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The Untimely Passing of Great Devotees

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For Vaishnavas it might be something like a tightrope walk, is it more important to awaken the conditioned souls to understand their eternal relationship with Lord Sri Krishna or to go back home to Krishna's eternal abode for one's own spiritual sake?


"One's aim of life should be to go back home, back to Godhead, and not be subjected to repeated births and deaths in the material world by getting good or bad bodies for temporary existence. Herein lies the intelligence of human life, and one should desire the activities of life in that way." (Srimad Bhagavatam 2.10.4)


Of course when a Vaishnava is a great preacher and siksa-guru he will be missed badly when leaving this world untimely. The mood of us, the left behind, yes, we should be surely happy when a great devotee returns to Krishna, but still I find we should be also seeing it as a loss when a devotee leaves untimely and not stop to mourn about the departure of great Vaishnavas. Lately it seems that this is somewhat missing and the emphasis like in text below reads onesided, "please remove any obstacles on his path back to Godhead." Or are we pushed to be victims of perplexity that so many great Vaishnavas are leaving?



A prayer for Nirguna das, ACBSP

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By Ramadevi dasi

Dear Prabhus, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing to ask for your prayers for the safe departure from this world of a very wonderful devotee, Nirguna das, disciple of Srila Prabhupada since 1975. He was a major book distributor for many, many years, based mostly in Atlanta. He has preached to and made many devotees.

In April this year a large tumour was found rooted on his spine. The doctors declared it inoperable due to its proximity to his heart and spine. They suggested chemotherapy to shrink the tumour to make him more comfortable. He started this in Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Bombay but it made him so ill he could not continue. Thinking to fight the tumour with natural medicines he came to reside in Sri Dham Mayapur. He has taken herbal remedies, followed the Budwig diet, homeopathic treatments have been given but all to no avail.

He has been in tremendous pain for the last few months (though he bore it staunchly, never complaining and not taking any medication for it) but was still able to get around by himself, at least within his home. Unfortunately, a few days ago, he began to find it almost impossible to walk. Two days ago his legs finally became paralysed. He still has some sensation in his legs but cannot move them at all.

However, he did make it to the temple for Radhastami. He was carried downstairs and put in his reclining wheelchair. At the temple one devotee carried him up on to the platform in front of Sri Sri Radha Madhava where Their pujaris showered him with the maha flowers from Srimati Radharani’s abhisek. This was followed by a gigantic hug from Jayapataka Maharaja!

Though still in lots of pain, he is in a very clear and happy frame of mind. He is preaching to his caregivers, hearing and chanting all the time. He is surrounded by big beautiful photos of Sri Sri Radha Madhava. Sri Panca Tattva and Srila Prabhupad. He has deities of Srila Prabhupada and Haridas Thakur by his bedside and in the middle of them, one beautiful Giriraj sila has come to give Mercy to him. Although devotees are constantly bringing him all kinds of maha prasadam, he has stopped eating and is gradually reducing his water intake. From tomorrow he will only take Srimati Radharani’s caranamrta 3 times a day for a few days then nothing.

Our request is this. If there should be any last minute test ahead of him, please pray to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nrsimhadeva to give him good intelligence and remove any obstacles on his path back to Godhead

Yours in the service of the vaisnavas, the caregivers of Nirguna das.


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