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Everything got time LIMIT

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Yeah, everything's got time limit. Even the so called Gods/goddesses. So, it's likely to occupy the great livings like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus and so on.

Human mind always have misunderstood the great masters at their presence and later they worship them as the God. Because the God never complaints.

We gotta come out of our timidness to fathom the truth. But we must be daring enough to get burnt. Burning in self. Burning all the evils to the ashes. IT's much more tough to fight own than fighting the world. TO fight with oneself, the only available weapon is the guidance of Living Guru.


Worshiping Krishna and other great masters gives us the serenity, and the mental peace but it won't make us capable enough to face the harsh world. Tomorrow the day will come when before stepping out of the door we'd be thinking thousands time. In that time what will help us stand firm ???

Mere worshiping won't. We need the Divine power to make us spit on the face of even the Death, so how we gonna acquire it??? Sadhana, is only the way out. But where to find it???


For it you gotta be longing and keep your search ...nothing comes easily...keep on searching. Live your life to the fullest facing every hurdle like a real MAN, full of energy( man, in the sense of vigor, m not talking the male).


Worshiping won't help us in coming days.


May the peace prevail

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