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I've had one of 3 weird experiences just last morning and thought I'd share it. It's not a spiritual one just a little mystical.


Last morning I awoke and my eyes stopped in the half open position. At that moment I had a compelling feeling suggesting I was about to leave my body. So in fraction of a second I decided to go to my gym (don't ask why). I felt that I was exiting this gross body slowly and saw extremely bright lights and thunderous sounds! I became very afraid so I thought against it - the lights and sounds slowly drowned out and my right ear began to ring exaggeratedly. Finally the ringing stopped..and I fully opened my eyes and got up (in my gross body). I'd never been so afraid in my life!

This was definetly not a dream - when my eyes were half open I could clearly see the clock on my bedside cupboard and the swivel chair there.


I regret getting scared and not being able to exit and see what it was like. Ah well!


Maybe someone's had similar experiences? ...Or can explain?


mohan krishna

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