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kali yuga realization

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From "Lunch with the Crocodiles",

a new internet project by mahaksadasa




"Before one can even approach understanding adherants and propagators of a particular lifestyle, the actual lifestyle must be defined. To understand the overpowering influence of Kali Yuga, we must analyze both it's covert and overt characteristics. Kali Yuga refers to the present age calculated by the most ancient of calandar systems. Beginning approximately 3,000 years before the Christian era, this age began with a partial annihilation of all humankind. Weapons of mass destruction were released. Very few survivors of this cataclysm are recorded in various cultural and historical accounts. The Great Flood, Ragnarok, the world war clash of powerful, undefeatable dynasties - these stories have different plots, but the results are quite the same. Only handfuls of human survivors were given shelter underground for many generations. Hints of past great civilizations, some whose accomplishments dwarf our present so-called advancement, are only crudely depicted on cave walls, drawn by injured and tormented mutants without food, water, or access to fresh air and sunlight. Much speculation has been given as to the meaning of the glyphs and cunieform, but it is natural storytelling that is the basis of interhuman relationship and passing lore from parent to child. Animals are mostly drawn from memory, as these generations had no direct experiance of such things. Hunting was depicted as art impossible to put into practice."


"The age of Kali Yuga is characterized by three sociopathic traits. Quarrelling amongst the species, creation of chaos by every social endeavor from government formation to establishment of religious systems, and utter confusion about the simplest of matters. Agents of Kali Yuga facillitate, quite overtly, the quarrel, chaos, and confusion of the age, so an expose is not necessary to describe these activities. Analysis of the so-called standards of excellence in present society clearly show these three items fully represented."


"Kali Yuga is also personalized by ancient science. Residence is provided in four places, where austerity is seen as a primative way of life, where cleanliness is not deemed necessary, where mercy is unavailable from any source, and where disinformation is accepted as absolute truth. Openly, agents have no trouble convincing those who think that the biological form is the actual self. Disregard for spiritual essence of the self is easy to preach in this realm, so it is not hard to make those of hedonistic traits to increase their desire for intoixication, which increases anger and removes all concepts of mercy from the heart. It is not difficult to convince the masses to increase their sex urge by any means, creating an unclean environment. To play games of chance is attractive when the promise of divine lifestyles in the biological form is the lure. And satisfying the tongue, even at the expense of the entire physical form, disregards even the austerity required to keep fit, let alone as working to solve the problems of birth and death."

TBC (maybe)

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for years. writin about the future, and then having it accelerate exactly as it was written is scary. It started out as "Outta Kon Troll", a look at the future in 1993, but then the future happened, the same uncanny way it was described in the book. Then it became "AKY", but I lost some awesome characters in that revitalization. I posted bits and pieces, but it rang too true. The story is survival campfires, the crying philosopher comes from the dark fog and sits down.


Sorry, no happy ending, no ending at all. Toxic fog on one side, a campfire of hope on the other.


Kinda like "marylyn manson jammin with the doodlebops", or "snow white and the three cabilleros".


Kipu'Ka is a book of life, lunch is the mahaksadasa book of the dead (not jerry & co, the other ones.)

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