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The Spiritual Quest, Shooting for The Rhino, The Ultimate Goal Of KRSNA Prema

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Can you pay the highest price - your full unconditional surrender - for the highest possible wealth , Krsna prema dana? Is it not described as laulyam, the spiritual greed for the highest spiritual attainment?


can you really hanker for the sweetness and absolute beauty of Lord Sri Krsna in all His variegated splendor, lalasamayi?:pray:


Can you put aside all other things belonging to this worrld and go for the ultimate spiritual goal of getting Krsna's mercy, krsna kripa, His merciful sidelong glance and soliciting His paternal affection?:idea:


If you still haven't made up your mind about wanting love of God, then don't go to Vrindavan to see Krsna standing by the river Yamuna, playing the flute on a full moon night ...as you might verily lose all interest in pursuing a career in business administration.:P

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Can you pay the highest price - your full unconditional surrender - for the highest possible wealth , Krsna prema dana? Is it not described as laulyam, the spiritual greed for the highest spiritual attainment?


can you really hanker for the sweetness and absolute beauty of Lord Sri Krsna in all His variegated splendor, lalasamayi?:pray:


Can you put aside all other things belonging to this worrld and go for the ultimate spiritual goal of getting Krsna's mercy, krsna kripa, His merciful sidelong glance and soliciting His paternal affection?:idea:


If you still haven't made up your mind about wanting love of God, then don't go to Vrindavan to see Krsna standing by the river Yamuna, playing the flute on a full moon night ...as you might verily lose all interest in pursuing a career in business administration.:P


Not yet.

Not at this time.

But, hopefully someday.

One thing for sure, I am not going to try until I am ready to go all the way with heart and soul.


No more half-hearted attempts for me.

When the time is ripe, I will dive deep into reality; Sri Krishnasundara.:pray:

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If you still haven't made up your mind about wanting love of God, then don't go to Vrindavan to see Krsna standing by the river Yamuna, playing the flute on a full moon night ...as you might verily lose all interest in pursuing a career in business administration.:P




Yes they say this Krsna will absolutely ruin one's interest in material life.




Krsna Up ahead

Do not gaze upon His form

He is looking at you

Do not make eye contact

Do not let a note from His flute enter your ears












Too late. You were warned. Now you are His forever.

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