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14th Descendent of Lord Sri Sri Nityananda Mahaprabhu

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Today it read, "Prabhupad Premgopal Goswami comes to give class in Vienna. Prabhupad Premgopal Goswami is the 14th great-grandchild of Lord Nityananda and the direct current link to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu". Somebody asked this question, how can we know if this is actually a bonafide representative of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement? http://nityananda-vamsa.org/index1.htm




Prabhupad Premgopal Goswami


Sri Sri Radha Madanmohan Temple

39, Brajananda Goswami Road

P.o. Nabadwip

District Nadia

State Westbengal

Pin Code 741302, India




Prabhupada Sri Premgopal Goswami

email prabhupada14 @ nityananda-vamsa.org

premgopalgosvami @ .co.in

phone no. (03472) 242001 (residence)

9434342561 (mobile)




Ananda (web site only)




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The only thing that really counts as far as I am concerned is the degree and quality of Krishna consciousness.

The genetic connection accounts for nothing in my book.

Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta has described a struggle between Srila Saraswati Goswami and the Nityananda vamsha to break the monopoly that they had been claiming for several hundred years.

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Nectar of Devotion ch. 5



In the Middle Ages, after the disappearance of Lord Caitanya's great

associate Lord Nityananda, a class of priestly persons claimed to be the

descendants of Nityananda, calling themselves the gosvami caste. They further

claimed that the practice and spreading of devotional service belonged only to

their particular class, which was known as Nityananda-vamsa. In this way, they

exercised their artificial power for some time, until Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Thakura, the powerful acarya of the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya,

completely smashed their idea. There was a great hard struggle for some time,

but it has turned out successfully, and it is now correctly and practically

established that devotional service is not restricted to a particular class of

men. Besides that, anyone who is engaged in devotional service is already at the

status of being a high-class brahmana. So Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Thakura's struggle for this movement has come out successful.

It is on the basis of his position that anyone can now become a Gaudiya

Vaisnava, from any part of the world or any part of the universe. Anyone who is

a pure Vaisnava is situated transcendentally, and therefore the highest

qualification in the material world, namely to be in the mode of goodness, has

already been achieved by such a person. Our Krsna consciousness movement in the

Western world is based on the above-mentioned proposition of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada, our spiritual master. On his

authority, we are claiming members from all sections of the Western countries.

The so-called brahmanas claim that one who is not born into a brahmana family

cannot receive the sacred thread and cannot become a high-grade Vaisnava. But we

do not accept such a theory, because it is not supported by Rupa Gosvami nor by

the strength of the various scriptures.

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The only thing that really counts as far as I am concerned is the degree and quality of Krishna consciousness.

The genetic connection accounts for nothing in my book.

Srila Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta has described a struggle between Srila Saraswati Goswami and the Nityananda vamsha to break the monopoly that they had been claiming for several hundred years.

Thanks for your post, in other words, you mean to say, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja was a reformer who felt that the monopoly on the guru institution held by hereditary disciplic lines like Nityananda-Vamsa disturbed the flow of spiritual life and would lead to corruption? And therefore he led a determined crusade to break this monopoly by Nityananda-Vamsa?


One accusation levelled by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja against the Nityananda-Vamsa hereditary disciplic lines is that the Nityananda-Vamsa hereditary disciplic lines did not accept the idea that a Vaishnava of any caste is spiritually superior to a brahmana born in a brahmana family, which in Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja's understanding made Nityananda-Vamsa unworthy from spiritual point of view.


Through the Gaudiya-Math, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja wished to transform the entire situation of Gaudiya-Vaishnavism through what he called daiva-varnasrama and the symbol of his break with contemporary hereditary Gaudiya Vaisnavism was his understanding of the meaning of parampara. Thus Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja did not wish to take initiation from his own father because this would have contravened his principled stand against such family connections as preached by the Nityananda-Vamsa lineage. This led him to seek initiation from Srila Gaura Kishor das Babaji, a pure Vaishnava of great reputation, living in Nabadwip.

But what is the present understanding of the Nityananda-Vamsa lineage towards Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja's mission? Do they consider it as failure?

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Personally, I think the ad that is this topic should not be allowed.


Such advertising could give some people the wrong idea and cause them diversion from the authentic Saraswata sampradaya.

But why is it that Nityananda-Vamsa is regularly invited by this GM temple/Puri Maharaja in Vienna? Is this to be considered as breaking away from the authentic Saraswata sampradaya?

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But why is it that Nityananda-Vamsa is regularly invited by this GM temple/Puri Maharaja in Vienna? Is this to be considered as breaking away from the authentic Saraswata sampradaya?

You would have to ask them about that.

If they come then it might be good for them.:D


All kinds of things go on nowadays.

Without a powerful acharya around to keep on eye on things who knows why such things are going on?

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You would have to ask them about that.

If they come then it might be good for them.:D


All kinds of things go on nowadays.

Without a powerful acharya around to keep on eye on things who knows why such things are going on?

So you mean to say that these people (Nityananda-Vamsa/Premgopal) reject Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja's mission?

This is a scandal - that Nityananda-Vamsa was invited by some ex-Harikes disciples in Vienna, who first rejected ISKCON and joined Puri Maharaja and now reject the Saraswata sampradaya alltogether and invite Nityananda-Vamsa, who are offensive against Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja! It never rains but it pours!

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Do you know what Premgopal Goswami teaches? Do you know his standard of devotion or sadhana? If you do not, why criticize?


The Saraswata sampradaya had their share of scandals and deviants - should we reject that GV line because of that? NOBODY has the patent on truth and devotion, neither the Saraswatas nor the Nityananda-vamsis.

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Do you know what Premgopal Goswami teaches? Do you know his standard of devotion or sadhana? If you do not, why criticize?


The Saraswata sampradaya had their share of scandals and deviants - should we reject that GV line because of that? NOBODY has the patent on truth and devotion, neither the Saraswatas nor the Nityananda-vamsis.


Thanks Kula, therefore I posted this in the spiritual discussion section - to get qualified feedback!

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Do you know what Premgopal Goswami teaches? Do you know his standard of devotion or sadhana? If you do not, why criticize?


The Saraswata sampradaya had their share of scandals and deviants - should we reject that GV line because of that? NOBODY has the patent on truth and devotion, neither the Saraswatas nor the Nityananda-vamsis.


Saraswata disciples should not be prostituting their spiritual life out to every Vaishnava that claims to represent Lord Nityananda.


I don't know what he teaches and I don't care because whatever it is it is none of my business.

My spiritual master doesn't come from that parivar and it is not proper for me to be taking in the propaganda of that camp.


For sure, they do not represent the Saraswata Gaudiya school.

Saraswata devotees should keep to themselves.

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Saraswata disciples should not be prostituting their spiritual life out to every Vaishnava that claims to represent Lord Nityananda.


are you sure this is indeed a case of prostitution? :eek3:


what ever happened to respecting other Vaishnavas? You dont think one can be both truly advanced and a descendant of Lord Nityananda?

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You dont think one can be both truly advanced and a descendant of Lord Nityananda?

Anything is possible.

But, there is such a marked difference between the Saraswatas and jati Goswamis that in order to prevent problems and controversy the Saraswata devotees should keep to themselves and not mingle freely with such Vaishnavas.


To keep the Saraswata parivar on track with the Saraswata acharyas, there cannot be all this mixing and mingling out of sentimental feelings about the glory of the descendents of Lord Nityananda.


We are not out to criticize or condemn.

But, keeping apples and oranges in different bags is the proper conduct.


The Saraswata acharyas have spread the KC movement all over the world.

The jati Goswamis should not be getting in on the accomplishments of the Saraswata acharyas and taking followers out of the KC movement.

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what ever happened to respecting other Vaishnavas?


It doesn't have to mean disrespect.

Understanding the differences which complicate the relationship or the lack thereof does not have to mean disrespect.


Just because a wife is chaste to her husband that does not mean that she disrespects other men.

She keeps to herself and avoids other men because it is the proper conduct.


We respect them from a distance - not up close.

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The Saraswata acharyas have spread the KC movement all over the world.

The jati Goswamis should not be getting in on the accomplishments of the Saraswata acharyas and taking followers out of the KC movement.


The Saraswata acharyas have opened the West to Vaishnavism in general. That is a great achievement, but that does not make West their exclusive property. This is a very miserly thinking. Who knows, maybe Mahaprabhu's movement was always meant to be very broad? Being afraid of competition is a vaishya mentality.

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It doesn't have to mean disrespect.

Understanding the differences which complicate the relationship or the lack thereof does not have to mean disrespect.


You said earlier:

"Saraswata disciples should not be prostituting their spiritual life out to every Vaishnava that claims to represent Lord Nityananda."


I doubt very much that statements like that indicate respect. Quite the contrary.


The way many Saraswata followers openly show respect to other religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam but are expressly hostile to the very closely related GV sects smacks of partiality, philosophical imbalance, and emotionalism.

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The Saraswata acharyas have opened the West to Vaishnavism in general. That is a great achievement, but that does not make West their exclusive property. This is a very miserly thinking. Who knows, maybe Mahaprabhu's movement was always meant to be very broad? Being afraid of competition is a vaishya mentality.


The Saraswata acharyas have established standards, safeguards, guidelines and principles for devotees of the KC movement to adhere to.


Those devotees who opt to circumvent the Saraswata doctrine and go to "traditional" parivars are betraying their acharyas and committing offense.


Everyone has free choice to do as they choose.


Personally, I think such conduct is offensive, improper and ungrateful.

That is just my opinion, but most all the Saraswata gurus I know of do not condone or approve of such behaviours.


Anybody can do anything they want.


But, if a devotee of the KC movement betrays the directives of the Saraswata acharyas and makes up his own standards that violate the directives of the Saraswata acharyas, then he will be seen as a renegade by all the leading devotees of the Saraswata school.


I guess certain ISKCON devotees that got burned by the host of fallen ISKCON gurus might feel disgruntled and dissatisfied with ISKCON and out of revenge resort to other alien parivars that are not in accord with the Saraswata school.


I can sympathize with them to some degree, but really none of the Saraswata gurus approve of Saraswata devotees mixing and mingling with outside parivars very intimately.

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Prabhupad Premgopal Goswami is the 14th great-grandchild of Lord Nityananda and the direct current link to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu

The followers of Bhaktisiddhanta do not accept that there are descendants of Nityananda prabhu existing today. It is a made up claim. As such, their sole claim to authority (their birth line) is a lie. Without their claim to fame, they have no authority to represent Sri Caitanya, as they themselves state their authority comes from their supposed birth in the family of Nityananda.


Furthermore, they are not "the" direct link to Caitanya Mahaprabhu today, as they have advertised. That indicates that they accept no others as direct links to Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are offenders to the lotus feet of the real direct links to Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Those who have no respect for Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur have no business being invited into his Mathas and temples. These followers of Puri Maharaja are probably deviants with no authorization from Puri Maharaja, though I cannot say for sure. It seems to be the speculation of his disciples in Vienna.

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The way many Saraswata followers openly show respect to other religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam but are expressly hostile to the very closely related GV sects smacks of partiality, philosophical imbalance, and emotionalism.


All camps, schools and religious sects are protective of their own doctrine.

The Saraswata Gaudiyas do not have to open themselves up to all sorts of ideas, parivars and religious conceptions in the name of respecting others.


Keeping to one's own family and not mingling with anything and everything there is does not prove hatred or prejudice.


Just as a faithful wife does not mingle with other men, there is nothing wrong with the Saraswata Gaudiyas keeping to themselves and not inviting anybody and everybody to offer guidance or instruction.

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Prabhupada: In Bengal... Just like they say nityananda-vamsa. Coming from Nityananda. So Nityananda had one son, Virabhadra. But Virabhadra did not marry. So there is no dynasty by semina. By nityananda-vamsa means by disciplic succession. So sometimes extra advantage was taken as nityananda-vamsa.



If these devotees in Vienna are confused that nityananda-vamsa is actually hostile towards Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja mission as such this might be their being not informed, however, HH Sadhu Maharaja should actually know what is the situation.



Prabhupad Premgopal Goswami giving blessings to Sadhu Maharaj



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Prabhupada: In Bengal... Just like they say nityananda-vamsa. Coming from Nityananda. So Nityananda had one son, Virabhadra. But Virabhadra did not marry. So there is no dynasty by semina. By nityananda-vamsa means by disciplic succession. So sometimes extra advantage was taken as nityananda-vamsa.





so, what is their claim?

I wonder how their claim to bloodline is supposed to work.

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