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Hare Krsna !


I've had one of 3 weird experiences just last morning and thought I'd share it. It's not a spiritual one just a little mystical.


Last morning I awoke and my eyes stopped in the half open position. At that moment I had a compelling feeling suggesting I was about to leave my body. So in fraction of a second I decided to go to my gym (don't ask why). I felt that I was exiting this gross body slowly and saw extremely bright lights and thunderous sounds! I became very afraid so I thought against it - the lights and sounds slowly drowned out and my right ear began to ring exaggeratedly. Finally the ringing stopped..and I fully opened my eyes and got up (in my gross body). I'd never been so afraid in my life!

This was definetly not a dream - when my eyes were half open I could clearly see the clock on my bedside cupboard and the swivel chair there.


I regret getting scared and not being able to exit and see what it was like. Ah well!


Maybe someone's had similar experiences?


Hare Krsna



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Hare Krsna !


I've had one of 3 weird experiences just last morning and thought I'd share it. It's not a spiritual one just a little mystical.


Last morning I awoke and my eyes stopped in the half open position. At that moment I had a compelling feeling suggesting I was about to leave my body. So in fraction of a second I decided to go to my gym (don't ask why). I felt that I was exiting this gross body slowly and saw extremely bright lights and thunderous sounds! I became very afraid so I thought against it - the lights and sounds slowly drowned out and my right ear began to ring exaggeratedly. Finally the ringing stopped..and I fully opened my eyes and got up (in my gross body). I'd never been so afraid in my life!

This was definetly not a dream - when my eyes were half open I could clearly see the clock on my bedside cupboard and the swivel chair there.


I regret getting scared and not being able to exit and see what it was like. Ah well!


Maybe someone's had similar experiences?


Hare Krsna




Sounds like you were stuck in the hypnogogic state which is that state half way between sleep and wakefullness. A most wonderful place I think. From that state astral projection can be done consciously. Fear held you back.


Often just before exiting the body a tremendous ringing comes upon one. I have experienced this many times and it is note in some metaphysical books on astral projection. I have never heard of it in one ear only.


Fear held you back. It's natural the first time you hear it. If someone hasn't heard what we are speaking of they can't imagine how absolutely intense that ringing is. The trick is to not fear anything and to just relax into it. Take the ringing as a signal to relax.


Once relaxed a similarily intense feeling of vibration may overtake you. That is an astral sensation and also a signal to relax. Once relaxed you can then will yourself out of your body and either go visit some earthly place like a gym or better yet a temple where you can be an unseen observer (a friendly ghost) or you can go deeper in the complete astral dimension where if you desire is such you will find astral kirtans taking place and you can join in and be seen as a full participant by the others.


The important thing is that whether in the body or out of the body always chant Hare Krsna. If in the astral it will greatly determine where you end up and what you experience.


Don't have any regrets. It was a learning experience. When these things first started happening to me I was a teenager and never even heard of astral bodies or exiting my physical body. It just blew my mind. :eek:


This is definetly a wild a whacky universe. Let's have some fun investigating while we are here and remembering the Lord in the heart is always with us.

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Sounds like you were stuck in the hypnogogic state which is that state half way between sleep and wakefullness. A most wonderful place I think. From that state astral projection can be done consciously. Fear held you back.


Often just before exiting the body a tremendous ringing comes upon one. I have experienced this many times and it is note in some metaphysical books on astral projection. I have never heard of it in one ear only.


Fear held you back. It's natural the first time you hear it. If someone hasn't heard what we are speaking of they can't imagine how absolutely intense that ringing is. The trick is to not fear anything and to just relax into it. Take the ringing as a signal to relax.


Once relaxed a similarily intense feeling of vibration may overtake you. That is an astral sensation and also a signal to relax. Once relaxed you can then will yourself out of your body and either go visit some earthly place like a gym or better yet a temple where you can be an unseen observer (a friendly ghost) or you can go deeper in the complete astral dimension where if you desire is such you will find astral kirtans taking place and you can join in and be seen as a full participant by the others.


The important thing is that whether in the body or out of the body always chant Hare Krsna. If in the astral it will greatly determine where you end up and what you experience.


Don't have any regrets. It was a learning experience. When these things first started happening to me I was a teenager and never even heard of astral bodies or exiting my physical body. It just blew my mind. :eek:


This is definetly a wild a whacky universe. Let's have some fun investigating while we are here and remembering the Lord in the heart is always with us.

Hare Krsna!


Excellent post Theist! Very interesting indeed! Upon fully waking up I thought I should have picked a temple - perhaps if it happens again I shall!

Tell me - when such things happen to you are you able to varify atleast some of the things that you have seen? Speaking on this earthly plane - say you using your subtle body proceeded to a temple you've been to. Have you been able to varify what you saw by going there in your physical body?


Thanks so much for your reply Theist



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Sounds like you might have been attacked by a strong ghost or subtle being.


Sometimes when we sleep we get attacked by ghosts who try to possess our bodies.


I have had a number of such experiences.


These ghosts come and go and pass through occasionaly.


Don't worry about it.


Keep a large bell or a gong near your bed and when you feel like something strange is around just ring the bell or beat the gong and the vibrations will drive the subtle beings away by clearing the ether.


Chanting the names of Vishnu are always good in these situations but if your chanting is not pure then might have some luck with mechanical methods like bells and gongs.

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I noticed that the forum software automatically prevents posting a topic with all capital letters. In this case, it's somewhat significant.


Perhaps the thread was started as "OBE", but the software renders it "Obe". I suppose the clearest presentation would have been "O.B.E." so it's clear that there's an acronym being used (for "Out of Body Experience").


When I saw "Obe", I thought the discussion was going to be about some Japanese monk, or something similar.


Still, an interesting thread!

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I noticed that the forum software automatically prevents posting a topic with all capital letters. In this case, it's somewhat significant.


Perhaps the thread was started as "OBE", but the software renders it "Obe". I suppose the clearest presentation would have been "O.B.E." so it's clear that there's an acronym being used (for "Out of Body Experience").


When I saw "Obe", I thought the discussion was going to be about some Japanese monk, or something similar.


Still, an interesting thread!


I thought it was going to be about Obe Wan Kenobi.

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Sounds like you might have been attacked by a strong ghost or subtle being.


Sometimes when we sleep we get attacked by ghosts who try to possess our bodies.


I have had a number of such experiences.


These ghosts come and go and pass through occasionaly.


Don't worry about it.


Keep a large bell or a gong near your bed and when you feel like something strange is around just ring the bell or beat the gong and the vibrations will drive the subtle beings away by clearing the ether.


Chanting the names of Vishnu are always good in these situations but if your chanting is not pure then might have some luck with mechanical methods like bells and gongs.


Prabhu I find this hard to believe because the night before that eventful morning myself along with my father and mother were reciting the Vishnusahasranama. My parents are very devout and chant it several times a day. Through those sound vibrations I am confident that this house is "clean".

I didn't feel the presence of any other being either.




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I noticed that the forum software automatically prevents posting a topic with all capital letters. In this case, it's somewhat significant.


Perhaps the thread was started as "OBE", but the software renders it "Obe". I suppose the clearest presentation would have been "O.B.E." so it's clear that there's an acronym being used (for "Out of Body Experience").


When I saw "Obe", I thought the discussion was going to be about some Japanese monk, or something similar.


Still, an interesting thread!


Hahahaha! I thought I titled it "OBE" !! Now I know I did.


Thanks for letting me know



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I believe in mystical experiences, but is it possible that you had a mild stroke?



Prabhu I find this hard to believe because the night before that eventful morning myself along with my father and mother were reciting the Vishnusahasranama. My parents are very devout and chant it several times a day. Through those sound vibrations I am confident that this house is "clean".

I didn't feel the presence of any other being either.




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Hmmmm...that *would* be an iteresting thread--comparing Jedi and Vaishnava theology!


Just don't give me any of that "mitachlorian" crap!!! Lucas destroyed the mysticism and mystery by introducing that bit of sci-fi crud as an explanation for "The Force".


I agree that "mitachlorian" crap was horrible and basically ruined the whole thing.

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Hare Krsna!


Excellent post Theist! Very interesting indeed! Upon fully waking up I thought I should have picked a temple - perhaps if it happens again I shall!

Tell me - when such things happen to you are you able to varify atleast some of the things that you have seen? Speaking on this earthly plane - say you using your subtle body proceeded to a temple you've been to. Have you been able to varify what you saw by going there in your physical body?


Thanks so much for your reply Theist




If you place the thought of going to a temple deep into your subconscious prior to such an experience it will come up readily when needed. This is called a post hypnotic suggestion. The more specific the better. Like have a certain temple in mind and see yourself before a particular murti.


The experiences I described happened to me spontaneously and frequently during one phase of my life and I never pursued it. Here is an example of one experience that will illustrate why.


One night I awoke to find myself standing up in my bedroom. I looked around the room and all seemed normal until I looked at my bed and saw my body lying their asleep. Then I noticed my bedroom window was wide open and the curtains pulled back with a strong wind blowing them. This was in the middle of winter in Oregon and it was very cold and I always shut my window. At that moment a brilliant purple mist came floating in and started moving towards my body lying in the bed. I suddenly realized this mist was my step-brother who had been murdered a couple years before (while drunk I might add) and he was wanting to enter my body to get back into the family and be close to his mother. I made a mental move towards my body and that is the last thing I remember. Apparently I beat him to the form because I woke up in the morning still covered by it. Glad it wasn't a tie.:D I would hate to share this thing with an alcoholic.


That and some other experiences (some quite frightening) convinced me that if I am to leave me body and travel about then Krsna will take me. Let it arise spontaneously when I am more spiritually sound and it would be welcomed. Otherwise I will wait for death. I have been harrassed by ghosts at different times in my life and don't want any more of it. I have seen some very strange beings and don't need to see anymore.


BTW every time I have been attacked in the astral I was rescued by the loud calling out of the Holy Name.

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I woke up once and everyone outside was chanting Hare Krsna loudly, kirtana parties everywhere. I became really happy and the great burden was lifted. Then I really woke up and found it had been a dream about waking up.


Ha ha. In is out. Up is down. What is daytime for the world is night for the introspective sage.

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I woke up once and everyone outside was chanting Hare Krsna loudly, kirtana parties everywhere. I became really happy and the great burden was lifted. Then I really woke up and found it had been a dream about waking up.


That sounds like you spiritually woke up while you were sleeping and then materially woke up while you were spiritually awake and went spiritually back to sleep when you materially woke up.:D

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