frustrating question).


Human society is the interplay of many factors. I am a westerner but I was told that prior to marriage in India the Bride and the Groom must go through days or weeks of marriage preparation and counciling so that they will be ready for marriage.


Perhaps this is no longer required, and thus divorce has risen?


Or is it that like Western secular societies India is starting to embrace (what I consider false) views about autonomy and individual freedom?


If this is the case then it will be an uphill battle in the government and the courts. Look at what is happening in the West: (1) Mother and Father are no longer considered necessary for the child (single parents, gay marriage), (2) some have said that religious instruction of son or daughter is child abuse (Richard Dawkins), (3) Women feel they have an absolute right to murder their babies if they don't want them (abortion), (4) Some in america want the age of sexual consent to be lowered to 13 years of age (ACLU). And it goes on and on.


These are the abuses of a false understanding of autonomy and individual freedom, which is usually refered to as liberalism. Liberalism is killing the traditional values of the Western culture and if India is not careful Liberalism, like a plauge of locusts, will slowly destroy its culture. In this age of the Kali Yuga I don't know if it can be stopped.


I wish I had a simple solution but there is not one. Theocracy is not the answer, but I think on some level a government has got to recognize certain Spiritual truths. If it does not it will almost inexorably go down the path of secular liberalism and devolve in to coutnries like the Netherlands.


I am praying for Divine help:



Maybe God is allowing Europe to become overtaken by the Muslims because at least the Muslims are ultimately theistic whereas it seems Europe has devolved into atheists. Same thing with Mexicans taking over America as ultimately the Mexicans seem to be a pretty theistic people. Whereas Americans have seemingly turned to atheism over disenfranchisement with organized Christianity and various other forms of disillusionment.

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Maybe God is allowing Europe to become overtaken by the Muslims because at least the Muslims are ultimately theistic whereas it seems Europe has devolved into atheists. Same thing with Mexicans taking over America as ultimately the Mexicans seem to be a pretty theistic people. Whereas Americans have seemingly turned to atheism over disenfranchisement with organized Christianity and various other forms of disillusionment.



And India is plagued with communist thoughts, abolition of family and community of women.


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